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Highland Destiny
Highland Destiny
Highland Destiny
Ebook418 pages7 hours

Highland Destiny

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Highland Destiny: A tale of betrayal, murder, and magick spanning two continents and hundreds of years.

Although Professor Andi Cunningham knows Druidry and magick are real, her dream to recreate a twelfth century Scottish castle is destroyed when the Druid who claimed her heart wards her from the land. Now Andi’s deeply hidden Druid powers have been awakened by her new husband, Liam—Ian’s descendant and the son of the Master of the Bresal Etarlam, who wants her untapped power as his own.

Ian Worthington, the ancient warrior displaced by time, knows sacrifices must be made for the good of the order, including his own heart. However, as prophesies are revealed, he discovers sending Andi away for her protection may prove too costly for them all. When Ian convinces her to return to finish her work on the castle, both sides in the Druid conflict are pleased.

With both Ian and Liam keeping secrets, Andi must uncover the darkest secrets of her Druid heritage and the connection to the past, before the upcoming battle destroys the balance of power forever. All that’s at stake is the fate of the world.

PublisherLaura Harner
Release dateDec 18, 2013
Highland Destiny

Laura Harner

Laura lives on waterfront property in Arizona because she's always wanted to be an oxymoron. She once enjoyed hobbies such as gardening and travel—now the characters in her head compel her to tell their stories, so she writes. (It doesn't actually help quiet the voices—but it keeps the folks in the white jackets at bay.)She shares her home with an ever-revolving cast of characters—some of whom are actually real—and is living her dream of building her own version of the Willow Springs Ranch.With over fifty published novels and novellas, Laura is an international bestselling author of erotic romances, romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and Highland romances. Her books can be found at all major online retailers.Connect with her online at:

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    Book preview

    Highland Destiny - Laura Harner


    When Highland Shift was published, I included a thank you to a very special person. Virgie, your name still belongs at the front of each of the Highland books. Thank you my friend. You have touched every word…in so many ways.

    Havan Fellows, Robyn, Sadye, Kara, Gail, Julie, Dani, and the members, past and present, of HD…thank you for your unwavering support.

    Last, and certainly not least…to my readers. On December 26, 2008, I woke up with a dream and sat down to write my first book, Highland Shift. It’s hard to believe that one week shy of the fifth anniversary of that very naïve beginning, I will be publishing Highland Destiny, the fourth and final book in this part of the story.

    Thank you to all of you who took a chance on an unknown author, who shared your love of my books with others, and who have encouraged me with your kind words. This book is for you. I can’t wait to see where we go next.

    Acknowledgement of Trademarks

    The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following trademarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

    Guinness: Diageo Ireland

    Tulane University: Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-one

    Chapter Twenty-two

    Chapter Twenty-three

    Chapter Twenty-four

    Chapter Twenty-five

    Chapter Twenty-six

    Chapter Twenty-seven

    Chapter Twenty-eight

    Chapter Twenty-nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty-one

    Chapter Thirty-two

    Chapter Thirty-three

    Chapter Thirty-four

    Chapter Thirty-five

    Chapter Thirty-six

    Chapter Thirty-seven

    Chapter Thirty-eight

    Chapter Thirty-nine

    Chapter Forty

    Chapter Forty-one

    Chapter Forty-two

    Chapter Forty-three


    Author’s Note

    About the Author

    Also Available

    Highland Destiny: A tale of betrayal, murder, and magick spanning two continents and hundreds of years.

    Although Professor Andi Cunningham knows Druidry and magick are real, her dream to recreate a twelfth century Scottish castle is destroyed when the Druid who claimed her heart wards her from the land. Now Andi’s deeply hidden Druid powers have been awakened by her new husband, Liam—Ian’s descendant and the son of the Master of the Bresal Etarlam, who wants her untapped power as his own.

    Ian Worthington, the ancient warrior displaced by time, knows sacrifices must be made for the good of the order, including his own heart. However, as prophesies are revealed, he discovers sending Andi away for her protection may prove too costly for them all. When Ian convinces her to return to finish her work on the castle, both sides in the Druid conflict are pleased.

    With both Ian and Liam keeping secrets, Andi must uncover the darkest secrets of her Druid heritage and the connection to the past, before the upcoming battle destroys the balance of power forever. All that’s at stake is the fate of the world.

    Chapter One

    The copper-haired beauty twisted the ring on her finger, still in a state of shock at the suddenness of her marriage. It was a good thing Liam had needed their wedding to save his life; most new husbands would have a problem if their bride were in love with another man. Andi shook her head at the thought of having a husband. Again.

    Her first marriage had been a disaster, designed by her ex to see if he could cure his urges. Thanks a lot. Now this one was in name only to keep Druids from killing her husband for revealing their secrets to an outsider. Namely her. Her lips twitched as she thought about that. Seriously? Druids? Who’d have believed it?

    With a light tap, the door opened. Good morning, my beautiful bride, and Happy Christmas to you. Liam breezed into the room, carrying a breakfast tray.

    Andi scooted back against the pillows and pulled her blanket up high to cover her lacy nightgown. She would need to do some shopping if she and Liam would be spending much time together. He set the tray on the nightstand and climbed onto the bed with her. Her breath was coming rather quickly, but Liam turned away to pour two steaming mugs of coffee. Nice and strong, just the way a good New Orleans girl liked it.

    Dr. Andi Cunningham had come to the Highlands of Scotland to help restore a castle for a friend. In short order, she’d fallen in love and discovered that her dream world of magick and Druidism really existed. Unfortunately, the man she thought could be her destiny loved another. One night of steamy hot sex hadn’t changed either of their minds. Instead of a happily ever after, Ian Worthington not only turned her away from her dream of restoring a genuine twelfth century castle, he’d turned her away from his heart.

    Now she was married to Liam O’Donoghue until they could arrange a ceremony to induct her into the Druid sect of the Etarlam and get her trained. Today was the first step. She would meet the Master, who also happened to be Liam’s father. If he approved of her and believed their story about the wedding, then Liam would be safe and she could learn to use the magick that Liam was helping her to discover. Magick that was hidden deep within her, magick that someone had gone to great lengths to keep her from learning about.

    Liam grinned wickedly, breaking into her thoughts. Get dressed, Professor, and come downstairs, I have a wee gift for you. Then we’ll head over to the Saucy Sorcerer for lunch and you can meet my father.

    Andi looked at the broad shoulders and laughing brown eyes of her new husband and wondered what made you love someone. Liam, with his strong, handsome face and long, golden hair, should have been a dream come true. Instead, another man with sun-kissed hair and regal, warrior-like features had already captured her heart. She wondered if she could learn to love Liam. She knew he hoped so.


    Ian paced the land, looking at the progress made on the castle his Andi had help design. The restoration had meant so much to her, yet he’d pushed her away, hating himself, but believing he was keeping her safe. When he’d realized his mistake, that he’d pushed her away just when she’d needed his protection the most, he’d raced to find her.

    He’d found her all right. Found her accepting the proposal of another man.

    Ian had closed his senses like an emotional cloak, protecting his heart from hearing her answer, from learning she loved another. How had it come to this in such a short time? He’d turned her away, deliberately, cruelly, and had no one to blame but himself.

    Pride had e’er been his downfall. He’d been confident Andi had willfully deceived him, deliberately seduced him, and he’d blamed her when he’d broken a personal vow. Gav had long teased Ian about his so-called honor and how it would be his undoing one of these days. Well, it looked as if that day was here.

    What a bloody fool he’d been. Aye, now he understood her hurt and distrust. The woman had saved his life, yet he’d been naught but an arse. Gav had tried to tell him that he was making a mistake. Aye, his best friend had sensed that Andi was Ian’s destiny, but he hadna listened. Nay, he’d pushed Gav away, berated and humiliated Andi, and bound himself to a woman in love with another man.

    Today was Christmas, but there was no need to celebrate the holiday this season. Instead, he’d tromped back through the snow to overlook Andi’s house. Keeping his senses tightly shielded lest he inadvertently intrude upon her privacy, he stared at the lighted upstairs window and brooded.

    An honorable man would turn away and wish her all the happiness she deserved. He wasn’t sure his honor was that strong. He seemed to have lost his moral compass since he’d been brought forward from the fourteenth century to appear in this new time. All he wanted to do was rap on Andi’s door, tell her of his love, and beg forgiveness.


    My father is a very perceptive man. It’s why we went through with the wedding in the first place, remember? He’ll know there’s something I’m not telling him within the first minutes we meet. He’ll resist probing me too deeply with you there, but he’ll do it if he senses I’m withholding information. So I’m going to tell him the truth.

    Wait. What does that mean? Andi asked, her nervousness evident in her tone.

    We’ll need to put on a bit of a newlywed act once we tell him about the marriage, but nothing much. He’ll want to hold your hand as soon as possible, get a read from you. I have no worries on that account, your intentions are pure.

    Wait, she said again. Liam?

    He gave her hand a little squeeze. Do you remember the night we first found your magick? He gave her a little push to send the wave of magick pulsing through her veins, much as he’d done that first night.

    He was smiling at the memory now, at how her eyes had widened when she’d felt the magick that was at her center uncoil and welcome his. She’d been so excited, she’d practiced finding and sending her magick through their clasped hands. Then she’d sent him upstairs and tried for a connection without touching him. He’d not expected much, it was, after all, her first time. It had been very quiet in the house, and after waiting a bit, he’d decided to go back downstairs and tell her not to worry, her magick would come. Then he’d been hit by a tsunami of power that pooled low in his belly before it washed over him with the force of an orgasm. He’d moaned with the pleasure of the sensation. Without thinking, he’d shoved his power back at her, and only when he felt it slam into her did he remember she was a novice. Her magickal caress had been a virgin effort, and he raced downstairs, concerned he might have done real harm.

    His Andi had looked stunned, but while he was apologizing and trying to assess any damage, she’d smiled up at him.

    It’s okay, Liam, she’d gasped. Wow! That was something else, wasn’t it? Then she’d laughed a bit breathlessly. It sure had been something else.

    He gave her hand another squeeze. "Look, he is the Master, it’s his job to protect his order, and test any newcomers. I have already told him much about you, but he will test your magick for himself. There’s nothing we can do about that, Professor. You’ll be fine."

    But what if he— She broke off, her eyes wide.

    Andi, there is nothing wrong with what we’ve done. Do you care about me?

    Well, of course, she snorted. Otherwise I wouldn’t have married your dumb ass to keep you safe, she laughed.

    He grinned back. Exactly. He’s not going to be trying to read undying love. He’ll be looking for the potential of your magick and any intention to betray the order. He’s always looking for new power, and, Professor, you have that in spades. Father’s going to love you.

    He waited a beat. Just like I do, he added softly.


    The emptiness of the old stone cottage weighed heavily on the cold morning air and Ian didna need to pound on the door to ken an echo would be the only answer. In the isolation of the surrounding hills and fields, there was no one to see as he worked his magick and released the locking mechanism. As he stepped inside, he barely flinched as a trickle of power rippled over him. It was the second ward he’d encountered since arriving. The first had been set around the perimeter of the yard. They were both just minor spells, the type to inform the spellcaster the property had been breached when next he or she returned to check.

    ‘Twas the very presence of the wards that aroused his suspicions. Without them, he would have left Andi alone. As it was, they served as a reverse sort of alarm, telling him more clearly than a cry for help that Andi was in trouble.

    Inside the house he moved more cautiously, the residue of strong magick was thick, mingling with the scent of a peat fire, a tangible bit of evidence that something in her world had changed. He took his time, removed and then replaced the wards he encountered, gathered his proofs.

    The situation was far worse than he had feared.


    The Saucy Sorcerer was a world-renowned restaurant located on a small side street in Edinburgh. Despite being out of the way, hundreds of diners a year would wander into the restaurant, bemused expressions on their faces, and tell the serving staff that they’d suddenly been hit with an irresistible urge to eat at this restaurant. Since only people with hidden magick would feel the effects of the compulsion spell that was cast on the restaurant, each person making such an admission earned an immediate evaluation. Select members of the staff would administer a series of tests to measure any potential for magick. It was from this small pool that the dark Druid sect, the Bresal Etarlam, recruited new members.

    Andi and Liam stood outside the Saucy Sorcerer for their Christmas dinner when Andi put out a restraining hand. Wait, Liam. Is there something about this place?

    He looked down in some amusement. Yes, you could say that. Tell me, what do you feel?

    I don’t know. Like I want to go in, as if I have to. But something…something about it feels…like I might not have many choices. I know I’m being fanciful here, but it feels like once I go in, I won’t come back out the same.

    She looked at him, her green eyes troubled. He sought to reassure her.

    Andi, do you trust me? he asked, brushing the silky hair along the side of her upturned face.

    Of course I do, silly.

    Then come inside, tell me everything you notice about how it makes you feel. And I promise that no matter what you’re feeling, your choices are all your own.

    Ah, so this is something Druidy, huh? she asked with a smile.

    "Definitely something Druidy, he agreed. The restaurant belongs to my father. Like I said, go in and see how it makes you feel, but tell only me. I promise, nothing bad will happen."

    He felt her shiver as they passed over the wards that held the compulsion spell. Without comment, he led her straight to the back booth where his father sat speaking with the maître d’.

    Happy Christmas! Father, may I present Dr. Andi Cunningham. Andi, my father, Martin.

    Lovely to meet you, my dear. I don’t think Liam has ever introduced me to one of his friends before. I’m delighted you could join us. Please have a seat.

    Oh, you’re American, Andi said, surprised by his accent. He looked like the picture perfect example of a wealthy American businessman, business suit, silver hair, and dark eyes. She was hard-pressed to find her laughing, golden Liam in the stern features.

    From Phoenix, originally. And you sound as though you’re from the South. New Orleans, maybe? he asked with a smile. Please, have a seat. Let’s take a minute to order and then we can relax and enjoy getting to know each other.

    Andi paged through her menu, checking the holiday dinner special with particular interest, but nothing seemed to be exactly what she had a taste for. When the waiter approached to take their orders, she asked, Do you have any specials?

    The waiter offered an unlisted Christmas goose as the member’s only special, and Andi immediately selected that with all the trimmings. His father ordered the same, and Liam followed suit. It would keep things simple. He noticed Andi’s brows were furrowed.

    Excuse me, I’ve changed my mind. I think I’d like to have the turkey instead, she said.

    Liam laughed, delighted with her. Change my order as well, and bring champagne, we’re going to celebrate.

    He slid over next to Andi in the booth and put his arm around her shoulders. His father raised a single silver eyebrow at the gesture, clearly unnerved by Liam’s behavior.

    Are we simply celebrating the holiday, or is there more? he asked, and his eyes flicked over the diamond on Andi’s hand.

    Aye, Father, there is something more. Andi did me the honor last night of becoming my wife.


    Andi watched the interplay between the two men as the emotions washed over her. There was tension between them, an uneasiness. They were both uncomfortable.

    Martin froze, his features a mask. Your wife? I didn’t realize things had gotten so serious between you two. This is rather sudden.

    The champagne arrived, followed closely by their food, and Andi realized service was pretty good when you were the owner.

    As soon as the waiters left the table, Liam whispered a few words, and suddenly all of the noise of the restaurant was silenced. We can speak freely now, no one can hear, he told Andi.

    Father, before we say anything else, I want you to do something. Take both of Andi’s hands in yours and give a little push of magick.

    Andi held her hands to Martin, who took them by the fingertips. She felt the almost gentle push of his magick against hers. She looked a question to Liam, who nodded while a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. He was enjoying this. She felt his excitement. Well, far be it from her to keep a boy’s Christmas present under wraps.

    She turned and pushed white hot energy back at Martin.

    Liam threw his head back and laughed as Martin’s eyes went wide with astonishment and he jerked his hands away from Andi’s.

    Liam? Martin said, quietly.

    I know. I couldn’t believe it either. We couldn’t wait for Beltane, for the Etarlam to approve before we started her training. The penalty for revealing ourselves to an outsider is death. Andi is no longer an outsider. She is family and I intend to train her myself.

    Chapter Two

    What do you mean, gone? Where did she go? Gav asked, shouting into the speakerphone as if he couldn’t otherwise be heard. He knew he could. As a physician, he was quite capable of using modern day technology despite having lived in countless eras between the fourteenth and the twenty-first centuries.

    Gabhran MacLachlan, or Gav as he was often called, and his brother Alexander had been raised in the Highlands of Scotland more than seven hundred years earlier. Through a combination of Fae and Druid magick, the MacLachlan clan now included their father—the ancient Druid Master Conall—and Gav’s twin sister, Elena. They’d all ended up here together in the twenty-first century preparing to fight an epic battle to save Druidry and Scotland.

    Currently, Gav was standing in the study, facing three of the four surviving Druid Master’s while he was on the phone with the fourth, trying to figure out what to do next.

    Aye, just what I said. Conall, I ken you can hear me, and I ken you have bid me to find Andi and bring her into our fold. Last night when I arrived, I saw a private moment between her and a man. He was on his knee, and it appeared she accepted his proposal.

    Christ, man, Gav shouted. Did you not go after her?

    Conall placed a hand on his son’s arm to calm him.

    Tell me the rest, Ian, Conall said.

    I sensed no coercion. She accepted the proposal of her own will. I knew of your desire to have her back working on the castle and to bring her to our Druid ways. Aye, and my personal feelings were in the way, and I turned away. Today, I came to her home to tell her how I felt and about her magick. I hoped the news would turn her head back to our direction.

    The men glanced at each other uneasily as Ian’s heartbreak was palpable, even through the phone, and it washed over them when he paused during his story.

    "There are wards on the walkway and on the door. Andi is gone, as is the man. I entered the house and found we have a problem. There is residue of magick hanging thick in the air. Her magick has already been unleashed. There are books on Druidry. Not texts or spells, but there has been much magick performed in the house. Performed by more than one person.

    She appears to be working on some of the research of which she spoke. I doona believe the man lives here with her, as only her room is fully furnished and has clothes in the wardrobe.

    Ian shifted subjects as though his heart was not broken. I will be meeting with the contractor on the castle construction directly after the holiday, but it appears the roof, external, and internal walls of the keep will be completed on target. What would you have me do?

    There was a long pause as Conall looked to Earnan and then finally to Séumas. Making a decision, Conall said, Thank you for being so thorough. I think ’tis best if we seek Andi’s professional opinion about the construction. Perhaps you can convince her to hire back on, stress how much you need her expertise.

    Apologize for being a fucking ass! Gav interrupted. Tell her it was my fault, tell her anything. Just get her back.

    Yes, well, despite Gabhran’s dramatic delivery, it would be best if you could work on her heart as well.

    That is no longer relevant, Ian said heavily. "I found a document on the table in her house, dated yesterday. Apparently they went straight from the scene I saw to take their vows. I doona ken the standards of the day, but given their level of magick—at any rate, the how of the situation hardly matters. Yestere’en, Andi Cunningham married Liam O’Donoghue. In case you have forgotten, O’Donoghue is the son of Katerina O’Donoghue and Martin J. Worthington III. She is married to my fucking descendant, the son of the Master of the Bresal Etarlam!"


    Come stay with me in Edinburgh, the both of you. We should work together to begin Andi’s training—

    Stopping abruptly and shaking his head, Martin smiled ruefully at her. Forgive me, I didn’t mean to treat you as an employee. Let me try this again. Andi, welcome to the family. I’m delighted to meet you. I’m also impressed with the magick that flows through you. Who has been your trainer?

    Father, don’t press. Andi didn’t know of her magick until I showed it to her. I know I broke the vow, but I also know I can trust her. Now she is my wife. Please, let it go.

    Martin inclined his head. "Son, I was not questioning your judgment in either your love for your wife or in her magick.

    "Andi, you intrigue me for many reasons, and I have much I would teach the wife of my son and a woman with so much power coursing through her veins. There is much to tell you of our family, our history. You could have no finer teacher for magick than Liam, but I would speak to you of legends and destiny.

    I would consider it a great honor if you would stay in my home for a few days. Let me come to know you. Unless, of course, your work prevents you from taking so much time off?

    He caught the quick flick of a glance at Liam before she turned back to face him.

    She smiled, and he had the barest glimpse of a small dimple at the corner of her mouth. Liam? she asked, turning to face her husband. It’s the holidays, let’s stay a few days, please?

    His son grinned delightedly. How could I refuse that smile? He leaned in and planted a quick kiss on Andi’s cheek that seemed to catch her by surprise.

    Okay, Mr. O’Donoghue, it looks like you have some house guests.

    He laughed. See how much there is to know about each other? Liam is named for his mother, Katerina O’Donoghue. My last name is Worthington. Martin Worthington.

    He watched as the blood drained from her face and her flute of champagne shook in her hand.


    Séumas the Gailtry—Master Druid and senior member of the MacGailtry clan—knew what he would do. The construction of the castle on his family lands should be under his direct control. He should have been there already, adding to the wards, assisting with the locations to the entries of the secret passages, working with Ian.

    Instead he’d remained on the island in a vain attempt to understand the new reality facing him. He’d been cursed for the past seven hundred years, often living like an animal, forced to drink blood to survive. Then miraculously, he’d found Abigail, a woman he’d met only twice before he’d been turned into a monster. She was a woman he could love. It had been enough to convince him to fight against his curse. Now he was clean, but the blasted witch would have nothing to do with him.

    Before he’d been cursed, they’d been drawn together by magick and moonlight. Without ever exchanging names, they’d mated. It had happened twice, a year apart and both times she’d left him before the sunrise. He’d planned to resist her charms the third year until he could capture her heart, but instead his world had exploded and nothing had been the same.

    Mere weeks ago, he’d learned that their pairings had resulted in two daughters who were alive in the twenty-first century through the Druid power of time travel, courtesy of Abigail.

    Abigail was desperate to shield them from her Druid Master father, fearing he would try to use their magick to aid in keeping the Druids alive and their power intact. And therein lay the problem, because she was right, Earnan would.

    In her desire to keep them safe, she’d separated the girls, cast strong spells to hide their magick, and left them to be raised by others. Unbeknownst to her, the girls had found each other and grown up as best friends in New Orleans. Now their oldest daughter, Miranda, or Randi as most called her, was in training here on the island, aware of her true heritage.

    Áodhánna, he thought in the Gaelic tones of his youth, pronounced as AY-d-anna, was none other than Dr. Andi Cunningham. His youngest daughter, blind to her Druid and witch heritage, was now married to the vile Worthington bastard that tried to kill the Gailtry descendant, Faolan, and his lovely Elena.

    Séumas looked at Abigail, so beautiful, her reddish-blonde hair falling in waves about her shoulders, hazel eyes swimming with unshed tears. He tried to reason once more, I know you fear the prophecy will come true twice over and the girls will be lost in the Druid battle to come, but don’t you think this has gone too far already?

    "No! I won’t lose them again. I know you didn’t know about them, but hearing they died as infants when Mother tried to bring them to you nearly broke me. My father has always cared for the Druid Alexander more than for me, and I will not let him sacrifice my daughters for ‘The Greater Good!’ Do not do this, Séumas. Do not betray me to help him."

    Abigail, don’t you see? Andi is in far greater danger by being with the Worthingtons. She is deep at the center of the Etarlam. How do you know that’s not the prophecy you heard? That if she is on the side of the Etarlam during the battle, they both will die? Séumas lowered his voice to a near whisper.

    "Prophecy is an inexact art. You know that. One event shifts and the whole prophecy can change or fall false. I know you’re scared, but you must trust me. I won’t let anything happen to her. To either of them. I have waited ten lifetimes to be with you, Witch. Do not turn me away from your heart, come with me. Let us go to the daughter we made and bring her home and keep her safe. Look in my heart and see the love I hold for you, and now for our daughters, Miranda and Áodhánna."

    If you walk out of that door, you walk out of my life. You will be nothing to me except another man who places the good of all Druids above everything else. Abigail’s voice was bitter.

    His heart was heavy as he watched her turn away. He sent his love to her on a mental wave, covering the space between them in an instant, but other than a stiffening of her shoulders, Abigail gave no sign of relenting.

    I love you, Witch, he said and walked out the door.


    After her little accident with the champagne, Andi had focused all of her attention on charming both Martin, and Liam. Neither man had seemed curious about her clumsiness. Perhaps many of the potential new recruits were awkward under the unusual level of magick at the Saucy Sorcerer. The remainder of the meal had passed pleasantly enough, as had the drive back to his father’s house.

    Finally, now that they were alone in their room, she couldn’t hold her questions any longer. "Worthington? Your father’s last name is Worthington?"

    Yes. I don’t understand, Andi. Why is that a problem?

    Nothing, never mind.

    Professor, what’s wrong? Liam asked, sounding concerned now.

    She didn’t want to tell him any more about Ian, he knew enough already. He knew that Ian must be Druid and that he cast spells to repel her because he didn’t want her. And that she still loved him. She kept her feelings closely guarded, cloaked herself in what she pictured was a velvety cape to prevent Liam from sensing her emotions, and told him one basic fact.

    It’s Ian’s last name, too, and she heard the sulky tone of her voice.

    Liam swallowed a laugh, but not before she saw the telltale twitch of his lips. "I’m sorry, Professor. It’s just rather ironic that one Worthington is too stupid to know what he has lost, while another is waiting for you to open your heart. I assure you that although I have a half brother in Phoenix with the last name Worthington, your Ian is no relation of mine. Perhaps if we traced our roots ten generations back…

    On to more important things. Tomorrow we’ll have to run out and catch the sales since you only brought the one set of clothes with you. How long do you want to stay?

    I don’t know, a few days? She felt the rush of excitement she always got when research suddenly turned up an interesting lead. It’s hard to turn away a chance to interview a real Druid Master.

    He laughed. "Let’s keep the interview part to ourselves, Professor. I’m not sure the Master would look favorably on that attitude. He’s excited, too. He wants a chance to study you up close. Maybe I should just get out of the way and let you two at each other." He smiled.

    She smiled back, and their looks lingered.

    Clearing his throat and stepping back slightly, Liam continued, Sorry, I know the room is a little close, but of course, Father doesn’t realize we’re married in name only. I’ll slip across the hall at night.

    Don’t be stupid, Liam. I’m pretty sure we can sleep on the same bed without compromising ourselves.

    With a breath-stealing smile, Liam said, Come on, let’s go down to the library and start the lessons. My father is waiting for us.


    Ian stood just outside the circle and watched

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