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Jackie Peta Pan
Jackie Peta Pan
Jackie Peta Pan
Ebook29 pages28 minutes

Jackie Peta Pan

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Jackie was the youngest child born to a 41 yr old mother. At 14 weeks gestation, her mother was given an ultrasound which showed Placenta Praevia and an abortion was recommended. Her fertilized egg had attached itself at the neck of the womb instead of at the top near her navel.
Circumstances prevented Jackie from ever knowing her biological father completely. Short term memory loss, addictions, insecurity, jealousy, lack of comprehension, phobias, fear of stepping out of comfort zones, all had a name – ASPERGERS.

''At my next ultrasound, the radiographer told me that my baby had Hydrocephalus (water on the brain) as my baby had an abnormally enlarged head. I was offered yet another abortion because of this and my age.'' (PG) Another in the 'Blue Label' series by Trevi Formea.

PublisherTrevi Formea
Release dateMar 23, 2013
Jackie Peta Pan

Trevi Formea

TREVI FORMEA is the pen-name of Jo-Anna Rose.She is an Australian 'Baby Boomer' raised in the southern suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland, and was born the youngest of four children (refer: A BABY BOOMER - At any age).In 1966, when 'Trevi' was 15, she won an essay competition which posed the question - 'What would you do if you were cast away on a deserted island with Elvis Presley?' The competition was organized through the then popular but now defunct magazine - EVERYBODY'S. The first prize for each state Australia wide - was a week for two, all expenses paid including air-fares, to beautiful Brampton Island Resort situated in tropical Queensland's Barrier Reef. Trevi was their youngest contestant and her essay impressed the sponsors and judges so much, that they 'awarded' her with a special 'junior' category equivalent prize. Trevi took her mum with her on the holiday.Trevi was raised a Catholic, but disillusioned after 33yrs, went searching for the truth in other religions, including Mormon and Pentecostal - finally becoming a Lutheran, to which she has remained to this day. Having had four weddings and a funeral, her third marriage in 1996, was the shortest lasting only 29mths (refer 'KUKLA MOU - The Little Greek Princess'). Trevi was suddenly widowed at 47 years old, with her two youngest daughters Renee 16 and Jackie 6 to raise. Her youngest Jackie, suffering from Asperger Syndrome (refer 'JACKIE PETER PAN').After relocating to Russell Island in Queensland's south-east corner in August 2002 with Jackie - then 9 yrs old and her 4th husband, Trevi took on the position of reporter with their local paper 'The Island Spirit'. Not only as their only ace reporter but managing advertising and their paper formatting. Trevi has also had miscellaneous poems and stories published through the island's 'Writer's Circle', as well as various short stories in other popular magazines including 'That's Life' in 2000.In March 2013, Trevi met a local couple (Dennis and Jeannie) who were new 'indie' authors/writers themselves, and together they introduced her to 'self-publishing' on e-readers, encouraging Trevi to publish her stories through A whole new world for writing opened up, and Trevi became a die-hard fan of and contributor to, the delights of modern technology.The 'BLUE LABEL' series are mostly based on Trevi's own life experiences growing up and throughout her life. They can be either read as a 'Stand Alone' story, or as part of an ongoing expanded autobiography. The simplistic design of her cover serves as a visual aid for easier recognition for older readers. Trevi stayed single for 9yrs living an idyllic lifestyle on Russell Island, where she cruised the Pacific with Jackie at least once a year. Other members of their home included Burmilla cat 'Bobby' and 'Bella' - the wonder Labrador ref:- BOBBY MEETS BELLA - (yet to be published).On October 23rd 2016, a man from an internet dating site, sent Trevi a 'free kiss e-mail' and after exchanging multiple emails, texts and phone calls to each other, they finally met. They were instantly attracted to each other. In June 2017, Peter proposed to Trevi and eventually encouraged her to put her home on the market. After selling his townhouse in August 2018, Peter moved to Maryborough, Queensland, where they bought a large 80yr old 'Queenslander' house, desperately in need of attention and 2 kms west of the town's centre. Jackie & Trevi would visit Peter for a week at a time and after selling their home on the island in April 2021, Jackie and Trevi moved the last of their belongings off the island, travelling over 300kms north to Maryborough, a regional township, which was once the northern port for free settlers in what was then New South Wales. Before Queensland was separated from NSW in 1900 and called Queensland. Trevi's grandparents landed there from Ireland in the 1800's but that's another story - (ref A BABY BOOMER AT ANY AGE).On the 2nd February 2020, Trevi and Peter were married in the Chapel of Life across the road from their home by Elvis - AKA Trevor Turner (a personal friend & Elvis impersonator). They themed their wedding to the 50's era and invited their guests to dress accordingly and join in the fun. Jackie gave Trevi away dressed as BAD SANDY from Grease and the Bridal party arrived in a white1954 FJ Holden stretch limo. The groom and his men arrived in an old Black and White Holden taxi, complete with original fare meter. Their wedding was just before the Covid19 pandemic struck. Since then, they have been enjoying retirement whilst steadily restoring their 80yo home to her former glory, adding some modern touches without detracting from her original beauty. Not too bad an effort for a couple of septuagenarians.If you have enjoyed any of Trevi's e-book stories, please feel free to write a review. Thanks for reading.

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    Jackie Peta Pan - Trevi Formea

    Jackie Peta Pan


    Trevi Formea

    Copyright 2013 Trevi Formea

    ISBN 978-1-3016554-4-1

    Smashwords Edition


    To my beautiful daughter Jackie, who so patiently listened as I read aloud and edited my work mid sentence. My eternal gratitude and love for being the incredible daughter that you are. GOD truly blessed me with you.


    To the Reader’s Digest Family Health Guide 1977 edition, for the use of their material as a reference during this story.

    Smashwords License Statement

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Jackie Peta Pan

    (An account of a baby born with Asperger Syndrome)

    Ours was a rocky romance. Grant was a former Army cook and challenged. Not in physical sense - but in a mental one. A sober life was far too stressful to deal with and his addiction to prescription tranquillizers and alcohol became his crutch to life.

    Grant never knew he was ‘challenged’ and neither did his parents. Short term memory loss, addictions, insecurity, jealousy, lack of comprehension, denseness, phobias, fear of stepping out of comfort zones, all had a name – Aspergers.

    But being born in the forties, this condition of the nineties had not been recognized or even diagnosed. According to medical files - it didn’t exist.

    By contrast, I was a loving mother. Far from perfect, I rarely drank and appeared to be in control of my life - or so I thought.

    Jackie was a baby born when I was 41yrs old. She was the youngest daughter of Grant and I, with three older sisters by me and two older ones from Grant.

    Circumstances prevented Jackie from ever knowing her biological father completely. But to tell her story, we need to address my reason for this.

    Years of the on again, off

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