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Spiritual Enlightenment in the Age of Cybersex
Spiritual Enlightenment in the Age of Cybersex
Spiritual Enlightenment in the Age of Cybersex
Ebook521 pages5 hours

Spiritual Enlightenment in the Age of Cybersex

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If you feel somewhat disconnected in the land of light-speed messaging, and a little lost or downright entangled in this World Wide communication Web we've weaved around ourselves, then it might just be a sign of the times ... that you are ready to take a quantum leap and leave the confines of your conditioned mind. This book will take you there with humor and spice! For the brave at heart only...

Release dateMar 23, 2010
Spiritual Enlightenment in the Age of Cybersex

Alessandrina Lerner

Alessandrina Lerner is the author of four books. All 3 of her Poetry books, "The Essence of Love" (Sep'09), "Spiritual Metamorphosis" (Feb'10) and "Have You Seen My Childhood" (Mar'10) are adorned with beautiful illustrations made by the author's daughter, a precocious 10-year old Artist, Amandine Love Lerner. Alessandrina's poetry does not only use the poetic imagery and innate musicality of words but also aspires to take the readers on a journey to the core of themselves through inspirational poems of a meditative nature. Alessandrina is also the author of a novel, "Spiritual Enlightenment in the Age of Cybersex" (Dec' 09), a comedic spiritual gem which introduces Spiritual teachings with humor and a real urban flavor, making them accessible to a modern, and maybe a little less spiritually inclined crowd. Alessandrina Lerner has been writing poetry since she was 8, and wrote her first short novel when she was 12. Though she left her childhood dreamworld, obtained an MBA in International Finance from French Ivy league University Paris IX- Dauphine, and went on to pursue a high profile career in the world of International Finance, Alessandrina never forgot her true love and kept cultivating a passion for writing all throughout, continuing to write poetry and short stories as a hobby, whenever time allowed. Traveling to over 55 countries in the context of her career, she fulfilled the explorative part of her dream, yet found herself seeking more meaningful experiences to further nourish her soul. Motherhood pushed her further in that direction, propping her to quit her job and start training with a Spiritual Indian Master to become a Yoga Therapist, now her primary occupation since 2001. Having grown increasingly passionate and talented in the Art of inspiring others through Yoga, Alessandrina decided to take it to the next level by going back to her roots and honoring her true essence by dedicating herself to writing. Since writing books seemed like the most logical step to disseminate the spiritual knowledge she has acquired on her journey, Alessandrina has decided to embrace her new path with love, dedication, and the greatest hope for the future. Alessandrina is currently working on a number of literary projects, including children books, a spiritual movie script, a Yoga manual, and sequels to her first novel. She has many other artistic projects in the pipeline, which she hopes to be able to fully dedicate herself to in the coming years.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Customer ReviewWithout further ado, let me quote what my first anonymous reader had to say about “Spiritual Enlightenment in the age of Cybersex”,“ MIND-BLOWING!!! Hello... I just wanted to take a minute out of my day to tell you how much I enjoyed your book, “Spiritual Enlightenment in the age of Cybersex”. I am so impressed!!! You are definitely an author who has found her voice... It’s been a while since I experienced something that was both thought-provoking and hilarious at the same time!!! There are many phrases that will stick with me, but one of my favorites is when you said, “I recognize qualities and weaknesses in all people, not as features attached to their origins but as human traits which may develop or remain latent depending on the fortune or misfortune of one’s karmic rebirth. That is heavy! Keep writing, you’re very talented!”

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Spiritual Enlightenment in the Age of Cybersex - Alessandrina Lerner

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