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Sorcerer: The Clann
Sorcerer: The Clann
Sorcerer: The Clann
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Sorcerer: The Clann

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Book 2 of the Sorcerer. Seems like the Sorcerer is still around. Lots of people know him and want to help him share his “magic.” Expanding groups, loyalties and responsibilities test his abilities.

Release dateFeb 19, 2010
Sorcerer: The Clann

Bruce H Johnson

Bruce H. Johnson, writing as BJohn, is 65 years old and was born in Arizona. He went to school in Akron, Ohio and has a BBA from Kent State University (yes, of the National Guard “fame.”). He missed the entire thing by about ten minutes).He spent eight years in the U.S. Navy as a Nuclear Power Engineering Laboratory Technician both on a ship and as an instructor in Idaho.Once leaving the Navy in 1978, he moved to Los Angeles and spent the next ten years as a computer programmer. Much of his duty involved documenting the various programs, languages and systems he worked on.In 1988, he joined a consulting group specializing in large computer system documentation where he has been ever since. The group has evolved from straight “technical documentation” to business process analysis and providing solutions to problems.All his writing is in his spare time. “Sorcerer: The Inner Circle” is his first fiction work except for a very short story in the fifth grade.

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    Sorcerer - Bruce H Johnson

    Sorcerer: The Clann

    By Bruce H. Johnson

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2005 by Bruce H. Johnson. All Rights Reserved.

    Author’s Note: This is the second story of the Sorcerer. If you’ve started with this one, stop now and find Sorcerer: The Inner Circle. Otherwise you’ll probably end up dazed and confused and think the author’s a real weirdo.

    By the way, you’ll see the Irish using a lot of em. That’s the equivalent of the American uh.

    Other stories by Bruce H. Johnson (BJohn):

    Sorcerer: The Inner Circle

    Sorcerer: Interesting Times

    Sorcerer: Very Interesting

    Book 2 of the Sorcerer. Seems like the Sorcerer is still around. Lots of people know him and want to help him share his magic.

    This is an erotic romance exploring the nature of the spirit and its relationship to the world we know. Just in case the term erotic doesn't cover it, this is an adult book with explicit sex: mainly MF and MFF. No BDSM, D/S, water sports or scat. The characters bath frequently so there's extremely little dirty sex.

    Publishing History

    First published on as a serial:

    First chapter released December 30, 2005.

    Last chapter released May 24, 2006

    Print Publication August, 2007

    Major Revision February 2009, July 2009

    Other electronic versions:

    Cover Art

    Brocchi's Cluster (also known as the Coathanger or Collinder 399)'s_Cluster


    Let’s talk about a free spirit universe. This is a world where people discover they don’t have a soul; they are a soul, a spirit which can free itself from the flesh.

    Close your eyes and think of a beautiful sunset. Got it? What is looking at that picture of a sunset? It sure isn’t the body’s eyes. It’s you, the spirit, looking at it. Maybe this universe isn’t as far-fetched as it may seem at first glance.

    This is a story about people who discover this universe and some of its implications. Could you do it? Who knows?

    This isn’t a story of teen-age angst or character development. I figure that the game should be our group against the world rather than how much can I screw up my personal relationships with jealousy, mis-communication and stupid actions.

    You’ll notice immediately we’re looking at Irish characters. I’m not Irish, so forgive my errors. I picked the Irish for the flavor of the language; all I really know about the customs and the language (Gaelic) comes right off the Internet.

    Fair warning: This is an adult novel with romance and sex. Maybe too much sex for some. If it offends you and you still like the story, just keep turning the pages.

    «There are mental communications and actions in this format to distinguish them from normal ones.»

    There’s day and date scattered throughout to help you keep the timeline straight. It’s the 2005 - 2006 calendar so that’s the story’s time setting. You won’t find a lot of current events such as the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina; those really have no bearing on the story.

    There’s a glossary and a reference at the end. The references in the body are marked like [1].

    The main concept of the Free Spirit Universe is that the spirit which is you can be freed from the body without harm to either.

    As you read the stories, note that the story world, apparent moral codes (mainly about sex), events, characters, abilities and most everything is my imagination and don't reflect any currently-known facts. The actual cities such as Burbank do exist, but beyond that don't count on much.

    Thank you to L. Ron Hubbard, whose philosophy forms the basis for many of the ideas you find here. If I mention something that I know is one of his ideas or technologies, I'll attempt to give you a direct Internet reference to it -- some are part of his large volumes of work and aren't really available on line. About the only exception is his (and my) knowledge that people (you and me) are actual spirits.

    These works have no connection with Mr. Hubbard or any of the organizations he developed or have been developed since his death. I neither speak for nor represent them in any way beyond being somewhat knowledgeable about Mr. Hubbard's work. You can blame everything in the story world on me except those areas I've specifically noted.

    Thank you to the many readers on SOL ( who gave me constructive feedback and caught a lot of my typos

    Relax and enjoy; may you ladies experience the Sorcerer’s Grip!


    Thank you for continuing the series with this story. I really love reading it and can't wait to see what will happen next. Especially with Sunshine/Natalie/Kathleen back with Bob and the Inner Circle. Keep up the great writing. — S

    You have such great characters with such great personalities that I was sorry to see the first story end, because I wanted to visit with them some more... and now I can! — D

    …Once again we are being taken on a wonderful emotional roller coaster as we climb higher and higher you know that sometime soon we will plunge down again. — D

    I just thought i would thank you for writing such a great story; it always seems to cheer me up when I’m depressed. It’s great that you can see how life is when people release them selves from their inhibitions and get rid of their hangups, I just wish I was strong enough to do it. — A

    This story keeps getting better and better. Thanks for a tremendous effort. — NH

    This is great. Love the story line. The new ideas so far seem to flow as naturally as can be. I look forward to much more of this series (the more the better). — TH

    Chapter 1

    Evin Donovan

    (Tuesday 1/10)

    The doctor called around 2:00. He told me, Kathleen’s awake and alert, but you’d best get over here.

    Needless to say, it was great news after six weeks. I had my secretary reschedule an appointment, and I headed to the hospital.

    The doctor met me outside Kathleen’s private room where she’d been the last five weeks. "As I said, she’s awake and alert. As far as we can tell, everything physical is fine — brainwaves, pulse, respiration, reflexes, everything. She’s a bit weak, but six weeks in a coma does physical things to anyone.

    "But she doesn’t know who she is, any names of relatives, where she lives, nothing. She observed she was in a hospital but not which one; of course, I wouldn’t expect anyone to know that for sure. I hope if she sees you it might break through something."

    Ouch! Well, awake is better than a coma. Just as in a courtroom, I’d have to handle things as they came up. I told him, Okay. Let’s do it. He led me in.

    Kathleen sat propped up in the bed in the crappy hospital gown and hair cap they insisted patients wear. She was looking around the room, but as soon as we walked in she focused directly on me.

    She ran her eyes up and down me, and it felt as if she’d inspected my soul back to the first time I’d gotten laid. She looked at me directly and stated firmly, Uncail Evin.

    I couldn’t help it; I shuddered as if the leprechauns had dug up my grave and were dancing on my coffin. Kathleen had never been this much… here, much less use any Irish Gaelic.

    She flicked her eyes at the doctor then back at me. I looked at him; he shrugged, smiled happily and said, Settles that! I’ll get on with my rounds. He left us alone.

    Kathleen told me firmly, Might as well pull up a chair and relax, Uncail. We’ve got some talking to do. Her voice was the same, but the accent and phrasing were different and it was… controlled.

    I pulled a chair over next to the bed, sat and stared at her. For a lawyer to be without words («is priceless,» something seemed to say) after 15 years of practice is ridiculous, but I hadn’t any idea of what to say or where to begin.

    Kathleen gave me her slightly-crooked grin. She told me in a self-assured voice, We’ll either get along famously or we’ll hate each other’s guts. The decision will be yours eventually.

    She asked, You’re Evin Donovan, Esquire. Now, who’s this? and tapped herself on the chest.

    I told her immediately, Kathleen Donovan. It seemed as if I had no choice but to answer.

    Okay name. Middle name or names?


    She grinned in amusement and looked at my hair and face. You’re Irish. You’re my father’s brother, so I’m Irish. Right?


    She laid her head back on the pillow and laughed. Not the bimbo-laugh I’d known for years, but an honest, amused laugh.

    She giggled, I can’t get away from it, I guess. Not the silly-girl giggle I was used to but a little chuckle.

    Okay. I know this is strange for both of us, but it’ll probably get even stranger. First, I need a favor from you; you’ve got pen and paper?

    A lawyer always has those; I handed them over. She wrote several lines on the pad and handed everything back to me.

    There was an 818 phone number with some other stuff. It was Kathleen’s writing all right, but it was stronger and surer where before every pen stroke had been laborious.

    The favor is to call and ask them to come see us. She looked around and then up over her head at the clock on the wall above the head of the bed.

    She said, 3:05. Should be a good time for him. Would you do it now, please? She looked at me as if there wasn’t a doubt in the world I wouldn’t do it.

    First, Kathleen could barely read a clock, much less upside down. Second, she didn’t whine or beg; she told me I was going to make the call even if it had been phrased as a question.

    I gave up any pretense of understanding what was going on for now. I told her, Yes, Miss, pulled out my cell phone and dialed.

    It answered on the third ring. Bob Reynolds. Do I know an E. Donovan? There was a good amount of the Irish accent.

    No, Mr. Reynolds, you probably don’t know me. I’m Evin Donovan, an attorney. I’m calling on behalf of my niece, Kathleen Donovan. I don’t really expect you to know that name, either.

    He said, The names are Irish, but I don’t specifically know either an Evin or a Kathleen.

    Kathleen pointed at the paper. Read it.

    Kathleen asks you to come see us, says it’s ‘About Sunshine’ and requests, ‘Bring Sherry if possible.’ I don’t know if it’s the drinking sherry or a person.

    He said, It’s a person. Where are you?

    I gave him the name of the hospital and the address.

    He said, Give me just a few seconds here.

    In about five seconds, he asked, We can be there by 3:45. Where should we meet you?

    I gave him directions to the waiting room on this floor. He said, We’re on the way.

    I put the phone away and turned back to Kathleen — or whoever this person was.

    She gave me a beautiful crooked smile which warmed me down to my toenails and motioned me to come closer. She put an arm around my neck, pulled me down and gave me a firm hug and a kiss on the cheek.

    I probably smell awful, but thank you for calling, Uncail Evin. Of course you know by now I’m either not your niece Kathleen or I’ve undergone a major sea change.

    I told her, Yes, Miss. It was obvious the first second I walked in here. I’ll reserve judgment on which it is until I have more facts.

    Ever the lawyer. Good. If you’ll bear with me until Bob and Sherry get here, I’ve got some questions.

    I told her, I’ve waited for six weeks, another few minutes won’t matter.

    She put her hands on her stomach and pressed a little, moved her legs and arms around a little, rolled her head around and shrugged her shoulders hard. The last movement caused an interesting redistribution of her thoraxial assets beneath her very thin hospital gown.

    She grinned at me; she knew I’d watched.

    Evin, you mentioned six weeks. Kathleen doesn’t seem pregnant, has all her limbs and everything seems to be operational except for a twinge in an ankle. What happened to Kathleen Donovan that she’s laying in a hospital bed with her slightly-bewildered uncle looking at her?

    Six weeks ago, Kathleen was in an automobile accident. She had minor injuries and a slight concussion but was in a coma until about two hours ago.

    Hmm. There’s a living body here, so it was probably born, not built. That means… parents?

    I’m sorry, Kathleen, neither survived the accident. To the best of my knowledge, I’m your closest living relative.

    Thank you. To be honest, since I don’t seem to have any memory of them, I can’t express any sorrow or grief.

    That’s understandable.

    So, Uncail, tell me about Kathleen Donovan. I get the idea she wasn’t the brightest bulb on the marquee; not the full shilling.

    Em, well, the Kathleen I knew had an IQ of 80. On a very good day with lots of food and rest.

    So she was an airhead, thick as a brick.

    A true bimbo.

    "Ouch. I’ve known a few of those. They’re usually not bad people, but they’re irritating at times."

    Exactly. From the time she was about 4 years old, she’s been an irritant to us. A very beautiful irritant, but she’s constantly grated on everyone’s nerves. Not retarded nor ‘developmentally challenged’ or whatever is politically-correct, just…

    Really dense?

    Pretty much.

    Right. Does this bimbo have a ‘quare fella’ who hangs around? A strange boyfriend?

    I knew my distaste showed and didn’t care. Sort of. A Jim Phillips took her out for about a month before the accident, was here once the first week and hasn’t shown up since.

    She laughed, Sounds like a parent’s dream date.

    Not my dream, more of a nightmare.

    Well, let’s make a note, if we could, to let him know Kathleen is awake and might possibly wish to see him. We’ll check him out and at least give him a final chance. Okay?

    That’s more than I would have given him. I agreed.

    How old are your children, Evin?

    How did she know I had children? Alyssa is sixteen and Riona is seventeen.

    Hmm. Did either Alyssa or Riona know Kathleen very well?

    Let’s say they’ve known her all their lives but preferred to keep their distance.

    Yeh, it’s probably not the best social statement in the world to hang around with an airhead even if she is a relative. I can understand that. By the way, Bob and Sherry should be in the waiting room in about three minutes.

    She hadn’t even glanced at the clock. I told her we’d be back and went out to the waiting room.

    I’d just gotten there when a young couple walked in. He was Black Irish with the jet-black hair, pale skin and plenty of freckles. He was tall, about my height and strode like a proud lion.

    The lady didn’t appear Irish, more Hispanic. They had an attitude of complete certainty in themselves I’d never seen in someone so young. I pegged them to be in their early to mid twenties.

    The man glided over to me, stuck out his hand and said, Evin Donovan, I presume. I’m Bob Reynolds.

    We shook and I said, That’s right.

    "Great! This is Sherry Stapley, a very good friend who is not my girlfriend."

    She told me, And not Irish, either. Half-Spanish, half whatever-else, as she shook my hand.

    They looked at me, and again I felt the leprechauns dancing on my casket. Only this time, it felt as if they’d gone back to the time I’d said my first words. I shuddered again.

    Bob asked, Tell us about Kathleen Donovan, please. Like Kathleen before, it had the total certainty I would do it.

    I told them about the accident, her parent’s deaths, her coma and her request that I call them.

    I told them, "Now, the strangest part is Kathleen has changed dramatically. Physically she’s okay, probably just a bit weak. Mentally, however, she’s… stronger. For example, the Kathleen I knew for eighteen years couldn’t read a clock, but the Kathleen waiting for us in there not only read the clock, but it was on the wall behind her head, and she just glanced at it upside down and knew the time. She told me almost to the second when you’d be here.

    She apparently has no memory of parents, home or anything else, yet she’s frightfully lucid and… I guess the word I’d use is ‘powerful.’

    Neither seemed disbelieving. Sherry said, Well, let’s go check her out.

    I stuck my head in the door and told her, Kathleen, Bob and Sherry are here.

    She gave me another blazing smile. Thanks, Uncail Evin.

    I came in with Bob and Sherry behind me then got out of their way.

    Bob and Sherry looked at Kathleen, and she looked back at them for about three seconds. They grinned insanely then Bob and Sherry pointed at Kathleen with a Durante-like, SUNSHINE!

    Kathleen pumped both fists and shouted, "YES! Righteous Bob! The Sherry!"

    Both were beside her in a flash. I saw Bob and Kathleen exchange a fierce hug and kiss I can only describe as the sweetest, most loving exchange of affection I’d ever seen.

    Sherry and she hugged like long-lost friends and exchanged a fierce kiss. Ya know, I was getting the idea these three had some bare acquaintance with each other.

    Bob and Sherry finally stood up with each holding one of Kathleen’s hands. All three leaked tears and smiled at each other for maybe five seconds while I «felt» stuff going on between them. They turned and looked at me.

    Bob told me, We need to talk.

    Bob pulled a couple chairs up for him and Sherry. They sat down beside Kathleen’s bed so they were all facing me.

    Bob said, C’mere till I tell ye a five-minute story.

    He told me, "My father was an empath. He could «feel» others’ emotions, attitudes and on occasion pick out an actual thought.

    I inherited the ability, although we didn’t talk about it much. He and Sherry were Seniors at McCambridge. At the beginning of this school year, he’d met the new kid, Natalie Shanahan.

    They’d «fallen» into each other, learned to love one another and also learned how to talk and touch one another.

    He told me, "It’s mental communication between the spirits who are the persons. With me it was a talent. When I met Natalie, it became an ability. With practice, it came a ‘remembering.’ I came to love Natalie as my Sunshine. We learned to teach others how to do it and to remember what they had lost."

    Sherry said, We learned how to project and receive emotions, sensations and thoughts. We became telempaths.

    Bob told me, "We found others who could remember with a little help. We remembered, investigated and found out we were really spirits, not meat and chemicals."

    Sherry added, And we exist independently of our bodies. We remembered how to move around outside; to dance in the sunlight and chase each other through the clouds.

    Bob continued, "We learned how to move out of our bodies entirely. The body survives and simply appears to be in a very deep sleep, which medically may appear to be a deep coma.

    Remember the earthquake last week which collapsed the library archives? Sherry’s boyfriend George and Natalie were on a field trip there, and their bodies have been buried ever since beneath five stories of earthquake debris.

    Sherry informed me, We had a wake for them. The major differences between an Irish wake and this was both George and Sunshine came and partied with us. Remember, the spirit exists independently of the body.

    Bob said, We discussed the next step for them. We’d done field research and found out 99.9% of the spirits whose bodies had died either go find a baby body, pick it up, forget everything ever happening to them before or they drift around afraid or confused, often for a long time. Both George and Sunshine decided to try the 0.1%: picking up another body but keeping their memories intact. Sunshine, tell Evin what you did.

    Sunshine said, George and I came here to the maternity ward. We looked around for about a day then George told me, That one!" He dove in and picked up a baby. As near as I could tell he was still aware of who he was. Score one for the 0.1%.

    "I was reluctant to start over again, although I remembered I’d done so many times before. I’d say the main reasons were I’d lose Bob for so many years, and… shit! I’d gotten laid the first time not quite a month before! I wasn’t ready to go another nine or ten years at least before getting laid again!

    "So I decided to look around some more and see if there might be some options we hadn’t found or thought of. I wandered around various hospitals and found this perfectly-fine young female body laying here and nobody home! I mean the body was healthy, breathing, the whole bit, but no one was driving. There was no spirit around.

    Just like you might go into what you think is an empty house; you keep calling, Anyone home?" and inspect it all before you decide there really is nobody home. So, I decided to give it a shot and here we are talking about it.

    "Evin, I figured I had a better chance of convincing you Kathleen herself was gone and I was here if Bob and Sherry backed up my story with some first-hand testimony.

    "I probably could have picked up enough about Kathleen from you to convince pretty much anyone I was her, but who wants to play very long at being an airhead?"

    Bob told me, "So as I see it, Evin, you’ve got several choices unless you can come up with more. First choice is you can tell us to go to hell, you won’t work with us and you call in the psychiatrists.

    In that case, Sherry and I walk out of here, and Sunshine, you show him what you would do.

    Kathleen leaned back against the pillow and went completely limp. I walked over to her, picked up her hand and looked at her. She appeared now to be exactly as I’d seen her for the past six weeks: in a deep coma. Now I knew it was a case of nobody home.

    Sunshine: «"I go my merry way and try again. Kathleen inexplicably slips back into her coma, and you, Evin, take the chance of a) Kathleen the spirit coming back or b) Another spirit trying what I did or c) This body staying like this until someone finally decides to pull the plug in fifteen or twenty years.»

    «Evin, how did Kathleen face a challenge or a problem?»

    I told them, She did a flit like a rabbit with the Hounds of Hell after her. She was just intelligent enough to realize she couldn’t figure out how to handle things or even if there were a handling, could she do it?

    Sunshine: «Not to bad-mouth her, but I think that’s what happened. With a few injuries and a concussion, she wasn’t willing or able to fight for it. She probably squirted out of here like a watermelon seed in a distance contest.»

    Bob took over. "Another option I see is you assisting our Sunshine in assuming Kathleen’s body; mainly, how to get her out of here without the psychiatrists catching on. If they do, Sunshine goes; she won’t put up with their crap.

    "Another option is she discharges herself. She’s eighteen, and we’ll take her in and care for her.

    "I’ll give a 99.99% probability Natalie’s parents would take her in. They’ve got a free room, and it’s Sunshine the spirit they love, not the body.

    "And if they won’t or can’t, I can name three other couples who know Sunshine the spirit and will take her in, including my parents.

    "You’ve already got two daughters and a wife who knew Kathleen the airhead, and I don’t think they would be willing, at least at first crack, to take her.

    Okay, Evin. The choice is yours unless you can come up with another alternative.

    Well, tough nut. Was their story credible? Here were three people? beings? spirits? all telling me the same story — and I have the experiential evidence to believe it.

    I looked over at Kathleen’s body lying on the bed as it had for six weeks. I thought of the brilliant warm smile it had given me — but it was the spirit behind it who’d made it beautiful and warm.

    I put on my sleazy-lawyer hat and considered different ways and means for various options and decided to present one.

    "Okay, how about a variation on several of the options? First, without even a hint of betraying client confidentiality, I’m the executor of the Donovans’ will – Kathleen’s parents.

    "Again, without being too specific, as long as Kathleen Donovan is in that condition, I pointed to the comatose body on the bed. The will is in limbo. While it may not stay in limbo for fifteen or twenty years, it’s a pain in the legal butt.

    "If the body dies in that condition for almost any reason, I get a little bit as Jarlath’s brother, but most of the estate goes to charities.

    "The legal identity of Kathleen Donovan lies in the body. Her body has the right appearance, fingerprints and hopefully will have close enough to the same signature as Kathleen had six weeks ago.

    If, by whatever chance, Kathleen the airhead recovers from her coma, the will can be executed.

    Kathleen picked up her head, looked around puzzledly and asked in a hesitant voice, Uncle Evin, where am I?

    Or, if by whatever chance Kathleen Sunshine recovers from her coma, the will can be executed.

    Kathleen gave me a warm smile. Uncail Evin, you’re getting clever now, aren’t you?

    "So, since I’m the executor and it would be a royal pain in the ass for this will to stay in suspense much longer, I propose the following:

    One, Kathleen the airhead recovers from her coma. Her IQ’s probably in her medical records, so appearances should be maintained so no questions will be asked. Kathleen, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but your mommy and daddy died. They’re not coming back, so you’re all alone.

    Kathleen broke into harsh sobs and while tears streamed down her cheeks, cried, Mommy and Daddy left me! Oh, please, tell me it isn’t so!

    A pretty credible performance.

    "Two, pursuant to medical opinion on her current physical state, she can be discharged almost immediately. She’s 18, so legally there’s no guardianship or other crap to worry about; also there’s no one else but me who’d be interested in challenging her competence.

    "Three, I temporarily provide her an income for a living space and to feed her pretty face. There are plenty of clothes in storage from her parent’s house to provide her warmth. I wouldn’t recommend she stay at her parents’ house since we closed it up entirely a week ago.

    "Four, we agree on a place for her to live and regain her full physical strength.

    "Five, we get her there.

    "Six, as executor, I commence action on the will. I would expect it to be mostly complete in less than a year since I'm pretty fast at estates; some items may take longer. As the will is executed, I would keep her informed of any interest she might have in it.

    "Seven, once Kathleen Donovan is beyond the clutches of the psychiatric and medical community, she may be airhead or Sunshine as she chooses.

    "Eight and this is non-negotiable, I retain the right to visit my miraculously-recovered niece because she tells such good jokes.

    Sunshine laughed, And you like the way her boobs move too, right?

    We laughed while I blushed a little bit. "Don’t get me wrong, a lot of us loved Kathleen, we just didn’t like her very much. Down the line a little ways, perhaps the Kathleen airhead might visit my family and bit by bit turn into the Sunshine I’ve seen she can be. My wife and daughters will wonder and perhaps comment a bit about the positive change in her, but who cares?"

    Stuff went between them for a second then they said, Agreed, with wonderful smiles.

    Sunshine told them, Okay, guys! Let’s check out the new duds! I’ve haven’t seen a mirror in this place, and I want an objective viewpoint of what I’ll probably be driving around for the next 80 or so years.

    Sherry spoke to me, Evin, if you get embarrassed by female flesh, you might leave or take a nap. We’re going to do an inspection.

    Bob grinned. He’ll probably want to stay; it may be his last chance to see Kathleen in this condition.

    Sunshine said, I bet my nipples pop up!

    I told them, Okay, so I’m a dirty old man with a salacious eye for my niece. Prove it in court!

    Bob and Sherry each took a side of the bed and looked at Kathleen’s face.

    Bob noted, Fish-belly skin. Must be Irish.

    Sherry observed, Freckles. She peered down Kathleen’s gown. They go all the way down. Must be Irish.

    They reached under the hospital hair cap, pulled out some hair and waved it in front of Kathleen’s eyes. "Red hair! Is Irish!"

    Bob grinned at Kathleen. You just couldn’t stay away from Irish, Sunshine?

    Sunshine laughed at him. "I fell in love with you, didn’t I?"

    Sherry said, This hair needs some extreme measures. Looks as if even the cat wouldn’t drag it in. Maybe as far as shave it down and start over. She looked worried.

    Bob and Sherry both shrugged as if it were something they could live with.

    They peered at her eyes. Oh my God! She’s got pupils! And green irises! Aahh!

    Bob ran his hand over the top and back of her head. Might have had a concussion, but there aren’t any cracks. That’s a goodness.

    Sherry pried her mouth open. "Teeth. Well, some of them are still there. Some fillings. But it smells like the dog shit in there and the cat couldn’t cover it up. Honey, you’ve got to change your hygiene habits."

    Bob and Sherry each ran a hand down an arm. Old wrist fracture here; seems okay now.

    Kathleen waved the subject wrist around and said, Doesn’t seem to limit movement.

    Sherry told us, Old break in the forearm, healed straight.

    Bob and Sherry agreed. No muscles to speak of; bad muscle tone. They shrugged again.

    Kathleen reached behind her neck, untied her gown and pulled it off her arms down to her waist. Her breasts popped up off her chest; they were plump and white with freckles and topped with neat pink nipples.

    Bob told her in amazement, You’ve got breasts, Kathleen! Congratulations!

    Kathleen grabbed a breast in each hand and squeezed while Bob and Sherry poked fingers at them. Sherry muttered, Well, at least they’re not completely falling into your armpits.

    Bob flicked his fingertips across her nipples; they popped up immediately.

    Sherry said, Good response. One part works.

    Bob dipped his head and gave each nipple a quick suck. Kathleen shivered all over and said, Good connection; it’s a pass.

    Bob and Sherry agreed, "They’ll probably do okay."

    They inspected her ribs and poked at her stomach while they commented.


    This rib was broken within the last year. Looks healed.

    Flabby tummy, no muscles, no tone. Let’s drag those legs out here, honey.

    They efficiently pulled the top of her gown up, fed her arms through the holes and tied it up. They turned down the covers and pulled her legs out on top.

    Skinny again.

    No muscles. Flabby. Very old to recent scars all over her shins and knees.

    Kathleen asked me, Evin, Kathleen was an airhead. Was she also…

    I told them, Yeh, she was a klutz, too. Always falling down, running into things.

    Kathleen grinned, Maybe her tits kept pulling her over.

    Bob said, This ankle was broken recently; looks as if it’s still healing.

    I told them, From the accident. They took the cast off two days ago.

    Kathleen moved the ankle around. A few twinges but not bad.

    Sherry told him, Bob, looks like you’ve got carrier duty; she can’t walk on it too much.

    Bob agreed. And she can’t run from me, either!

    Kathleen leered at him. Who’d want to run from you? Now what do we have under here?

    She pulled up the bottom of her gown and they stared.

    A diaper? They looked at me.

    I shrugged. Don’t ask me, I never looked under there.

    She opened the sticky tabs on each hip then Bob and Sherry peeled the diaper down. All three gasped in horror!

    Evin, you’d better get over here.

    I went up to the bed and looked. I’d never seen so much hair on a woman’s privates! It was a foot wide at her navel and a dense red forest down and between her legs.

    Bob said, That’s Down Under all right!

    Sherry commented, Bush cuntry. Double pun intended.

    Kathleen told Bob, You’d need a native guide to navigate in there. Bob, you’d better have your rifle cocked before we go in.

    Bob eyed her steadily. "My rifle is always cocked when I’m around you, Sunshine."

    Sherry and Sunshine put the backs of their hands to their foreheads. Swoon.

    Bob looked at the two of them. Okay, who investigates?

    Sherry and Kathleen said together, "Not me! You’re elected!"

    Bob sighed. I always get the crap jobs. He gingerly reached down into the mass of hair, poked around a moment then wiggled his hand.

    Kathleen’s eyes got big; she arched her back and moaned, That works! Pass!

    Bob reached in a little deeper and twisted his hand around. Kathleen jumped and squeaked. Bob pulled his hand out and eyed one finger dubiously; it was damp.

    He gingerly sniffed it and winced. Sherry and Kathleen shuddered. He grinned at them and stuffed it in his mouth!

    Sherry and Kathleen cringed. Eww! Gross! Yeech!

    Bob said, Well it remotely resembles the right smell and has some hint of the right taste. At least part of the front side is operational.

    Kathleen looked down and asked, Is that a catheter?

    Sherry traced the tube down to a bag beside the bed. I’d say so. That stuff looks like it would eat through the porcelain in a toilet bowl.

    Sunshine said, Let’s see if it works, and tightened her stomach. The liquid in the tube moved. Yep! Definitely a catheter. Let’s check out the back side.

    Bob and Sherry said loudly, "No way!"

    I commented, She’s been on a totally liquid diet the last month, so there’s probably nothing much in there.

    Sherry ran her hand over Kathleen’s stomach. That’s right. I don’t think you’ve been this empty since the time you got the runs from eating dog shit. By the way, Evin brought that up, not me.

    Three sets of eyes silently accused me of unprofessional conduct. I offered, Maybe that’s why her breath smells. They groaned.

    Bob gingerly ran his hand down behind her hip and squeezed her butt. Flabby.

    Bob and Sherry replaced and refastened the diaper, put her gown and the covers back in place, folded her hands on her stomach and stepped back.

    They stared grimly at her.

    Kathleen looked miserable. Did I fuck up, guys? Should I have given this one a pass? she asked.

    Sherry said, Sunshine… then stopped and looked miserable herself.

    Bob had his turn. Sweetheart… Sunshine, you know how much I love you, don’t you? Please, please don’t take this the wrong way. But… you…

    Sherry said, are going to be…

    Bob and Sherry told her together, "Yummy! You picked great! They pumped their fists. Yes!"

    Kathleen glared at them. "You shits! You had me scared to death I’d have to start over! I don’t care if it takes me years, but I’m going to get you both back sooo bad!" She laughed with them.

    Bob told her, Sunshine, a little cleanup, a bit of exercise, quite a few dinners at the Black Angus and you’ll have it in perfect shape! Welcome back!


    (Wednesday 1/11)

    The orderly rolled me to the hospital GYN, a woman around 40. I warned her before we got started, You’d better have a safety line on before you get in there; it’s pretty grim.

    She laughed, I won’t say I’ve seen it all, but I’ve seen a lot. Let’s see what we’ve got.

    After we looked at the jungle, she said, Yep, it’s grim all right. You going to leave it?

    "Not if I can help it. Maybe I could get a medical opinion saying most of it needs to come off for hygienic reasons. After all, I am an airhead; it probably says so in my records."

    Honey, you’re the farthest thing from an airhead I’ve run into in a long time. I’m going to make a strong recommendation for a major trim job. Now, let’s see what you look like.

    Feet up in the stirrups. Cold! I twitched and shuddered when she stuck in the speculum and opened me up. A few pokes, prods and peeks later she said I was in fine condition.

    I asked, Any hymen there?

    No, your records show you had it taken off five years ago so it wouldn’t hinder your menstrual flow.

    Great! I’ve got a boyfriend who’ll appreciate it as much as I will.

    We measured, poked, fit, and I ended up rolling out with a diaphragm in place with a prescription for pills.

    Later in the afternoon, a nurse came in and told me she had an order to trim me up.

    All right! But be prepared for a battle!

    We cracked jokes about natural disasters and untamed jungles, giggled a lot and I gasped and drooled pussy juice.

    I got on my knees with my ass in the air so she could get everything in the crack; it was heavy all the way up to the waist in back! I bet my ass I could hold still because she was using a straight razor!

    We left a big patch of fluff below the bikini line; it was easier to make it shorter later than to stretch it longer. Anyway, I knew it was sacrilegious for redheads to shave completely.

    Around my pussy, we shaved the long coarse stuff off my legs (it was running down them more than an inch!) and the flat spots between the thighs and the outer labia. There was heavy red down on the labia themselves so we decided to leave it for now although we plucked out a few wild hairs. Looked good to me! Nice picture frame — see what Bob thinks.

    She recommended an Internet web site to get hair remover. It would last a long time, and eventually I’d be able to get along without it.

    We finished it off with some lotion, leaving me hot and bothered. I handled it during the night — damn, my new clitty seemed huge! And very sensitive. I didn’t think I produced as much pussy juice as Natalie, but I was sure it’d be sufficient.

    (Thursday 1/12)

    Evin was there when Jim Phillips showed up. I played the full airhead role and «pumped» him about his relationship with Kathleen.

    He was a slimy sleaze and just having him in the same room made Evin and me feel grimy.

    I played around at being an airhead. One neat thing I found Kathleen could do was to keep one eye focused on someone then the other eye could go wandering around.

    Looking through Evin’s eyes, it really looked weird, especially with a slack jaw and a bit of drool.

    Jim lasted maybe ten minutes before hauling his ass out of there. I’d been assisting his departure for the last five minutes by putting a bit of pressure on his bladder and rectum, plus a nauseous sensation in his stomach. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy. Wanker!

    After he slithered out, I looked at Evin. "He fucked Kathleen — twice. Once might have been a target of opportunity but twice? In that jungle? Who’s the airhead?

    "Hell, Kathleen just laid there and looked at him — she probably didn’t know what was going on. Anyway, I’m going to douche at least ten times to make sure he’s washed out. Hopefully there aren’t any more like him around; the first week Kathleen was in here, he found himself another bimbo and has been screwing her ever since.

    You know if she had any other friends we should look up and handle?

    He told me, "I’ll ask around. I kept a log of people who called asking about you, and I’ll have my daughters spread the word to call me if anyone wants to see you.

    For the moment, I’ll discourage my family from visiting — I’ll set something up after we get you out of here.

    The doctor had okayed some physical therapy so I got to go to a gym and do some exercises. They had a swimming pool; Natalie had been a good swimmer, so I started grooving in Kathleen’s body and muscles to be able to get around in the water.

    I slept well that night. I was sore all over except for my pussy and asshole. Good! It meant I was working the muscles. I didn’t like the way my boobs sagged; they weren’t bad, just needed some toning and perking up.

    At night, Bob would pop over, sometimes with Sherry, and we’d go moonlight bathing, thermal soaring and exploring. We kept a real low profile. We didn’t want to run into any of the rest of the Inner Circle; we wanted all this to be a surprise.

    Bob, his father and Papa Sonora were working their butts off doing repairs from the earthquake. Just about everyone had some cracks, a broken window, or some other simple job they needed done. He told me, «Get out of there fast, Sunshine. I need my favorite Apprentice badly. And not just for doing construction work, either.»

    Bob and I didn’t do any remote sex, either. We wanted to do it in person the first several times. I found out the bidet in the bathroom had a pretty powerful water fountain, though!

    One of the therapy pools had some water jets which had some great effects when I directed them at my new clit — it took about five minutes to get up to an orgasm. I did that as much as I could; those muscles needed toning up too, after all!

    (Friday 1/13)

    Evin and I had an attorney-client session the first thing Friday morning. We went over the Donovans’ wills.

    He told me, "Basically, Kathleen, everything goes to you. There’s a few minor bequeaths to some charitable groups, but they are really minor.

    "Between them, your parents owned 75% of the shares in J.R. Donovan, Inc. Those shares are now yours, which of course gives you voting control of the company.

    "Since Kathleen was an airhead, they left it to the Executor’s discretion how to handle things. If you’d turned out to be Kathleen airhead, I probably would have set up a very tight trust fund of some sort.

    However, we’ve got quite a different situation now where you’re of legal age and we know you’re competent. I may recommend several actions, but you’ll be in much more control.

    I said, Okay, Evin. Now, how much do I concern myself with? You mentioned a house once.

    Yes, there’s a house which belongs to a sub-company of J.R. Donovan. Your parents used it as their home.

    So we have to do anything with it?

    Well as the majority owner of the parent company, you could do most anything you wish. Sell it, lease it, live in it, demolish it, whatever.

    "What would you recommend?"

    Leave it running the way it is. We’ll spread the word down the line you’re not interested in it, and the leasing sub-company will do whatever works best.

    Okay, let’s do it that way. As majority stockholder, what do I have to do?

    You don’t have to do anything. But your parents were active and pretty much gave directions. My wife and I are owners, too; I’m the corporate attorney and she’s the Office Manager. Between us, we hold the other 25%.

    "It is tightly-held. How much does the company own?"

    Oh, maybe 125 or 200K in furniture, computers, office equipment and supplies. There’s liquid assets, too.

    Okay. What did my parents actually do for a living?

    Well, your father was a lawyer for about 5 years then for the last 15 years, they simply ran JRD.

    Maybe I’m not asking the right questions here. What does J.R. Donovan do?

    It’s basically a holding company of twenty-eight sub-companies — with JRD either owning them outright or owning controlling stock interests.

    Is this a situation of ‘own nothing but control everything’?

    Kathleen, you’re pretty good for an airhead. Exactly the idea. Totally legal the way we have it set up and in this case, nauseously efficient.

    Okay, Evin. Now, how do I get outta here? I’d like to see Natalie’s parents and my gang, but as far as I can tell, I’m broke and don’t even have cab fare. How about a little loan, Uncail?

    Em, I don’t think it’ll be needed. There are some funds available.


    Your parent’s personal bank accounts — which are now yours — have about 100K each. They had life insurance polices for a million dollars — each — which came to you tax-free and are sitting in a trust account.

    Jaysus and the Romans, too! Where did they get all that? Were they part of the Mob or something?

    They were both lawyers. Very good lawyers. And even better at running JRD.

    Be Jaysus! So you’re probably wealthy, too.

    We make do.

    You’re the Executor. I know you’re my father’s brother, but how do you get paid to do all this stuff?

    Some goes at my family-and-friends rate, but I actually spend most of my time plotting and planning for JRD and the sub-companies anyway. My main function as the Executor is to track down all the assets and get them into your control; that’s all pro bono.

    Right. So, what do I have to do now, next week, next month and so forth? Do I have to get involved in managing these sub-companies?

    Not really. Like me, your folks were lazy. We hired managers, CEOs or management companies to do the micro-work while we just made some general policy decisions. It’s probably what you would end up doing once you get the control.

    And you’ll be around to help out?

    Do you want me to help?

    You betcha!

    Then I’ll work at it.

    He got a long hug and kiss for that. I was nice to him though, I only rubbed my new boobs on him twice.

    Let’s not tell Bob right now. I want to spring it on him later.

    It’s your choice. I can’t since you’re my client, unless you instruct me to do so. I’ll order some new checks on the checking accounts, a debit card and all that stuff so you have access to some pocket money. You’re already a signatory on the accounts so you just take over.

    I told him, Yes, please do. It wouldn’t be pleasant being a multi-millionaire and not be able to go to In and Out Burger!

    He gave me twenty dollars in fives. You don’t need much cash in here, but having none is no fun. I’ll have some pocket money for you the minute you’re discharged.

    Chapter 2


    (Friday 1/13)

    The rest of Friday and the weekend, I spent doing as much physical therapy (read: working my ass off exercising) as they’d let me get away with. I found I could walk okay with the ankle but not for long distances, and they told me, "No running!"

    I played it pretty cool with the doctor, neither too dumb nor too smart (I hoped.). He kept thinking, «Very nice. Excellent recovery. Maybe all she needed after all was a good rest.»

    He told me unless something drastic happened, I’d be out of there Monday afternoon. Yes!

    Friday evening when Bob popped by. I told him about Monday. He said, «Great! How about we try to put something over on the gang in the evening.»

    I told him, «Sounds like a very interesting idea. I’m sure Sherry and Evin will help us out.»

    «Good. I’ll start the wheels turning. By the way, McCambridge had a memorial service for the students this afternoon.»

    «Oh, my. Too bad I was here. I coulda pulled a Tom Sawyer and have gone to my own funeral. Was it okay?»

    «"It was nicely done. The main problem was that Sherry and I had to keep from laughing every once in a while since we knew our Sunshine was here, and you knew where George ended up. Besides, we didn’t want to tip our hand with the Inner Circle.»

    «"The Unpleasantville stuff is going great. The Grand Jury indicted every one of the cruds in just a few minutes. Anywhere from rape to murder with special circumstances! Sweet! Somehow, most of their finances seem to be frozen, so all they’ve got are Public Defenders and most of them are fresh from law school.»

    «Of course, the first thing the Defenders did was ask for a postponement so they could get familiar with the evidence and the defenses. The judge wasn’t particularly interested and gave them two weeks. Should be interesting.»

    I popped outside, and we went sailing around Catalina Island. We discussed various plots and evil machinations about the best joke we could pull on the rest of the Inner Circle gang. We dove in the water and played with some whales and dolphins for a while then went back home. Bob had a full day’s worth of gigs Saturday, so we reluctantly went our separate ways.

    I did Kegel exercises against my fingers for an hour or so with five very nice side-effects. Gotta get those muscles ready! Dayum, Miss Clitty feels good when she’s wet! Can’t wait for Bob to get his mouth on her!

    Saturday, Evin brought in a debit/check/Visa card with my name on it and a PIN. Seems one of the sub-companies is a bank, and we have a lot of clout with them. They were having the checks printed on rush, so I’d have some next week.

    He gave me Kathleen’s purse. There was $10 cash, a bit of make up and a California ID card along with other assorted feminine junk. I guessed I was legal then; I had a plastic card with my picture and name.

    I looked at her signature and tried it out. It seemed the muscle memory worked fine for signing.

    He brought me a copy of my birth certificate, too. He told me, Now you can prove you were born.

    He handed me a DMV driver’s manual. Take fifteen minutes or so to suck it down. I’ve scheduled a written and driving test next Tuesday for you and there’s a company ‘banger’ getting serviced for you.

    For all that, he got another hug, kiss and a nice rub with the new boobies.

    Sunday he brought in some of Kathleen’s clothes so I’d have something to walk out in on Monday. They could have been a lot worse, style-wise and they fit okay. Gazing into my crystal ball, I saw shopping on the horizon!


    (Monday 1/16)

    About 4:00, Evin let me know Kathleen was ready to be discharged so Sherry and I set our evil plot into motion. I asked Mother and Father if they could come over to study at 7:00, and Sherry passed the word to Henry, Janet and Lucia to ensure their parental units could come. She passed the word to the entire Inner Circle to be there on time for some important stuff.

    By 4:30 we’d gotten positive RSVPs from everyone. Part One was complete, so I «called» Ana.

    «Ana, it’s Bob. You got a few minutes?»

    «Sure. I’m just going through my weekly contortions trying to paint my toenails.»

    «Hmm. Need some help contorting?» I sent her an image of a certain Kamasutra position with our faces amateurishly pasted on.

    «Nasty boy! One of these days very soon I’ll call you on one of those, and you’ll have to put up or shut up. I think you owe me at least one good Sorcerer’s Grip session for feeding you so much.»

    «I’m always willing to ‘put up’ for the Lead MILF! Anyway, I’d like to ask a favor. I’ve got a remote cousin who was in an accident several weeks ago and is just getting out of the hospital. She needs a place to stay for a couple nights, and I was hoping you’d let her stay in Natalie’s room.»

    «Shouldn’t be a problem. How old is she?»


    «Well, I won’t have to babysit her then.»


    «Okay, Bob, what’s the catch? Sigh.»

    «"Well, she’s kinda the skeleton in our closet. While she is eighteen, she’s got an IQ of 80 at the most — on a very good day. She’s a perfect example of ‘airhead.’"»

    «She’ll need a 24/7 watch then.»

    «I’ll help out, and I’m sure Mother and Father will, too. We’d take her to our place, but we’re doing renos, and there are absolutely no extra places except the back yard. I’m afraid if we put her out there, she’d eat all the chair cushions and crap all over the grass… or maybe the other way around.»

    «Okay. I’ve done it before.»

    «"You are a sweetheart, Ana, and one day I’ll make out… I mean, make it up to you."»


    «Yeh! And you love it! We’ll bring her over after 6:30; I hope we can keep her somewhat behaved during study.»

    «Okay, Sorcerer. See ya’all then.»

    Part Two complete!

    We arrived just after 6:45. Most everyone comes in during the fifteen-minute period before 7:00, so there would be plenty of action to keep things stirred up.

    Since she claimed her ankle was still a bit weak, I carried Kathleen up to the front door. With Evin right behind us, Kathleen did her final primping and mental adjustments. Show time!

    I pulled open the front door and called in, Ana, it’s Bob and company.

    She called back, Come on in, folks.

    We came in. We «felt» Ana inspect Kathleen, but what she got was our cover story — not very bright but nice, just got out of the hospital. Uncle Evin was really nice, but Cousin Bob made her heart go pitter-patter, her boobs get all tingly and her cunny feel funny. Sunshine didn’t have a firewall up, just damn good control.

    «Bob, how long have you known her.»

    «I met her a couple days ago. Why?»

    «She’s got the hots for you already!»

    «And what should I do about it? Spank her?»

    «Arg! Be nice to her.»

    «Ana, when have you known me not to be nice to someone?»

    «Let’s see… Akron? Unpleasantville?»

    «"Hey, we’re talking ladies here. I’d say she’s exactly what you think she is. I picked up pretty much the same and I’m trying to play it really cool." »

    I introduced Evin to Ana. He almost kissed her hand and she blushed a little bit. He was putting out his cover story: lawyer, uncle, concerned about Kathleen and a nice guy (for a lawyer).

    We got Kathleen situated in a comfortable chair; «Displaying» her cover story, she sat there looking around a bit vaguely. Geeser immediately claimed her lap and purred loudly while giving his furniture-with-fur impression.

    As the gang came in, I told them, «I’ll introduce her later.» Each would inspect her, get the cover story and toss me some comment about a new conquest or something.

    I just said, «I’m innocent. I had nothing to do with it. She’s just got a little crush right now, and it’ll pass.»

    After Mother and Father came in and got her cover story, I told them on a VPN, «Play along with me tonight. All will be explained.»

    Perfect timing; everyone was in by 7:00. I introduced Kathleen, Everyone, this is Kathleen Donovan. She’s a distant cousin, just got out of the hospital and is going to stay with Ana and Don for a few days. This handsome devil is Evin Donovan, her uncle.

    They looked at Kathleen, who was thinking, «"Wow those guys are cute! That big one with the gold hair — I wanna have my fingers in it! And all those pretty ladies! I wanna hug ‘em all! Such nice boobies!"»

    On the other hand, «Listen up guys. As you’ve probably found out, Kathleen’s a sweet kid but not too bright — and she’s a bit of a klutz. Watch yourselves around her and try to treat her nice. She lost both her parents in an auto accident six weeks ago and just got out of the hospital herself today. Evin’s a lawyer, but he’s really an okay guy despite that. I’ve got some other stuff for you about 7:30 I think you’ll find interesting.»

    They agreed to be nice to her. It didn’t hurt she’d laid all her innocent admiration on them.

    Kathleen helped get out drinks and snacks. She spilled a small bowl of chips over Sherry, splashed ice water on my crotch, dribbled soda on Steven and did an assortment of other klutzy things including falling over her own feet a few times.

    The gang treated her really nice and kept thanking her, complementing her and pushing her up. They quickly learned to keep a close eye on her when she was around as they could get wet, get stepped on or be involved some other accident.

    Every time she was out of my line of sight, she gazed adoringly at me, breathed a little faster, perked up her nipples harder and wet down her panties a little more. The rest of the gang ate it up! They kept throwing comments at me which I had to fend off by pleading innocent.

    She tried to flirt with Steven, too. She rubbed up against him, batted her eyes, did all those little flirty things girls could do but with just that right touch of gauche showing how challenged she was.

    Lucia was eating it up. «Steven, be nice to her. Maybe she’d like to go on a walk around the block with you — there’s a couple nice dark spots right around the corner. Or maybe the back yard right here! Looks like her boobs are attracted to you — they keep pointing at you.»

    It didn’t hurt that Kathleen had the three top buttons on her blouse open and kept giving everyone shots at her lacy bra and a couple very-nice inches of creamy,

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