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The Sealed Ambitions: Fire Echoes
The Sealed Ambitions: Fire Echoes
The Sealed Ambitions: Fire Echoes
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The Sealed Ambitions: Fire Echoes

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“How in the world did you hide something like this? An eagle attacked me in the park and the next day a mark showed up where it had touched me. Now I’ve got a glass eye poking out my back and I’m running from something, and to something, possibly for my life.... Not the best way to start your summer, but hey it’s what I’ve got.”

Join Dez as she escapes across the country in a mad race to information that should have always been hers. To a place she should have lived in since birth, with a boy who may or may not be her friend. What kinds of things will she have to do in order to make it home? And which home should she be returning too? The place she just left or the one creeping up in her memories? Will she return home to her mother and step father, who knows more then he's telling? or will she follow the path being forced upon her by Jet, someone she is unsure of trusting? Or trust in a strange girl, Neco who is the only one that will tell Dez the truth?

PublisherE.P. Lyn
Release dateJan 5, 2014
The Sealed Ambitions: Fire Echoes

E.P. Lyn

My life as a writer began... and here I am.Ha! You thought that was the end didn’t you? Well it’s not, this is only the beginning! I’m here because I thought, as all good readers do, that you might be interested in how I started my life as a conduit for the stories of others. As I myself, have looked for the beginnings of my most cherished authors and story tellers. People who inspire and push me to be true to the stories I tell. Many people have influenced me over the course of my life as a writer and many things have taught and prepared me for my writing. Even when I didn’t know I wanted to be a writer till after the birth of my second child. I spent years locked away in books, reading and learning the makings of great stories. Things I never knew would be beneficial for my writing... I never even thought about writing a book, never had any great ideas, until one day a girl named Sora walked into my head and started telling me her story. One day I will share her story with you, but that day is not today. She was my first.Okay moving right along. I wrote the first hundred pages of “Fire Echoes” in the fall of 2008, as I raised a toddler and my new baby. And then I paused like all normal authors do and had an avalanche of changes crash into me. And about two and a half years later I finished the book in the spring and summer of 2010. I was so happy that I had actually finished it, that I printed it out and took it to thanksgiving dinner and had to show everyone. I remember my Grandmother sitting down and holding the binder I had it in, and flipping slowly through the pages with a smile on her face. “This is a wonderful achievement” she said to me. I asked my dad if he would read it and tell me what he thought. And let me just say first that my dad, was the kind of man who read autobiographies and life story books, never had I ever seen him pick up a fantasy novel, let alone of book about a teenage girl. I left my book with him that day and when I came back the next day he was almost done reading it! He had finished my whole book in one day, and he loved it! Of course he was biased, but that didn't deter me, if my father loved it then so would everyone else!In 2011 I wrote the second book in “The Sealed Ambitions” Series, called “Ice Hears” and let me tell you, that one went much faster than the first. I had so much more knowledge about writing and myself as a writer that it came easier to me. There are so many stories that link into my mind, and that are all connected. The story about Sora, and the story about Dez are both connected waiting for me to put the pieces together. Oh and then there’s the story about Ace, she is fearsome. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Dez has been the loudest so far, which is how her story is being told first. I started sending it out to agents around the country, never realizing how unpolished I was. Never knowing that the time for Dez’s story wasn't yet. I sent it to over ten literary agents in 2011, before finally looking for another option. I met some great people who taught me ways to become a better writer and new ways to share these stories with the world. I hired an editor, and she was brutal, but so so amazing! Where I finally got it out there! And now here you are, reading about my silly words and wanting to know more about where Dez came from and I’m spouting off nonsense. But honestly if you wanted to know about my characters you should be reading their books, this is simple human words.My writing is a life line I never knew I had. My healthy escape. It has been so many things to me, and will become so many more things as I develop and grow with my characters. And really, I’m just a good listener, they tell me the story, and like a good bard I am given a few liberties. But in the end I tell their stories. And they so graciously allow me the privilege to share in the hopes that their lives and choices will help someone else. Any book worth reading leaves you with something you didn't have before. Whether it’s a lesson, an escape, a vacation from life, or if you’re listening to the right words, you will hear the answers to questions you never knew you had. Let the words teach you. The only power they have is your choice. You have so many choices, don’t lose them.And with that I say in the words of the Sappren, “Theyan den tsu kena, mea salli ha ke’in dah!” See your True Path, and live it!Sincerely,E.P. Lyn

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    The Sealed Ambitions - E.P. Lyn

    The Sealed Ambitions

    Book 1


    A Novel

    E.P. Lyn

    The Sealed Ambitions: Fire Echoes

    Copyright 2014 by E.P. Lyn

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition

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    For my angels

    Audia Nichole, Drake Ander and Adara Dawn

    the reason I do anything and everything is because I have you.

    Fifteen Years Earlier ...

    I didn't think it would come to this.

    Why do I have to leave her behind? I had asked them.

    She is not safe here, they said. She will be discovered if she remains. She is feared. If she is what we believe her to be, then all hope is lost. There is no telling what lengths will be taken to capture her.

    They weren’t going to let us keep her with us. I reluctantly came to believe their words, knowing that she had to be kept hidden, but I feared what would happen to her if I let her out of my sight. She was so small and understood more than any other child her age. I would have to manipulate her memories for fear that she would reveal who she is. Her birthright ... the Ma’ku that was so pronounced when she was a baby had faded but could still be seen if she was not careful. Her powers grew with each passing day; we were afraid of how that would affect her future. I will have to do something about that as well.

    It will hurt when I have to leave her. We're not meant to be separated. For her safety, I will make her forget me—what a horrible thing to do to a little sister.

    Father had confirmed my fears. He told me not to tell him where I will leave her. I have chosen someone he knows but will not tell him. I won't speak of her again until I can be reunited with her. I am confident that we will be together again. But, I do not know what will happen to her between now and then.

    Will she remember some things on her own? Will she subconsciously remember me? Remember Mother? Father? Will she know she's someone different than what she has been told?

    These were questions I could not answer. She could help me; she knows enough about her powers, and she may even understand why it must be done.

    I went to her room and knew that she perceived my mood. I smiled weakly and went to play with her on the floor. When it was time for bed, we sat on her quilted bed cover. I brushed the soft blonde curls from her face and kissed her goodnight.

    Son, my father said when I walked into the front room, is she asleep?

    Yes. I just tucked her in. Even though I was a man now, I didn't want to look at him, feeling like a little boy again and in trouble because I hadn’t watched her closely enough.

    I'll go and kiss her goodnight then. He brushed past me into the hallway that led to her room. He was scared. I knew that. He didn't want this any more than I did, but he knew it had to be done.

    I looked at Rim sitting alone in the front room. We knew he was coming, but not until morning. His guards must be outside because I didn’t see any sign of them, which was proper.

    What did they say? Rim asked.

    I exhaled. This was going to be hard for her best friend. I walked over to him. Rim, it’s not good. And I told him what we had to do.

    You can’t just take her away! he said, stamping his six-year-old foot.

    This is the only thing we can do at this point, I said. Don’t make this harder on her than it already will be.

    He was quiet for a moment. I’ll go with her! he announced. His smile said this was going to solve all of our problems.

    You can’t, Rim. You going with her will awaken her memories.

    Comprehension dawned on his face. I simply nodded. Rim’s lip trembled. He sniffled, took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. I will go with you until you ... he trailed off.

    She would like that, I said.

    The little boy went to bed in a spare room we kept for him. His attendants would not worry.

    I went and stood before the picture of the place that would lead to our mother. I knew I could never take her memories of this place. I would leave a few images, but the connection of what it means would have to go. She would remember these pictures, and with hope in my heart, they would provide peace for her over the coming years.

    Is there nothing else we can do? I lamented to the wall. Despite what I had just told Rim, I wanted to believe there was.

    If only there were. I heard Father say behind me. The Princess cannot be discovered.

    Do you understand what I have to do to her mind in order for this to work? I whispered, my voice bordering on livid.

    I don't fully comprehend, no. But I know that you will make it safe for her. I know that the procedures that you must perform will not harm her mind. Or her powers, Father said with confidence.

    He gave me more credit than I deserved.

    There is no one else that can do this; it has to be you.

    How can you stand there and speak so calmly about taking everything from your only daughter? I turned to him.

    When he didn't speak, I saw one hand clench at his side. Because I want her to live beyond the next six months. I want her to grow up, even if it’s not with us, he said, his voice quivering. The others already fear her. If they knew how much she could do, they would have taken her long ago. Not just the enemy, but our friends would have taken her, too. That is why you must do this, and do it now before they find out. That is why you can’t tell me where she is because they will know if I am lying. You are the only one that can take her and place her somewhere safe. Then you must never come back. He walked toward me and placed his hands on my arms.

    I won't hide from them, I said boldly and stood up a little taller.

    Not to hide; you must seek. You must seek a way to help your sister. Your mother can help you discover the powers you need. She can help. Trust her. She is not what you perceive her to be.

    I turned away from him. How could he send me there? Could I even go without him? From the few trips I've taken there with him, he made it sound like not just anyone could cross the Gate.

    How will I get through? I asked.

    They will know you are her flesh and blood. The Sappren will let you in.

    What of the others, our friends? Won't they see you are lying?

    They will not mind about you at first, and by the time they do I will be long gone from here.

    I knew he would have to leave. Where will you go?

    You will know where to find me when the time is right, Father said. His next words were barely a whisper, I left a special memory of mine with your sister. Please leave it with her when you glimpse it in her mind. Once you see it you will know how to find me.

    Father, I ...

    You must sleep now, he said and hugged me firmly. I will wake you when it’s time to leave.

    I nodded as I hugged him back.

    I left my father staring at the same picture I had been looking at. A majestic waterfall, set deep in the surrounding cliffs that fell into a relatively small pool of white pebbles. The cliffs were over three hundred feet above the impact of the water covered in ivy and vines, which created a lush green haven from the worlds.

    Would this be the last time we were ever together in this place? Would we still be a family after all this was over?

    * * * *

    It’s just around the corner, I said. The two children at my side held hands while we made our way through the small group of trees next to the woman’s house.

    Where? my sister asked with her petite three-year-old voice.

    Just through there, I said, pointing, as I stopped and knelt down to her level. Do you remember what we talked about on the way here? Rim pointedly didn’t look at her, while he uncomfortably stared off into the distance.

    Yes, she said, nodding her head, her rich honey-blonde curls bouncing softly.

    Good. Now I need you to help me, I said cupping her head gently in my hands. You’re going to forget a lot of things. At first, you’re not going to be able to talk; you won't remember how for a couple of hours. Once it’s done I will walk with you over to your new home, and we will knock on the door. A woman will answer the door. She is going to take care of you. You need to trust her.

    She smiled and nodded her head. Of course, Alex. I understand what must happen now. I will be good. I promise. I will be good so I can come back to you; back to you both. Her voice, so small and childlike yet filled with so many years, was unnerving most days; today it was reassuring.

    I will miss you, she said as she reached up to my face with her little hands.

    She turned to Rim. Don’t forget me, she said.

    I won’t ever forget, Rim promised. I want you to have this. He pulled the silver bangle bracelet from his arm and handed it to her. It will help strengthen the spell. It will help keep you safe. Then he recited a blessing to her in our native language. Ji’alna den tsu kena, kiel mesa toki heldin so ku.

    My sister’s eye watered as she took both his gifts. Thank you. She threw her small arms around his neck, just for a moment and then let go. She looked to me. We both knew it was time.

    I trust you, she said, and then she closed her eyes.

    I closed my eyes as her words filled me. I reached into her mind and did something that I swore never to do. I made her forget almost everything.

    * * * *

    I held her sleeping in my arms, cradled up to me like a baby. The spell would weaken her for a few days. She woke up as the door opened. I set her down gently as she blinked sleep from her eyes.

    The woman looked at me, then down at my little sister. Her face grew into happiness. She knelt down on the floor in front of the girl. Welcome home, Dez!

    Chapter One

    But Mom, I really don't want to go!

    Dez, we've been planning this for over a year, my mom said as she cleaned off the table. You knew we were going last summer, I don't see why you’re so set on not going. You seemed so excited for it last year. What’s changed? Then her face fell, she realized what she’d asked.

    This was one of the questions I wished she wouldn't ask. She knew what had changed. But, like the rest of us, she tried to forget. We all tried to forget what happened.

    It’s just timing, Mom, I said quietly. I had my heart set on going to the fair this year with Jen and Dexter. I lied, because I didn't have any plans, and there was no Jen and Dexter anymore, but she didn't know that. I never used to keep things from her, then I was kidnapped and I couldn’t stand to see the look on her face when I would tell her how badly I was doing or how messed up my life was because of it. Then she met Dave. He gave her someone else to think about besides me, and it’s not that Dave was wrong for her, he's great; it’s just different now.

    We’re only going to be gone for two weeks. You will have the rest of the summer to do things with your friends. I am asking you to spend a little of that time with your family. Is that so hard? she said as she filled the dishwasher. Besides, I know you’re going to have lots of fun. You haven't seen your cousins for a few years now, and it will be nice to get to know them again.

    Sure Mom, it’s going to be great, I said pasting on a smile. I'm going to pack. What time are we leaving?

    After lunch. Dave will meet us in Denver from his business trip. Then after the reunion we'll head out for ... something. Dave said it was a surprise. I'm really excited about that, she turned smiling. Aren't you? She always got those bigger-than-life smiles on her face when Dave did things like this for her. And he did them a lot. Like I said, he was really great.

    Yeah, Mom, it’s going to be fun. I smiled back at her genuinely. I did love to see her happy. I left the kitchen, and turned to go up the stairs to my room. I started thinking of the lie I had told my mom, not that it was a big lie, just not the truth. I didn't want to confess to her how much I felt like I was falling apart. I used to confide in her all the time and then, well, I changed, and it wasn’t even my choice. People started tiptoeing around me like I was a ticking time bomb, and I knew that, if I wanted that to stop, I had to start faking it.

    I knelt beside my bed and pulled out my duffel bag. It didn't take me long to get packed so I still had a few hours to kill before we left. I decided to take a walk. That always helped calm me down or, if I wasn’t careful, could incite a whole host of emotional trouble.

    I walked past Mom in her room and told her that I’d be back in a few minutes. We lived in a nice neighborhood with lots of families, a park, and an elementary school. I walked down to the park and went over to the swings and sat down. I aimlessly swung back and forth watching the families together. A mom with three kids walked into the park right after I sat down. She had a little girl in a stroller and a young boy and girl who walked beside her. The boy and girl ran to the play area as soon as they were through the gate. A dad pushed his little girl on the swing set a few seats from me. Twin boys dug in the sand under a large rope bridge. A couple walked hand in hand, smiling at each other.

    I was content to watch them. Some waved and others smiled. To be honest I didn’t know why I came here. Then I saw a woman with a stroller stop at the bench closest to me, she bent down and picked up her baby. It giggled the whole way into her arms.

    I felt that familiar pang of longing. I looked away. I'm not sure why it always got to me, but I still haven’t gotten used to it.

    Dark clouds filled the sky, and most people packed up and left. I stayed. If it started to rain, I wasn't too bad of a runner and didn't mind the rain. Rain had a way of calming me. I turned my face upward and felt the first drops on my face. I opened my eyes and watched the rain come down, letting the calm wash over me. A quick flash of color burst above me; a swirling mix of purple, blue, and green. It only lasted a second, but it was long enough for me to see it. I heard the distant boom of thunder echoing the colorful flash and then a jolt of lightning cracked through the sky. The rain came down steady now.

    I heard people walk up behind me. The familiar uneasy feeling crept under my skin. I turned around to see three people walking in my direction. They appeared harmless so I turned back trying to convince myself that there was no reason to feel uneasy.

    Something in the bushes caught my eye. I squinted to get a closer look but all I could see was a striped face and a pair of blue eyes. Then above me, on the top of the swing set, a large eagle flew down and perched, staring down at me. That startled me so I slowly got up from the swing and tried to casually walk toward the street to home. I didn't get very far when I heard a faint, deep, low purring sound, almost a growl, that I knew was from something bigger than a house cat. The eagle flew down and landed on the ground in front of me, its feathers shimmering.

    Out of the corner of my eye I could see that the men had stopped just short of the swing set. They looked tense now; but my immediate attention was on the eagle at my feet. It just sat there looking at me, its head cocked slightly. It felt like time had stopped. The purring grew louder. I could hear it all around me, not just from the bush anymore, but throughout my entire body.

    Several things happened at once: the men started rushing toward me, the purring stopped, and the eagle flew onto my shoulder. I was so startled that I fell back onto the ground scrambling to get away from this crazy bird. It sank its claws into my right shoulder, its wings flapping to keep its balance. The men walked faster in my direction. As the eagle sank its claws further into my shoulder, I felt like it was going to tear my arm off. The pain was so intense that I felt myself passing out, but I held on, determined to not follow that blackness ... again.

    As I was getting hold of the pain, the men were upon me. The murderous looks I saw in their eyes did not comfort me, and I was sure that they weren't there to help me. They looked first at the eagle and then at me; the eagle took off and I didn't see where it went. I was just glad that it had stopped attacking me. Then the men reached for me and

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