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Kathy's Birthday Wish
Kathy's Birthday Wish
Kathy's Birthday Wish
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Kathy's Birthday Wish

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Every child looks forward to their birthday, in anticipation of the gifts that they will be receiving from family and friends. They can't wait to get new toys and turn another year older. All children seem to want the next birthday to come so that they can be a little older, and grow up just a little bit faster.
Meet Kathy, a ten year old little girl from a wealthy family in an upscale neighborhood. She is about to turn eleven and just like any other child she is looking forward to her birthday party. She is as normal as any child, and looks forward to the gifts that she will be receiving. Except this year will not be a normal year, she will receive one of the greatest gifts that anyone could hope to receive.
This year will be different, because even at her young age she will be giving a gift that will far exceed any gift that anyone could give, and she is going to give the gift to the one person who would never have thought they would receive, with such meaning and magnitude.
Join Kathy as she explains the events that took place in the week prior to her birthday. Learn about what took place to put her in the position to receive something that very few can receive, and what happened that made it possible for her to give a gift that would last a life time and change how some people view life.

Release dateNov 16, 2013
Kathy's Birthday Wish

Michael Williams

Michael Williams (PhD, University of Pennsylvania) is Emeritus Senior Professor of Old Testament Studies at Calvin Theological Seminary, a member of the NIV Committee on Bible Translation and the Chairman of the NIrV Committee. He is the author of Deception in Genesis, The Prophet and His Message, Basics of Ancient Ugaritic, The Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users, How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens, Hidden Prophets of the Bible and is editor and contributor of Mishneh Todah. His passion is to provide curious believers with knowledge of the Old Testament and its culture so that they may grow in their comprehension and appreciation of redemptive history and be adequately prepared to promote and defend the faith through word and action. Michael resides in Florida with his wife, Dawn.

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    Kathy's Birthday Wish - Michael Williams

    Kathy’s Birthday Wish

    Michael Williams

    Copyright 2013 By Michael Williams

    Smashwords Edition

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    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Every child looks forward to their birthday, in anticipation of the gifts that they will be receiving from family and friends. They can’t wait to get new toys and turn another year older. All children seem to want the next birthday to come so that they can be a little older, and grow up just a little bit faster.

    Meet Kathy, a ten year old little girl from a wealthy family in an up scale neighborhood. She is about to turn eleven and just like any other child she is looking forward to her birthday party. She is as normal as any child, and looks forward to the gifts that she will be receiving. Except this year will not be a normal year, she will receive one of the greatest gifts that anyone could hope to receive.

    This year will be different, because even at her young age she will be giving a gift that will far exceed any gift that anyone could give, and she is going to give the gift to the one person who would never have thought they would get a gift of such meaning and magnitude.

    Join Kathy as she explains the events that took place in the week prior to her birthday. Learn about what took place to put her in the position to receive something that very few can receive, and what happened that made it possible for her to give a gift that would last a life time and change how some people view life.

    Chapter 1

    It is the middle of the afternoon, the sun is shining brightly as Kathy, a ten year old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, gets up out of her bed and goes to the window to see Kenny in the back yard swinging on the swing set. Kenny, a handsome thirty something young man, looks up at her in the window and smiles with a warm welcoming smile. Kathy gives him a warm big smile back, waves to him and then turns to go downstairs to join him on the swing set.

    Out the back sliding glass doors that lead to the deck, Kathy comes running with a huge smile upon her face. She runs across the yard in her pajamas, and goes and climbs into the swing next to Kenny. She sits in the swing and looks over to Kenny and said,

    I am glad that you are here Kenny!

    I would not have missed it for the world. Kenny tells her as he smiles at her.

    Do we have to go? She asked Kenny.

    Yes, But your mom and dad will be coming shortly.

    That’s good. Kathy said.

    Can I ask you something? Kenny asked.

    Yeah sure, anything. Kathy responded.

    Can you tell me about the last few days?

    What would you like to know? Kathy asked.

    How you spent your week.

    It was last Sunday, we were having a cook out here at the house, all of our family was here,....

    A bright Sunday afternoon, in the affluent neighborhood of Rambling Springs. The Marshall’s were having another family get together at their home. Dad was doing his normal thing of manning the grill, usually burning half of the hamburgers, but he was doing his best. Mom was in the kitchen getting the rest of the food ready to bring out to the picnic table that was on the back deck.

    All of the aunt’s and grandparents were sitting around the picnic table in their lawn chairs, the uncles’s and all of the other men were all standing around the yard in their own little circles talking about who knows what.

    All of the kids were playing both inside the house, some playing the video games on the TV and others playing around with the other toys. Some of the other kids were outside in the back yard playing in the tree house and the climbing gym.

    Everybody was having a good time and really enjoying themselves. They all seemed to look forward to the time that they would get together and be able to just be family. That was when something happened, something that no one thought that they would have to see. Kathy was playing on the climbing gym when she was climbing across the top bar, she had made it about half way across when she stopped. She just remained motionless for a minute then her grip got weak and she lost grip of the bar. Then before she could react she hit the ground, with a loud thud.

    Kathy’s mom, Barb Marshall, was walking out of the back door with more food when she looked up just at the moment that Kathy lost

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