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The Mystery Alliance: Evian's Saga
The Mystery Alliance: Evian's Saga
The Mystery Alliance: Evian's Saga
Ebook122 pages1 hour

The Mystery Alliance: Evian's Saga

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

“We are members of an elite rescue unit...The Mystery Alliance. All of the members of this rescue unit are called Mystics. Mystics have haunting, surreal beauty: almost as though we were chosen to be Mystics from the womb. We also have unique abilities and skills which set us apart from others. Yet, only prominent, high-ranking government officials have knowledge of our existence. We are the persons these officials contact when no one else can rescue hostages in extreme terrorist situations. And this is our story...”

Release dateOct 10, 2013
The Mystery Alliance: Evian's Saga

Taffey Tawanna Champion

Taffey Tawanna Champion is a small-town girl, born and raised in Greensboro, GA, educated at GTCHS in Greensboro, GA and further educated at Elon College which eventually became Elon University. This is the university where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Taffey has also recently graduated with academic honors from Kaplan University with a M.S. in Educational Psychology. She excelled in writing as a young child; even earned merits and won awards for writing ability, including a “Passport to Excellence Award" plaque for Best Essay. Reading and writing also were Taffey’s first loves before drama and music, which of course, came after.Before, during and after college, Taffey became a world traveler, even electing to live in London, England for one semester whilst studying at Elon University. She traveled several times to Paris, France at this time. Taffey also met and encountered celebrities in London, England which served to make her experiences even more special. Added to her world traveler status, she lived in South Korea for a short interval. This experience, including her fascination with various Kung-Fu techniques and martial arts films aided in her ability to create The Mystery Arts in THE MYSTERY ALLIANCE: EVIAN’S SAGA.She also worked in Marina, CA as an Americorps VISTA for MCHOME (a division of Interim, Inc.) under the Coalition of Homeless Services Providers. During this time, she became acquainted with the various artists of Breakthrough H’ART (a program synonymous with MCHOME) and also with noted Austrian Artist/Painter, Hans Kindel. It was here, under the tutelage of Hans Kindel and Bill Donnelly that she discovered her talent for Abstract/Impressionist Art. This is where the cover (Paradise Underwater) of her E-book originated.THE MYSTERY ALLIANCE: EVIAN’S SAGA was created initially as a copyrighted action/adventure screenplay, however, Taffey decided to adapt it into an E-book: the first in a series of E-Books actually. Keanu Reeves happens to be Taffey's Special Muse and Inspiration for the creation of “Evian Magi”, the protagonist (main character) within “THE MYSTERY ALLIANCE: EVIAN’S SAGA”. And “Evian Magi” is the Mystic Fantasy Hero version of Keanu Reeves. And it is available for sale here at,, and will be distributed via Smashwords to many online retailers. This E-book is also made available for Libraries to obtain.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be an enjoyable and amazing read. They highly recommend it to all ages and book lovers. The e-book is well-written and engaging, with elements of action adventure, fantasy, science fiction, and martial arts. Readers eagerly anticipate more e-books from this creative author.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is an amazing read for lovers of several genres, including Action Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, and even for those who are lovers of martial arts and acrobatics. I truly enjoyed it and eagerly anticipate reading more e-books from this extraordinarily creative author. I definitely recommend this e-book to all ages, and especially to all book lovers!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed EVERY PART of this e-book, and I would recommend it to all. I CANNOT WAIT for the Author to come out with other e-books just as good as this one!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a very good e-book. I enjoyed reading it and I shared it with a friend. I would buy another e-book from her. If it was made into a movie, I would definitely watch it!

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The Mystery Alliance - Taffey Tawanna Champion

The Mystery Alliance: Evian’s Saga

Taffey Tawanna Champion

Copyright Taffey Tawanna Champion 2013

Published by Taffey Tawanna Champion Publishing at Smashwords

Cover Art Design:

About the Author

Taffey Tawanna Champion is a small-town girl born and raised in Greensboro, GA, educated at GTCHS in Greensboro, GA and further educated at Elon College which eventually became Elon University. She excelled in writing as a young child; even earned merits and won awards for writing ability, including a Passport to Excellence plaque. Reading and writing also were Taffey’s first loves before drama and music, which of course, came after.

Before, during and after college, Taffey became a world traveler, even electing to live in London, England for one semester whilst studying at Elon University. She traveled several times to Paris, France at this time. Taffey also met and encountered celebrities in London, England which served to make her experiences even more special. Added to her world traveler status, she lived in South Korea for a short interval. This experience, including her fascination with various Kung-Fu techniques and martial arts films aided in her ability to create The Mystery Arts in The Mystery Alliance: Evian’s Saga.

She also worked in Marina, CA as an Americorps VISTA for MCHOME (a division of Interim, Inc.) under the Coalition of Homeless Services Providers. During this time, she became acquainted with the various artists of Breakthrough H’ART (a program synonymous with MCHOME) and also with noted Austrian Artist/Painter, Hans Kindel. It was here, under the tutelage of Hans Kindel and Bill Donnelly that she discovered her talent for Abstract/Impressionist Art. This is where the cover (Paradise Underwater) of her E-book originated.

THE MYSTERY ALLIANCE: EVIAN’S SAGA was created initially as a copyrighted action/adventure screenplay, however, Taffey decided to adapt it into an E-book: the first in a series of E-books actually. THE MYSTERY ALLIANCE: EVIAN’S SAGA is available for sale at, and and will be distributed via Smashwords to many other retailers, as well. This E-book is also made available for Libraries to obtain.

Author’s Acknowledgments

First of all, I give my sincerest and appreciative thanks to GOD ALMIGHTY and the Lord JESUS CHRIST because without them, I would not have any talent at all to begin with. I also thank Mr. Keanu Reeves, the Actor, for his pioneering efforts in Action films which aided in aspiring me to create some of my most colorful and unique characters: for Mr. Reeves is unique himself. He also plays the guitar like Evian, my main character or protagonist. In addition, I created Evian Magi as the Mystic Fantasy Hero version of Mr. Keanu Reeves.

Thanks to Christina Miranda and her daughter, Miranda, and also Maria Lindley, Michael McDonald, Jody Gulley, Kevin Michael, Barbara Monning, Guadalupe Mata, and the rest of the MCHOME/Interim team plus all artists of Breakthrough H’ART that were truly instrumental in helping me to develop my creative talents in Abstract Impressionistic Art, which I did not know I even had until I worked with them as an Americorps VISTA. I thank Hans Kindel (whom I call Daddy Hans) and Bill Donnelly for their unwavering support and tutelage, thereby contributing to my development as an Abstract artist, even though I do thank Bill Donnelly posthumously, for he is no longer with us.

Thanks to Katherine Thoeni, Eric Vogelgesang, Jorge Sifuentes, Lisa Raville and family including Shadow, Eduardo Schultz and all of my friends and co-workers that contributed to my development as a writer, a professional, and with honing my computer skills; especially Katherine Thoeni. On a most personal note, my love and thanks go to my mother, Juanita Jones, for aiding and assisting a struggling writer that also happens to be her own wayward daughter. I also thank my cousin, Tracey Grimes, for he was instrumental in helping me to copyright my work. And to Brittany Wheeler, thanks very much for all your friendship and support. You are such a wonderfully kind person, for one so young.

Special thanks go to Patricia Sue Mason for being such a good friend and giving me such honest opinions and support concerning my book and artwork. This includes Mr. Chasen Crawford, for you were so wonderful to assist me with formatting my book cover. I must thank the esteemed Book Club members that were instrumental in advising me in creating an even better E-Book that my original version. These esteemed intellectuals that I thank now are Chasen Crawford (thanks again), Erica Bristow, Lee Stone, Patricia Mason, Tom Mason, Pat Motschlesser, and Ed Motschlesser.

I also thank Jackie McDonald, Noreen Rivers, and all of the Greensboro, GA Library staff for all of their helpful assistance over the years. I give more special thanks to Heather Elizabeth Byrne for inspiring me on my path toward becoming a published Author. And thanks especially to her sister, Tracey Ann Byrne, one of my best college friends, for being there for me through all of the pros and cons of undergraduate life.

To all persons above, thanks so very much!

The Mystery Alliance: Evian’s Saga


"We are members of an elite rescue unit…The Mystery Alliance. All of the members of this rescue unit are called Mystics. Mystics have haunting, surreal beauty: almost as though we were chosen to be Mystics from the womb. We also have unique abilities and skills which set us apart from others. Yet, only prominent, high-ranking government officials have knowledge of our existence.  We are the persons these officials contact when no one else can rescue hostages in extreme terrorist situations. And this is our story…"

Chapter One

For Evian Magi, there is always something special about Paris in the spring time. Frankly, that’s one of the reasons why he loves being part of a traveling carnival. Each year, he gets to travel around the world, and seeing new places does have its appeal, but nothing better than Paris, France. 

As Jack-of-all-trades for Machiavellia’s Traveling Carnival, he is called upon to assist with many projects. At the moment, however, he has been working at a refreshment stand. With a shake of his head he thinks, Not my best gig, but it pays the bills.

Within minutes, two young women approach Evian’s stand. Both are giggling and whispering to each other after catching sight of him. "Jordan, he is so gorgeous. I could just stare at him all night."

Her friend, Elise laughs and nods in agreement. I totally agree with you. With those laser-blue eyes and midnight colored hair, he’d be the perfect romantic addition to our European vacation. Both giggle and laugh in wholehearted bonhomie.

Unbeknownst to them, Evian has overheard their frivolous chatter. With a roll of his eyes, Evian asks, May I get you ladies anything?

Jordan blushes in embarrassment at having been caught leering. And unable to find her voice, Elise speaks for them. Please make that a small coke and fries for me and the same for my friend, please.

He nods and quickly prepares their order. There you are, ladies. Have a wonderful evening.

Both women pick up their orders, and Jordan, having finally found her voice says, Thanks. Care to join us?

Evian smiles knowingly at this invitation, but gives a negative shake of his head. No, thank you. I’m not very thirsty at the moment.

Elise almost laughs at the disappointed look on her friend’s face. That’s too bad. Well, good evening to you, Gorgeous.

Evian chuckles and nods in response. As they walk away, Evian looks at his watch. "Hmm,

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