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Scandalous Tales vol. 2
Scandalous Tales vol. 2
Scandalous Tales vol. 2
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Scandalous Tales vol. 2

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About this ebook

The second volume of Caribbean flavored scandalous erotic tales, brimming with much wilder, sizzling-hot sex; the expected profound lies, deception and betrayal that you know to look for but won't see coming, and more of that wicked humor to give you that totally satisfying and pleasurable feeling.

This collection features Scandalous Bitch, Full Service Man, Top Performers and Island Players.

PublisherA.C. Humes
Release dateDec 12, 2013
Scandalous Tales vol. 2

A.C. Humes

My name is Anthon C. Humes and I am an aspiring author writing fiction under A.C. Humes and the pseudonym of E. X. Felon. Why write under two different names, you may ask: I grew up in a barbershop and worked as a commercial flight attendant, so I’ve been a lot of places, met a lot of people, heard a lot of stories and yes, I’ve done a lot of things. With so many stories to tell, I decided to separate them in a way that would allow my readers to be able to determine if a particular story would appeal to their tastes just by looking at the name of the author. Yes, I do realize that not everyone is going to like every story I tell. So, I would like to take a minute to describe the differences between my two pen names. A.C. Humes writes erotic fiction about the men that teach women the things their boyfriends and husbands like; the men that other men either hate or try to emulate; the men that women love and their best friends can’t stand...until they get a taste, that is. Yes, A.C. Humes writes happy ending romances and flings, but he specializes in the games and deceptions that go on in your office, your friends' life, the neighbor's life, maybe even the stuff you did at one point or another...or something that you’ve been dreaming or contemplating doing. You’ve read lots of eroticas, but these short stories have twists that you won’t see coming. E. X. Felon writes Street / Urban fiction. His novels are about the type of crimes that you see on the news and in your neighborhoods everyday. But they delve deep into the hearts and minds of the characters and deal with family drama, love and relationships, as well as the criminal aspect. You don’t have to be a thug or gangster or convict to be able to relate to the characters or enjoy the stories. These stories are written not to glorify the crimes and the rewards, but to educate readers on what most people committing crimes don’t find out until it's too late. E. X. Felon hopes that while he captivates and entertains his readers, he also educates them and thus hopefully save a few of them from crossing the line and ending up in prison or worst, a grave. I hope this gives you a better understanding of the types of stories that I write under each pen name. There's something for everyone. Feel free to visit my website and read the sample chapters and poems there. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Enjoy and God Bless! Author A.C. Humes

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    Scandalous Tales vol. 2 - A.C. Humes

    Scandalous Tales vol. 2

    By A.C. Humes

    Copyright 2013 Anthon Carlos Humes

    Smashwords Edition


    Girl, my boo don’t even hesitate to give me what I want. If I tell him I saw a new pair of shoes I want, Bam! I have that cash in my hands to go get it.

    If he payin’ like that, he must be lackin’ in other departments, Nakia shot under her breath.

    Not my man. Trust me, my man knows how to lay the pipe. He gat that hammer! He eat, beat, and treat the coochie right, Jennifer bragged.

    He doin all that and you ain’t marched his ass down the isle yet? Nakia asked.

    Girl, I don’t want no man to think he can have me on lock down for life. One man can’t handle all of this.

    Shit, girl. If he payin’ the bills and giving you thrills, you better hang on to him. Men—real men—are hard to find, Ursula chimed.

    You live with him... Nakia interjected, but got cut off.

    Sooo! Girl, he ain’t the only man in my life, Jennifer said in exasperation. I have other men that are just as good, some even treat me better. I just use what I have to get what I want, she said arrogantly, picking up her Apple Martini.

    Aren’t you afraid you gonna get caught? Ursula asked.

    Jennifer laughed. Caught? Rookies get caught. I have them so pussy whooped that even if they see me, they’ll pretend they didn’t, then convince themselves that it wasn’t me. No man wants to lose out on all of this.

    Humph, Nakia smirked. You better watch out you don’t catch something that you can’t wash off with soap.

    I don’t mess with the type of men that you do, Jennifer frowned and snarled under her breath right before her lips touched the rim of her martini glass.

    You don’t know what kind of men I mess with, Nakia responded indignantly.

    I haven’t seen you with anything too impressive at any of the company functions, Jennifer snickered, staring directly at Nakia.

    Why you always gat to look down your nose at everybody. You think you all that, but you een none ah that, Nakia said, her voice dripping with anger.

    I must be all that. You see the men drooling and lined up to get some of this...

    They only lined up because they all know that you’re an easy fuck.

    I select...and screen...who I fuck. I can do that! If you had half of what I have, you’d be able to have it going on like I do. And, I get all my bills paid on time, too. Can you say the same?

    I don’t need no man to pay my bills, Nakia snarled.

    And you don’t have what it takes to find one to give you no thrills either, Jennifer snapped back, laughing at her own wit.

    You two behave. This shit is getting too personal here. Y’all attracting attention, Ursula said, trying to keep things from blowing out of proportion.

    I’m going to leave...

    Yeah, you do that, Nakia snarled, cutting Jennifer off.

    I’ve got things to do and people to see, Jennifer shot, digging into her Gucci bag and pulling out a crisp fifty-dollar bill. Here the drinks are on me. I’m out, she said, flicking the fifty at Nakia, then sashaying away.

    More like things to see and people to do, Nakia shot back.

    But thanks for the drinks. I know you’ll make it back on your knees out in the parking lot, Nakia shouted over the music.

    Jennifer didn’t even bother to turn around or glance back over her shoulder.

    Don’ t mind her...

    How you mean, ‘don’t mind her’? That’s your girl and all, but every time we come out for drinks she acts like she’s better than us. Like-like her shit don’t stink or something. This is the last time I’m coming out if she’s going to be there. I don’t know who the fuck she think she is, but one of these days I’m going to take off my shoes and go right up side her muthafuckin weave-wearin-ass head. Let her keep letting my color fool her. She een ga keep dissin me like that and get away. I is a project bitch and I will beat her ass right-the-fuck-down. I ain’t a regular white girl. Let her keep gettin fooled by that shit on TV.

    Calm your Conch-Joe ass down. Ursula giggled. What projects y’all have in the Bahamas? Ursula asked, trying to lighten the mood.

    We gat ghettos like everywhere else. Don’t think it’s just a rich man’s playground...crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches. It ain’t all fun in the sun. My ancestors wasn’t just the peaceful Arawak Indians that Christopher Columbus and his men found and gave syphilis to and killed off. My ancestors were also slaves that bucked and jumped off dem damn slave ships before they could reach to America, plus the warriors that got captured and brought to America then start acting the fuckin fool fuckin the Massa’s wife and daughters before they escaped and ran off to the islands. Mix dem with the whites that wasn’t high society, or rich enough to go all the way to America and you get us, the Conchy-muthafuckin-Joes—white Bahamians. I gat all kind of mix-up blood runnin through my veins. So just as nice as I am, that’s as mean as I could be.

    Listen you with the history lesson. But you gat more passive white blood running through you than what African warrior blood.

    Dem wasn’t no passive whites that risked their lives sailing on no wooden ships to some far away land. Dem was killers and robbers trying to escape like muthafuckers runnin to Mexico.

    Girl, you’re too crazy. I was starting to believe your ass, too.

    These are facts that I’m telling you. Girl, you really don’t want me to get started. Her stinkin’ ass does piss me the fuck off...stir up the slave-warrior blood in me. She had it easy. She probably went to an all black school. Let her go to a school where she was outnumbered damn near fifty to one, and see if she don’t have to fight.

    You went to a damn private school, Ursula hissed, and all that money your people have, I know you didn’t grow up in no damn ghetto.

    Nakia laughed and shook her head. I don’t know why I does let that gold digging ass bitch get to me. She might as well be selling pussy the way she does do it. I don’t understand why her man put up with her shit.

    He whooped just like she said.

    Can’t be. Een no pussy dat damn good for a man to have a bitch living up in his place and she out trickin’ like that.

    You’d be surprised. People do stupid things when they in love, Ursula said.

    Can’t be that much love, Nakia snarled.

    They say love is blind.

    Yeah, but not deaf, dumb, and stupid.

    Ursula laughed. Don’t let her fool you. Her ass is crazy jealous about Dante; and she in love too. I was shocked when she moved in. Jealousy caused that though. She moved in so she could watch him.

    So he trickin too?

    I don’t think so. Dante is a good dude.

    How come a bitch like her gets the good dudes, and good girls like us get the fucked up ones? Nakia asked the age-old question.

    Because opposite attracts. The only way for us to get us a good man is to turn into a bitch like her. Men are suckers for women like her.

    Turn into an evil bitch like her, Nakia repeated, smiling and nodding her head.

    What? Ursula asked, taking note of the wicked grin plastered on Nakia’s face.

    Oh nothing, Nakia lied. Nothing at all.


    Nakia sat at the bar in the VIP lounge and watched Dante and his boys. She had found out all that she could about Mr. Dante Stuart. He worked as a Computer Analyst for Global Satellite Cable and Communications. From the little time that she had spent investigating him, she had concluded that Dante was indeed a good man, but like every man, he liked to flirt. So she would use that.

    Nakia sat at the end of the bar sipping on a bottle of Dom P Rose. Contrary to what Jennifer thought, Nakia did have money...and she had the body of an islander: Lush cleavage, small waist and peas-n-rice bungy—that’s what the Bahamians call ass, bungy. She had a perfect hourglass shape. Everything was just the way it was supposed to be: perfectly proportioned. Nakia just didn’t flaunt it for the whole world to see. Not too often, that is. Tonight, she did. Nakia wore a short, curve-hugging, cleavage-revealing black dress that had heads turning and saliva dripping from the mouths of everyone that she had passed. Men and women. Her hair was pulled up, pear shaped diamond earrings, and that cute little diamond nose ring that was like an illusion beneath her beautiful grey eyes.

    Men admired her from a distance, but they were afraid to approach because it was rare to see a beautiful woman sitting alone at the bar drinking a bottle of expensive champagne. She had to be waiting for someone. Not just a regular someone either, someone ‘big’, especially with her copping that expensive bottle of Dom P. If she had been drinking Moet White Star, Rose or Nectar, it would have been okay. But Dom P.! Shit! Ain’t too many ballers did shit like that. Not in there.

    Nakia knew how she would get Dante. She timed it perfectly. She spun around and caught Dante and his friends all ogling her. She made eye contact, and smiled at Dante.

    He smiled and nodded his head

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