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Chronicles of Time: Book 3
Chronicles of Time: Book 3
Chronicles of Time: Book 3
Ebook215 pages3 hours

Chronicles of Time: Book 3

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Rick and his girls continue their quest to locate the fourth and final crystal. In order to save the future, they travel back to witness the birth of Jesus, and discover an alternate story of his origin. Once all the crystals are located, they must perform their final, most dangerous task.

PublisherJ.C. Allen
Release dateDec 13, 2013
Chronicles of Time: Book 3

J.C. Allen

Born and raised in the Charleston, WV area, this young single father started writing when unimaginable circumstances thrust him into a situation beyond his control. As a way to stay connected to his beloved daughters, he began writing stories to entertain them - first a fantastical, magical adventure, the Edge of Knight series.What started as entertainment for his daughters evolved into a coping mechanism to maintain his sanity as he waged a monumental battle against injustice. The battle continues, and as his daughters have grown into teenagers, the stories have changed to more mature fiction. M.O.D. is the first book to be published.

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    Chronicles of Time - J.C. Allen

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright 2013 J. C. Allen

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be stored, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without express written permission of the author.

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    Published by Smashwords

    ISBN: 9781311231116


    This series is dedicated to Kate, who not only inspired it, but drove it with her boundless curiosity, unique imagination, and indelible personality.

    The history behind this novel is completely disputable. Although based on years of factual research, it is fiction. So, if you take literally, or seriously, any of the concepts, ideas, representations, inferences or conclusions contained herein, try Valium! I simply followed my own conscience and mind through the trail of evidence I compiled over the years. It was conceived to inspire interest in history and promote exploration — of your surroundings and soul — in every generation, not mindless, sheep mentality or blind faith. I hope it encourages others to make their own determinations about everything… or at least try to.

    I would also like to thank the following for making this book possible: My mother, Shirley, for… everything! Kate, Kristen, Carrie, and Olivia for giving me insight into the thoughts and feelings of this newest generation of girls as well as planting most of the ideas in my head for many of the characters (they're sneaky like that). Rich, for encouragement. Scott, for hashing out the intricacies involved and for trying to tear apart every theory I had and eliciting controversy at every turn. I would also like to thank everyone who has, and continues, to stand by me through everything! And a special thanks to you, the reader, for supporting me!

    Nobody is to blame except myself for any errors, screw-ups or omissions, although I'll try to blame whoever I can, if I can (those pesky aliens).

    Part V — Away in a Manger

    Chapter 29 — Can You be Born Before You’re Born?

    As Jessica opened the kitchen door, a man in shorts carrying a large knife filled the doorway.

    Christy and Jessica both shrieked.

    So… did you get the crystal? Rick asked calmly.

    Both girls flushed with recognition and quit screaming, then noticed he held a melon in the other hand, which he was cutting up for a fruit tray for breakfast.

    Are you gonna beat us? Jessica questioned.

    That wouldn’t be fair, would it? Rick asked.

    Christy said, Nope!

    Well, I’m not feeling particularly fair at the moment, he waved the knife around menacingly.

    They both dashed past him toward the stairs, screeching again, this time in mock panic.

    Get back here! he roared.

    The girls stopped and moped back to him. He held out his hand and Jessica deposited the crystal in it. The cube too, he added, and Christy pulled it out of the bag, setting it on the counter. Go put away your things and get back here. You’re fixing breakfast.

    They whined and complained about being tired, but did as they were told.

    Anna heard Rick’s yell and emerged from her room just as the other girls tromped up the stairs. She walked over to Rick and hugged him. I might as well help. You should be resting, she pointed to a chair.

    Rick hobbled to the table, grabbing the cube on the way. He opened it and started watching Jessica and Christy’s adventure.

    The rest of the clan eventually joined them and all listened to the tale. Everyone was shocked at the mere descriptions; Jessica urged them all not to watch it.

    After breakfast Rick insisted the three girls in Anderson’s class wear a necklace all day. Oddly though, Mr. Anderson made no strange moves, barely acknowledging the girls. Rick spent all day reading up on the birth of Jesus until it drove him mad and he opted to work on his video game instead. Abby was shopping for supplies for her upcoming expedition and didn’t come home until it was almost time to get Jessica from school.

    It seems nobody truly knows when Jesus was born, he said with a sigh. Some say December 25, year 0, of course, but they are in the extreme minority. It ranges from 8 BC to anywhere in the next twelve years. Some say he was born in Jerusalem, some in Jericho, some in Nazareth, some even say Mary wasn’t his mother! How can anyone claim to be sure, much less righteous, and proclaim with such certainty something so incredibly vague? He threw his hands up in frustration.

    I’ll ask some of my friends tonight to see if they know anyone who knows something…

    I was hoping for divine intervention… God would just lift the paper with the correct information from the stack.

    Abby sat on the arm of his chair and wrapped one of her arms around his neck. It’s OK, honey, it’s not that hopeless. We’ll figure it out.

    It didn’t really help.

    Abby left a little later to pick Jessica up. Rick decided to check out the latest message from Bergamiser. He was sick of the sadistic cruelty as soon as it started so he set it to only show when Bignose was in the room, carefully listening for clues. Everything he heard made his blood boil.

    Bergamiser opened the door. The girls sprang from the bed at the sound and instinctively grasped each other. He carried a large bowl of something resembling oatmeal, but brought no utensils, and sat it on the bed. When he turned to sneer at the girls, he suddenly flew into a rage. Oh, don’t you two look so pretty, even after the nice bath I gave you yesterday! You had to go ruin it, didn’t you? I bet your buddies, Alex and Kaylie, would think so, he was looking at Beth. We’ll have to fix that!

    Beth winced in pain as he grabbed her by the upper arm and hurled her violently to the floor. Landing face-first, she split her lip upon impact with the hard soil underneath the mud, leaving her dazed and tasting blood in the mud that filled her mouth.

    He tried to pick her up by grabbing a handful of the back of her dress, but her dead weight caused it to rip and he dropped her on her face again — this time smashing her nose. She shrieked and clutched at her face with muddy hands, trying to sit up. Bignose grabbed the front of the dress and the fabric strained again. This time it held and he pulled her to her feet. She practically dangled from his hand, woozy from pain. He dragged her to where a pool of water still stood from last night’s mud-bath and pushed her down into it, rolling her around until she was caked with brown all over again. She lay there a moment, crying, trying to wipe the stinging mud from her eyes and face when he dragged her out of the mud by the straps of her dress, ripping one completely off in the process. He then went after Vespasia, who tried to hold onto the bed. He released her when her tunic started to give way and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her straight up — which made it impossible for her to keep her grip on the wooden frame. His muddy fingers slipped and she plunged straight back down onto the bed frame. It hit her just over the left eye and instantly knocked her unconscious, with her legs bunched up under her body and arms splayed out wide, face down in the soggy dirt by the bed.

    Bergamiser wasted no time grabbing the back of her tunic again and flipping her onto her back, choking her with the neck of the garment. Her lifeless body flopped as he jerked her through mud. He finally realized she was out cold and her face was turning blue when she came to a rest on her back.

    He untwisted the fabric and checked her pulse and breathing, determining she was alive. She had a huge knot on her forehead that was bleeding heavily. He grabbed a rag, dipped it into the slush, and wrung muddy water into her face. She awoke coughing and sputtering. Satisfied, he grabbed her feet and dragged her, screaming and flailing in confusion, back and forth through the muck, flipping her to her stomach and back until she seemed sufficiently covered. He finally propped her up beside a whimpering Beth.

    Vespasia slumped over to hug her friend. And cried with her.

    She doesn’t look so pretty now, does she, Christy? What do you think, Jessica? How about you, Ricky? Isn’t she adorable now? he taunted as he left the room.

    Rick paused the image on the two girls comforting each other. That’s it, he said angrily, he knows our names, he could come after us any time he wants, but that’s not what he’s after. He wants to lure us there! A hot flame of anger shot through him before he broke out in a cold sweat.

    Rick took the focus off Bergamiser momentarily and watched as the girls struggled to wash their faces. Vespasia’s eye was nearly closed and her face was red with blood. Beth had a steady stream of blood flowing from her nose mixing with the blood from her busted upper lip. She searched around for the two-inch wide strap Bergamiser had torn from her dress, washed it, and used it to clean their cuts. They raked the mud from their bodies, used some of the clean water to rinse, and went to eat in the bed. They each took turns pouring the mush into their mouths from the bowl until it was gone. Vespasia’s tunic was ripped at the neck and hung off one shoulder. It gaped open at the bottom, but she didn’t bother to look for the cord to tie it back together, it was buried somewhere in the slop. Beth’s dress hung limply by one torn strap. Neither of them cared anymore. They looked awful, completely deflated.

    Rick seethed with anger as he watched Bergamiser that evening. He tossed them a huge bread roll, berated them a bit more, but physically left them alone, commenting on how he wished their friends would show up. They must not care about you at all! he laughed. That brought tears to the girls — and Rick.

    Their brutal captor came back in the morning and caught them trying to clean up again as it was raining. He held a plate of bacon and another loaf of bread and tossed the bread to the bed. He dumped the bacon in the mud.

    He gave them another mud bath and the girls didn’t even resist this time, actually helping him, acting as if they were having fun. Bignose lost interest quickly and left them sitting in the mess only half-covered. He stayed outside this time and watched through a crack in the door as the girls got up.

    Vespasia fished the bacon out of the mud and washed it thoroughly in the bucket and they ate it, wet but clean. They showered in the rain again and refilled the bucket. They fell asleep, happy to have tricked the monster so they could clean up while it was still raining.

    As soon as it stopped raining, Bignose sneaked back in and yanked the cover off the sleeping girls and methodically coated them in mud yet again, dragging Beth out first and shoving her with his foot deep into the mud before repeating with Vespasia.

    Finally content with his handiwork, he yelled, Don’t you understand? I want you to stay that way! and stormed out.

    Vespasia waited until she was sure he was gone then slowly climbed to her feet and scraped off what she could and washed with the rag until she was somewhat clean. Beth stayed in the puddle, propped her head up on two fists, laying on her stomach in the mud, and watched her friend clean up.

    As Vespasia walked around, shaking her arms and hair dry, Bignose burst in again and slung her face first through the slime, skinning her chest and elbows when she landed, her feet nearly flipping over her head. She stayed down, fighting back the pain.

    Beth quickly got up and playfully smeared Vespasia’s back with mud before sliding back down in it beside her.

    That’s better! he screamed, kicking mud at them before storming out again.

    Rick watched sadly as both girls stayed in the thick mess on their bellies, side by side. Vespasia started to get up but Beth told her, No, stay there.

    But my arms are getting numb, she protested.

    He’ll come back. Act like you’re having fun when he does; he’ll get mad and leave again.

    Sure enough, they heard him coming and quickly started playing, wrestling around and giggling. He pushed the door open and stared as they ignored him, slopping mud on each other and flopping about. Five minutes was all it took, he shook his head and retreated. He could hear them still giggling all the way down the trail.

    Beth rolled over on her back and put her hands behind her head and relaxed.

    What are you doing now? Vespasia asked.

    I think I’ll just sleep here tonight, she joked.

    Vespasia copied her, and then sloppily got up. No way! That stuff will dry on us then.

    Cool, then we can just chip it off, Beth giggled.

    You cannot be serious.

    Beth playfully pulled her down and pinned her. No! But you’re washing my hair first, she told her.

    OK, OK! she gave in as Beth tickled her.

    They rose and cleaned up, drip-dried, and curled up together under the blanket.

    Rick skipped to the next, and last, entrance by Bergamiser, where he had threatened them with a whip. Rick stared at the two girls sitting on the bed, scared, but still defiant, and vowed to stop that madman, no matter what it took. He adjusted a few pillows, feeling a bit groggy from the latest dose of pain medication, tuned the UC back to his girls, and fell asleep.

    Rick awoke to find Alex and Kaylie sitting on the edge of the bed at his feet, playing a video game. Anna was on the couch beside him, talking on the phone with a fashion magazine propped up on her raised knees.

    He looked at the clock. Is everyone here? he asked nobody in particular.

    Alex answered without taking her eyes off the game, Christy and Jodie are in the hot tub, and Abby and Jessie are coming with pizza. She said she didn’t want to cook tonight since she’s leaving in the morning.

    Ugh! Did I already forget she was leaving in the morning?

    We got something for her, Dad, from all of us.

    When did you… what did you get? he asked.

    We got her a satellite video phone system, so she can keep in touch with us, she answered.

    He sat up sharply, A what?

    A satel—

    I know that, but how?

    Jodie and I skipped our workout, she answered.

    I meant what did you buy it with?

    Oh, I took one of those coins to the coin shop and sold it, the guy tried to tell me it was only worth a hundred dollars but I took a coin book from the shelf and looked it up right in front of him. It said it was worth ten thousand in just good condition, but this one was in excellent condition. He tried to argue the difference between good and excellent but when I told him about your coin collection — and he knew who you were — he agreed it was definitely excellent, or better. I told him I only needed $7500. You know what he said then? she rattled off the story so quickly Rick could barely keep up.

    He blinked a few times, and said, He told you ‘when do you want it?’

    She giggled,

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