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Many Trails and Tales Volume #2
Many Trails and Tales Volume #2
Many Trails and Tales Volume #2
Ebook30 pages27 minutes

Many Trails and Tales Volume #2

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About this ebook

This is Volume #2 of the small book a Many Trails and Tales. which has different articles from the first book It has short stories and articles that are complete within themselves as compared to a whole book on one particular subject. There are times when a reader may like to find niche articles rather than long readings particularly if reading time is limited at the moment.

This volume contains sections such as foods, festive entertaining and cooking. Another theme has suggestions for family styles and well being while there is a section of short history. The history section has interesting information about the Native America code talkers with up to date information on their recognition. Included in this section is information about National Parks and where the new recognition area for code talkers of wwll is located.

These articles and stories may not only be fun to read but might also serve other purposes such as when one needs new materials or ideas for a research project, planning a program, writings, or lesson planning.

This format is useful, too when one has limited reading times such as waiting for an appointment or filling in some other time space where it would be to impractical to get interested in a long, time consuming reading.

Each article or short story is complete in itself without going into long involved details. The intention has been to keep the material in an uncomplicated format so it would be easier and less time consuming to read.

I hope you find this format interesting and informative. You may want to share some or all of it with others. It also give you something different for a variety of conversational purposes.

Release dateNov 15, 2013
Many Trails and Tales Volume #2

Louise Narvick

Originally I had begun writing various materials and projects for a public school system when I was employed as an education specialist. Later I changed careers and worked as a National Park Ranger in a number of parks in the western United States. As a park ranger along with the regularly assigned duties I also did historical research and wrote materials for their official website. Due to the fact that I had these various experiences I met so many people, listened to all kinds of stories, personal experience and encounters I decided I wanted to write stories and articles in my own way without the limiting restrictions of some organization.My latest project has been to write short articles and stories that can be read quickly and easily giving readers some ideas of topics they might like to pursue on their own.I still get letters and stories from people I had met Some of these have been published. People had gotten quite excited about having their stories included in a permanent collection. For this reason I still am asking people to write to me,tell me things that have been of interest to them or what some of their own experiences have been. It has been so much fun to hear from elderly indiviuals particularly because they have lived through times that we did not know or had any experience of it.As time goes on I hope to continue collecting and writing about subject areas that are different from the usual more common topics in hope that my readers will enjoy a new approach.

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    Book preview

    Many Trails and Tales Volume #2 - Louise Narvick

    Many Trails and Tales

    Volume Two

    By Louise Narvick

    Copyright 2013 Louise Narvick

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition-License Notes

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book was based on my first hand knowledge and my interpretation of research. All information in this book is based on facts that are true to the best of my knowledge. As a writer I would like to convey to you (the reader) that my writing and understanding of research is not meant to malign, defame, purge, humiliate, injure or hurt anyone in any way if they should decide to act upon it because of reading any or this entire book. If anything that I have written has caused ill effects to any person for any reason regarding, religion, community, ethnic group, organization and social standing. Etc, it is entirely unintentional and not deliberate.

    Table of Contents


    Section 1 Foods

    1. Plan a Different Kind of Buffet

    2. Wonderful World of Cheese

    3. Bread Making

    4. Festive Foods and Drink

    Section 2. Family Styles and Well Being

    1. The Generation Gap

    2. Families and Older Relative

    3. Brain-Backaches

    4. Disorganization

    Section 3. History and Travel

    1. Code Talkers

    2. Little Bighorn National Battlefield

    3. Visiting a National Park

    4. What do Some National Parks Have to Offer?

    About the Author


    This book is based on the premise that reading can be fun and interesting to find out about a variety of subjects that are short and take little time to read. There are times when we are waiting for an appointment or have some break so it is possible to do a bit of reading but would not be practical to start reading a complete book. This book has a set of three sections, each containing a particular category. Some sections may be of more interest to you than others. Also, it may give you ideas of things you would like to look up

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