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The Oblate Tower
The Oblate Tower
The Oblate Tower
Ebook24 pages23 minutes

The Oblate Tower

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In his quest for arcane knowledge in the ruined city of Quadesh Zozimos the Mage uncovered a dark secret which rather curbed his enthusiasm.

PublisherTom Morris
Release dateNov 20, 2013
The Oblate Tower

Tom Morris

Started reading SF and Fantasy in the 1950's (yes I am that old), Galaxy and Astounding magazines mainly. Have been a fan ever since. Horror as well - especially Lovecraft and Derleth. All time favourite author is the great Jack Vance, but recently have found Neal Asher - fantastic! I was fascinated by chemistry from an early age and managed a B.Sc and Ph.D.and hence a lomg time interest in alchemy. Have fooled around with writing short stories for a long time, but couldn't be bothered to submit them. Found Smashwords and decided to take the plunge. It's rewarding to see that people are downloading my stories and adding them to their libraries. Hope that they find them enjoyable. I use to play GuildWars a lot - hence the picture - that's my character, a necromancer of course! Visit my web page to see more details of my books and some useful links:

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    Book preview

    The Oblate Tower - Tom Morris



    Tom Morris

    Published by Tom Morris at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013, Tom Morris

    Quadesh The Forgotten City.

    The road from the High Plain down through the Hills of Jarrin is long, twisting, hot and dangerous in the extreme. Spined erbs hide in the tumbled yellow rocks, ready to pounce on the unwary and drag them back to their dens, there to be consumed at leisure. Where the road descends onto the arid salt flats sand flies swarm at night. Their eggs, laid in the nostrils and ears swiftly hatch into tiny burrowing grubs which chew way deep into the mucous membranes of their victims. High overhead the dark shapes of monstrous vulpine circle effortlessly on the thermals rising from the rocky outcrops, endlessly searching for their next meal. Emerging from the twisting gulleys and ravines onto the Desert of The Lost the traveller will finally see across the shimmering heat haze the ancient city of Quadesh, its multifaceted spires and domes catching the harsh light of the sun as it beats down with a relentless intensity from morn until dusk. In its midst rises the gigantic bulk of the Oblate Tower like an enormous flattened egg, squatting in the ungainly sprawl of the surrounding buildings. As the traveller draws closer he will realise that the city is in sad need of repair, its buildings eyeless shells amidst tumbled ruins, overgrown with ivy and scabbed golden and green with lichens. As he makes his way through the debris encumbered streets dark shapes may be glimpsed at the edge of his vision, secreted amongst the shadows. When finally he has reached the tower he will search in vain for a way in, no doors, entrances or other means of access are to be found. In times passed many came seeking to enter

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