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. Silkie Chickens. Silkie Chickens Care, Breeding,Eggs,Raising, Welfare And Keeping Them Happy.
. Silkie Chickens. Silkie Chickens Care, Breeding,Eggs,Raising, Welfare And Keeping Them Happy.
. Silkie Chickens. Silkie Chickens Care, Breeding,Eggs,Raising, Welfare And Keeping Them Happy.
Ebook202 pages1 hour

. Silkie Chickens. Silkie Chickens Care, Breeding,Eggs,Raising, Welfare And Keeping Them Happy.

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Everything you need to know about Silkie Chickens , sometimes known as Silkies.
Silkie Chickens. Silkie chickens care, breeding,eggs,raising, welfare and keeping them happy,bearded, non bearded, bantoms,buying ,as pets,black,white,japanese,chinese and much more.
From a brief history to common terms used by breeders and people in the know. Their unusual anatomy like colours and texture of their feathers, hence the name, which makes them adorable pets.How to care for them and what to look out for to avoid health problems. How to keep them content, and as everyone likes a treat, the good and the bad when offering treats.
Types of Silkies and the preparation for keeping them are covered as well as breeding and egg production. Just a few of the topics covered and much more inside this easy going book that will equip you to enjoy the fun and pleasure in keeping Silkies and the essentials to keeping them happy, healthy and content.

Release dateDec 23, 2013
. Silkie Chickens. Silkie Chickens Care, Breeding,Eggs,Raising, Welfare And Keeping Them Happy.

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    . Silkie Chickens. Silkie Chickens Care, Breeding,Eggs,Raising, Welfare And Keeping Them Happy. - Harry Goldcroft

    Silkie Chickens


    Harry Goldcroft


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 by Harry Goldcroft

    All rights reserved. This ebook or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a ebook review.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It is against the law to re-sell or give it away for free.

    ISBN 978-0-9926048-0-6

    PIB Publishing

    13 Pencross View



    Devon. EX15 3XH

    United Kingdom

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This book is dedicated to all those that keep and care for these wonderful, fluffy feathered friends. To those who gain enjoyment from having these amazing animals in their lives.

    Table of Contents

    CHAPTER 1. Introduction

    CHAPTER 2. Getting to know the Silkie

    1. What is the Silkie?

    2. History of the Silkie

    3. General Facts about the Silkie

    CHAPTER 3. Anatomy of the Silkie

    1. Silkie Anatomy

    -- a) Feathers

    -- b) Skin, Bones and Meat

    -- c) Toes and Wings

    -- d) Face

    2. The Colouring

    -- a) Blue

    -- b) White

    -- c) Buff

    -- d) Black

    -- e) Partridge

    -- f) Gray

    3. Sexing your Silkie

    4. Types of Silkies

    -- a) Bearded Silkies

    -- b) Non Bearded Silkies

    -- c) Bantams

    CHAPTER 4. The Silkie Personality

    CHAPTER 5. Preparing for your Silkie

    1. Purchasing your Silkie

    2. Setting up a Coop and Run for your Silkie

    3. Supplies for your Silkie

    CHAPTER 6. The Show Chicken World

    1. Preparing to Show

    2. Grooming Your Silkie

    -- a) Bathing your Silkie

    -- b) Nail Trimming

    -- c) Filing the Beak

    CHAPTER 7. Caring for your Silkie

    CHAPTER 8. Feeding your Silkie

    1. Tips for Feeding

    2. Types of Food

    3. Treats for your Silkie

    CHAPTER 9. Illnesses and Health

    1. Keeping Your Silkie Healthy

    2. Common Diseases

    -- a) Infectious Bronchitis

    -- b) Fowl Pox

    -- c) Avian Influenza

    -- d) Infectious Coryza

    -- e) Mycoplasma Gallisepticu

    -- f) Fowl Cholera

    -- g) Rickets

    -- h) Lice

    -- i) Vitamin A Deficiency

    -- j) Pecking and Cannibalism

    -- k) Coccidiosis

    -- l) Capillariasis

    -- m) Colibacillosis

    -- n) Ascaridiasis

    -- o) Marek’s Disease

    -- p) Leukosis

    -- q) Botulism

    -- r) Moniliasis

    -- s) Newcastle Disease

    -- t) Omphalitis

    -- u) Pullorum

    4. When to Seek Veterinarian Care

    5. Vaccinations

    CHAPTER 10. Laying and Breeding

    1. The Laying Silkie

    -- a) Laying Lifespan

    -- b) What Affects Laying

    2. Breeding your Silkies

    -- a) Choosing your Breeding Silkies

    -- b) Mating and Brooding

    3. The Eggs

    -- a) Collecting and Storing the Eggs

    -- b) Selecting the Right Eggs

    -- c) Getting a Silkie to Brood

    -- d) Artificial Incubation

    4. The Hatchlings

    -- a) Feeding your Hatchlings

    -- b) Vaccinating your Hatchlings

    CHAPTER 11. Common Terms

    Chapter 1. Introduction

    If there is one type of chicken that I love to talk about, it is the Silkie. Also known as a Silky, this breed of chicken is known for its wonderful appearance and its wonderful temperament.

    Playful, affectionate and entertaining are often three words that describe the beautiful Silkie. In addition, these chickens are an interesting breed that can be amazing pets for your backyard.

    If you are interested in learning everything you can about the Silkie and owning your own, then you have found the right book. This book looks at the history of the Silkie and goes over some general facts about the breed.

    In addition, this book explores how to properly care for your Silkie and also the many different illnesses that can affect them. By the time you are finished reading this book, you will understand everything you need to know about this beautiful, ornamental chicken.

    Chapter 2. Getting to know the Silkie

    Before we look at raising and breeding Silkies, it is important to get to know the bird on its own. If you are wondering what the Silkie is, it is actually a chicken that is known for its interesting plumage, sweet temper and its reputation as a brooder.

    While that snapshot gives you an excellent insight into the Silkie chicken, it doesn’t really give you as much information as you would need. In this chapter, I will take you through getting to know the Silkie from what they are to their history. I will also cover general facts about the Silkie, which will get you started in the world of Silkies and show chickens.

    1. What is the Silkie?

    Also known as Silky, or Silkie Chickens, the Silkie is a breed of chicken that is identified by its soft, down like feathers that give the chicken a silky feel to its feather. They often resemble puffballs, with a fur like feather, and there are actually three different varieties of Silkie chickens; the bearded, non bearded and bantam.

    They are characterized by their docile nature that makes them a wonderful pet and backyard chicken. They are usually tamed very easily and are friendly to everyone, including children.

    The Silkie chicken is an ornamental chicken and while they do lay, they do not lay as frequently or as many eggs as other breeds. In fact, the Silky only lays between 90 to 120 eggs per year. They make excellent brood hens but in general, the Silkie is a chicken that is enjoyed more for their beauty and personality.

    2. History of the Silkie

    When we look at the history of the Silkie, we actually have to look back to Ancient China when the Silkie first appeared. One thing that should be mentioned is that the actual origin of the Silkie chicken is not known.

    We do know that the Silkie chicken came from somewhere in Southeast Asia and that is may have come from India or Java. We also know that the first documentation of the Silkie chicken was when Marco Polo wrote about furry chickens in the 13 century. He came across the breed during his travels through Asia.

    In addition, the breed was also described by Ulisse Aldorvandi, a naturalist at the University of Bologna when he published a treatise on chickens.

    Despite having this knowledge on Silkies, how they made their way into Europe and North America is still uncertain. It is believed that the Silkie was imported to many countries through the Silk Route.

    By 1984, the Silkie was officially recognized by North America and was accepted in the Standard of Perfection. The breed became very common in North America and Western Europe and became a popular breed as an ornamental fowl.

    Today, the breed is still raised and celebrated as an ornamental breed, however, they are also commonly used as a brood hen to hatch out and raise anything from the young of other chickens to pheasants and even geese.

    3. General Facts about the Silkie

    Before we launch into the actual care of the Silkie, it is important to go over some of the general facts about the Silkie

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