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The Character
The Character
The Character
Ebook214 pages3 hours

The Character

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Intense. Painful. Inspiring. This is 10-year-old Anna's story of abuse and her redeeming friendship with a mysterious storyteller named Ash.

Release dateMay 13, 2010
The Character

Tiffini Johnson

Everything about writing is something I love. I love the process of coming up with ideas, jotting them down into “summaries” and then exploring them. I love the way my recent books have challenged me to expand as an author. I love the way they make me think. Words are one of the most powerful things on earth because, through them, we have the ability to be understood. I am an author–I have been paid for my work–but I don’t consider writing a job. In fact, I’m amazed at the possibility someone would give me money just to read one of my novels when I’d be tickled pink to give it to him, free, just because it’s exciting to me to know that someone else is reading the words of my characters. Writing is a way of life for me. Every experience throughout every day of my life is a possible story, or blog. Mostly the issues I write about are not light hearted, they are not easy. Some are downright painful, in fact. But I hope they also serve a purpose. Obviously, I’m a writer.But that’s not all I am.I’m also a mother to two incredibly beautiful girls, Breathe and Alight, and my purpose in life, above writing, above anything, is to ensure they have the happiest, securest, safest childhood possible so that they might become confident women. My life’s joy resides in becoming their personal pet elephant who trumpets through the house with them on her back, or deciding that we should paint ourselves, from head to toe, in purple and yellow polka dot paint because–well, because we can!I love music, I love the water, I love rain, I love God and try very hard to make it known that it is for Him that I do anything good. I’m loyal to a fault but equally stubborn as well. I’m a conversationalist — I can talk all night. I’m an insominac who, at wee hours in the morning, contrives creative games and ideas for my girls and I to play the following day. I believe in never ending second chances, I believe in strangers. I love chocolate, but dislike salt. I am scared of weird things, like the man in the moon and bridges, but have a most unhealthy wild streak that makes me stare my fears in the face and conquer them by—-gasp—writing!My heart is heavily burdened with the emotional and psychological needs of the earth’s most heartbreaking of citizens: the abused and neglected children and teens. I cannot pass a hurting child without stopping and I think of them daily. Mostly, I believe that part of the reason we are all here is to build relationships with our friends, family and lovers because, after all, it is through our earthly relationships that we learn to cultivate and attend our spiritual relationship with God. I am just me, Tiffini, an imperfect soul who wakes up and goes to sleep and wonders how many more 24 hours there’s going to be before I stand before God Himself.I am--we all are---stories that matter.

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    The Character - Tiffini Johnson

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