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My Warriors Handprint
My Warriors Handprint
My Warriors Handprint
Ebook124 pages1 hour

My Warriors Handprint

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The Plains Series... a story of lost love, found love, new love and the best some steamy hot love.

Set in the a fictitious town of Reverence Creek, we first meet Stevie Munroe, recently retired marine, he's just wanting to get to his best friend and secret crush Sam Mitchell. Sam owns a cattle ranch the “Double S”, thirty minutes out of Reverence, where he lives with his little brother and momma.

My Warriors Handprint begins the love quest, Stevie has loved Sam for what seems like forever, this is their story...

So come along for the ride and this way you will meet the various inhabitants of both Reverence Creek and the Double S Ranch.

PublisherJC Taylor
Release dateDec 27, 2013
My Warriors Handprint

JC Taylor

After many years of annoying my family with my reading obsession, I decided to try my hand at writing my own novels. So hopefully people are interested in reading the stuff that comes out of my imagination. How would I describe my imagination; crazy, overly used and generally a mess up in there, its constantly ticking over: what I thought of the last book that I read, could I have done better, oh my god I love this author she rocks! Did I tell you I work as well?I live in the great West of Australia, with my long suffering husband and soul mate, three stunning children along with two cats; one four legged the other three! My children have suffered right alongside my husband; their earliest memories would be of mum with a book in hand and later my tablet, if I find a good book I can’t put it down. My husband rolling over in bed to grab a cuddle in the middle of the night and no I’m not where I was supposed to be!My memories of growing up are the same, my mum sitting down and reading her Mills & Boons, taking them to the second hand book store to swap them and then getting back in the car to rush home and frantically start reading the new ones. If you were to ask my dad, he could tell you that those books are all over the house, bedroom, laundry and lounge room. And yes I started on the Mills & Boons as a teenager of course when I left home the stories became a little racier. So my love of reading began a long time ago.I love just about anything that involves muscles in particular I’m partial to a good set of shoulders, that’s a lie I’m partial to the whole lot really. So again with my overly messy imagination I’ve decided to try my hand at writing both as a stress relief and hopefully a potential means of bringing in money. A passionate advocate for Indigenous rights my books will have at least one main character that belongs to an ethnic minority because we all love and believe no matter what the colour of our skin.I also enjoy drinking copious amounts of coffee, hot or cold it doesn’t bother me as long as the caffeine kick is there I’m good, watching movies and TV, and listening to all kinds of music and quite possibly having a little dance off in the lounge with my family. My daughter thinks she has better moves than me, mind you my husband thinks he has the best in the house!Can’t wait to hear from you!

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    Book preview

    My Warriors Handprint - JC Taylor

    The Plains


    JC Taylor

    Copyright 2013 JC Taylor

    Smashword Edition

    Cover Design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers.

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16


    About JC Taylor

    Connect with JC Taylor

    Coming Soon


    To my man I hope this all works out! Love you!

    To the readers I hope you like Sam & Stevie’s story so you can follow along with the rest of the gang at Reverence Creek and the Double S in the series!



    I had been sitting on the bus for six hours, and damned if I wasn’t getting bored of it already, my ass is numb, leg cramping and I’m hungry as hell. But I gotta say the view from the window now that I’m nearing my destination is one of beauty, Big Horn Mountains are majestic. Looking out the window as the bus rolls on I think about where I’m headed and why. I have been in love with my best friend for what seems forever. When I think back through my memories I have always loved him I think. So here I am sitting on the bus with a numb ass cause I’m going to see the love of my life in a town called Reverence. I was told in his last email, that Reverence was established as a post office service ranchers living in the area way back when and it’s now a privately owned town, never heard of owning a town but whatever floats your boat I suppose. So the love of my life…

    He is Sam, Sam Mitchell 5.11 blue eyes and the most incredible black hair dead straight due to his Pawnee heritage, beautiful tanned skin built like quarterback, but he's not a high school quarterback anymore no he's a rodeo bronco rider turned rancher. I know right fanning the face worthy I assure you. Of course with all the angst of a great love story he is tall dark and handsome, owns said ranch and is independently wealthy, did I say he is the love of my life? The angst you may ask is this he is not gay and has no idea of my feelings for him. Sounds typical right, like a romance novel but yeah to him I am his best buddy and have been since that first day as a freshman at high school.

    The bus comes to a grinding halt, and takes me out of my reminiscing, the bus driver looks up at the mirror to me, This here is Reverence son, okay then time to get off, I grab my gear and shuffle down the aisle, passing the bus driver I nod my head and murmur a thank you and climb off the bus into hades, its fucking hot. I make my way to a seat, so here I am sitting in front of the fucking sheriff’s office of all places in a little town called Reverence Creek population 53 in Montana where I was the only person to get off the bus.

    A grown man of 25 years, a discharged and retired marine Corporal and a man just thoroughly exhausted from life waiting for Sam to pick me up. Fuck can it get any hotter and course my leg is fucking aching. Everything I own rests against my feet in my duffle bag and my uniform bag, I reach for it and pull my pain meds out and swallow them dry and started to choke, well fuck I grab my hot as fuck water and gulped it down to push those little fuckers down. Christ where is Sam.

    I look around and study Reverence, Sam's new home town and there is not a lot to see on the main drag, the sheriff’s office is in the middle of town and looks like it houses the fire station too. I look to my left the town hall and church sit on a huge expanse of green space of which, of course sits an old style pavilion, park benches and trees, actually between most of the municipal buildings and the stores there is lawns, trees and benches. Maybe because it fucking hotter than hell and people need to rest and get out of the sun between stores! Opposite the town hall Ruthie's Diner looks like my kind of place, next door to Samson’s Trading Company and Larry's Mechanics with two pump stations out front. I look to the right to a library or post office probably one and the same, the little school house and the feed and hardware store, Callahan and Son. It’s not much but its real pretty, deserted, no people on the street, but pretty, cause yeah dickhead it’s the middle of the day and hotter than Satan's ass.

    I walk to the diner hoping for cool air and hell yeah that's what I get when I open the door, hell yes, the bell tinkles and I feel like I’m transported back in time sitting in Sam’s family room watching Happy Days on TV, oh now this is wicked yeah. I have a little chuckle and move in and close the door behind me then the sweetest smell of homemade pie hits my nostrils, oh yeah, the smell reminded me that I hadn't eaten in six hours. Takin a seat I look at the menu and make my selection, flip the menu over and it mentions cold beer, warm whisky, hot dancing and a hand written note tacked on letting people know they had even hotter food, this all from the local watering hole a mile out of town called The Creek, well that's certainly original I chuckle to myself.

    The bell on the door tinkles again and in walks two of the biggest fuckers in cop uniforms I have ever seen, they walk past dip their hats and take up guard duty at the counter. I'm guessing the big dude with the buzz cut is the sheriff, he has an air of authority and calm about him looks to be mid-thirties, some Indian heritage maybe and good lookin too, big brown eyes and jaw just square enough for what my friend Logan would say is lickable. The other guy, the deputy that little pissant keeps staring at me; he gets up and takes a step towards me. Well fuck this is gonna get interesting, I don’t want no trouble. I've only been discharged from service for a week and medically discharged for seven hours so I still look military, I got out of the hospital, picked up my gear and got on a bus, in a hurry to get to Sam. Spose the uniform gives it away.

    I stand and limp over to the sheriff and hold my hand out, Mornin Sheriff, I'm Corporal Steven Munroe sir, waiting to meet up with my friend Sam Mitchell. He takes my hand gently, I think noticing the burns, How long you been home son? I take my hand back I'm thinking he held on a bit too long, yeah gaydar is definitely pinging, A week sir, discharged a week got out of the hospital last night. In a hurry to get here then, name is James Slater, son call me Jamie, I'm the sheriff and this here is my Deputy Pete Graham. The deputy leans over and grabs my hand hard and fast giving it a good shake it fucking hurt bad, from now on he's Deputy Cocksucker. I gave Deputy Cocksucker a cool look and raise my eyebrow, I smirk, this all you got. Oh so you’re the badass marine, yeah I heard about you. Sammie was saying you where comin to town just last night when he rolled out of my bed. I take my hand back and nod at the Sheriff and turned away cause Deputy Fucktard, yep he graduated from cocksucker to fucktard in seconds, is gonna get my Ka-Bar up his ass saying stupid shit like that.

    Chapter 1


    I go back to my seat. Fuck can this day suck any more, shit, can I just get a fucking break, just one yeah, today at least yeah. I pull my phone out to call Sam. Hey where are you, just got off the bus and met two of your finest, Stevie that you man, what do you mean you just got off the bus where the fuck are you? "In town asshole, you were

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