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Newborn Care Guide for Moms New For 2013 Caring For A Newborn Is Full Of Joy, Fulfillment, And Unconditional Love, As Well As Trust
Newborn Care Guide for Moms New For 2013 Caring For A Newborn Is Full Of Joy, Fulfillment, And Unconditional Love, As Well As Trust
Newborn Care Guide for Moms New For 2013 Caring For A Newborn Is Full Of Joy, Fulfillment, And Unconditional Love, As Well As Trust
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Newborn Care Guide for Moms New For 2013 Caring For A Newborn Is Full Of Joy, Fulfillment, And Unconditional Love, As Well As Trust

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Caring for a newborn is full of joy, fulfillment, and unconditional love, as well as trust. Parents wait anxiously for the day their newborn comes into the world, with mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension. No matter how much education a parent has regarding newborn care, there will still be a plethora of moments that cause a mother or father to doubt their ability to raise their child. These feelings are normal and should be expected; however, in order for parents to give the best possible care to their newborn, they must learn, read, and ask questions, no matter how unsure they feel while doing so. Parents should learn about basic care skills from feeding and bathing their newborn, to choosing the right pediatrician, as well as the importance of immunizations. Education on these subjects, and many others, provides confidence for parents that they will most certainly want, as well as need.

To include:

• Newborn Care and Developmental Milestones from Birth to 6 Months
• 5 Pieces Of Baby Gear You Can't Live Without
• Caring For Your Newborn from Birth to 6 Months
• Everything You Need To Know About Choosing and Using Baby Formula
• What Every Parent Needs To Know About Choosing The Perfect Nanny
• Everything You Need To Know About Choosing The Right Pediatrician
• The Essential Newborn Supplies Every Parent Needs
• Newborn Sleeping Problems and Solutions-What Every Parent Should Know
• What Every Parent Should Know About Premature Birth
• How to Properly Care For a Newborns Umbilical Cord
• Newborn Skin Care-What Parents Need To Know
• Breast Or Bottle?-The Benefits Of Breastfeeding
• Everything Parents Should Know About Infant Massage
• Need To Know Tips For Easing Colic Discomfort
• Everything Parents Should Know About Traveling With Their Newborn
• What Parents Should Look For In a Child Safety Seat
• Why Newborns Need Immunizations

Parenthood is a journey that newborns venture onward, hand in hand, with their parents. Both baby and parents are both learning and experiencing so many aspects of life, for the very first time. Caring for a newborn is challenging and frightening; however, with the right education and preparation, any parent can successfully care for their baby and enjoy all the wonderful moments and emotions that go along with it. Deciding on how and what to feed, how to calm a fussy baby, learning basic care techniques, as well as solving possible problems relating to newborn care, are just some of the various subjects parents should educate themselves on. Even if all of the information seems overwhelming at first, parents will be glad to have the knowledge, on the very first day they hold their precious baby in their arms. Buy this book.

PublisherPamphlet Book
Release dateNov 12, 2011
Newborn Care Guide for Moms New For 2013 Caring For A Newborn Is Full Of Joy, Fulfillment, And Unconditional Love, As Well As Trust

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    Book preview

    Newborn Care Guide for Moms New For 2013 Caring For A Newborn Is Full Of Joy, Fulfillment, And Unconditional Love, As Well As Trust - Martha Calder

    Newborn Care

    Guide for Moms *New for 2013 Caring for a newborn is full of joy, fulfillment, and unconditional love, as well as trust

    By: Martha Calder


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 Martha Calder. All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    A Bit About Me, The Author

    I know you’re all eager to get to the book, but let me take a few seconds to tell you a bit about myself. First of all, I’m a mom just like you. My boys are five and seven years old and I know what you’re thinking. Why on earth would I take on the challenge of creating this book?

    I started writing about newborn care to help my sister, who became pregnant last year. Like a lot of you, she bought a bunch of books and ended up with a ton of information to sift through. It wasn’t long before she became really overwhelmed. In fact, she called one night saying that all the books contradicted each other, and why didn't they just get to the point!

    I tried telling her not to worry because there were really only a few things that she needed to remember, but she was on the verge of a full blown panic attack. She kept asking me to repeat myself so she could write things down, saying I can't remember all that! Eventually I started writing along with her, and the next day I began doing a little research to expand on each point I had jotted down.

    My sister had my nephew a few months ago, and she passed on my handwritten notes to a friend of hers, who found them useful as well. I figured that a lot more expecting mothers would be happy for a helping hand, so I sat down and created a proper book.

    Now I'm not a writer by trade. I'm an accountant! But it is great to have something to share and, I have to be honest, letting future mothers in on my experiences as a mother of two has been a rewarding experience for me. The entire process has been so therapeutic, and I have greatly enjoyed the memories of my own newborn babies that it has brought back.

    I love helping people, and I especially love helping new moms, who need all the help they can get. I hope this book proves useful to you and that you can pass it on to your own family and friends when they need it.


    Your reliance upon information and content acquired by you at or through this publication is solely at your own risk. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for damages or injury to you, other persons, or property arising from any use of any products, information, ideas, or instruction contained in the content provided to you through this book.


    I dedicate this book to all expecting parent and parents. Parenthood is a journey for both baby and parents. Both will be learning and experiencing so many aspects of life, for the very first time. Caring for a newborn is challenging and frightening; however, with the right education and preparation, any parent can successfully care for their baby and enjoy all the wonderful moments and emotions that go along with it. Deciding on how and what to feed, how to calm a fussy baby, learning basic care techniques, as well as solving possible problems relating to newborn care, are just some of the various subjects parents should educate themselves on. Even if all of the information seems overwhelming at first, parents will be glad to have the knowledge, on the very first day they hold their precious baby in their arms.

    Newborn Care and Developmental Milestones from Birth to 6 Months

    Developmental Milestones

    The average newborn accomplishes several developmental milestones while still in the womb. For instance, during the first month in the uterus, a baby advances from a fertilized egg with rapidly multiplying cells, to an actual human form with a spine, brain, and the beginnings of external limbs by the end of the second month. However, after the miracle of birth occurs, the developmental milestones that take place may become more difficult to detect. Additionally, the milestones that take place after birth occur just as rapidly at the developments that happen in the uterus. The former are far more enjoyable to monitor than the latter, considering that fetal developments can only be seen through ultrasound equipment. It is important to remember when monitoring milestones that their purpose is to be guidelines and not an exact timeline for when a newborn should be developing.

    Newborn Care and Developmental Milestones-The First Month

    The first month in a newborns life is extremely exciting as proud parents watch to see the changes and developments that occur. Exciting as it may be, this first month is also terrifying at some points as both parent and newborn struggle to adapt to this new chapter in their lives. Newborn care at this age includes round the clock feedings, about every 2-3 hours for breastfed newborns and 3-4 hours for formula fed newborns, about 5-10 diaper changes, and keeping baby swaddled and slightly warmer than what would be comfortable for an adult.

    Parents can expect to see several advances in their newborns abilities during the first month of life. These abilities include lifting head slightly and possibly turning from side to side, focusing both eyes on a human face within 6-12 inches, strength of grasping reflex increases, blinking at a bright light, and turning head towards a recognized sound or voice. A parent or guardian can assist their newborn during this time by stimulating his or hers developing senses. For example, playing soothing music and speaking to baby in a high-pitched voice helps enhance hearing abilities, providing a variety of textures for baby to feel stimulates her sense of touch, and displaying pictures or posters of black and white patterns is best when stimulating visual development.

    Newborn Care and Developmental Milestones-Months 2 through 4

    Newborn care changes during this period to the delight of parents or guardians. What this means is longer periods of sleep, which is because of a baby's ability to eat more at one time and not wake up several times a night. This also means fewer diaper changes as his digestive system develops. About 50% of newborns can sleep through the night by the fourth month. Furthermore, rice cereal can be introduced into a newborns diet by the fourth month and parents can

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