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Reincarnation and the Evolution of Consciousness
Reincarnation and the Evolution of Consciousness
Reincarnation and the Evolution of Consciousness
Ebook77 pages1 hour

Reincarnation and the Evolution of Consciousness

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Diane Goble has been on a spiritual path since her near-death experience while drowning over 40 years ago in a white water river rafting accident on the Chattooga River in northern Georgia. In this book, she reveals the hidden mysteries about reincarnation and the evolution of consciousness that she remembered while traveling with a Being of Light in another dimension.

Goble has written about this information on her web site for nearly two decades and spent many more years in meditation and study within the greater mystery schools, and religious and secular schools of thought, combined with an interest in physics and cosmology. As a hypnotherapist, who specialized in past-life regression therapy, she has a greater understanding about how reincarnation leads humans to the awakening of higher consciousness. With this book, she has been able to write about it terms more people can understand, without all the jargon and mysterious names, so everyone can begin to participate in the evolution of their own awakening toward the goal of becoming fully-realized Divine Human Beings... and contribute to the awakening of GOD-Consciousness among Humanity as a whole to bring peace to the planet.

"It is time," she says, "that we knew who we really are and what we are capable of!"

PublisherDiane Goble
Release dateDec 14, 2013
Reincarnation and the Evolution of Consciousness

Diane Goble

Diane Goble received her Masters Degree in Community-Clincal Psychology in 1983, another in Clinical Hypnotherapy in 1992, and has been a spiritual counselor and author (eight books) for over 30 years. She had a profound near-death/afterlife experience when she drowned while white water river rafting in 1971, which had a profound transformational effect on her. The knowledge she received during her journey beyond the veil was revealed on her web site (1998-2018) and is now available to spiritual seekers through electronic books. Her mission has been to help others overcome fear of death and realize it is an important milestone along our soul's journey and accelerates the evolution of consciousness among human beings. Becoming "human" is just one stage along our soul's journey... and there is so much more. Diane is finally retired but currently working on a movie script and taking up painting to explore other aspects of her NDE. She lives in Sisters, Oregon, USA.

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    Reincarnation and the Evolution of Consciousness - Diane Goble

    Reincarnation and the Evolution of Consciousness


    Diane Goble

    Copyright 2013 Diane Goble


    ISBN 978-0-9638606-8-2

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

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    Cover Design by PJ Hunter

    Table of Contents

    CHAPTER 1 ∞ Consciousness

    CHAPTER 2 ∞ The Challenge of Being Fully Human

    CHAPTER 3 ∞ Reincarnation

    CHAPTER 4 ∞ Past Lives

    CHAPTER 5 ∞ Karma

    CHAPTER 6 ∞ Infinity

    From the Author

    CHAPTER 1 ∞ Consciousness

    I was completely unaware of anything but changing diapers, cooking meals, and satisfying everyone’s needs but my own. I was not very concerned with the world and its goings-on. I didn’t ponder a lot of deep thoughts—until July 18, 1971—the day I drowned and consciously experienced a journey into another dimension of reality that wasn’t supposed to exist, any more than I was supposed to exist—consciously—in it.

    It was one in which I was still Diane, but Diane was only part of the whole of who I am, and now we were/I was whole... once again.

    I had no idea!!!

    One of the first things I remembered as my conscious awareness expanded beyond the physical environment was that I had done this before. Died, that is—and many times experienced this journey into the Light.

    I laughed at the thought.

    How could I have forgotten when I was in a physical body that this transition was such an awesome experience?

    I wondered what else I had forgotten upon becoming human.

    My awareness expanded rapidly, and I experienced a greater reality, not with my eyes but through a 360° multi-dimensional perspective. Something I experienced as higher consciousness.

    I came to a greater understanding of meaningful events in my past much like other near-death experiencers (NDE), who described their life reviews as panoramic. My soul journey, including all my physical lifetimes, passed through my awareness—in a flash. Everything happened at once. I was part of it, not merely the observer, feeling the emotions of others as if there were no time—from the formation of the physical universe to what we call our Milky Way Galaxy through all of Earth’s history and human development.

    Then the door closed just as quickly.

    I forgot a lot when I took on this coat of skin again and became this person named Diane.

    I pondered how different life would be if as humans we remembered who we had been. We have the potential to heal the planet once we get over thinking we are alone and realize we are all connected and participating in an evolving process. These are the times of the awakening of Higher Consciousness among Humanity. An awareness of the reality that we are ALL both Human and Divine—with the ability to exist simultaneously on multiple dimensions of Reality.

    I had thought about reincarnation before my NDE. In the seventh and eighth grades (1955-6), I studied Ancient History in school and became fascinated by early Egyptian and Greco-Roman cultures and beliefs. But reincarnation? I dismissed it as something the pharaohs and emperors thought up to make people think they were powerful gods who had to be obeyed. I loved the myths and the pantheon of gods and goddesses who interacted with human beings and ruled by whim and deceit. It made for great stories and much wisdom, even if it was fantasy.

    I learned about the cultures of India and the Far East. I learned about Buddhist beliefs in rebirth. Again I dismissed the concept because of the caste system that resulted, which I found unfair and cruel. And the thing about coming back as cows—that just never appealed to me nor did wandering around in some shadowy Bardo searching for a new body to inhabit.

    I attended a variety of Christian churches from age thirteen to sixteen (Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopalian) after which I settled into the Catholic Church. My younger sister was accidentally killed when I was ten and I was searching for answers. Somehow sitting in a beautiful cathedral surrounded

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