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Awaken: 100 Questions to Expand Your Mind and Open Your Heart
Awaken: 100 Questions to Expand Your Mind and Open Your Heart
Awaken: 100 Questions to Expand Your Mind and Open Your Heart
Ebook135 pages57 minutes

Awaken: 100 Questions to Expand Your Mind and Open Your Heart

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About this ebook

This book will become an important companion on your journey to living a more fulfilling life.
Reading and exploring this book will:
• fill you with purpose,
• help you feel more positive about yourself,
• enrich your meaningful relationships and,
• assist you in the vibrant realization of who you are and what you can become.
Allowing the questions to sink into the depth of your being will bring great surprises, fill you with hope, and set you free to find the kind of life you desire. Explore this book with lightness, intention, self-encouragement, an open mind and a courageous heart. The results you create will change you forever and the world will be richer for it.
Release dateSep 2, 2012
Awaken: 100 Questions to Expand Your Mind and Open Your Heart

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    Awaken - Joseph M. Bernard, Ph.D.



    I can’t thank my wonderful wife enough for designing this book, supporting my writing, providing the initial editing and giving me lots of love. Thanks to my amazing sister Joan, who has a very quiet talent for editing that helped make it much more readable. Additional, thanks to our friend Elizabeth, who took the time to read it and add her helpful ideas to make it even better.



    Part 1: Finding Your Own Truth

    Part 2: Seeking Your Higher Nature

    Part 3: Building Relationships


    Expanding Minds And Opening Hearts


    This book of questions is based on a very simple premise. That premise is that if you ask yourself questions you will naturally grow in insight and awareness. With more insight and awareness your mind naturally becomes more expansive and your heart opens in understanding. The more expansive your mind is, the higher your consciousness. And the more open your heart is, the deeper your compassion.

    There is a great amount of benefit you can gain from this book and its questions. As you explore the questions, do so with the idea that you can achieve more out of life, live more fully and make a positive difference. Remember the questions here are powerful and may cause significant changes in how you see yourself and the world.

    Twenty Benefits You Will Receive From Exploring These Questions

    You will begin to grow into a bigger story of who you are and what is possible.

    You will feel more alive and energized.

    You will become more self-realized as a human being.

    You will find it easier to choose happiness.

    You will learn to liberate yourself from self-limits and limiting beliefs.

    You will express more of the endless capacity of your heart to love.

    You will open to the wisdom and understanding within you.

    You will be filled with appreciation for all life offers you.

    You will have a clearer sense of purpose and a greater passion for life.

    You will feel hope.

    You will find your way to inner peace.

    You will make a bigger difference in what you do.

    You will have greater clarity about the ways you can be successful.

    You will bring more light into the world.

    You will be empowered by the wisdom of your mind and heart.

    You will be more confident in all your expressions.

    You will be supportive and encouraging of others.

    You will learn to do life more effortlessly.

    You will feel more balance and harmony.

    You will learn to live each day in the here and now and view life as a wonderful celebration.

    This is just a partial list of benefits from a deep exploration into self. The inner journey is the part of you yet unexplored. In taking this inward journey you open your life to such richness of experiences and possibilities.

    By exploring these questions you will enhance your life and in the process, change the world. You change and the world changes. By raising your consciousness and compassion, the collective capacity expands. Many see the world filled with chaos and fear. This fear and chaos is the creation of peoples’ closed minds and blocked hearts. More consciousness and more compassion will profoundly change the world in a positive direction.

    Expect to have fun answering these questions. Why do anything that doesn’t have a big dollop of aliveness, passion, and fun in it? As you go through these questions don’t forget to have a sense of humor. Taking yourself too seriously can be terminal and having fun is just more enjoyable. This process of inward looking is best done with lots of aliveness and a spaciousness of mind that is accepting of your unique qualities and ways of expressing yourself.

    Three Guiding Principles

    Take all the time you need.

    Be easy with yourself.

    Enjoy the journey.

    As you explore the questions you may sense the energy that went into the creation of this book. If you tune in, you will be able to feel the vibrations of support and encouragement that comes to those willing to take the journey of self-realization. These vibrations you feel come from the power of your intention and from

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