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An anthology of loosely connected short stories set in the same world, each focusing on romance.

PublisherEileen Young
Release dateMar 4, 2010

Eileen Young

Editor, writer, superhero.

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    Sparkshot - Eileen Young


    By Eileen Young

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2010 Eileen Young

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.







    The first brush of his lips had multi-colored sparks going off in Katrina's head, like the brilliant sparkshot the battle-mages used, wreaking as much destruction on her powers of reason as sparkshot did on buildings. She felt her knees going weak as the kiss deepened, and she gripped Andrew's shoulder tighter for it. Then, abruptly, it was over, and the details of her workshop were again visible to eyes that had grayed over with desire.

    Andrew shoved his hand into his pockets and grinned at her; that wicked sunburst that had stolen her heart. Good morning.

    Katrina steadied herself with one hand on the workbench behind her, the other going up to rake through short brown curls. Ah- She stopped, cleared her throat to fix a voice that had come out far too husky. Hell of a way to start the day, she managed.

    To keep her hands occupied, she grabbed a grape lollipop from the coffee mug of them on the workbench and unwrapped it, popping it in her mouth. The artificial flavoring did nothing to dispel the taste of him, but remembering the last few months did. Her workshop, where she created the highly dangerous weapon called sparkshot for the government battle-mages, had been broken into, not once, but nine times over the course of six weeks. This despite the government-made wards she activated every night and her own state-of-the-art security system. She had never heard a thing in her apartment over the workshop, the apartment where Andrew, her fiancé, had proposed. It had freaked Katrina out, enough that she'd started keeping a big stick with a nail in by the door.

    After the fourth break-in, Andrew, the youngest captain on Achester's police force, had taken on the case himself and gone deep undercover in the industrial part of town (the shady part). Katrina hadn't seen him for over a month because of the investigation. Guards had been assigned for the first three weeks after he'd taken the case, though their presence hadn't halted the thefts. Then one day the guards had disappeared and the break-ins had stopped.

    That had been two weeks ago. Since then, Katrina hadn't heard a whisper of or from Andrew, though the newspapers had reported turmoil and sparkshot explosions in the industrial area. Now suddenly Andrew was back, and she wanted answers before she gave into the urge to jump him because she was ecstatic to see him. So I'm guessing your presence means you've caught the thief?

    He kept his hands in his pockets and perched on the edge of her desk. "Yeah. I've been trying to expedite bringing the guy responsible to trial the past couple of weeks. Sorry

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