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The Ketchikan Man: Brides and Dark Secrets
The Ketchikan Man: Brides and Dark Secrets
The Ketchikan Man: Brides and Dark Secrets
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The Ketchikan Man: Brides and Dark Secrets

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Leea, a young woman from Oklahoma, engages in a heated sexting relationship with a man from Alaska. Lucan, on a hunt for his mate, advertised for a mail order bride. Leea, aware of the risks, is still drawn to the Ketchikan man and his nightly naughty texts. She believes she’s behaved shockingly via text, now she’s embarrassed by the explicitness she shared with this virtual stranger. When she arrives in Alaska, she encounters an absolutely gorgeous male. Overwhelmed, she’s suddenly inhibited by timidity. However, Lucan is patient and determined to reveal Leea’s inner siren. His unique instincts tell him that she's his.
Lucan is a local artist, a talented man. He’s part Native American with an extra component in his genes. Unknown to Leea, his honored ancestor passed a special gift to him.
Will Leea and Lucan’s passion survive the wilds of Alaska?
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release dateDec 15, 2013
The Ketchikan Man: Brides and Dark Secrets

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    The Ketchikan Man - Ciara Lake

    The Ketchikan Man


    Ciara Lake

    Published by eTreasures Publishing, LLC at Smashwords

    ISBN 978-1-937809-59-1


    Copyright 2011 Ciara Lake

    All Rights Reserved.

    Cover Artist: Suzannah Safi

    No part of this book may be reproduced, except for review purposes, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any format or by any means without express written consent from the publisher. This book in electronic format may not be re-sold or re-distributed in any manner without express written permission from the publisher.

    Visit Author Website at Ciara Lake

    This book is entirely fiction and bears no resemblance to anyone alive or dead, in content or cover art. Any instances are purely coincidental. This book is based solely on the author’s vivid imagination.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    Leea managed to fight her way through the crowded airport. She was overwhelmed. Since she’d gotten off the flight from Oklahoma City, she’d struggled as to where to go next. At five foot two, she could barely see over anyone’s head. Making matters worse, the airport security had been a bear. She’d continued to beep as she passed through the metal detector. After nearly stripping her naked and taking off her shoes, they finally decided to let her pass, increasing her anxiety. After what seemed like walking another mile, the Alaskan Airlines terminal came into view.

    Thank goodness, I thought I’d never make it.

    Outside, the sky looked slate gray. The rain poured down. Occasional flashes of lightning lit the sky. Despite the light show, the people in the terminal seemed unfazed. After all, this was Seattle, Washington. The residents were accustomed to rain and weather that changed in the blink of an eye. A line with ten passengers waited to check in for the flight. The waiting room had several rows of black vinyl chairs and a large picture window looking out onto the runway. Now, the room was completely empty.

    The check in line moved quickly. When Leea stepped to the counter, the clerk held her hand out toward Leea.

    I’ll need your ticket with your identification. The airline employee behind the desk never looked up from her computer terminal.

    I guess not many people travel to Ketchikan in January. Leea tried to make small talk.

    Thank you, Ms. Tenoff. The flight has a delay due to weather. The waiting room’s over there. The clerk pointed.

    Ten or so passengers waited, each engrossed in some sort of activity involving a handheld device.

    Do you know how long the wait will be? Leea smiled brightly at the irritable clerk.

    The delay’s two hours. For further updated information, please check the screen. With agitation, she pointed to the screen suspended above her head and reached for the next customer’s ticket.

    Thanks. Leea gathered her bags to head to the waiting room. The moment she sat down, her cell phone rang with the song The Beauty and the Beast. Hello, it’s Leea.

    Hey, girl, you ‘bout ready to get on the plane to the last American frontier? I’m so worried. Her best friend, Gale, sniffled. This guy could be a monster. You don’t even know what he looks like. What do you know about him?

    Well, I know he’s ex-military. He owns a store, and he’s a wood carver. I’ve been talking to him a long time.

    That’s all you know? I sure hope this ex-military dude doesn’t use knives for anything else, like carving up stupid girls who answer his ads. You know, this man could be texting several girls at once.

    Oh, Gale. I did a criminal background check. Leea sighed into the phone.

    Yeah, on the name he gave you, Gale moaned.

    He didn’t have a record. Leea laughed nervously. Gale, I know I’m taking a risk. Lots of people meet like this these days. You’re my best friend, and I know you love me, but you worry too much. Sometimes you’ve gotta take risks.

    Are you sure you’re the Leea Tenoff I know?

    I’m trying to be brave. This is modern dating. Computer dating is the trend. So is texting. It’ a great way to develop relationships.

    I hear you. Is E-Love Computer Dating paying you for this endorsement? Like I told you, I hope he’s who he claims to be. Gale cleared her throat.

    "Okay, Gale, I’m meeting him at his business, not his house. Right now,

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