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The Ghetto Survival Guide Presents... 101 ways to survive these tough economic times!
The Ghetto Survival Guide Presents... 101 ways to survive these tough economic times!
The Ghetto Survival Guide Presents... 101 ways to survive these tough economic times!
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The Ghetto Survival Guide Presents... 101 ways to survive these tough economic times!

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About this ebook

Don't let the economy get you down!
101 sure fire ways to help you...
Keep the job you have!
Turn free time into extra money!
Save money on the constant!
Entertain you and the family on the cheap!
Did I mention making money tips as well?
From the creator of 'The Ghetto Survival Guide for Blacks and Latinos'

PublisherXTC Media
Release dateApr 24, 2010
The Ghetto Survival Guide Presents... 101 ways to survive these tough economic times!

L Robinson

Writer, photographer, person with a whole lot to say... A.K.A. Creative!

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    The Ghetto Survival Guide Presents... 101 ways to survive these tough economic times! - L Robinson

    The Ghetto Survival Guide Presents…

    101 ways to survive these tough economic times!


    The Ghetto Survival Guide Presents…

    101 ways to survive these tough economic times

    By L. Robinson

    Published by XTC Media at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2010 L. Robinson

    Feeling a little scared? Well you should be! Shit is getting really bad out there! People are losing their homes, their cars and their jobs in record numbers and it’s even happening to white people!

    In our last book the Ghetto Survival Guide we kind of told you the shit was hitting the fan and we gave you quite a few tips for surviving life up in the hood… But it’s gotten a bit hectic out there and I guess that means we have to step up the game if only because the rules have changed! If white people are feeling the heat then it’s definitely scorching lives up in the hood!

    As always… Good advice is good advice! So if you want to survive the economic meltdown buckle up and begin your journey through 101 ways to survive these tough economic times!


    The first and most important tip!

    When all else fails and everything is starting to look really hopeless… Refer back to this chapter!

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    The first and most important tip!

    I often find it strange how I always reference my grandmother in my writings. I mean, I could be just trying to flesh out my thoughts for a paragraph and bam! Out of the blue something clicks and I will see her telling me some little bit of grandmother wisdom when I was a little tyke and then everything will kind of come together.

    I have come to realize that my grandmother (or nana as I used to call her) influenced me in many ways whether it was the gems of wisdom that she passed on to a hyperactive, amazed at the world little boy or the time she took explaining why that same boy should never give up just because things didn’t go his way… I thought for a very long time that the universe was wrong for taking her from me, and I actually went through a stage of anger and resentment and basic self destruction. I figured if the world could be so cruel, why should I care? When things seemed to be hitting rock bottom for me and I was at those crossroads of ‘once you go down this path there is no return’ … In the back of my head I could hear her gentle voice full of wisdom and love saying What are you really accomplishing by giving up on yourself? Go ahead… Try one more time before you give up.

    I think the first and only time she ever said that to me was when I was 6 sitting at the kitchen table becoming frustrated trying to build a boxed model van (the swat team van from the tv show) and she saw my crying ready to throw the whole thing into the garbage can. With those words of wisdom and a little gentle prodding from her I finished that van and I think that was one of the proudest moments in my whole life!

    I don’t know if it was her actually speaking to me from beyond on that fateful day when my life was in a tailspin, or if it was my subconscious trying to preserve the person I was meant to be… but whatever it was… it worked!

    And don’t get me wrong nothing in life ever comes easy it took me years and years to put my life back together and I would be lying if I told you that every day is a banner day! I have the same shitty days that everyone else has and from time to time I have those days when I just want to throw in the towel and give up!

    But when it gets really bad I just find someplace quiet to gather my thoughts and say to myself What are you really accomplishing by giving up on yourself? Go ahead… Try one more time before you give up!

    This has become my mantra to ward off defeat and feelings of despair through the years.

    Yes things are tough… You could even say things are really fucked up in the world! You might lose your job you might even lose your home! Life might throw you some things that might make you feel that there really is no way out… But you are not the first person who has had rough times and you probably will not be the last… but like the lesson learned by a 6 year old boy, you can never give up or throw in the towel you always have to put on your game face and prove to yourself that this is only a minor setback!

    Another thing my grandmother told me was anything worth keeping was worth sharing I don’t think I really ever understood what that meant until now.

    If this book is worth anything it is all because of this one mantra that has helped me through many a rough time in my life and since this will be the most valuable tip in this whole book I want to share it with you. And I sincerely hope that it has the same positive effect that it has for me through the years.

    #1 What are you really accomplishing by giving

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