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Running the Red
Running the Red
Running the Red
Ebook51 pages53 minutes

Running the Red

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About this ebook

Laura has been living in Los Angeles for the last four years. Not just Los Angeles, but the heart of Hollywood, where the entertainment industry is happening. She struggled and scrimped and saved and still hasn't caught that big acting break she dreamed of when she moved there. Tonight might change all of that though. She got invited to a movie premiere, the biggest of the year and not only that she ends up making small talk with one of if not the biggest industry player in all of L.A. Los Angeles is not a city for reliable travel times though and her journey to what she hopes is her destiny gets derailed when she decides not to stop for an out of the way red light.

I really struggled with this one. I don't know why but it took me about four days longer to write than it should have. Now that it's done though I really really like it and I hope all of you get a mess of enjoyment out of it as well. Thanks for reading! ENJOY!

Approx 14,700 words.

PublisherMaggie Hale
Release dateJan 2, 2014
Running the Red

Maggie Hale

Instead of saying 'I've always been good at writing' I'll say that I've always enjoyed writing. That should dodge some disagreement and criticism from people with too much time on their hands I think. Being generally unsatisfied with my job (clerical temp/administrative assistant) I started looking for creative pursuits to fulfill me. In a funny coincidence, it wasn't until my boyfriend and I split up that I decided to write. After a couple weeks apart I found myself trolling websites for a couple hours a day looking for something to get me off and nothing seemed to do the trick. I like to be able to picture the scenes and feel like I'm right there, like I might get a bit of cum on me if I'm not careful. Watching porn didn't engage me enough and most of the writing I found was too short or too much of the "then he banged her a bunch and they came all over, she owed him for such a good banging" variety. So, I resolved to write stories that interested me but also made me cum like a waterfall. In my Lily series, I give the power back to the heroine. However she finds she is still a slave to her ever increasing sexual madness. If you're in the mood for something darker and infinitely dirtier, check out my Taboo Tales series. Keep an eye out for new volumes as they should become available at least once a week.

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    Running the Red - Maggie Hale

    Running the Red

    Copyright 2013 Maggie Hale

    All Rights Reseved.

    Published by Maggie Hale on Smashwords

    Book design by Maggie Hale

    Cover Image Copyright, 2013 © Craig Robinson

    For Links To Other Maggie Hale Titles



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    Laura was dressed to the nines in a slinky dark blue dress with thin straps and a sparkle of silver highlights. She bought it especially for this party, resolving not to buy coffee for the next four months in order to afford it. She scooted around the web of photographers and audience seekers that thronged along the red carpet leading in from the line of limousines. She handed her invitation to the burly man working security for the gala. His shaved head gleamed under the lights and his arms looked like they would split the seams of his suit at any moment. He took her invitation and gave her a surprisingly kind smile while he unhooked the velvet rope. His smile faded as he waited for her to toss her hair over her shoulder and re-gloss her lips but she was not going to cross her first real velvet rope without making sure that she looked her best. Her blue heels clicked along the floor as she walked through the massive doors into the room filled with major industry players.

    She saw two name agents and three casting directors that she recognized before she had gotten ten steps inside the door. Surveying the room she saw a slew of faces that previously she had only seen on the pages of The Hollywood Reporter. She weaved through the crowd trying to get to one of the six small bars placed around the room. Finding the small counters already encircled with other hopefuls and no names doing their best to schmooze with CD assistants and catch agents as they came and went with drinks in hand. Just as she gave up on getting a drink, she saw her friend J’achelle, the girl that had gotten her the ticket for tonight, waving at her from across the room. Her real name was Linzey but, as she explained to Laura, having a black name made her more marketable. She didn’t explain how but she was positive that it did. Laura thought that her parents had given her a suitably ridiculous name for Hollywood but who was she to judge.

    She grabbed a pink martini off of an expertly carried tray as it floated by. The steward gave her a nasty look but realized there was no use in getting the drink back as she quickly sipped it. She had done that job before while she was between temp jobs and it was no joke. You really were invisible to all of the movers and shakers in the room and navigating around any party was tough but with a drink loaded tray it was surprisingly challenging. She had dropped two trays fully loaded with drinks on her first night before being handed several folded bills and getting escorted to the back door of the kitchen where they bid her farewell.

    Oh my god! Can you believe this place?

    Yeah it’s pretty bonkers, Laura agreed. Her eyes travelled up the marble columns a full thirty feet to the frescoes that decorated the ceiling. Strings of lights crisscrossed the space, bringing an unexpectedly cozy feeling to the enormous room. Finally, her eyes landed on the giant, hanging banners and the supersized faces of the movie’s stars. She indulged in fantasy for a moment and pictured her own face on the banners, all of the big shots there to see her and tell her how amazing she is. J’achelle grabbed her arm, breaking her reverie and spilling a bit of her martini. Her expression said she obviously had something important to share.

    I swear I saw Sharon Bialy walking around talking to David Fincher. Laura raised her eyebrows half in support and half out of hope. She knew that her friend routinely saw pairs of unlikely celebrities walking around together pretty much all the time. However, if there was anywhere she might be right about who she saw, this premiere was the place and that’s where Laura’s hope stemmed from. "Oh! And, my friend, the one who got us the tickets, she told me that she heard from her friend that Channing Tatum and Ryan Gosling are supposed

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