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A Christian Mystic's Intimate Journey with the Holy Spirit
A Christian Mystic's Intimate Journey with the Holy Spirit
A Christian Mystic's Intimate Journey with the Holy Spirit
Ebook216 pages2 hours

A Christian Mystic's Intimate Journey with the Holy Spirit

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Spontaneously becoming open to the inner light, sound and flowing of the Holy Spirit as a young man, the author gives a vivid description of his relationship with it over the course of his life. It is a joyful and heartbreaking journey with many ups and downs. The author also gives instructions on how to become open to the Holy Spirit and answers student Q&A from all over the world.

Release dateNov 24, 2013
A Christian Mystic's Intimate Journey with the Holy Spirit

Lawrence Richardson

As a young man, I had spontaneously become aware of the inner light, sound and flowing of the Holy Spirit. We are all born with natural inclinations of one sort or another and a natural inclination to experience the Holy Spirit has always been mine. My godfather is a catholic priest and was aware that my inner experiences and perspective on life was, shall I say, a little different than most. When he asked me to be his spiritual director, I wrote him a letter describing a few of my experiences with the prayer of the heart, higher states of consciousness and comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit. I wanted him to know in advance what he could expect from the Holy Spirit should he choose the path that Christian mystics like St. Teresa of Avilla and St. John of the Cross had walked. Another parish priest visiting from out of state was given the letter and asked if I would expand on it so that he could use what I wrote as a study guide for a course in Christian mysticism and the prayer of the heart that he was about to teach. Well, how does one write a series of lessons on their inner visions of the Holy Spirit, of the higher states of consciousness beyond the thinking mind and of the deep things of God that the Holy Spirit reveals? I was not a writer and don’t even enjoy listening to myself carry on, so I found that I could only express my understanding of the nature of existence in a very natural way: Only by telling the story of what I had experienced and what I believed to be true. Just by telling it all: The absolute good, (oh so many wonderful experiences) the bad, (The spiritual cleansing process is not always wonderful) and only once, (It’s not too smart to do battle with the Holy Spirit) the ugly truth of my inner experiences. These lessons contain all of this and are the result of those two parish priest’s requests but they are not written with the formality of a text book or treatise. It’s just me speaking from my heart about some very personal experiences with the Holy Spirit; actually my whole adult life worth of very personal experiences with it. Anyway, I wish to thank both priests for giving me the opportunity to serve. Lmr

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