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Tales Of The Arter Gems: Episode V: Syra's Paradox
Tales Of The Arter Gems: Episode V: Syra's Paradox
Tales Of The Arter Gems: Episode V: Syra's Paradox
Ebook305 pages4 hours

Tales Of The Arter Gems: Episode V: Syra's Paradox

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About this ebook

Twelve years have passed since the battle against Akiad. Syra has returned to her normal life on Earth, but wishes she had another chance to set things right. Will she find a way back to Tharp, and another chance to challenge Akiad? Find out in this installment of the Tales of the Arter Gems series...

PublisherMario Walsh
Release dateDec 18, 2013
Tales Of The Arter Gems: Episode V: Syra's Paradox

Mario Walsh

Firstly, thank you for supporting my Seven novels; Episode III, Episode IV, Episode V, Episode II, I, VI and recently The Chiller. A lot of hard work and time has gone into this story. I've been working on this series since September 2007, and have released Episode III first as I feel it was necessary to tell Syra's story first. The order that I will release the series is Episode III, IV, V, and then Episode II, followed by I and VI: Prologue. Now that all five are available, you can read them in chronological order as well. Episode VI: Epilogue will be released afterwards.A bit about meI'm a 39 year old author from West Auckland, New Zealand. I love action and Science Fiction - especially time travel. This series is my attempt of merging both these loves into one.My father introduced me to the 'Back to the Future' trilogy at age 6, so since then I've always been pretty obsessed with Time travel.If you have any questions about my series, like my facebook page and ask anything you like, i'd be happy to answer.One last thing. My book has a lot of violence in it, which does not mean that I condone it in the real world. You see, I dissect a scene in my head and describe it on paper how I see it. It's just how I have always been; I love vivid detail, and want to reader to be able to see what unfolded in my head as I wrote it.Again, a big thank you from the bottom of my heart. Positive or negitive reviews, thank you for reading my creation. It has taken nearly 15 years to tell this story, and it'll take plenty more.Books by Mario WalshTales of The Arter GemsEpisode III - The Chosen One - FREEEpisode IV - A Twist of Fate - FREEEpisode V - Syra's Paradox - FREEEpisode II - The Pinnacles of Fate - FREEEpisode I - The Prophet and her Legacy - FREEEpisode VI - The Syndicate of Time 'Prologue' - FREEAndBeyond the F.O.G SeriesEpisode I - The Chiller - FREEEpisode II - the Dark Messiah - FREEEpisode III - 2023Episode IV - 2025COMING SOONEpisode VI - The Syndicate of Time Full Edition + 'Epilogue' - 2025

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    Book preview

    Tales Of The Arter Gems - Mario Walsh

    Twelve years ago, I failed in an attempt to save Tharp. I was stripped of two of the Arter gems by the most unlikely of turncoats; my best friend. I had Akiad at my mercy, and just like that, a twist of fate and I ended up at the short end of the stick. Am I ever going to get another chance at making it right? An opportunity to get even with Akiad and of course; Vetor.

    My name is Syra. Welcome to my paradox.

    I - Back in the Saddle

    It's June 21st, 2019, the morning before I fly out to Las Vegas, Nevada. I have the morning free, so I feel like heading somewhere that I haven't been in a long time. On my way there, I begin thinking about how much has changed since 2007. When I was eighteen, smart phones weren't even around; now they control everything. You can download Modules for them, which are actually so useful, that most humans now depend on them. The latest smart phones have a sensor inside, adding a plethora of new additions to the human's number one necessity. A heartbeat monitor, a lie detector; it can even detect sickness. Run the sensor along your skin, and the module will say what illness you have. You can even pay $1.70 to remove the annoying advertisements, and upgrade the module, to allow cancer cell detection. And all this is just the cell phone industry.

    In 2015, America was the first country in the world to release laser guns. They still work similar to a regular gun, where you need an energy clip to load inside the handle; but here's the difference. Cell phones can be used as the clip in certain models. If you need some ammunition on a hunting trip? Need to top up your laser rifle? You can just charge it to your credit or debit card, through a module on your smart phone.

    In the medical industry, scientists have perfected the art of identical cell replication. With this, when our cells regenerate every so many years, they do with a perfect replica of the original cell. So this means, a human's life expectancy is about one hundred and fifty years old; also allowing us to age slower. At age forty, you look - and feel - like you're in your early twenties. Amazing and scary at the same time. This is only a smidgen of what has changed, and that's what scares me the most.

    I arrive at Leviathan University, and it sends shivers up my spine. I haven't been here since I arrived back, and the horror of it all is overwhelming. The University is all boarded up. The windows and doors have thick wooden planks nailed over them, and different coloured graffiti coats the walls. Right across the top of the building it says 'R.I.P Vetor, we miss you,' which chokes me up a little. I miss him too, regardless of what he has done. 'Heretic' and 'Menace' are some of the other words that I recognize, and the rest is the handy work of West Auckland teenagers.

    Standing at the main entrance to the administration block, I feel the urge to check out Akiad's office. Maybe I can find out something interesting that I didn't know?

    I walk up to the largest plank blocking the main doors, and place my hands flat on it. My palms begin heating up, causing the plank to start smoking, and within seconds it becomes charcoal black and very brittle. I remove my hands and it crumbles, I then begin doing this to the remaining boards. Once their all removed, I enter the building.

    Rats scuttle across the ground, and I brush spider webs out of my face. There must have been a culture week here before it closed; flags of different countries are hanging from the roof, going all the way down the corridor. I walk up to a glass cabinet against the wall, and see clippings from articles about Vetor and me. It's overwhelming to see the support they all had in us. Dead flowers are on the ground in front of the cabinet, and cards are all over the place. I pick up one of the cards, but drop it, lacking any real courage to dig up those past memories.

    I continue down the corridor, and see tagging on the walls. 'We will kill you, Akiad' and 'we're not your test subjects!' are amongst what is written.

    There are a few chairs tipped over, next to a door, halfway down the corridor. I walk up to the name badge on the door, and wipe all the dust off it.

    'Akiad Zaruth Vice Chancellor.'

    I slowly creak the door open and head inside.

    Just as I expected, the room is a mess. Papers are all over the desk and floor, there is a smashed mirror in the corner of the room, and a wooden cabinet that is tipped over.

    I lift it up, and open the doors. I quickly search, but find nothing. I see a movie poster on the ground; when I flip it over, the opposite side is far more revealing.

    There is a hand drawn picture of what appears to be Tharp. I see 'Jonker desert' and 'Neca city', so I know I'm right. There are stickers on it, with 'Chosen one' next to it, running down the Eastern side of the map; It's almost like he's been tracking me.

    I roll it up and decide to take it with me; better to be me to take this, then some vandal. As I leave the room, I remember the white lecture theatre; that's another location that I want to check out.

    The doors are all boarded up; so I place my palms on each of the planks and reduce them to ashes. I slowly open the door, and enter.

    I can't believe it's been twelve years; feels like I was in here only yesterday.

    I see some writing on the blackboard at the bottom of the room, flags and cobwebs cover most of the walls, but neither of these observations strike me as much as this; there's a hole in the roof, directly in the centre of the room; with a pink lightning bolt suspended there.

    Hello, how did you get there? I mutter to myself.

    It makes me wonder who has been hiding out in here, and when? This place has been closed since early 2009.

    I approach the blackboard and see a timeline across the whole thing. It starts at 1993, and goes all the way to 2119; one hundred years into the future. There are stops along the way, at certain periods of the timeline. 1993, 2007, 2019, 2029, 2099, 2119. Written in capital letters across the top of the blackboard is, 'BEWARE! THE SYNDICATE ARE COMING!' Who are they, and what does this all mean?

    There is one line, jumping from date to date, which starts in 2019, and goes to 2007, then to 2029, then to 2099, then 1993, and forward. It crosses too many times to work out an order; but whoever did this sure knew what they were doing. I search the desk by the blackboard for a pen. After finding a pencil in the second drawer down, I quickly jot down the dates from the blackboard onto my poster. If I ever find Modnar someday, maybe he can shed some light on this. I leave the room, and shut the door; better head home and get ready for my flight. I want to visit the infirmary, but I just don't have the time.

    A few days pass, and its day five of the Metal gorge festival in Las Vegas, Nevada. And in a lifestyle where recreational goodies come as easy as water from a tap, I manage to stay on just a little alcohol. I always smile when thinking about Flork, as nothing tastes better. Maybe it's why I got turned off normal alcohol; it just doesn't hit the spot near as much.

    I'm currently backstage watching the second to last act, I spare a moment of my busy lifestyle, to head out the back of the venue and chill on my own.

    I find a spot at the top of a hill, directly at the back of the stage. I can see for kilometres, while the sun is setting down the back of the canyons in the distance; it's an amazing view, matching some of the scenery I had seen on Tharp.

    I don't know why I've been thinking about the events of twelve years ago so much lately. I mean, it does cross my mind sometimes, but since my birthday five days ago, it's been on my mind the whole time and the most annoying part; no one to answer my questions.

    I start rubbing my eyes; I see a familiar sight in the distance. It's a bright red blur, but it can't be what I think it is. Of course, with me now not fearing anything, I leave the safe confines of this hilltop, to investigate.

    I briskly walk out to this red blur, and the echoes of epic heavy metal music fill the canyon ambience. I'm curious to know what it is that I saw.

    I look back at the venue, and when my focus returns forward, frustration sets in, because the blur has vanished.

    Wait! Where are you? I yell as I start running. I'm a few hundred metres away, and I'm sure I'm not just seeing things.

    After a few minutes of running, I arrive at the canyon wall where I saw that red glow. There is a dark cave here, so I do the only thing possible; I enter.

    I hold my left index finger in the air, and a two inch flame illuminates the vicinity.

    On the cavern walls are a series of pictures - primitive in quality, like a hieroglyphic - which tell some sort of story; they seem to be scratched into the wall with a stone.

    I hold the light close to them, to see what they are.

    There is one picture of a girl with a sword, and another with a girl casting lightning, and another with a white gem, held in the air. Before I carry on, I feel my stomach sink. I realise who these pictures are about; they're about me.

    Hello, are you in here? I mean you no harm, I say, as I walk further into the cave.

    Who are you? And what do you want? the voice answers.

    My name is Syra, and I just wish to ask you about your drawings, I say, as I stay still, peering into the darkness of the cave ahead.

    SYRA?! the voice yells in an excited tone.

    Before I answer, it makes me think. That voice sounds so familiar, like I have heard it before, a long time ago.

    Yeah, it's me. Please show yourself, I say, holding my finger out in front of me.

    To my surprise, it's a person emerges from the depths of the cavern. The fiery red I saw earlier was in fact the colour of this person's hair.

    By the prophet, am I glad to see you, Syra! Rodland says, with a huge smile on his face.

    RODLAND! What are you doing on my planet? And how are you alive? I say, before running, and hugging him.

    Well, that's a good question, Syra. Where do I even begin? Rodland explains.

    Who saved your life? And how? I ask.

    An old woman in a black hooded cloak. She was riding a black dragon. She brought me here and said that one day I would be saved by an old friend, and wouldn't tell me who or when, Rodland replies.

    Did she say her name?

    No, she kept that hidden too.

    Where is your armour?

    That was part of the arrangement. I had to take off all my armour, except my cloth leggings.

    Why on Earth would she tell you to do that?

    Again, I'm not really sure.

    It just makes no sense. Well, at least you're safe now, that's for certain. Rodland, are you able to wait here until the morning? I'm working a gig in this area so I can bring you back home after that? I say, before leaning in to give him a hug.

    Not a problem. It's really good to see you. You look a bit older too? Rodland replies, sounding confused.

    Yeah, I'm thirty now. Twelve years have passed since we last saw each other.

    That sounds about right. It feels like that long; I have been here for many moons, Rodland says, before smiling towards me.

    I'll be back as soon as I'm finished. You know you can trust me, I say, before turning around, and leaving the cave.

    As I walk back to the metal festival, excitement consumes me. Rodland is alive, and I can't explain how happy that makes me. With the way everything ended twelve years ago, it's good to see that I have an amazing warrior still alive; and not to mention a good friend.

    I arrive back at the festival, and can't take my thoughts off Rodland. That poor guy, has been trapped on Earth for over twelve years. Is it destiny or coincidence that I bumped into him? Regardless of what it is; I know he's the link to us both getting back to Tharp.

    Syra, what's wrong? You seem distracted? And what were you doing way out there? It's dangerous! the backstage security guard asks.

    I'm okay, just felt like a walk, I'm bushed. Look mate, you know how much I love heavy metal, my reviews describe how I feel about it, and have made me famous in the process. But I'd recommend not questioning my whereabouts. I do what I want, when I want, all right? I reply in a frustrated tone.

    Oh yes, Miss Syra. Sorry I didn't mean to come across bossy or anything. I was just concerned for your safety. And, I thought I'd let you know that the headlining act, 'Spartan Overkill' are almost ready to be interviewed, then they will play their set, for you to review. Afterwards, you may take your private jet home, or you could attend the after party as usual? the guard says, sounding a little nervous.

    Yeah, thanks; I'll be in soon.

    I hate company suck-ups with a passion. Do your job and do it well, and you'll make it to where you want in life. Sucking up to people gets you nowhere, and if it does, it generally drives you sideways in your career, not forward.

    Three long hours pass, and I've finished interviewing Spartan Overkill. They are the most successful metal act out of Greece, ever. Normally I would be over the moon getting to interview a band as prestigious as them, but right now; I don't care. All that's on my mind is getting Rodland home. Maybe we should head to the infirmary. That would give me as much nostalgia as my visit to the university the other day; it's like a time warp heading back there.

    I look around the back of the venue to make sure no one is following me. When I know the coast is clear, I sneak out towards where Rodland is hiding.

    Rodland, are you there? I say in a calm, soothing voice.

    I'm here, Rodland replies, as he emerges from the darkness with his sword in hand.

    Do you have anything else that you need to bring? I ask.

    No, sorry I don't. As I mentioned before, my saviour took all my armour, so all I have are my leggings, Rodland replies, looking down at his attire.

    Don't worry, we'll sort something out when we return to New Zealand. Let's head outside, and I'll organize our lift, I say.

    The night sky is definitely a good camouflage for our ride. I hold my hands stretched out to the left and right of me, and look towards the moon.

    Butch! I yell.

    Moments later he comes bursting out of the ground nearby, landing right next to us.

    Good booooooyy, Butch. How are you? Sorry I've been neglecting you a little bit lately, it's just hard to summon a Phoenix on our planet, without raising suspicion, I say, as I stroke his neck.

    Don't worry about it Syra, it's only been three months, Butch replies, sarcastically.

    When did you get a pet Phoenix? Rodland asks.

    We have a lot to catch up on. Here, jump up, I say, signalling him to jump on Butch's back.

    After he hopes on, Butch leaps into the air, and we make our way back to New Zealand.

    Seeing Rodland gives me hope of some way to return to Tharp. I have a lot of unfinished business. Hopefully, that can start tonight.

    After a very speedy flight, we land in the university at dusk, thankfully. For obvious reasons, I like to ride Butch during the night to avoid suspicion.

    Thanks Butch, you're dismissed, I say, just before he disappears into the sky.

    Where are we? Rodland asks.

    We're at Leviathan University; this is where Vetor and I attended to further our education. Now, let's head to where the infirmary is, I reply.

    When Rodland and I arrive at the infirmary, the sight makes my stomach sink. It appears to have been burnt, and the windows are boarded up - like the rest of the school. There is tagging all over it, but none of which I can read, or at least make any sense of.

    Something that confuses me is the time that the infirmary is gracing us with its presence. It's long after 11am, so why is it here, for us to inspect? Hopefully we will find out. I look towards Rodland and smile.

    Let's get you home, Rodland, I say, as I lean in to open the door.

    As soon as I touch the handle, the door falls off the hinges, and dust goes everywhere. I make a two inch flame come out of my left index finger, illuminating the dusty confines of the infirmary.

    Maybe cover your mouth? I suggest, as we both enter.

    What is this place? Rodland asks.

    This is the building that Vetor and I used to get to Tharp in the first place, I say, creaking open the door at the end of the corridor.

    When the door opens, it reveals more darkness. If it wasn't for my light, we wouldn't be able to see a thing.

    There they are, the double doors that lead back to Tharp, I say, wiping the cobwebs off the door handles.

    I creak the doors open, walk through and fall off a two metre high drop, landing face first into the grass on the other side. The connection to the portal is gone.

    Syra, are you hurt? Rodland asks, as he hops down to help me up.

    I don't understand. Why is the portal not there? Is it because somebody burnt the building? I mutter as Rodland helps me up.

    Possibly, possibly, not. At the end of the day, we can't change that, so I guess we could say that we need to find an alternate way back? Rodland replies with a smile on his face.

    Okay, well let's head back to the entrance. I just want to see it one last time. It's just such a blast from the past, I say, leading us both around to the front of the building.

    When we arrive, we both stand in silence. Mixed with my sense of nostalgia, is an abundance of fear. What are we going to do? How do we get Rodland back? Is there any way back?

    Suddenly, wind starts whooshing around behind us, and bolts of lightning spark all over the field.

    A huge ball of kinetic energy - about the size of a car - appears, and its emitting lightning like you wouldn't believe.

    Once it disappears through a small black hole in the air, Modnar drops to the ground. Can anyone say perfect timing?

    II - Wormholes and Revelations

    Modnar! Rodland and I yell as we jump to his aid.

    His hair and robe is drenched in blood and water, and he has bruises, cuts and blood all over his face; his staff is nowhere to be seen.

    Syra, am I glad to see you. You look a lot older, what year are we? And Rodland, I'm so happy you're alive! Modnar says, gasping for air.

    It's June 25, 2019, I had my thirtieth birthday five days ago, I reply, kneeling by his side.

    It's good to see you, Modnar. It's been a long time, Rodland adds, rubbing his shoulder.

    "It's such a relief to see you both. 2019? So I must have gone twelve years into the future. Did

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