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Selene of Alexandria
Selene of Alexandria
Selene of Alexandria
Ebook528 pages

Selene of Alexandria

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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She yearns to be a healer. When an ambitious bishop accuses her of witchcraft, can she survive his dark plot?

Alexandria, AD 412. Selene longs to defy tradition. Haunted by memories of her mother and infant brother’s deaths from a fever, the tenacious fourteen-year-old dreams of becoming a skilled physician. So she dons a daring disguise to seek out the patronage of the influential pagan philosopher, Hypatia.

Elated when her risky gambit pays off, Selene’s eager pursuit of wisdom is made rocky by jealous male rivals and rioting Christians, Jews, and Egyptians. And as the unrest in the streets rises to festering new heights, the once-naïve student quickly realizes she’s being targeted by her mentor’s close-minded enemies.

Will her tenderhearted efforts to save others leave her defenseless against their deadly accusations?

In this gritty and vivid novel, award-winning author Faith L. Justice spins an insightful tale anchored by the influential life of one of history’s first female philosopher-mathematicians. And after gazing at the often-brutal culture of her time through the lens of an ordinary family's choices, you’ll emerge with a newfound understanding of this era of vast religious, social, and political change.

Selene of Alexandria is a meticulously researched work of historical fiction. If you like fast-paced action, well-crafted dialogue, and complex themes, then you’ll adore Faith L. Justice’s illuminating view into antiquity.

Buy Selene of Alexandria to walk the sands of the Eastern Empire today!

Release dateMay 17, 2010

Faith L. Justice

Faith L. Justice writes in her historic land marked home “The Suffragette House” in Brooklyn, New York where she lives with her family and the required gaggle of cats. Her award-winning fiction has appeared in such publications as Circles in the Hair, The Copperfield Review, and Beyond Science Fiction and Fantasy. She’s published articles in such venues as, Writer's Digest, and The Writer. Faith is Chair of the Historical Novel Society--New York City chapter and Associate Editor for Space and Time Magazine. She co-founded a writer’s workshop many more years ago than she likes to admit. For fun, she digs in the dirt – her garden and various archaeological sites.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fascinating, well-written account of 5th century Alexandria, through the story of Selene, an upper-class girl, who cherishes and fulfills her ambitions of becoming a doctor and escapes the circumscribed life of marriage, running a home, and children under the thumb of an all-powerful husband. We are also thrust into the tumultuous years of that time, with religious dissention and riots between pagans, Jews and various Christian sects, the Machiavellian Patriarch Cyril, the famous woman philosopher, the pagan Hypatia, and the well-meaning, stalwart Augustal Prefect, Orestes, who tries to maintain peace among all Alexandrines. The ending was sad but no doubt inevitable.The author's historical research was impeccable. I thought her portrayal of Hypatia, one of the most accurate I've read: that of an older woman, filled with the wisdom of years. Characters were believable and most aroused my sympathy and admiration. Though physical descriptions and backgrounds of the historical figures were from the author's imagination as she herself admits in her Notes, they rang true. I guess when Cyril was made a saint, his hand in any horrific events was overlooked and emphasis placed on the importance of his writings on church doctrine. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Selene is a rich man's daughter living in Alexandria in 412 AD. Not content with the life of a noble Christian woman, she seeks knowledge and freedom. After meeting Lady Philosopher Hypatia and convincing her father to allow her to continue her studies, Selene enters the Museum as a student. She excels at her classes, much to the delight of her father and chagrin of the other elite living in Alexandria. Cyril, the new patriarch of the Alexandrian Church wants to convert Alexandria to complete Christianity. Standing in his way to domination is Prefect Orestes and the Lady Philosopher Hypatia. Also in the Patriarch's way, those who stand for reason. Selene must learn how to navigate this treacherous road.When readers meet Selene, she is a gangly girl of fourteen. Her desire for knowledge distinguishes her from her peers, both male and female. Her journey to awareness can be heartbreaking, but with each misstep, Selene learns a new lesson. And her sincerity and good nature earn her the reader's love. I expected to see more of Hypatia, but her absence leaves the focus on Selene. The other secondary characters, such as Rebecca, Orstes and Antonius were wonderful.The action is never ending, and the plot is full of SUPER twists and turns. Also included in this book are undercurrents of class relations, as well as a battle of Church versus State. These only increase the book's readability.This book had me tearing up a lot. Here are some of my favorite parts."Philosophy is a rigorous study and a way of life which only a few are able to master.""Stripped of my past, I have the opportunity to make my own future."Needless to say, I loved this book and would wholeheartedly recommend this book to any ancient book lover or anyone wanting to learn about Hypatia.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Even people who don’t read historical fiction as obsessively as I do would like this, I should think. And they do! Reviewers on Amazon and GoodReads raved about this one. I believe I’m the first to not like it all that much… So here’s what happened for me.I knew nothing about this time period for Alexandria, Egypt. I typically read about Greece and Rome in this era. Before this, I’d heard no more than a whisper of Hypatia. Orestes and “Saint” Cyril were completely unbeknownst to me. So, what I can take away from this is that I learned loads. I met some characters that actually existed 1600 years ago and that always pleases me when reading historical fiction. It’s really the only place that can happen. But I digress…Because I like to end on a good note…The BadThe author mentioned somewhere that she wanted to get a viewpoint on the political and religious turmoil in this state from the eyes of a common person exposed to it. Hence the entrance of Selene, Philip, Rebecca, etc., all of the author’s imagination. Great. I love when authors do that. They mix enough of the actual history with fiction that it makes sense. But the issue I have here is how predictable these characters were. It seemed that they could do nothing surprising. No cliffhangers. Call me a sucker for cliffhangers but I was bored with them. I knew what they would do/say/think/react to next. Not ver batim but I fancy myself experienced enough to have a good clue. I realize that there is a certain level of predictability that comes with the creation of a character for a novel. There’s only so much one can think up without sounding like a mad person who is intentionally trying to make the wackiest character out there. But when it’s blatantly obvious to a non-writer who the fictional characters are and who are based off real people, one has to wonder.A piece of me wants to mention the preachy nature of this book. But I realize that that was really the point. Religion was meant to be a main focal point. I just sorta felt like it was being forced down my throat on several occasions – evidence suggesting atheism, I might add.The GoodThe author did an amazing job with the characters Cyril, Orestes, Hypatia, etc. I love them. I remember them. I feel like I knew them and I want to read more about them. They were engaging, dynamic, exciting and unpredictable. They felt like real people. Everytime Hypatia and Orestes had conversation, I was enraptured. To me, they shined enough that the other characters disappeared into the shadows. Was that the point? I doubt it seriously.I also think the author showcased the major events well. The purge of the Jews and ensuing Plague, the various riots, even women in professions in this era were all well described and invigorating. There’s no doubt, it kept me clicking the page forward on my Kindle. I just wasn’t thrilled silly.Sometimes I think I’m too harsh, too critical of these writers when I’m not a writer myself. Who am I to judge this person’s work? But I can’t help it. Am I too hung up on the fictional characters bit? I’d like to go back and say “yeah, I should let that go”. But this is historicalfiction. She’s supposed to do well on the research and the made-up parts. And if there are so many writers out there who do this so well (Diana Gabaldon, Paullina Simons, Arthur Golden, etc.), why can’t she? She’s got to be held to a higher standard because she writes for a genre that’s composed of two equally important parts. We’re meant to believe this and I wasn’t sold.I don’t particularly recommend this. My best suggestion when I review something as not great or worse, is to go out and read it yourself to form your own opinions if you so choose.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Teen-aged Selene lives in the Christian city of Alexandria. In A.D. 412, it is unusual for upper-class girls to enter professions, but Selene wishes to become a physician rather than marry a man of her father's choice. She succeeds in gaining the tutelage of Lady Philosopher Hypatia and other Alexandrian scholars, but the city is descending into a struggle between the Christians under the new, young bishop and all other religious sects, pagan and Jewish. In a city separating into sides in the midst of political intrigue, religious fanaticism, and personal ambitions, can Selene manage to make her dream come true?Setting and characters: The setting and characters themselves are some of the most interesting aspects to this novel. It's set in the Roman Empire, but the Empire is the Christian one of several centuries after the gladiatorial, Caesar-run, pantheon-worshiping one of most other ancient Roman historical novels. It's a time period that I've never run into before in historical fiction, the one when classical civilization was fading into the "Dark Ages." Selene is a fascinating character, being a female physician-in-training (unusual but not unheard of), and the story of Orestes, Prefect of Alexandria, is told as well.Writing: Selene of Alexandria is both well-researched and well-written. Faith Justice makes clear which characters are fictional and which were actual people, and she also includes a historical note at the end to further explain what is factual and what is creative license. She incorporates a wealth of historical details into the story, and these are worked in well enough that they seem natural, not just random research forced into the storyline. My biggest plaudit for this novel is that its story is completely believable. Selene, though an unusual character, is not so modernized in her opinions and actions as to be implausible. Her role in the larger story of Alexandria is not some fantastical place reached by an entirely improbable series of events, instead coming across as small yet still important, organized by chance in the manipulations of the city's leaders. Another situation and person could have been substituted in her spot; it just happened to be Selene.Everything else: For some reason, it took me a surprisingly long time to get into the story. The author takes a while to set up the characters and story, but then there's several central characters and a complex plot. The novel got better after this, though. And better and better and better. By the end, I couldn't put it down. What started off as a slow plot kept getting faster and faster as tensions in Alexandria wound tighter and Selene and her family, along with everyone else, became more entangled in them. I'm hoping that Faith Justice will write another book about the characters of Selene of Alexandria, because even though the novel may have been written as a stand-alone, I want to see what happens to Selene, her family, and her friends as they move on after the conclusion.One final praise: Selene of Alexandria is historical fiction written for historical instruction, not for romance, Christian inspiration, or any other reason. I really hate it when authors take wonderful-sounding historical settings and characters and don't use them to teach history. Really, that's the purpose of historical fiction, to spread historical knowledge in a fun, accessible way. This novel does an excellent job with that, as I learned a lot about this part of history.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book centers around Selene, daughter of a wealthy council member, living in Alexandria during a time of unrest. With a power-hungry bishop fighting against the fair-minded city prefect, the city has many political and religious riots and debates. Selene is breaking boundaries by persuing her dreams to become a physician and she gets caught up in all the turmoil and intrigue that goes on. I found the characters to be very believable, and of course Selene was my favorite. The pace was a bit choppy at times, skipping ahead a few months during times that seemed like they should be filled with action. I also wasn't expecting the few gory medical details, but they added to the reality of Selene's life. But I was definitely interested in all the events surrounding Selene, and found myself easily caught up in the drama. I enjoyed the realism of the situations, and the fact that though Selene was a tough, smart, and determined herione, not every detail in her life turned out perfect.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a book with everything, historical setting, intrigue, mystery, social and political conflict. It is well written and I truly appreciate the dedication the author showed by staying as true as possible to the scant historical record while maintaining the integrity of her story. Selene's story is more than a coming of age tale. The story encompasses the social unrest which ultimately brings down huge empires from the inside; it explores the role religious figures have played in shaping the knowledge base and controlling the populace; it delves into the social restrictions placed on women and the lower classes and the price which must be paid in order to challenge these conceptions, just to name a few. By far, my favorite part of this novel is the ending; we don't get a tidy everything is roses ending. It realistically depicts the depths of human suffering that the characters have endured, with just a hint of optimism that when they leave the den of corruption Alexandria has become, their fortunes may improve. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author through the LibraryThing member giveaway program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 [...] : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."  
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don't know what I loved more-- the exciting story of a 5th C. woman struggling to fulfil her calling during the decline of the Roman Empire, or all the history I learned of a little known time and place. The setting is Alexandria, the vital Egyptian city held by the Romans because it supplied wheat for the entire empire. The Roman Catholic Church is now the official religion and is gaining in power. I was fascinated to read a story of the politics of the Empire vs. the Church and what would lead to the tragically named, but apropos, Dark Ages. Selene is a wonderful, early feminist role model as she risks her life to study medicine. Her story builds to a surprisingly suspenseful climax as her medical training is called into question. I would strongly recommend this novel to lovers of historical fiction.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book has everything... It was such a great story. I LOVED Selene, she was such a great character. I'm really finding it hard to describe her. There were times when she was so strong, emotionally, and yet other times when she would let her emotions take over. She was so strong-willed and yet still understood her place in her world and did as she was supposed to do. I guess the best way I can think to describe her would be, she was a real woman. I was very attached to Selene. She was just so real. While the story focused around Selene there were so many other things that were going on around her. Even when the story didn't focus on Selene she always managed to get herself right there in the middle of what was going on. There were times when I wanted to knock some sense into her, but I knew that she could handle whatever situations she was placed in.The ending was great. While not everyone had a happy ending it was very realistic. There were a few unexpected twists that really added to the tension of the story, but they made for great reading. The story was so great, it had everything. It was exciting, endearing, suspenseful, and emotional. There was a very tense felling around everything. The fight for power in the city, the fight for Selene to get what she wanted out of life, the fight of religion in the city. Everything was marked with tension. This one did take me a while to read. I spent many hours with Selene, Hypatia, Phillip, Rebecca, and Orestes. I'm not sure why it took so long for me to read it, as it was a fairly fast-paced story. Despite the time it took me to finish it was well worth the read. It was beautifully written, it was an intelligent story, and it was easy to escape into Selene's world.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "Selene of Alexandria" is about a teenager constrained by her class and time who fights for the right to study medicine in Alexandria, Egypt. Though she and her family are fictional, many of the other characters were real. One of the most prominent characters, who becomes Selene's champion and teacher, is Hypatia, a philosopher and mathematician. I loved learning about her and want to read more.I learned an incredible amount about what life was like in the time and place where this story was set. (I don't think I would have fared very well.) Justice does an excellent job making history come alive. I think we forget just how sophisticated civiliations that long ago were.I recommend this book for anyone who enjoys historical fiction.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I almost gave this a three, but the last quarter and the surprise ending brought it up to a four. The beginning starts great. Readers meet Selene, a young lady of a reputable family Alexandria, Egypt. Note that this is an Alexandria ruled by Rome so it is actually a part of Rome in this particular time. A new Prefect, Orestes is just arriving to take the reigns of the city that is being ruined by religion wars. While Alexandria's Christians and Jews are constantly rioting in the streets and Orestes is struggling to maintain order and keep both sides happy, Selene is trying to become a doctor. She begins this difficult task by deceiving her father, dressing as a boy, and obtaining a meeting with the famous female philospher, Lady Hypatia. From that point on, it's apprenticeship and ministering to the sick. Selene is a very likeable and very strong heroine. Cyrus, Alexandria's "head priest" has other ideas tho. He keeps inflaming the religion wars and he has his evil heart set on the downfall of Hypatia. He intends to use Selene to get to the lady philospher. I did not like the parts that focused on Cyrus or the religious strife in Alexandria. Tho important to the outcome of the story, these parts and the religious arguments and discussions just bored me to death. It simply doesn't interest me. However, the ending picked up wonderfully with no end of excitement. There are deaths of family and friends, an accusation of witchcraftery, a trial, an arrest, an escape, and a surprise ending. I wouldn't have chose it to end the way it did but I must admit, I was surprised. A decent, four star read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I received this book through the Member Giveaway, and I was very impressed with the delivery of the book. I received it promptly (even if I didn't read and review it promptly!), and the author took the time to write a note and inscribe it to me, which I really appreciated. I thought it was an excellent personal touch.After I sat down to read the book, it was a quick and pleasant read. **Mild Spoilers** The plot follows the life and ambitions of Selene as she strives to follow her heart's goal of becoming a physician, or at least what passed for one in the late days of Roman occupied Egypt. Her father, while at first furious, gives in to her and allows her to begin studying with the famous Lady Philosopher of Alexandria, Hypatia. Things go well at first, until rising tensions between the Jews and early Christians set of religious riots as the Patriach of the city strives to consolidate his political control of the city. Selene is caught up in his plans, and her life begins a tragic course.Overall, I was impressed with the fact that the author didn't need to give Selene a happy ending. I felt that the story had closure and I like that she survived to go on and live her life a changed woman elsewhere. However, it would have been nice to have one of the two love plots work out and at least allow her some satisfaction in that part of her life. I like to htink that Selene found love wherever she ended up living. I would recommend this book to those interested in Roman culture, early medicine, Egyptian history and the early church. The book is obviously meticulously researched, and I feel it to be factually correct.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In Selene of Alexandria, the title character is a young woman who's ahead of her time. Instead of getting married and settling down to the duties of home and hearth, as was customary for women of her time, Selene wants to be a physician. As her story unfolds, we not only get to know her, but other people in her life, both real and fictional. I just love female characters who don't want to fit into the nice neat little box that society prescribes for them, and Selene is no exception. As others have said, it did take a little bit for me to really be drawn in to the book, but once I was hooked, I could hardly put it down. Other characters were well-written and had their own stories to tell - they didn't just serve as a backdrop for Selene's life. The historical detail was interesting to me, and I found the story very engaging.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In Selene of Alexandria, Faith L. Justice does an impressive job of weaving the fictional story of a young woman's coming of age around an interesting historical backdrop. She allows the historical events to shape and guide her titular character while, at the same time, using Selene's story to put a very personal, live human touch on the historical characters and events.The best historical fiction is written around instances of intense conflict, and that's precisely what Justice has done with Selene -- writing a story set in a Hellenized Egyptian city just as the Christians are poised to crush and stamp out dissenters, not only from their own ranks, but also in the form of Jews and pagans. This is a period fraught with danger and excitement from all corners, and Justice captures the mood and tensions well.Selene also showcases another aspect shared by the best of the historical fiction genre. In the book, Justice does not allow the history to overshadow the fiction, not does she sacrifice the historical accuracy of her portrayal to make the writing easier. She walks that fine line well, pulling the reader into an engrossing story, but not giving him any reason to be shocked out of the historical world. I found myself quite incapable of putting aside the novel, always opting for "one more chapter" before going to bed only to find myself still reading hours later. However, at the end, I looked back and could not recall a single instant where I felt the story to be ahistorical.The story in Selene of Alexandria is great, and the writing is even better. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to any fans of historical fiction and to fans of a good read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "Selene of Alexandria", by Faith L. Justice, is an historical novel set in Alexandria during the fifth century. It concerns a young woman named Selene who wishes to defy her sex and her class by becoming a physician. With some effort, she eventually obtains her father's blessing and the support of another key character, Hypatia, the mathematician and philosopher who lived during this time. The book describes her efforts to achieve her dream of practising medicine, and her adventures as she interacts with various prominent historical characters of the period.The premise of this book is a clever and effective one. Although it purports to tell the story of the fictional character Selene, the book is really about the historical characters around Hypatia. That is, the author uses the fictional Selene as a device to relate, in dramatic form, the story of Hypatia. The writing is good, and the characters are well developed and interesting. The character of Selene is made to be very likeable, if a bit unrealistically virtuous.I give this book very high marks for historical fidelity. Among the many fictional works that chronicle the life and, mainly, the death of Hypatia, this one seem to stray the least from the known facts of Hypatias life (few though they be). While any work of fiction concerning the life of Hypatia must employ considerable interpolation, this book seems to have taken a fairly balanced view of events as we understand them. There is no obvious agenda here, as is so clearly the case in most other such works, other than the desire to relate a fascinating story. The use of the fictional character of Selene to effect this goal is successful and results in a very good story.I particularly liked the portrayal of Orestes and Cyril in this book. Here, although Cyril is no saint - pun intended - neither is he portrayed as the caricature of pure evil that most authors, seeking to attack the church, make him out to be. Ultimately, this makes for a more believable representation of this important historical character. Almost nothing is known about the historical Orestes, but Justice creates quite a believable character here as well.Highly recommended.

Book preview

Selene of Alexandria - Faith L. Justice


Selene of Alexandria

"Readers will be captivated. Fans of Gillian Bradshaw’s classic The Beacon at Alexandria may especially enjoy Selene and find a promising new historical novelist who shares the same gift for wonderfully researched, vividly evoked, good old-fashioned storytelling."—Historical Novel Society

"Selene of Alexandria is pure fiction magic…I couldn’t put this book down... [It] made me laugh and cry, hope and despair."—Story Circle Book Reviews

I am enthralled with the work of this author… [She writes] with beauty, brilliance, and brutal honesty. Run to the bookstore and buy this for

This book is outstanding, not just for a first novel, but for any novel. Once you’ve read it, I’m sure you’ll join me in waiting impatiently to read Justice’s next project!Lacuna: Journal of Historical Fiction

"Selene of Alexandria does what historical fiction does best—weave historical fact, real-life historical figures, and attention to detail with page-turning, plot-driven fiction."—The Copperfield Review

The author has weaved a brilliant tale that brings to life this fascinating era, complete with never-to-be-forgotten characters, unrequited love, and the desire of one woman to overcome adversity. It is a story that picks up momentum with each page until it reaches a very explosive ending. Highly recommended.History and Women

The characters are well-drawn, the plot propels us forward, and the writing carries us easily throughout the story. Even the antagonist comes across as a fully fleshed out person. The depiction of all the historical figures we see through Selene’s eyes and the level of authenticity is remarkable.Historical Novel Review


Selene of Alexandria

First published in 2009

Smashwords Edition

Copyright © 2009 Faith L. Justice

Reprinted 2020

10th Anniversary Edition

All rights reserved

Raggedy Moon Books

Brooklyn, NY, USA

Cover Design by Jennifer Quinlan


Epub ISBN: 976-1452336015

Paperback Print ISBN: 978-0692356982

Hardback Print ISBN: 978-0917053191

Audio Book ISBN: 978-0917053184

Library of Congress Control Number: 2020906192

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people except through official vendor lending programs. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please buy it from your favorite bookstore. After all, it costs less than a latte and took many years to produce. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


Characters in Order of Appearance

Start Reading

Author’s Note

About the Author

Copyright Information

Full Table of Contents



Selene of Alexandria

Sword of the Gladiatrix (Gladiatrix #1)

Twilight Empress (Theodosian Women #1)

Dawn Empress (Theodosian Women #2)

Short Story Collections

The Reluctant Groom and Other Historical Stories

Slow Death and Other Dark Tales

Time and Again and Other Fantastic Stories

Children’s Fiction

Tokoyo, the Samurai’s Daughter (Adventurous Girls #1)


Hypatia, Her Life and Times

In memory of Mary Ann Justice,

loving mother, grandmother, and first reader.



IT HAS BEEN MY PLEASURE to write this story and bring these characters and this time to life. Among the many people who helped and encouraged me, I want to particularly thank the members of my writer’s group Circles in the Hair. For over twenty years, they have been there for me; reading drafts, providing insightful feedback, and encouraging my dreams. Special and loving thanks go to my husband Gordon for supporting me in countless ways; and to my daughter Hannah, who grew up sharing me with this book and showing no sibling rivalry whatsoever. No historical fiction acknowledgement would be complete without thanks to the many librarians and collections that tirelessly answer questions and find obscure documents. My special thanks go to the New York City Research Library—a world class institution.


(Historical characters in italics)

Selene, a young Christian woman of the ruling class

Nicaeus, Selene’s older brother

Antonius, Nicaeus’ friend

Rebecca, a Jewish servant

Calistus, city councilor and Selene’s father

Phillip, Selene’s oldest brother

Hypatia, Lady Philosopher, astronomer and mathematician

Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria

Orestes, Augustal Prefect (governor) of Egypt

Abundantius, Roman General and military dux of Alexandria

Demetrius, slave and secretary to Orestes

Timothy, Archdeacon (second in command) to Theophilus

Honoria, Selene’s friend

Cyril, Theophilus’ nephew

Aaron, Rebecca’s brother

Auxentius, medical history and theory scholar

Haroun, Nubian anatomy teacher

Paulinus, bishop’s chief steward

Hierex, Christian teacher and Cyril’s right hand man

Lysis, Antonius’ father

Jesep, leader of the Jews

Ammonius, Nitrian monk

Arete, Honoria’s Mother

Ision, Honoria’s father

Urbib, Jewish physician

Thomas, Imperial agent

Melania, midwife

Peter, church presbyter


Alexandria, Egypt, AD 412

BLOOD POUNDED IN SELENE’S EARS, beating to the rhythm of her bare feet thudding on the hard beach scrabble. Her breath came easy as she crested a low ridge and took a moment to glance back. Through the deep shadows of early dawn, she saw her older brother Nicaeus and his best friend Antonius struggle out of a shrubby wash at the bottom of the ridge. She threw her head back and shrieked a triumphant ululation. Arms wide, she hurled herself down the slope with wild abandon.

Running filled her with joy. The feel of her body working smoothly—legs striding, arms swinging, lungs pumping—put her in supreme awareness of her senses. The sky seemed bluer, the briny tang of the breeze sharper, the cry of the seagull more exquisite. Selene never felt more alive than when she ran.

At the stone marking a mile from the city of Alexandria, she skidded to a halt. Selene took a goatskin bag from her belt, unstopped the neck, and poured water into her mouth. Her sweat evaporated in the morning sea breeze, leaving a gritty rime of salt under her breast band. Selene pulled her clammy linen tunic away from her body. Several black curls escaped her braid and lay plastered to her forehead and shoulders. She pushed the hair behind her ears and waited for the two boys.

Antonius arrived first, staggering down the scree-covered slope to collapse at Selene’s feet, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his dusky skin ruddy with exertion. Nicaeus was behind him, blowing like a hippo. Her brother leaned over, hands on knees, trying to catch his breath. Selene laughed and sprinkled them with water. The boys scowled at her. Her brother made a half-hearted swipe for the goatskin but she danced out of the way.

Who’s fastest? Selene teased.

Her brother lunged after her. You won’t be if I ever get hold of you. Gazelles can’t run with broken legs.

You’ll have to catch her first. That doesn’t look likely, Antonius said between wheezes.

Nicaeus collapsed next to his friend, laughing. You’re right. Whatever will we do with our wild little Selene?

Not so little any more. I’m nearly as tall as you, brother. Selene’s lithe body seemed to have skipped the awkward-colt stage common to fourteen-year-olds and moved smoothly into graceful young womanhood. She cast a critical eye at her brother and his friend, who at sixteen and seventeen still had an unfinished look; their proportionally larger feet held the promise of more growth—longer limbs and deeper chests. She walked back to the boys and offered her goatskin.

Nicaeus poured water over his head. My sister, the Amazon. He looked at her and grinned. But even Queen Hippolyta had her Theseus.

And fleet Atalanta had her golden apples. Antonius leered. Maybe I should bring one the next time we race. Would you marry me, Selene, if I beat you on the course?

Selene snorted. Why would I want a husband with wits as slow as his feet? Besides, I heard your esteemed father was planning a match for you with Honoria.

Honoria of the horse face and cow hips? Nicaeus laughed and punched his friend on the arm.

Antonius’ leer turned sour. Where did you hear that?

From Honoria, last week after Sabbath services. She wants hordes of children and thinks you will sire beautiful ones. Selene brushed the dust from her short undertunic and tied the goatskin to her corded belt.

Antonius groaned and reached for Selene’s ankle. Save me, O Amazon Queen, I would much rather marry a friend than a brood mare.

Honoria is my friend and a perfectly nice young woman. You could do worse in a wife.

Besides, it will be at least two years before Father finds a likely husband for my wild sister. Nicaeus rose and offered Antonius his hand. You wouldn’t want Selene anyway—too bony. Now Honoria has breasts like cushions—something you can sink your face into.

Both Antonius and Selene scowled.

As if you would know anything about it, Antonius muttered. Nicaeus turned a brighter shade of red.

Selene tossed her escaping curls over her shoulders and strutted in front of the boys. I won’t need to catch a husband. I plan to convince Father to let me stay unmarried, like Lady Philosopher Hypatia.

The boys snorted in unison, laughing at the unlikely idea that the esteemed City Councilor Calistus would let his only daughter go unmarried. Antonius squinted at the rising sun and grinned at her. Come, Nicaeus. We need to get your sister home, before your father comes looking for us. It wouldn’t do to miss the new Prefect’s welcoming procession.

Her brother and Antonius linked arms and strode toward the city, which was becoming visible through the dawn mists.

Selene dawdled as the boys picked up the pace. The subject of marriage disturbed her acutely as she approached betrothal age. It hadn’t always been so. Her mother had been happily married to her father for over twenty years. She bore him six children, three of whom still lived. As a little girl, Selene assumed she would marry, have children, and run a household as her mother did. That changed the day her mother and infant brother died of a fever, two years ago.

At the funeral, Selene rejected the comforting words of the priest and vowed to thwart death any way she could. She would become a healer, a physician. As she grew from child to young woman, Selene realized death was inexorable, but the urge to become a physician strengthened. There were a few women healers, mostly holy women and pagan medica, who ministered to the poor. Selene knew the main obstacle to her ambition was her father. No upper class man would willingly allow his daughter to engage in any profession. Calistus would have to be persuaded by someone he respected.

Who’s fastest now? Her brother’s taunt broke into her reverie. She sprinted to catch up, a plan forming in her mind.

Nicaeus, I need your help.

Oh ho, the mighty Amazon Queen seeks the help of a lowly male. He bowed, brushing the dusty road with the back of his hand. How may I be of assistance?

I want to meet Lady Hypatia. She teaches in the public forum on Mondays. Would you take me there?

If Father gives permission.

You know he would never do that! Selene wailed.

No, I don’t. He’s indulged you in everything else—tutors, gymnasium-training, attendance at council meetings. I know no other girl your age that has had your experience. Why wouldn’t Father allow you to go?

Lady Hypatia is a pagan. He might not want it known that his daughter attends lectures by the infamous female philosopher. Please, Nicaeus, help me.

Poppycock! Lady Hypatia is well regarded by the city fathers and the Church. I won’t go behind Father’s back. Ask him. If he says yes, I’ll accompany you.


I said no.

Selene looked at Antonius. He grinned and shrugged his shoulders. He would not get between her and her brother.

It was true that her father admired the Lady Philosopher of Alexandria. He had attended her lectures, as had most of the men in positions of power in the city and the Church. It was also true her father allowed Selene much freedom in private, but she doubted he would approve such a public departure of decorum. Selene needed a plan to get Hypatia on her side. Once she was accepted as a student, her father would surely give his permission to continue her studies.

The stench of a long-unwashed body assaulted Selene’s nose as they rounded a ragged limestone outcrop. She spied a wizened man perched on a pile of rocks. His matted hair hung in clumps like a sheep’s fleece. His stick-like limbs sported grotesquely swollen joints that must have cause considerable pain. The man’s hooded eyes bored into Selene’s with an intensity that sent her cringing against her brother.

Repent. Let the Lord Jesus enter your heart, for He died upon the cross to deliver us from evil. Give up worldly pursuits and join the One in Grace for He will soon return and rise up the righteous to heaven. Heathens and nonbelievers will be destroyed by fire and suffer the tortures of the damned. Repent. Let the Lord Jesus enter your heart. The holy hermit waved a knurled stick, barely missing their heads.

Antonius knelt before the old man, grabbed Selene’s hand, and hauled her down beside him. A rock pierced her knee. Ouch! she cried.

Antonius hissed at her to be silent and dug his elbow into her ribs. He addressed the holy man with bowed head. Holy Father, will you give us your blessing?

Nicaeus knelt by her other side. The old man shrieked more prayers, and then put his hands on their heads for a final blessing. Selene shivered. She hoped he didn’t have lice. More and more ascetics left the cities to infest the cave-pocked hills and stony deserts. They fervently believed the Second Coming was imminent and prepared to be uplifted to heaven through fasting and hardship. The general populace revered the hermits, feeling the ascetics’ holiness reflected on the city. Selene never understood why the Lord Jesus Christ would require anyone to stop bathing in order to be saved.

The three rose from the ground, Selene rubbing her knee. They bowed to the hermit and then sprinted toward home, scuttling through the western necropolis inhabited by the dead, and those living ascetics who took up residence in the tombs. Selene’s family had a fine tomb farther to the south, but they were not here to feast with the ghosts of their ancestors as many did on the anniversary of the deceased’s death. Selene hurried, ignoring the sense of loss that crawled up from her stomach to choke her throat anytime she neared the tomb.

She squinted to the east. The sun glared through a haze, promising a hot July day for the new Prefect’s investiture. The city’s white limestone walls rose slowly from the low-lying Mediterranean shore. Alexandria sat on the westernmost part of the rich Nile delta, sandwiched between the sea on the north and the immense Lake Mareotis on the south. The Great Alexander had chosen this spot for his Egyptian capital because the breezes saved it from the desert’s desiccating heat. Selene welcomed the coolness on her fevered skin.

A short distance from the Gate of the Moon, set in the city’s west wall, they retrieved a small pack hidden under a rocky shelf. Selene swaddled herself in a long white linen tunic, gray wool cloak and laced leather sandals. She pulled the cloak over her head to hide her dusty hair and give her relief from the sun. She whirled in front of the boys. Do I look respectable now?

Nicaeus struggled with his traditional cloak, which was bordered with a narrow band of embroidery proclaiming his status as the son of a councilor. He swore fiercely until Selene took a hand.

Let me. She settled the wrap in folds across his left shoulder and right hip, around his back, over his head, and down to his right arm, where she wrapped the end so it dangled nearly to his knees. She looked him up and down, then glanced at Antonius adding finishing touches to his own fine cloak. You’ll do. Maybe you should get Antonius to teach you how.

Why should I, when I always have a servant or you around to do it for me? Nicaeus’ grin disappeared—not at Selene’s frown, but at the sound of church bells marking the time. Come. If we’re late, Father will tan our hides. He wants to make a good impression on the new Prefect.

Selene sniffed and wrinkled her nose. We’ll make a better impression after we bathe. We have but a short time to go home and make ourselves presentable. The boys followed her lead with no grumbling.

They entered the gate with an ever-increasing crowd, past city guards. The common people came from the countryside to join the public feasting and perhaps pick up a coin or two from the Prefect’s coffers or the Patriarch’s appointed almsman. The three proceeded onto Canopic Street, the vast main thoroughfare bisecting the city from east to west. The magnificent Church of St. Theonas, sometimes called the church of a thousand pillars, anchored this end of the boulevard, while the Church of St. Metras greeted travelers from the east as they entered the Gate of the Sun. Selene’s father had been a boy when St. Theonas had served as the Episcopal residence. The former Patriarch Athanasius needed ready refuge in the necropolis and desert monasteries during his ongoing battles with the Emperor’s choice for the Patriarchy. Calistus occasionally spoke of those bloody times with a fierce desire never to see them repeated.

Those dark days seemed long over on such a festal occasion. Flowers wreathed the church in all its glory. Garlands twined about the columns, bright hangings shaded the doors, and streamers waved gaily in the windows. All the buildings along the processional route would be similarly adorned.

Selene glanced down Canopic, assessing the crowds and their chances of making it home on time. Other wide boulevards branched off at regular intervals, leading to spacious homes clustered in residential districts—the sign of a planned city. The wide straight streets were bounded with shaded colonnades. Brightly painted statues towered over squares or peeked from carved niches.

Sharp cries drew Selene’s attention. A group of men in rough brown robes, armed with heavy wooden cudgels, emerged from the church and forced their way through the crowd. A woman pulled her children out of their path and drifted off into a side street. Others suddenly found their errands took them in opposite directions, leaving Selene and her companions in the middle of the wide boulevard. The glowering men headed straight for them, brandishing their weapons.



When she remained rooted to the spot, he grabbed her arm, sprinted toward the church and yanked her onto the steps. She stumbled against the wide marble slabs, banging her shins, and yelping in pain. Are you trying to get your head bashed in? Those men are dangerous!

Antonius’ face was pale except for two hectic red spots high on his cheekbones. Was he angry? Frightened? She would have stepped out of the way in another moment. There had been no need for him to treat her so roughly.

She shook off his hands in a pique and reached down to rub her shins. The only wounds I have sustained today are those you gave me. First you force me to kneel on sharp rocks and crack my rib with your elbow. Now you practically pull my arm out of its socket and cause me to scrape my shins. May the Good Lord save me from your protection!

Why, you ungrateful, stubborn, donkey-headed… Antonius paused, grasping for words. …child! See if I save your precious hide again. Let your brother do it. That’s his job, not mine.

His unkind words stung, because they were close to the mark, but Selene felt wronged by his attack. She yelled back. I don’t need either of you to protect me. I can...

The shouts of the armed men drowned out her final words. They boiled by the steps, then halted to insult the vastly outnumbered gate guards. One guard, pale face sweating under his helmet, stayed close to his post, looking as if he would bolt for the guardhouse any moment. The second man, older, maintained a cooler head. It’s a feast day, good brothers. I’m sure your patron, the Patriarch, would not like to hear of disturbance by his chosen ones. Go about your business and leave the travelers in peace. The guard’s friendly smile and affable manner disarmed the unruly men who, finding no fight, drifted off in another direction.

Let’s go home. Nicaeus grabbed Selene’s arm and escorted her firmly down the steps to a side street. Antonius sulked behind.

Who are those men? Selene asked her brother. Where do they come from?

"They’re Patriarch Theophilus’ parabolani, his personal body guard. He recruits them from the hospital guild. Only those strong of back and light of purse will work lifting the sick and carrying the dead. The Patriarch offers them good money, and the protection of the church, if they become too zealous."

Selene craned her neck to look back at the parabolani. I don’t see the Patriarch. Why would his bodyguard patrol the streets? That’s the city guards’ duty.

She observed the two boys exchanging glances over her head. Her anger flared anew. She shook off her brother’s hand and stamped her foot. I’m not a child to be cosseted and protected. What do you know of this?

Nicaeus sighed. Patriarch Theophilus is building a private army in the city. Father believes he wants to suppress the Novatian Christians. The council fears riots if he attempts to purge the city of rival Christian sects.

Selene, at first irritated that she had been kept unaware of these developments, sobered. She was not yet born when the Patriarch had suppressed the last public vestige of the pagan cults. After murderous rioting on both sides, he closed the Great Temple of Serapis and reconsecrated it as the new Episcopal residence. Her father said smoke had fouled the air for days as the Christians burned the tens of thousands of books housed in the public library there. When she questioned the tears in his eyes, he said they were irritated and would talk no more about it.

She took him at his word. Her father was a good Christian. Why should he mourn the passing of the last pagan temple?

"The parabolani are most diligent in their policing, Antonius added. Student friends of mine came home with cracked heads when the Patriarch’s men caught them drunk outside a tavern. Their fathers protested the treatment, but the deacons quoted scripture and admonished the men to keep their sons under better control." He rubbed the back of his head as if in sympathy for his friends’ pain.

Selene, remembering him complain of a sore head two days ago, asked, How are your ‘friends’ doing now?

Antonius had the decency to blush. They are on the mend. He looked ahead. "I see no meddling parabolani in our path. We should hurry." He grabbed Selene’s elbow and the two boys hurried her toward home. Noting the angle of the sun, she did not protest their haste.


SELENE AND NICAEUS ENTERED their father’s home bickering. Please, Nicaeus, I need longer to prepare. Let me have the baths first? She looked at her dusty feet, sniffed her armpit, and wailed, I stink as bad as the holy hermit!

He seemed to relish her minor tragedy. I’m sorry, little sister, but I’m older and have precedence. You’ll have to wait your turn.

But there won’t be enough time!

Remember that the next time you beat me at a race, he teased.

She flounced off to her room with his laughter echoing in the stone halls. Her room was tucked away on the second floor in a warren of small private bedrooms. She opened the door, threw herself on the bed, and planned a number of petty revenges on her selfish brother. Perhaps a purgative in his soup? A knock at the bottom of her door interrupted her plotting.


Rebecca, her personal servant, backed through with a basket of clothes balanced on her head and a pitcher of water in her arms. Although but two years older than Selene, Rebecca had the composure and easy confidence of a much older woman. She had been Selene’s primary teacher in how to run the household. Selene jumped to help, taking the pitcher and placing it on a small table next to a wash bowl and sponge.

Rebecca, you are an angel in disguise. Whatever would I do without you?

Rebecca looked at her disheveled state and pursed her full lips in a moue of distaste. We haven’t much time to get you decent, Mistress. First we wash off that dust, next arrange your hair, and then fresh robes. She grabbed Selene’s hands and clucked over the bitten nails. I don’t know if we can soak out that grime, but I can at least smooth those ragged edges.

Selene stripped and kicked her dirty garments to a corner, while Rebecca poured warm water into the wash bowl and laid a thick reed mat on the stone floor. Selene closed her eyes and sighed as Rebecca gently sponged the dust away, wrapped her in a linen towel, and started to comb her tangled hair. Rebecca, what’s the gossip about our new Prefect?

My friends say their masters are apprehensive. He is unknown. They speculate on whom he will support in the disputes among the Christians, much less the other factions. He is also unmarried. There is much talk about which of the local maidens might be a suitable match. She stopped to separate a particularly bad tangle. Selene, what do you do to your hair, let birds make nests in it?

Ouch! If you can’t be more careful, I’ll comb my own hair. Selene reached up to grab the tortoise shell comb from Rebecca. The servant girl slapped her hands away.

Rebecca took a blue glass bottle from a pouch tied to her belt and poured the contents into a shallow bowl. Here. If you need something to do with your hands, soak them in this oil.

Selene obediently put her fingertips in the bowl. The oil smelled faintly of roses. Where was the Prefect posted before Alexandria?

Rebecca finished combing and started to smooth Selene’s nails with a flexible piece of horn. He served in the army, but left to take provincial posts. For the past several years, he served in the Emperor’s court under the sponsorship of Anthemius, the Regent.

I suppose he worships Mithras, like most of the army? Selene dried her hands on the linen towel and dropped it to the floor.

Rebecca shrugged. Come, Mistress, time grows short. Let me see what I can do with your hair.

Something simple, Rebecca, I don’t want to be pushing curls off my face all day. If I had my way, I’d cut it short like the holy women.

Rebecca gasped. Cut your hair? Oh, no, Mistress! It’s so beautiful. She pulled the hair back from Selene’s face, secured it with bone pins, then twisted it into a compact bun. Silver combs held it in place. Rebecca teased two small tendrils into curling in front of Selene’s ears, then handed her a polished silver mirror. Here, this is a simple style.

Selene looked at herself critically. Nicely done. Go as lightly on the cosmetics and I will be most satisfied.

Rebecca smoothed lotion on Selene’s face and neck. You really should stay out of the sun. You’re scandalously brown. Before you know it, your skin will look like cracked boots.

I like being scandalous. Besides, powder should make me suitably pale.

Rebecca applied a light dusting of powder and shaped Selene’s eyes with kohl. A thin red paste for the lips finished the picture.

Rebecca laid out her clothes: a long-sleeved, full-length linen undergarment to be covered by a lightweight, cream-colored wool dalmatica. The voluminous garment was cut in the simple style of the day—a wide, straight sheath for the body with generous sleeves that came to the wrist. This one had green and blue embroidered strips depicting fanciful sea creatures bordering the sleeves and appliquéd from both shoulders to the hem. The crowning touch: a filmy blue-green silk wrap for shoulders and hair. Rebecca draped Selene in her various layers and stood back to judge the effect.

Selene fussed with the swaths of material belted with a silk cord under her budding breasts.

Stop trying to improve on perfection, Mistress. The stripes are aligned. Rebecca settled the silk wrap in wispy folds over Selene’s hair and shoulders.

With all this cloth, I feel like I’m wearing a merchant’s tent, Selene complained.

Rebecca smiled, showing small, irregular teeth. Would you wear less and be taken for an actress or acrobat, men vying for your favors?

Selene blushed at the thought, mumbling, At least they’re comfortable.

The tent looks quite elegant with your height.

Selene took a second look in the mirror. Now for the jewelry and I’ll be ready to greet the new Prefect…as if he will see me in the crowd. She put on the heavy silver bracelets and faience earrings, which had been her mother’s, bringing back bittersweet memories.

Rebecca nodded approval. You look much older than your fourteen years.

Selene preened. Since she had the responsibilities of the household, she could at least be treated as an adult.

There’s one thing missing, Rebecca added.

What? I’m wrapped, draped, and pomaded. What more can you do to me?

Rebecca opened a carved cedar chest sitting under a narrow window and pulled out a pair of clean sandals. The blue leather enclosed the toe and heel, leaving the arch free. We can’t have you padding about the city barefoot like a beggar.

Of course not. Selene giggled and sat on the bed so Rebecca could lace the sandals. There was another knock at the door. Yes?

It’s Nicaeus. Father waits. Are you ready?

Selene’s heart quickened. She glanced at Rebecca, who nodded. I’ll be right out.

Selene strode across the room, then moderated her gait to the feminine glide her friend Honoria had worked so hard to teach her. The astonished look on her brother’s face was worth all the fussing. She kept a serene mask as she took his proffered arm and they descended the stairs.

Their father waited in the vestibule. Calistus was of unremarkable height, with the stooped shoulders and small rounded belly of a man who spent more time at his books than in the gymnasium. Today the full regalia of a city councilor disguised his physical imperfections: full length white tunic, topped with a voluminous toga bordered with the thin purple stripe denoting his class. He wore rings and medals, denoting his various civic offices and honors, and carried a mahogany staff capped with gold.

Selene’s heart swelled as he smiled at her, his eyes lighting with joy and his face creasing with laugh lines.

I see you both will do me proud today. Let’s be on our way.

They exited onto a broad residential street and proceeded toward the agora. The streets in their quarter filled with families of distinction—councilors, lawyers, rich merchants—making their way east. As they approached the agora, the crowds became more varied—churchmen, sailors, shop owners, apprentices, teachers, beggars, and pilgrims—all heading in the same general direction. Wine shops and fruit merchants did a brisk business. Other enterprising men and women hawked baskets of dark brown rolls, flat bread, and grilled meat and onions on a skewer.

The smell of cooked onions and garlic vied with that of unwashed bodies and urine. The workers who cleaned and stocked the public privies seemed unable to keep up with the crowd. Or possibly many people, unwilling or unable to pay the small coin for use of the privies, relieved themselves where they willed. Selene wished she had brought a perfumed cloth to hold to her nose as they passed one particularly noisome alley.

She stopped to look over some vases showing the profile of the boy-emperor Theodosius II on one side and, purportedly, the new Augustal Prefect on the other. Other merchants sold bronze coins, plates, glass beads, goblets, and all manner of wares adorned with the stylized faces of the emperor and the prefect. Her father called to her and Selene hurried along, not wanting to lose him in the crowd.

The street emptied into the spacious open square where Canopic Street met the equally wide north-south street of Sema. Porticoes and public buildings surrounded the vast agora. Wooden stands, erected at one end, held city officials and offered a platform for the speeches. A freestanding monumental arch stood opposite the podium through which the procession would arrive. Selene could feel the crowd’s excitement heighten. Her own pulse raced.

Her father took her arm and pointed toward the wooden stands. We’ll be over there. The three picked their way through the crowd towards their designated spot. Calistus sat with the other city councilors in a place of honor on the platform. Selene and Nicaeus stood with the councilors’ families on the steps of the law courts, above, and a little to the right of their father.

From that height, Selene could make some order of the crowd below. She spied Lady Hypatia, made conspicuous by her gender, sitting among the city nobles. The Patriarch Theophilus and his immediate staff occupied a dozen of the seats. The tall man in full army uniform must be the Egyptian dux Abundantius. The Jewish council of elders completed the platform contingent. Behind this first rank, families and staff ranged up the steps, each in the place designated for them by religion, birth, age, and profession.

Can you see anything yet? Selene asked her brother.

The sun was just past its zenith. Nicaeus shaded his eyes with one hand while looking eastward along the boulevard. Nothing yet. We’ll probably hear it before we see anything.

I suspect it will be an hour or more before the procession makes it to the agora, a deep voice said behind Selene. She turned and looked into the bearded face of a man with brown eyes and black hair, much like her own. His lips turned up in a smile. Selene put a hand to her mouth, then gasped, Phillip! She greeted her oldest brother with a leap into his arms. Phillip grabbed Selene in a bear hug, then put her down with a grunt. My baby sister isn’t such a baby anymore. He looked her up and down with a wistful smile. In fact, you’ve grown into quite a lady.

Phillip! It’s been three years! You’ve grown a beard. Why did no one tell me you were coming? When did you get home? What was the court like? You must tell me all about Constantinople! Does Father know you’re home?

At the mention of Calistus, a shadow passed over Phillip’s face. Father doesn’t know I’m back. I decided not to finish my law studies, and had the good fortune to travel home with Orestes and his escort. We took the overland route and became great friends on the journey.

Orestes? Nicaeus blurted. Our new Augustal Prefect? You’re friends?

Close your mouth, brother, or you’ll catch flies. Yes, the new Prefect and I are quite good friends. The next hour passed quickly as Phillip regaled his small but attentive audience with the exploits of his fellow law students, the wonders of the royal court, and his adventures traveling with Orestes.

Selene’s breath came quick as Phillip described a narrow escape on the trip. We chased the bandits into a blind canyon where they fought for their lives. Just as I thought they were finished, the leader… Phillip’s words were drowned by the blare of a hundred trumpets playing a fanfare. They all looked up in surprise. I’ll finish the story later.

Selene’s deep disappointment at the interruption of the story must have shown, because Phillip chucked her under the chin and said, Don’t worry, little sister. I lived. She punched him in the ribs and turned to watch the procession.

It took the better part of another hour for the whole parade to wend its way into the agora. First units of soldiers from the garrison at Nicopolis, followed by all manner of conveyances fantastically decorated by the city’s guilds and youth groups. Most were wagons decorated with flowers and streamers, containing people acting scenes from the Bible relating to their professions. The shipbuilders provided Noah and the Ark with several real animals. The bakers chose the Sermon on the Mount and tossed free bread to the crowd, to the disgust of the food vendors.

Selene gasped when a lovely painted plaster statue of what seemed to be the Virgin Mary was revealed to be the goddess Athena. Several pagan students from the association that provided it accompanied the statue. They marched in silent defiance when they entered the agora, then broke into a hymn of praise to the goddess in front of the platform. The Patriarch rose and pointed a staff at the students, as if to strike them down. The laws are clear forbidding public worship of idols. Stop this abomination at once!

Immediately a pack of parabolani attacked the students with clubs. The students fought fiercely in defense of their goddess, kicking and punching their attackers, but were no match against beefy men with cudgels. Selene heard the sickening crack of wood on bone and shrieks of pain that turned to shouts of anger as the parabolani broke through to topple the statue. It shattered into a thousand pieces and a cloud of dust. The troops from Nicopolis drove a wedge-shaped formation through the melee and started separating the combatants by hauling them to opposite sides of the agora.

The soldiers’ quick action forestalled others from joining the fray, but the mood of the moment turned sour. The crowd milled and muttered on the edge of violence. Suspicious glances, and not a few provocative remarks, flew from group to group. Selene’s heart fluttered in fear. Phillip pulled her close and looked

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