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Dangerous Temptations: An Erotic Paranormal Suspense Thriller Collection
Dangerous Temptations: An Erotic Paranormal Suspense Thriller Collection
Dangerous Temptations: An Erotic Paranormal Suspense Thriller Collection
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Dangerous Temptations: An Erotic Paranormal Suspense Thriller Collection

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From the Publisher that brought you popular short story series Witching Call, Hostile Hearts, Earthbound Angels, Ralph's Gift, The January Morrison Files Psychic Series, Secret Lavalle, Seasons of Love, The Whispering, Friend Zone, Come With Meand now, our...

Two plus one bundle treat!


An Erotic Paranormal Romance Suspense Thriller Collection
Wrong Number

Devon knows something was off... but she just cannot say what, or how...

A few months before, the police discovered her husband Dan's wrecked car submerged in the bottom of the river and his body probably lost to the elements and was never found. Devastated, Devon, sets up shop in a new place, intending on a fresh start. But she starts receiving creepy phone calls asking for Dan, at the same time "seeing" him everywhere... outside of her shop, in her dreams. A psychic, she knows with a sense of dread that something is very wrong. Were those calls dialing to a wrong number like she'd first thought? Or was Dan's "ghost" right when he warned her that she's in terrible danger?

When Darkness Comes A-Haunting

Marie's first call to Lily after a long time of not hearing from her friend disturbed her. Marie is sobbing and is desperately unhappy... and warning her of an impending danger.

"It's bad, Lily. So bad! I don't know what to do, but you've got to be careful. He's going to come after you, too!"

The call chills her to the bone. But what does Marie mean? Who is coming after her, too? What happened to her? Why won't she let her help? What did Marie mean when she said it was already too late? For who, Marie or her?

Lily is a psychic but this was the first time something like this happened to her.

And she has a hunch that if she didn't listen to Marie's warning, it may be the last.



He’s out there, and she’s all alone... There's nothing between her and danger but a closed door!

Camryn is the first to move to a unit in a new condo building, no one to talk to but a three-person staff, no traffic in the lobby, and no one else on the elevator.

Camryn loves her new residence, but the schedule of move-in for other new owners was postponed so she's supposed to be all alone beside the staff. Yet she hears noises from the unit above as if it's occupied.

Is it just her imagination? Or is she right in feeling that there's something sinister happening above her, and she is the next victim in the plot?

READER ADVISORY: These stories contain adult themed graphical descriptions that a small number of readers might find offensive, including sexual acts and suggestive themes.

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PublisherSandra Ross
Release dateNov 30, 2013
Dangerous Temptations: An Erotic Paranormal Suspense Thriller Collection

Sandra Ross

The moment Sandra Ross held her first romance novel when she was ten, she knew she was going to write romance. At thirty now, a prolific reader and a freelance writer, she's since then expanded her preferences from just romance to romance with a dash of now trending sub-genres—paranormal , fantasy, sci-fi even, and erotica. She loves challenging herself and would write on a dare. On a normal day, she would be found in her herb garden collecting spices for her kitchen or ingredients for her potions; in her huge eclectic Provencal kitchen with the big modern oven cooking pots and pans of food for her family of one husband and three kids (an ardent daughter and two boisterous sons) that'll probably last for weeks; in her library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and an e-reader in her hands as she reads the latest erotic hit; or scribbling pages upon pages of different erotic lifestyles, searching for the one that feels like it was inspired by just the right mix of passion, story line, and sex. Aside from these activities, the rest of the time she'd be found in front of her laptop typing the latest Sandra Ross concoction for her readers.

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    Book preview

    Dangerous Temptations - Sandra Ross

    Chapter 1

    FINALLY, Devon thought as she sat down on the couch in her new apartment. Moving was never easy but she had done it so many times now that it was becoming a routine.

    However, this time it was different. She wasn't going to be moving again, ever. It had taken a while to save the money she needed but now she had her very own book shop. Even better, her spacious apartment was right over the shop, which meant she had everything she needed conveniently within reach.

    The first order of business had been to get her belongings moved into the apartment. Tomorrow, Devon would begin unpacking boxes and stocking the shelves of her shop with the help of Janina, the girl she had hired to help her. Devon hoped that they would be able to get most of it done within a couple of days. She really wanted to have her grand opening by the end of the week. Saturdays were usually excellent days to hold them because people would be looking for something to do on the weekends.

    Devon had planned it out beautifully. She did her research and found that this tiny coastal town on the east coast would be the perfect location for her book shop. Crystal Cove was small enough to be quaint but large enough that tourists would be able to find it easily enough. In fact, tourism was a large part of the town's income.

    When she found Crystal Cove, it boasted one casual dining restaurant, one fine dining restaurant, a Victorian bed and breakfast, and a small but elegant inn. There were other businesses in town but there was no book shop.

    That's where Devon came in.

    She was going to be selling all sorts of books. There would be sections for romances, mysteries, the occult, research materials, and even a children's section which would be set up as a story time area.

    Her favorite part, though, was in the back of the shop. It was where Devon would be offering Tarot readings in a private, specially-decorated area. No one needed to know that her information came from sources other than the Tarot. She had been doing this for years so people didn't fear her and her abilities.

    Well, Devon thought, I can't just sit here daydreaming. I've got to get busy. Her electricity, water, and landline phone were turned on and she could now stay here. The movers were due to arrive in a few hours to bring in her furniture.

    One thing at a time, she thought. She got up and started to do some cleaning and measuring so she would know where her accoutrements would go.

    This is going to be amazing, Devon thought. Dan would have loved it.

    No, I'm not going to think about him right now. It's only going to make me sad and I can't afford to get depressed right now.

    She went into her sunny kitchen and grabbed a diet soda from the refrigerator. Stocking the refrigerator had been something she had had the foresight to do. She would then get her bed put together and finally be able to eat something in her own home tonight.

    Just as she popped her soda top, the phone rang.

    Startled, she nearly spit out what she had swallowed. It had to be a wrong number, she thought as she went into the living room to answer the phone.

    Picking up the phone, she said a cautious but cheery Hello.

    At first, no one said anything.

    Hi, is anyone there? Devon said.

    Hi, a deep male voice said. I guess I must have the wrong number. I was trying to get in touch with Dan but you're obviously not him.

    Dan? An unpleasant shock ran through her body. How do you know Dan?

    Hey, I'm really sorry for bothering you.

    Before she could say anything, her caller had hung up.

    She checked the caller ID and saw Unknown Number registered there.

    How odd, she thought.

    There wasn't enough time to dwell on it because, at that moment, the movers pulled up. She was distracted for the next couple of hours supervising where her furniture and personal items would be placed.

    Devon assembled her bed and cleared a path so that she could eat dinner in her very own kitchen. She nibbled on a salad and an avocado-and-bacon sandwich when she remembered the odd phone call from earlier.

    That really had to be a coincidence, she thought.

    It made her miss Dan even more.

    The feeling was especially bad at night. She tended to remember the way he used to make her body absolutely sing with pleasure. No man had ever been able to do that for her before or since. In fact, Devon was pretty much afraid that she would never meet another man who could do that for her.

    She suddenly realized just how tired she was. She got up and changed into her pajama pants and spaghetti-strap t-shirt. Washing her face and brushing her teeth completed the nightly bedtime ritual. She slipped into her bed and turned out the lamp on her nightstand. Just as she was dozing off, her telephone started to ring. She had an extension sitting on her nightstand and picked it up.

    Hello, she said.

    Hi, is Dan there? intoned the same male voice from before.

    It's you again, Devon said in an accusing tone. Who is this and what do you want?

    Oops, I've got a wrong number again! So sorry!

    The connection was suddenly broken.

    Dammit! Now Devon would never be able to get to sleep.

    What the hell was going on?

    Was someone trying to play some sort of joke on her?

    If so, it was cruel and wasn't appreciated.

    Dan was gone and he wasn't coming back.

    She had only recently begun to accept that and now some asshole was trying to rattle her cage. Of course, she could be crazy. It could just be that it was an honest mistake. Dan was a pretty common name, after all.

    Common, however, was the last word that would ever have described Dan. Lying back onto her pillow, she could see his tousled black hair, high cheekbones, blue-green eyes and sexy sideways smile.

    God, how she missed him! No one was ever going to take his place and she knew it.

    Her body still missed him every night. Even now, when she was tired and hot, her body wanted Dan touching her, kissing her, making love to her. Even when she tried to touch herself, it made her miss him even more.

    It made her miserable.

    There was nothing that could replace him.

    She turned over on her side and went to sleep with a single tear sliding down her cheek.

    Chapter 2

    WAKE UP, sweetheart. Dan's urgent voice was calling. Devon, open your eyes and look at me.

    Devon protested, the lethargy of sleep overwhelming. Mmm-but it's so wonderful to lay here like this with you, Dan. Do we really have to get up now?

    Yes, darling. I would love nothing more than to hold you in my arms all day but now isn't the time. There's something I must tell you and it's important that you pay attention.

    The fear in his voice finally prompted her attention. With her eyes still closed but her senses alert, she replied, Of course, Dan, I'm listening. What is it?

    You need to be careful. I can't protect you from where I am but you need to know that you're in danger.

    Her heart started to race. Danger? Who on earth wants to hurt me?

    Shhh, don't speak. I'll tell you everything.

    There was a sudden ringing sound in Devon's ears. She tried hard to hold Dan's face in her mind but he was fading quickly.

    The ringing became louder and more insistent.

    Devon's eyes flew open. The telephone was ringing on her nightstand.

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