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Redeeming the Deception of Grace
Redeeming the Deception of Grace
Redeeming the Deception of Grace
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Redeeming the Deception of Grace

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Sometimes all love needs is a little healthy competition.

Lady Grace Hashiver has perfected the art of hiding behind a sarcastic wit when it comes to dealing with the rakish Ewan Emmett Duke of Greys, her childhood tormentor. It’s her only weapon, for if she let her guard down even for a moment; surely he’d know just how much she loved him. A love she knew could never happen.

Ewan Emmett, Duke of Greys is perfectly thrilled to torment Grace at every opportunity, until an old acquaintance begins an honest suit for Grace’s hand. When Ewan begins to feel the pangs of jealousy causing him to question his reasons for his constant teasing of Grace, he discovers a depth of emotion he didn’t know he harbored towards the golden haired beauty. Suddenly he is not longer the tease, but on the receiving end of the torment as he wonders if he‘s to late to fight for her love.

Sometimes, all love needs is a little healthy competition. Wouldn’t you agree?

Release dateNov 14, 2013
Redeeming the Deception of Grace

Kristin Vayden

Kristin's inspiration for the romance she writes comes from her tall, dark, and handsome husband with killer blue eyes. With five children to chase, she is never at a loss for someone to kiss, something to cook, or some mess to clean but she loves every moment of it! Life is full—of blessings and adventure! Needless to say, she’s a big fan of coffee and wine…and living in Washington, she’s within walking distance of both! Follow her on Facebook: Instagram: @kristinkatjoyce Twitter: @KristinVayden

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    Redeeming the Deception of Grace - Kristin Vayden

    Redeeming the Deception of Grace

    by Kristin Vayden

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 KRISTIN VAYDEN

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.


    Copyright © 2013 KRISTIN VAYDEN

    ISBN 978-0-9910998-2-5

    Cover Art Designed by P.S. Cover Design

    For my husband, who wins my heart each day by teasing me, joking with me and loving me with each breath. I love you more.


    The magic of Christmas captivated Grace Hashiver each year. Yet as each year passed, she gave into the call of sleep and failed to wake in time to see Father Christmas. Tonight she was not making that same mistake. She softly tiptoed down the hardwood stairs without making a sound. This year she was a year older, a year wiser — she was eight. Her lace nightgown whispered against the wooden floor as she made it down the stairs and through the hall undetected.

    The light was dim but brighter than usual from the extra candles her father always requested to stay lit all night on Christmas Eve. She sensed her slight shoulders lift in a deep breath before she tiptoed to the parlor. After a quick glance behind her, she walked into the room, richly scented from the cedar boughs placed over the hearth. Breathing deeply, she closed her eyes and relaxed. She hadn't missed the magic. The fire crackled as she sat in the chair facing the tree and struggled to stay awake as time ticked forward. Perhaps this time, she would see the magic of Christmas when the clock struck midnight.

    Something poked at Grace. The incessant prodding pulled her from a blissful dream. A moment later she had the brief sensation of weightlessness until the floor break her fall.

    What… She began to pull her foggy mind into gear but paused, hearing a snicker. Ewan.

    What'er you doin' on the floor, Gracie?

    "I wasn't on the floor 'til you poked me!" Grace whispered back in a voice that betrayed her intense fury.

    Were too. I saw you. Curled up like your mum's poodle.

    If anyone looks like a poodle, it's you, Ewan! she said as she fumbled trying to pick herself up off the cold floor.

    I do not. Besides, boys can have curls just as easily as girls, he said with all the confidence his eleven years afforded him.

    "What are you doing here anyway? Grace asked, standing up and pushing her braids over her shoulder. You've no manners, wandering around in the middle of the night." She shook a finger at him.

    "Oh, and I guess you're better? You're here too, ya know." He crossed his arms and waited for her response in his usual arrogant fashion, tapping his toe.

    "Yes, but I live here. You. Do. Not," she enunciated, crossing her arms as well as she leaned forward, squinting.

    True, but that means I'm your guest. You've gotta serve me. Ewan's chin tilted upwards as he smiled at his own brilliance.

    Grace felt her eyes grow wide. Serve you? I'm not your maid. I doubt there's a maid that would willingly serve you — you… arrogant worm. Her anger increased as Ewan refused to be properly insulted — worse, he laughed at her efforts.

    Yep, that's the rules; you've gotta serve me. I'm your guest, so, I'd like you to move over so I can have this seat by the tree. He moved to sit down.

    No! Grace shouted as she lunged for the chair.

    He lunged at the same time, pushing her away. Grace tried to move him, but he was too strong, too big. The fury built inside Grace, causing her to look for a weapon or something to help her remove the miserable boy from the chair. She noticed her father's brandy. She rushed over to the side table, grabbed the decanter, and poured it on Ewan. Though not enough to get the chair wet, it was enough to soak his nightshirt. Ewan froze, giving Grace a glare that chilled her insides.

    What is going on here!

    Ewan and Grace both gasped as she heard the sound of her father's voice.

    Ewan's eyes widened, and Grace turned slowly and saw her father's bewildered expression. He took in the sight of Grace still holding his now empty brandy decanter, and Ewan soaked with its contents.

    He — he — he… Grace tried to think fast, but all she could think about was how she simply just wanted Ewan gone. He had been a thorn in her side all week, teasing, pulling her hair, calling her awful names — and as of yet, she hadn't once bested him. So, Grace lied. Papa, I told Ewan you wouldn't approve of him drinking your brandy, but well, he insisted and when I tried to take it away…

    She began to cry out of fear, knowing if she were caught in her lie, she'd be punished severely.

    Ewan! Grace's father scolded.

    Sir, I never — I didn't — She— Ewan sputtered as he stood pointing at Grace, trying to explain the truth.

    Ewan, you march to your room and change.

    Ewan began to protest again, but Grace's father held up his hand to silence his efforts. No. Not another word. We'll speak more about this in the morning. Your parents will surely have something to say about sneaking around a host's home and pilfering brandy.

    Grace's father crossed his arms as he waited for Ewan to obey.

    Ewan stood up and shot daggers at Grace before marching out of the room, leaving the smell of brandy in his wake.

    Sweetling, why don't you put down the decanter and head to bed? Why were you up, anyway? her father asked gently as he took the decanter from her trembling hand.

    I… I wanted to see Father Christmas, Grace replied, still terrified he'd see through her falsehood and punish her.

    Ahh, I see. Winding his arms around her small frame he carried her off to bed.

    We'll see the magic in the morning, he replied as he tucked her in, kissing the end of her nose.

    All right, Papa. She watched him as he left, but couldn't sleep. Oh, Ewan was going to be so angry with her! Fear crept in her heart as she wondered how he'd retaliate. For if there was one thing she knew about Ewan, the future Duke of Greys, it was that he would get even someday.

    Chapter One

    How's my pretty little liar tonight? Hmm? Ewan Emmett, Duke of Greys asked.

    Delightful, now that I'm dancing with you, your grace. The false sweetness dripped from Lady Grace Hashiver's lips with practiced execution. Her wide mouth pulled into a sarcastic smile that was all too familiar.

    He still loved to taunt and provoke her. Satisfaction settled in his chest at her reaction. "Ah, Grace, sarcasm does not become you."

    Her eyes narrowed. "It's Lady Grace to you." She spoke with a defiant tilt of her chin.

    Most people are too intimidated to correct me. Tell me, where did I go wrong with you? A little humility, any semblance of respect from your lips would be manna from heaven. But I'm sure Hades would have to freeze over first? he asked with a wicked grin, arching his eyebrow as he spoke the last words, knowing their truth.

    Ah, you're smarter than you let on, your grace, she mocked, beaming at him.

    Unaffected, he continued with their banter. Our little secret. After all, I wouldn't want to spoil the fun for all the blushing debutantes who only want me for my physique. Ewan waited for her prickly response. He knew how much she despised his teasing..

    Yes, well, some value looks over anything else, including manners, Grace shot back while she offered him a dismissive look and focused her attention on the other dancers.

    Ah, yes, the old 'manners' debate, but, we have digressed. Tell me, Grace dear, where did I go wrong with you? Haven't you the slightest tremble when I hold you in my arms, press myself close to you, lean down to whisper in your ear? With a suppressed chuckle,

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