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Mom's Love for her Children
Mom's Love for her Children
Mom's Love for her Children
Ebook37 pages29 minutes

Mom's Love for her Children

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Life is here then gone in a blink of an eye. We are born, live and died. In between we suffer or experience trails of personal storms, some call tribulations. We can become bitter and angry, or we can move on and learn to accept and forgive. I have experienced many storms, and I was heading towards an embittered "What If" attitude, but the Holy Spirit, the consciousness in me awoke one day and decided not to regret but to embrace life on it's terms.

I wanted to give my children a gift and memory, my passion is words even with my ailing health I still seek the good in the bad, and the light in the darkness, and I wanted to pass this message to my children and others seeking Hope. Live in the moment is the secret of life. Share a passion with others and all is right with the world.

Release dateJun 25, 2013
Mom's Love for her Children

Susanna C. Mahoney

I am a spiritual person on a exploration of answers. I write short stories about God and Holy Warriors, teenagers who are enlisted into the fight against evil. I am experimenting with different genres and enjoy writing. I like to help others and write to escape to stimulate my mind as an outlet to bring positive energy to the universe. a supernatural being is the Alpha, the Omega and has messages for His children no matter what faith they are. Open your mind to the spiritual realm, you may be surprise by the answers waiting to Be unraveled

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    Mom's Love for her Children - Susanna C. Mahoney

    Mom’s Love for her Children

    Cat Mahoney’s Poetry and Expressions

    Published by Susanna C. Mahoney at

    Copyright © 2013

    AUTHOR'S NOTE: The following is a work of fiction. All people, places, and events are purely products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is entirely coincidental

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    These are Words of Light Peace and Love Life and Strength to give to my three children as an aid to continue on when the storms are too strong, and your soul is weary. It is a gift to come home to, cherish and think of sacred space of the heart, the key to the love of pure unconditional love of an inner spirit of a mother’s and parent’s love.

    The soul is enraptured by the human vessel, and the human emotions like shadows take over, and the infinite love is buried deep within the self. Words trapped by petty alleged hurt wounds of the past. The baggage and history of emotional feelings entraps us, and Darkness comes to the forefront.

    The past injuries of wounds psychological scars, white line one sees outside on the skin, but do not understand the anguish within Not aware of hidden skeletons in the closet. If one cannot move on beyond the memories, and forgive selves and others, then we will never experience, discover the truth of our purpose until it is too late. Forgive me my children.

    I wanted to leave a gift the will serve a purpose. Give strength courage and endurance to others. Not have them think life was a waste, not to fall into a rut, of "What If’s and regrets. I believe life experiences are spiritual lessons. Conclusion, we are visiting the Earth for a brief moment in our infinity of existence, and our destinies are up to each of us.

    My everlasting

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