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Reflections on Living Water
Reflections on Living Water
Reflections on Living Water
Ebook293 pages1 hour

Reflections on Living Water

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About this ebook

Do the cares of the world stifle your creative thought? Would you like to set your feet on higher ground? A collection of short meditations, Reflections on Living Water will give you something positive and uplifting to contemplate. Each meditation takes a general theme, such as FAITH, BLESSINGS, SPIRITUAL GROWTH or GRACE, among others, and expands it into a practical, positive concept that can be applied to everyday life, while illustrating that God is here, now, working to give you the kingdom, as promised through His son Jesus Christ. Find your quiet place, and ask God to show you what He has herein for you. I pray that you will find it, and that your Reflection will, indeed, turn into that Living Water Christ promised to give you (John 7:37-38). Blessings and peace. Jerry Elmer

PublisherJerry Elmer
Release dateNov 30, 2013
Reflections on Living Water

Jerry Elmer

Jerry Elmer is a Christian layman who worked for nearly four decades in electronics engineering, mostly in California’s Silicon Valley. He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into his life over 40 years ago, and thereafter, daily, has practiced the art of prayer, for himself and others.

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    Book preview

    Reflections on Living Water - Jerry Elmer







    Modern-day Psalms for Quiet Meditation

    Copyright © 2013 by Jerry Elmer

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. This book is licensed for your personal use only, and may not be resold or given away. If you would like to share this book with others, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please respect the hard work of the author and return to and purchase your own copy.

    The Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible was used for scripture references.

    Cover: Photo by Paul Edwards; layout by Janice Phelps

    International Standard Book Number

    EPub E-book 978-0-9910740-1-3

    About the Author:

    Jerry Elmer is a Christian layman who worked for nearly four decades in electronics engineering, mostly in California’s Silicon Valley. He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into his life over 40 years ago, and thereafter, daily, has practiced the art of prayer, for himself and others. He believes that each of us, through living the Christ-life, can become His Reflection on Living Water.

    For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

    Revelation 7:17

    If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, 'Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.

    John 7:37-38

    Something good is going to happen to you!

    Expect a miracle!

    Oral Roberts


    The selections in this book were originally intended to be one-half-hour meditations, with one stanza read at the beginning of the meditation time, then one every five minutes, with the last one ending the session, hence, the seven stanzas. It was intended that the time between readings be either silent or, preferably, accompanied by music. Since the purpose of the meditations is to invoke personal reflection on the readings, music should be quiet, soothing in nature and instrumental, so it will enhance the meditation rather than detract from it. Music which has words either sung with it or commonly known but not accompanying it, such as well-known hymns or Christmas carols, are not recommended, as people tend to concentrate on the words that go with the music rather than the text of the meditation.

    That having been said, guidance by the Holy Spirit is more important than rote; please do whatever you deem appropriate and read them any way you like.

    Meditations have been numbered for easy reference. Each individual meditation is headed by a title descriptive of the content. Further, they have been grouped into six general categories, each of which unifies the subjects contained therein by relating them to some aspect of our daily relationship with God:

    BLESSINGS are the gifts that God affords to us, in the form of general BLESSING, ABUNDANCE, CREATIVITY, HEALING, PEACE and GRACE.

    GROWING consists of those things that help us attain higher ground: FORGIVENESS, THANKSGIVING, SPIRITUAL GROWTH and STEWARDSHIP.

    GIVING includes SHARING of ourselves with others and the PRAISE we give to God.

    TOUCHING describes the ways we commune, through FAITH in God and CONNECTION to God and other people.

    WALKING describes the ways we see God in our daily lives, as He affords us GUIDANCE, PROTECTION and WISDOM.


    Throughout this work I have referred to God using masculine pronouns. I do not believe God is a man. Or a woman. I have used masculine pronouns strictly for convenience, as he is faster to type than she. Whereas we were made in God's image, that doesn't mean we are exact replicas. George Washington's image appears on a US $1 bill, but that doesn't mean he had a flat head made of green bumps.



    1 GRACE

    I've seen

    Such wonders flow

    Since I have known the Lord;

    He heals the sick and fills their souls

    With light.

    He takes

    Away our fears,

    Replacing them with peace,

    And brings great hope when others think

    All lost.

    He heals

    Our illness so

    It's like it never was,

    And does the same with sins when we


    He brings

    Us peace of mind

    By cleansing us of guilt

    For things we did, or haven't done,

    But should.

    Our thirst

    For things in life

    He quenches from a well

    He made of living water just

    For us.

    Oh, how

    Can all this be,

    That we should be so blest

    That all our needs provide with just

    A prayer?

    It's just

    As Jesus said,

    That God, who loves us so,

    The kingdom, His great pleasure thus

    To give.

    2 GRACE

    When Christ

    Came to this world,

    He brought with Him a word –

    A promise of inheritance

    To come.

    It is

    The Comforter,

    The Holy Spirit true,

    Who teaches us all things about

    The Lord.

    And as

    An heir with Christ,

    A gift from God is ours:

    Forgiveness and redemption from

    Our sins,

    That we

    Might live in peace,

    From condemnation, free,

    So we can praise the Lord with heart

    And soul.

    But it

    Is more than that,

    Because true inner peace

    Can never come through anger, hate

    Or fear.

    So our


    The Spirit, brings us Love,

    Which casts out everything that's not

    Of Him.

    So I

    Will praise the Lord

    And thank Him for this gift,

    The Spirit, whose indwelling brings

    Me peace.


    The Lord's

    Own healing light

    Can touch the darkest soul

    With only but a mustard seed

    Of faith.

    His touch

    Can lift the weight

    Of guilt from things I've done,

    Or things I should have done but

    Never did.

    He heals

    The memories

    Of horrid things I've seen

    Borne out of war, from hatred, fear

    Or greed.

    God heals

    The broken heart

    When loved ones here depart

    From accident, from illness or

    Old age.

    God heals

    My illness, too,

    As Jesus did so well,

    Without a care what others have

    To say.

    He heals

    My fear of life:

    The things that might occur

    Which make me hesitate or rob

    My sleep.

    And when

    The healing's done,

    God's peace will fill the void;

    It passes understanding – this

    I know.


    At times

    I feel I've died;

    There's no more life in me.

    I can't another day sustain

    This life.

    It is

    The things of earth

    That drag me toward the end

    And make me feel there is no use

    To live.

    Great things

    That overwhelm

    And seem to loom so large

    Confound me with complexity

    Of form.

    For things

    I can't control

    Seem most to rule the world,

    Preventing me from living as

    I'd like.

    But then

    I pray to God,

    And His true light shines forth

    Reminding me just who I am

    In Christ.

    And just

    As Jesus did

    When raising Lazarus,

    He brings me forth from doldrums of


    So now

    I know for sure

    God's really in control;

    I'm born again and life springs forth


    5 GRACE

    Who is

    Like you, O Lord,

    Who gives to me such love,

    Unbounded and of limitless


    And, too,

    Provides my needs

    Sustaining me each day

    With great abundance, more than I

    Can hold?

    You care

    Not who I am,

    In station, wealth or fame,

    But love me just because I am

    Your child.

    You have

    Put here for me

    A garden filled with joy,

    With birds and flowers, colorful

    And bright.

    And if

    I look in truth,

    I see you everywhere;

    Your wonder fills each particle

    I see.

    Though all

    Of this is there,

    And much more goodness, too,

    I'll only find it if I live

    In you.

    So help

    Me, Lord, today,

    To live a life of peace

    And share with others all there is

    Of me.

    6 GRACE

    It is

    A blessing, Lord,

    To walk within your Light

    And know I am protected by

    Your wings.


    I found your love,

    Great burdens dragged me down,

    Of worry, apprehension, guilt

    And fear.

    I lived

    A halting life

    With interrupted steps,

    Because I let my fears take charge

    Of me.

    They told

    Me where to walk

    And how to hold my head;

    My fears dictated everything


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