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Call Of The Dragon
Call Of The Dragon
Call Of The Dragon
Ebook292 pages4 hours

Call Of The Dragon

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A young man is chosen by a magnificent dragon to become a dragon rider with the mission to save the kingdom of Mar. But the task has difficulties, because the prince of Mar has been kidnapped and replaced with a look-a-like. An evil mage is bent on making sure the prince disappears forever so he can rule Mar. Can all be restored and the evil mage deposed? It’s up to one young man and his dragon to restore peace and order in the kingdom. Along the way he meets some interesting characters who help with his quest and become his lasting friends. Will he succeed? Can he create a riddle hard enough to stump an angry faerie that has his dragon chained in magic bonds?

Release dateNov 14, 2013
Call Of The Dragon

Karen Elizabeth Brown

Born in Southern California, I migrated to Southern Oregon in 1974 and have enjoyed living among the trees and mountains since then.My passion for writing was on hold until a few years ago, when my daughter bought me a computer. It was after this that I transferred my stories down from the scratchings on paper to a sensible form.

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    Book preview

    Call Of The Dragon - Karen Elizabeth Brown

    Call of the Dragon

    Book 1

    The Dragons of Mar


    Karen Elizabeth Brown

    Copyright 2013 Karen Elizabeth Brown

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * *

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment, and may not be re-sold or given away without express written permission from the author. Thank you for your support.

    This ebook is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents are fictional. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons is entirely coincidental.

    * * * *

    Cover Art by Natisha Reid

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    A lone bell tolled in the eastern tower, announcing the death of the King. Elias Gargarin, stunned by the King’s sudden demise, lit a candle and mourned the loss of such a great ruler. A loyal servant to the sovereign house of Tavish, he watched with increasing alarm as Crown-Prince Rali prepared to take the throne. Squabbling and division ensued among the mages who served the crown. The old ways were denounced and forbidden. One by one, the mages who continued to perpetuate the old ways were executed as a new evil threatened the Kingdom of Mar. The King’s High Mage, Master Sebastian, was preparing to usurp the throne!

    A single raven sped through the sky, dispatched to the Northern Mountains by one lone mage. Its quest: to seek out the council of dragons, in the fervent hope that it wasn’t too late.

    * * * *

    Elias rushed up the circular stairs of the Mage’s Tower, and burst into the meeting hall with a heavy armload of firewood. Master Sebastian aimed two fingers at Elias’s leg, sending a shower of sparks through the air. The assembled mages watched as Elias jerked away from the sudden assault, causing the firewood to shift. The pieces upended from his grasp and tumbled to the floor in a deafening avalanche. Elias dropped on the floor next to the wood and averted his eyes.

    I’m sorry, Master Sebastian.

    He bowed his head to avoid the stares boring at him, while he tried to hide his anger at the master mage. This wasn’t the first time Master Sebastian had tried to sabotage his duties. The master mage would constantly bait him, hoping for a response. But Elias refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing his reaction. Even though Elias’s leg seared with stinging pain, he waited for the master’s permission before getting up. Grabbing the nearest logs, he re-stacked the wood while the aging mage sneered at him.

    You’re late!

    I was detained in the courtyard. The…

    No excuses, boy. If you were one of my apprentices, you’d be feeling a switch on your backside. Clean up this mess and get the fire lit!

    Elias clamped his mouth shut and looked away as he gathered up the firewood. It was best not to argue with the cantankerous mage, so he set out to light the required fire. As he worked, he imagined all the things he could do in retaliation, but didn’t dare do in reality. His lessons with the old mage Lars Trymian had helped his temper, but when his emotions ran high, he always ended up saying something that got him in trouble.

    Elias listened as the gathered group of mages discussed the up-coming coronation of Crown-Prince Rali, and then, the object that had detained him. In the courtyard below, an immense, silver dragon stood in the freezing rain, his legs chained to the wall. Even soaking wet his beauty demanded your attention. Holding up a regally sculptured head, crowned with two spiral horns, he watched everything through blazing red eyes. He roared and belched fire at any who dared get too near.

    Before coming upstairs, Elias had stared in amazement when the dragon allowed him to pass to the old woodshed without breathing fire at him. But as he prepared to bring his load of wood to the Mage’s Tower, the dragon wrapped his tail around him and bent his head down to peer into Elias’s face. The dragon held him there for a full candlemark, staring at him with fiery eyes. Elias trembled, his knees threatening to buckle, before he was released to scurry up the stairs with his firewood.

    How long do we keep this dragon chained up in our courtyard, Master? An underling mage, Aquinas, gave a reverent nod of his head to Master Sebastian.

    Until we see who the dragon calls.

    What if he doesn’t choose a rider?

    He flew into our city, so it must be for his choosing.

    But why aggravate him by using chains? He could destroy our entire city.

    Master Sebastian glared at Aquinas. It’s imperative we find out who this rider will be!

    What if his rider refuses to declare allegiance to our new King and the Mage-Circle?

    We’ll be forced to eliminate him.

    Elias dropped the ash shovel onto the stone floor, causing a brash clanging sound throughout the circular room. Grabbing a broom, he rushed to clean up the mess.

    Forgive me, Master Sebastian. Elias ducked as the High Mage flicked another shower of sparks in his direction.

    If you’re finished, get out!

    Elias was only too glad to leave the Mage’s Tower. The muscles in his face tightened into a frown as he rushed past the dragon and into the empty wood shed, slamming the rickety door behind him. Kicking at a stump, he pushed away a log and sat to rub the burn on his leg. While Elias was considered to be a man at twenty, he continued to lug firewood for the mages like a young boy!

    Will I ever be more than a low-born servant doing chores?

    Elias wiped away a single tear and pulled in a deep breath. He pounded his fist against his leg, still thinking of the stunning news he’d heard about the dragon. He wished he could do something to warn whoever walked so close to such danger. The mages were always full of trickery and deceit, but murder? That was going too far!

    * * * *

    Elias dashed for the edge of the city walls, trying to stay out of the rain, and exited through a giant crack left over from the last great siege. Here was an orchard filled with apple trees, and a rutted path that led to the oldest part of Chaldea. Near the end of the orchard and the beginning of the mountains was an open field that held a tall tower surrounded by rows of planted vegetables, in all stages of growth. At the end of a muddy row, an old man in a brown robe and leather hat was stooped over, pulling at a rather odd looking purple vegetable. He looked up and brushed the rain off his grey beard when he heard Elias jump over the low stone wall. The wall separated the orchard from his crops and also kept out small rodents searching for his vegetables and berries.

    Elias! What are you doing out in this rain?

    I needed to see you.

    Let’s get inside.

    Lars Trymian, the oldest mage alive in Mar, led Elias into his round tower abode. Inside, the warm fire crackled its welcome to the wet twosome. Lars removed his hat and offered Elias a mug of hot cider. While the two drank down the warming brew, Lars studied Elias through twinkling green eyes.

    What’s bothering you?

    Master Sebastian! Elias set his cup on the sideboard, threw his balled fist in the air and hid his face in his arm.

    Lars stood quiet, sizing up the young man. Feeling sorry for yourself?

    Of course not! Master Sebastian is so cruel!

    "Are you sure that’s what is really bothering you?"

    Elias stopped and stared at the wrinkled old man. Of course! He has a terrible plan! He went on to explain about the dragon and its rider. And then he rubbed his leg and told about being burned. Lars shook his head, offering another explanation.

    I think it’s because when Master Sebastian hurt you, it made you mad, and your anger became worse, but you couldn’t do anything about it.

    I said it was because of Master Sebastian’s plan to murder someone.

    Lars pulled on his beard and nodded his head. So when Sebastian burned you with his magic, it didn’t bother you?

    Of course it did! I wanted to retaliate, but I didn’t know how I could get away with it.

    Ah… see? Now you’re feeling your true feelings of anger and hurt. Just like I said before.

    Elias frowned at Lars. How’s that supposed to help me? Why can’t you work some magic and make him stop?

    Elias, it doesn’t take magic to get what you need. We’ve talked about this before.

    Elias closed his eyes, remembering the discussion they’d had many times. Yes, I remember. He blew out a breath, trying to exhale all his anger with it.

    That’s it… blow it all out, the ancient mage said. And now, acceptance.

    Elias opened his eyes and tried to smile at Lars. It was pitiful, but at least he wasn’t as angry as he had been a few moments ago. Master Sebastian is what he is.

    And? Lars waited.

    I am who I am, regardless of anything else.

    Very good. Now, there’s something important I must tell you…

    Bang! Bang! Someone pounded on the door to the tower. They pounded so hard the walls shook and dust flittered down from the ceiling.

    Open up, Lars! A threatening voice bellowed from outside.

    Lars opened the door to Diego, Master Sebastian’s assistant. He was a mage in his own right, but chose to follow after Sebastian’s teachings. He was tall and skinny, with long, brown hair tied back in a braid running down between his shoulders. He was a vain man, especially about his looks.

    There’s no need to break the door down, I can hear you. What do you want?

    Lars Trymian… you are being arrested on the charge of treason.

    Treason? That’s ridiculous! Lars laughed.

    Diego shoved Lars out the door, toward the guards. Elias looked on in horror as they chained him in irons and led him back towards Chaldea. Lars pulled on his chains and turned to Elias. He shouted as loud as he could, over the shuffling of the guards.

    Elias! Ask about the dragon stone! Sebastian has one! Don’t forget! Do you hear me?

    One of the guards pushed the old mage along. Shut up, old man!

    But Lars persisted. Don’t forget to ask about the dragon stone!

    Diego glared at Elias. You’d better get home, boy, before you’re arrested for associating with this rogue mage.

    Elias sprinted past Diego and took his shortcut through the apple orchard, which led back through the wall of the city. He arrived before the news of Lars’ arrest reached the ears of the people, so he kept silent, his whole mind whirling in shock. Lars arrested for treason? And what was this dragon stone he was yelling about?

    * * * *

    Elias had to pass by the dragon again to get to the tiny living quarters he shared with his mother behind the kitchen. Their Lilliputian, one-room apartment was all his widowed mother had been allowed when she came into service for the court. It was handy for Elias because he was constantly being called to run errands to and from the Mage’s Tower. And, when it was raining, he was in close proximity to the royal court.

    Elias stood across the courtyard where the dragon was chained, watching the rain pelt down. He chose a straight line across the open yard and dashed for shelter. As he neared the dragon, he had the distinct feeling he heard someone talking to him. He scanned the courtyard, but didn’t see anyone else out in the pouring rain. The dragon turned his gigantic head and followed Elias with glowing, crimson eyes. Elias slowed slightly, watching the dragon out of the corner of his own eye. The dragon raised one mighty foreleg, its talons curling against the chain. Was he getting ready to trap him with his tail again? Or perhaps breathe fire at him?

    Where are you going in such a hurry, young dragon rider?

    The dragon called to Elias without speaking aloud. The words sounded sharp and clear, and Elias paled when he realized their origin. He clasped his hands over his ears and raced through the pouring rain. Not caring about mud puddles or water running off the eaves, he didn’t stop until he was safe inside the warm, dry kitchen.

    The castle’s kitchen was where he helped his mother when he wasn’t doing errands. Elias’s mother, busy kneading dough for the high court’s bread, looked up.

    Look at you! You’re soaking wet!


    Where have you been?


    Stoke the fire, fetch the water and polish the prince’s goblet. All this playing around has made you late for the noon-day serving… She stopped working when she saw the stricken look on Elias’s face.

    What’s wrong?

    I was bringing wood to Master Sebastian and on the way back, I think I heard the dragon.

    He spoke to you?

    "I heard him inside my head. And there’s more."

    Elias’s mother, Anna Gargarin, froze with her hands still in the dough. She wiped her hands on a towel, checked to make sure they were alone and grabbed Elias by his shoulders, pulling him close.

    Tell me exactly what you heard.

    Diego came and arrested Lars…

    No! Tell me about the dragon.

    He said: where are you going in such a hurry, young dragon rider? Elias stared into his mother’s eyes and his stomach lurched as he watched tears form in her pale blue eyes.

    What’s wrong?

    Anna dropped her hold on Elias’s shoulders and turned away. Nothing is wrong. You’re being called by the dragon.

    I don’t understand.

    Anna turned back to face her son. The tears that had formed were trailing down her cheeks. She wiped them with the corner of her apron.

    I knew this day would come, I just didn’t expect it so soon. The dragon is calling you to be his rider. It means you will have great power and much responsibility given to you. But you can’t tell a soul.


    Especially the mages. Be wary of their cunning and deceit. For now, you must do whatever the dragon tells you. And if it means leaving with him, then go. Anna wept, unabashed. She daubed her eyes, and then told him, Now get back to work. You have to act as if nothing has happened.

    But something had happened and Elias couldn’t get the dragon out of his mind. The idea that he might be more than just a servant someday caused his imagination to run wild. He yearned to hear more. He wanted to talk to the dragon again, no matter how dangerous it might be.

    Elias rushed through his chores, rattling dishes and grabbing plates, as he served the noon day meal. Prince Rali frowned, displeased with him and for the first time, didn’t smile and nod when he was served. Elias assumed it was because of his own impatience to go back outside. He wanted to go find out what the dragon required of him. But when he finished serving the meal and clearing the dishes, he sped back to the courtyard to find a group of young apprentice mages standing under the eaves of the walkway, trying to stay out of the rain. They were all waiting expectantly, chiding each other about whether the dragon would choose one of them as its rider. When they saw Elias enter the courtyard, they turned their attention away from the glittering, silver dragon and began taunting him.

    Ah, look! It’s the cook’s son.

    I bet he’s hoping to get chosen!

    Hey, Elias! Why don’t you see if you can grab the dragon by its tail?

    Elias winced at the challenge. Even he knew that being able to grab the tail of a dragon was the sign of a great dragon rider.

    "Hah! I don’t think even that could make him a great rider!"

    It’s a good thing he’s here. Someone needs to clean up after this beast!

    Elias! Why don’t you do something useful and find a shovel!

    They continued to laugh and make jokes, chiding Elias because of his station. Only one young apprentice, Tallon, stood quiet, refusing to join in. The other apprentices pushed on Tallon, trying to get him to help make Elias wince and squirm.

    Come on, Tallon, give him your best shot!

    Yeah, this is your chance to practice being like the master!

    Elias won’t mind… he knows his place!

    Elias’s face burned scarlet. He balled his hands into fists and gritted his teeth. He was ready to strike out at the boys. He opened his mouth to tell them he’d already heard the dragon speak, when Master Sebastian appeared from the Mage’s Tower shouting at the young apprentices.

    Don’t you have something more useful to do with your time than to waste it on foolish pranks? Then he turned to Elias. Bring up another armload of wood, Gargarin. And this time, don’t take more than a candlemark!

    Elias closed his mouth as he bowed to Master Sebastian and started for the woodshed. The drenched, sparkling dragon didn’t move, but whispered in Elias’s mind.

    Someday he will bow to you.

    Elias went rigid with shock at that statement. He wasn’t a nobleman like Master Sebastian. He was low born, without land or holdings. His mother had seen to it that he learned to read and write. She had schooled him at night, teaching him history and mathematics, but he still remained a servant’s son. Even with what he’d learned from the old mage Lars, he could never attain anything more than what he was. He tightened his jaw at this thought and then remembered his mother’s words.

    You will have great power and much responsibility given to you.

    Did this mean as a servant? Or would his life magically change somehow? Elias hoped to be free of his dull duties in the court and felt his small flame of desire begin to glow white hot.

    When he finished with his chore of carrying the wood, he crossed back over into the now empty courtyard. The sleeping dragon raised its head and spoke to him once more.

    You must free me, young dragon rider. Come back tonight, after the moon is high in the sky and everyone is sleeping. We will leave together and I will teach you the secrets of the dragons.

    Elias gave an imperceptible nod of his head and walked on. But inside, his heart was on fire with the new possibilities this dragon had offered him. He had no idea how he would free the dragon, except to steal the key to his chains. If he was caught, he would be put to death. He shuddered inside, and continued on toward the kitchen.

    He stopped. An idea popped into his head. A way to search for the key.

    He turned and headed back to the woodshed. Gathering up another armload of wood, he trembled as he climbed the stone steps outside the Mage’s Tower. When he passed the guard standing watch, he held his breath. The guard eyed him with suspicion, but didn’t detain him once he explained his business.

    For Master Sebastian.

    Weren’t you just there? the guard growled, eyeing the stack of wood.

    He needs more.

    Elias reached the top of the circular stairs and breathed a sigh of relief. He pushed open the heavy oak door to Master Sebastian’s chamber to find the aged mage was behind his dressing screen preparing for bed. The screen was colorfully decorated with the scene of a mage fighting a dragon, as a large, stone castle grew out of the rock in the background. The screen opened in three rectangles and over the last rectangle, Elias could see the master’s folded clothes. Elias waited at the door.

    Ahem. Master Sebastian?

    Is that you, Gargarin?

    Yes, master.

    What do you want?

    It’s going to be a cold night and I wanted to stoke your fire and leave extra wood.

    Elias tried not to let his voice shake, aware of the consequences if his actions were discovered. At that moment, he had no idea where he would even look for the key.

    Ah. It’s about time you showed some initiative. Master Sebastian was peering around the edge of the screen, pointing to a chair. Hand me that robe, boy. And mind you, don’t get it dirty!

    Elias put the wood by the fireplace and, wiping his hands on his shirt, rushed to pick up the scarlet robe draped over the master’s chair. He held it high off the ground and handed it to Master Sebastian. When he finished, he was startled by his reflection in a full length, oval mirror. It was the first time he’d seen a glimpse of his own

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