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Women Dress Like Sex, Men Dress Like Money: Everything You Need To Know About Marketing You Learned In Dating
Women Dress Like Sex, Men Dress Like Money: Everything You Need To Know About Marketing You Learned In Dating
Women Dress Like Sex, Men Dress Like Money: Everything You Need To Know About Marketing You Learned In Dating
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Women Dress Like Sex, Men Dress Like Money: Everything You Need To Know About Marketing You Learned In Dating

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“If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now”

Looking back over their mis-spent youths, many many people see the mistakes in their love lives and wish they could go back and do it again – but with the knowledge they have NOW.

Also, most people, spend most of their time trying to handle the problems of money. Work alone takes up the majority of a persons waking hours.

Those same people are usually startled to discover how similar the worlds of marketing business and marketing love are.

They have no idea how much experience they already have!! And they can use that experience to make a lot more MONEY!
If you can market you can make a lot more money.

Most people don’t think they can market because it isn’t their job.

Totally False!

They just never made the connection. Most people have decades of marketing experience. They just need to see it for what it is.

This is the best business book to read if you want to understand marketing for business or for Love - and have a great time doing it.

It is either a business book that relies on relationships as a platform or it is a relationship book that relies on a business platform.

The one thing we keep hearing over and over though is that it is funny as hell.

Men and women market themselves. Businesses market themselves. The parallels are astounding and hilarious. You may come away from this book with a better marketing strategy for yourself in Love or with something to help you make a lot more money in your business.

You have exposure to some of the most persistent marketing strategies in the world. You probably never noticed, even though it was right beneath your eyes.

Sex and Love have some of the greatest, some of the worst and some of the most tried and true marketing there is. You have seen it, you have used it, you have used it on others. Sometimes well, sometimes sloppily.

In this top business book you will get one of the most fun and informative descriptions of marketing strategy as applied to love and business anywhere.

You will learn about the Slutty Older Sister Consultant, the Dating Committee and what they have to do with word of mouth marketing.

You will learn about the different ways that men and women have used to get what they want out of life. You just didn't think about it as marketing strategy.

Once you see it, you will have no problem relating it to your business and putting to use the most powerful and time honored strategies men and women have used for generations.

This is a hilarious look at love, sex and business. But it is not about putting naked women in your advertising or about how to operate a brothel.

It is about the rock-bottom basics of marketing strategy and how you can apply it to everyday business.

PublisherBill Harte
Release dateDec 16, 2013
Women Dress Like Sex, Men Dress Like Money: Everything You Need To Know About Marketing You Learned In Dating

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    Women Dress Like Sex, Men Dress Like Money - Bill Harte

    Women Dress Like Sex, Men Dress Like Money

    Everything You Need To Know About Marketing You Learned In Dating

    By Bill Harte


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 by Bill Harte.

    All Rights Reserved.

    Published by

    Untold Publishing – San Diego, California.

    First Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter One: Love and Money – The Two Big Weenies In Life

    -- If Sex Sells Why Sell Sex So Hard?

    -- Is All Of The Drama Necessary?

    -- The Way Sex Is Sold Is Used In Businesses Too!

    Chapter Two: Are Love and Money Just Numbers Games?

    -- Are You Just Playing The Numbers?

    -- Narrowing Down The Market

    -- Should You Change Or Should They?

    Chapter Three: Does The Nice Guy Die A Penniless Virgin?

    -- The Nice Guy vs. The Bad Boy

    Chapter 4: How Many People Are You Dating At Once? Hint: It Ain’t One!

    -- The Power of The Committee

    Chapter Five: The Bedroom, The Altar Or The Grave? Are you Leaving Money On the Table?

    -- The Bedroom

    -- The Altar

    -- The Grave

    Chapter Six: Advertising, Personal Ads

    Chapter Seven: Marketing Strategies

    -- Strategy: Dress Like Sex

    -- So does dressing like sex work or not?

    -- Strategy: You Lie, Your Feet Stink And You Don’t Love Your Momma!

    -- Strategy: You can want it but you can’t have it.

    -- The Rock Star

    -- Do You Provide Good Service That Ruins Your Credibility?

    Chapter Eight: The Basic Marketing Sequence for Love and Business

    -- Dating As A Sales Process

    -- Alone in the bedroom

    -- Holy Crap - That’s a lot of work. Shouldn’t it be easier?

    Chapter 9: The Break-up

    Chapter One: Love and Money – The Two Big Weenies In Life

    Love and Money are the weenies of everyday life.

    A Weenie is an older movie industry term for the thing the characters are all after. It’s the thing everybody wants, the thing everybody fights for. It’s the reason for the car chases, fist fights, alliances and treacheries.

    In Raiders of the Lost Ark the weenie is the Ark itself. The Ark keeps Indy going despite how bruised, exhausted and lost he might be. It’s why he would brave the snake pit despite a crushing fear of snakes.

    Simply put, in a civilization, love and money are the two big weenies. They are the things people spend the most time working at and figuring out how to get.

    Love and Money are the things they seem to argue about the most and apply the most cunning to win. They are what people brave the most difficulty and strife to obtain, worry about the most and become willing to do the most out of character things for when either one is lacking in life.

    There are real parallels between these two things. In fact, if you are or were a typical guy in your teens and twenties, you put a lot more thought and a lot more effort into how to get a woman to submit to your charms than you put into all of your other interests combined. Some of those other interests were just a way to get the woman in fact.

    You mostly wanted to know what you had to say or do to be able to get into the pants of the woman you were interested in. You sought the advice of others. A lot of that advice was terrible but you tried it anyway hoping the other person knew more than you did and you just needed to man up.

    Most of the guys I knew back in high school were working really hard at this and had it on their minds a lot but were not actually getting any. The way it looked to me when I was a day-dreaming-about-sex-all-the-time adolescent was that there was just not that much sex going around. The demand way exceeded the supply and a guy was going to have to be damned lucky to ever get any.

    There just didn’t seem to be that much nookie to be had out there and a smallish number of guys were getting all of it already. That would prove to be false, but you couldn’t have convinced me back then.

    In the adult world, money looks the same way.

    It often looks like there’s only so much money out there and for some people it comes easy but for most of us we have to work really hard at it. We go and go and figure out better ways and work, work, work. We take bad advice hoping the advisor knows more than we do.

    It turns out there are real business lessons to be learned by examining the ways men and women go about trying to find and keep each other. These lessons can help you make a lot more money.

    If you think these subjects are unrelated then answer me these two questions:

    When you were 19, could you be talked into the idea that there was such a thing as too much nookie?

    Here and now, could you be talked into the idea that there’s such a thing as too much money?

    Or how about these:

    When you suddenly found yourself with no one to talk to of the opposite sex, did you look for a place where people you might be interested in might go, like a night club or a cycling club you could join?

    When you suddenly found yourself with too few customers to sell to, did you look for a place where people you might want to sell to might go, like a trade show or a mall you could rent space at?

    So this book is all about pointing out the many ways in which these subjects are similar so you can gain an understanding of exactly how you can go about using the lessons learned in love in order to get what you want now.

    Here’s how I came to see this myself: I live in a city where, about 8 or 10 blocks from my condo, there’s a section full of great restaurants and bars and clubs. On the weekends it gets very lively and often there’s no room on the sidewalks due to all of the people.

    I was in my car one weekend night driving home, and a parade of young men and women all dressed up to hit the clubs crossed the street in front of my car (you can tell I am an old guy because I use terms like young men and women and also because I even noticed there were some guys there at all).

    The girls were all wearing heels and tight dresses that

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