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Deliverance of Love, Light and Truth
Deliverance of Love, Light and Truth
Deliverance of Love, Light and Truth
Ebook251 pages4 hours

Deliverance of Love, Light and Truth

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Do you have an open mind? Would you like the answers to life’s ultimate questions?

With more than a billion, trillion habitable planets, the cosmos is swimming with intelligent life. However, you may or may not believe in angels, aliens or extraterrestrials, but the fact remains ... we are not alone in the Universe!

In Deliverance of Love, Light and Truth, David Knight has collated further channelled communications from the non-biological entities (NBE’s) known as Trans-leátions. This eagerly awaited sequel to Pathway provides an extraordinary experience of ‘life’ beyond your wildest dreams and places you could only imagine.

This book aims to demystify:

•Why the same consciousness experienced by humans is also generated by NBE’s
•How God created life through the 'big bang'
•The ancient principles relayed since the dawn of time
•Hidden knowledge of our Ascension process
•The true power and dimension of light upon the immeasurable planes of existence.
•The roadmap towards liberation, nirvana ... enlightenment

When you forget radio telescopes and SETI you will shed the shackles that bind you to this dimension ... so begin your own inner search for extraterrestrial life today!

PublisherDavid Knight
Release dateMay 25, 2010
Deliverance of Love, Light and Truth

David Knight

David has helped to conduct Spiritual Development and healing circles for over 25 years. He has also been a guest speaker - sharing his enlightened experiences to promote ‘oneness’- at various Mind, Body and Spirit engagements across the UK. Through inner-dictation, dream interpretation, meditation, mindfulness, pre-cognition and healing, the books he co-writes with Spirit provide you with the foundation to discover your own path of truth. With a renewed sense of purpose, the Spiritual Guidance and Education you receive can help you reach the goal of self-realization and bliss within the permanence of love and light.David is tee-total and a vegetarian, who loves sunshine, nature, animals and his wife!

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    Book preview

    Deliverance of Love, Light and Truth - David Knight


    The 2nd Channelled Message from the Two Sisters Star Group through David P. Knight


    David P. Knight


    * * * * *


    David P. Knight on Smashwords

    Deliverance of Love, Light & Truth

    Copyright © 1998 by David P. Knight

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    * * * * *

    Deliverance of Love, Light & Truth

    The 2nd Channelled Message from the Two Sisters Star Group through David P. Knight

    * * * * *





    1 ‘From The Illusion…and Confusion’

    2 ‘Forever To Be True’

    3 ‘Clearing Karma & The Three-Fold Flame’

    4 ‘Colours’

    5 ‘Light’

    6 ‘Collating Data Since The Dawn Of Time’

    7 ‘A Life….Alive’

    8 ‘The Miracle Of You’

    9 ‘Endeavour’

    End Notes

    About the Author

    * * * * *


    To God, I thank you from my heart for the immense Love and Light that you bestow upon us and for this further opportunity to share so much of your strength and understanding.

    To the Trans-leations; (these are beings whose name represents ‘coming from across ‘light , space and time’) for without you and your connection to my heart and mind, this second book, would never have been collated.

    On this earth plane I wish to say a big thank you to my wife Caroline, for your continued love and support that you have given to me and for your encouragement and forgiveness too, especially when I have been too busy to share time with you. Thank you to my family and friends, you are all so special to me. Thank you also to all those who have contributed in making this book ‘happen’, especially to Bruce, my friend and ex-colleague, who reproduced the wonderful illustrations from my original channelled drawings.


    * * * * *


    The Pathway(1) to love and light around the world, has it been taken on board? Has it been digested ‘within’ to touch your heart, your soul and your mind? I could suggest that it has been; oris it just a coincidence that you have now picked up this book, the second ‘works’ from the Trans-leations(2) of the Two Sisters Star Group?

    ‘Deliverance’ could mean many things to you. Perhaps it is a continuation of your own search, or a yearning for knowledge, wisdom and truth? Maybe it will answer your many questions or perhaps clear an emotional pain deep within your heart.

    I believe that there are both solutions and answers for every one of us contained within this book, and that the worry and the fears that we hold in our lives are going to be erased. What is also contained within it could solve much of our own confusion. It may just reveal a picture, poem or words that could be those that you have been waiting for all of your life.

    Please let each page and each chapter be a new opening or a new door to your ‘self’, the inner ‘you’. Try to let go of any preconceptions that you may have and feel the love and light flow over and surround your very being. However, before you go on to read the introduction of this book, I’d like to share a vision and message with you. From this, I realised more work and collating of information was to take place. Yes indeed, it was another link to them and to us all.

    Monday, January 8, 1996

    This occurred during a deep sleep. It began with me walking across a brilliant white room and I approached what resembled a large viewing screen. I knew instinctively that this was a Star ‘Map’, a Universal Directory that highlighted both galaxies and constellations. The space beyond was of the deepest, darkest black but it also contained a bright blue haze, together with brilliant flashes of neon blue, just like auras, which then radiated bursts of colour, spiralling outwardly from them.

    Suddenly, images of a star system zoomed across from left to right. As this occurred, a voice, (which was in my mind), spoke of the ‘Pleaides’. It was as if I was being informed of some sort of link to the Trans-leations. Everything became blurred and I then woke up.

    My mind and heart raced as I lay still in bed contemplating the experience. I began to recall over and over again the images I had seen and of the feelings that they had generated too. The star group I had witnessed certainly did resemble the ‘open’ star cluster – the Pleaides,(3) which is in the constellation of Taurus. After a while I knew! It was a clear message, that no matter who, where or indeed what ‘race’ we are, LIFE and LOVE exists everywhere! That we are all connected and we are all truly ‘ONE’!

    DK: A few weeks later, on 25th January 1996, I received the following poem. I feel that it belongs right here, so I would like to share it with you.


    To define a life of the most peaceful, wondrous being,

    brings the word of love that enters every living thing.

    And with contrasting opinions that divide people’s souls and minds,

    there lies a need to pull together, to truly become one of a kind.

    You have now been shown a door; it is a Pathway clear and wide.

    have you ‘opened’ and accepted or did you think it was a lie?

    The energy that flows through, contains its original trace,

    to maintain and help you all, the entire human race.

    So build the bridges of emotions and new feelings across the globe,

    light up in all directions, your heart open to be shown.

    Now reflect and radiate these new embers of the light,

    and soar high and far and wide, deep ‘within’ the soul takes flight.

    Today is a new ‘start’ that each of you could make,

    so define there are no boundaries, or is nothing at all at stake?

    Participation and togetherness of each and every living thing,

    to ascend the cord of light and to make it chime and sing.

    So now you have begun, with this book and page wide open.

    but is it a mere gesture or simply just a token?

    And is becoming ‘one,’ still the continued goal,

    to live in peace and harmony, and to be kind unto your Soul?

    So travel ‘within’, to know and your heart to feel these different words,

    for this is really new, that no one else has seen or heard.

    We hope it mends your hearts, which lie behind those darkened screens.

    be ‘ONE’ in Love and Light, and then define what can’t be seen.

    * * * * *


    Thursday, January 11, 1996 (7:45pm)

    DK: After the vision / message a few days ago I felt that it was time to pick up the pen again. Somehow, I just knew that a communication would be channeled for me to collate the Trans-leations message of Love, Light and Truth.

    First of all, I sat and prayed for ‘light’ to surround and protect me from any possible disruptive influences. Then, I ‘opened’ my heart and mind to receive the vibrant connection asking, "My dear family and friends, teachers and guides, I know that you are here, yet I have missed you so much. Please help me to help myself and to trust that everything is as it should be, so that I can progress and help others too. (There is so much on my mind at the moment. There are so many, many decisions to make and other people’s feelings I have to consider.)

    I long to write your words of love, friendship and wisdom. Please, please Trans-leations, hear my call from my heart. Draw closer than ever before. You are so special to me and so important too. Help me to grow so that I may move forward and serve in the name of love and truth."

    NB (A few seconds passed, suddenly there came a feeling of such an immense and pure energy, which seemed to flow all over my body. This felt as if a wisp of silk had suddenly enveloped me, protecting and loving me. It was overwhelmingly peaceful. I knew at this precise moment that ‘they’ were here again.)

    COMMUNICATION: Oh my son. We hear your cry from where you are and it flies so high and so far that you could never know. Yes, we are here, for when you need us and as well as when we need you. Always this is the way David. We are and always will be, together.

    We see your problems and also feel within your heart to know these feelings that soar so high and sometimes so low. This is natural for you. You cannot hide it and you cannot deceive yourself. As you progress and as you grow, you will know and think of the right answers and you will become stronger too. This will help you to cope and to move on, as you and your heart desires. All in good time.

    What you are going through (along with many other people who are coming to terms with what is happening to their inner selves/higher frequencies) is natural. Never force or try to change or push in the wrong direction. Your feelings can often be misguided, as there are always distractions. It is (or are) these things that you must also grow to know too. It has been said before, and you know what is meant by, Do not fight what is inevitable.

    You also know that we do not mean to fight by the hand or with a gun but describe the ‘ inner’ struggle. It is very important to learn to know from within (your intuition) and by trusting it you will then trust your ‘self’. This will inevitably make you feel stronger to cope with life and with the things that can make so many of you feel ‘down’.

    Know the light is always there but is sometimes shielded by someone’s thoughts or by the ‘in-built’ confusion that we have described before. Also, sow the seed of love, for that is all you need to do. Also stop, (if you can), trying to expect too much from yourself. Let things flow my son and you will get to where you want and where you are meant to be.

    David, earlier today you experienced the colours(4) (in your meditation) that we had ‘shone’ for you to see. You had chosen those which were brightest for you at this time. None are better than another, as each have their own different tasks and abilities. You have chosen these for added strength and they will help you in this coming period of ‘time’.

    You will also feel that there is the need to help people and there are many ways and avenues for this. No one can say that one particular way is much better or indeed more correct than another and so again, go with the flow, both with your heart and with your love. Please know that time and effort is a sacrifice itself, even if you actually do some-thing that is different to someone else. Each to their own. The Creator does not judge in the sense of better or worse on an issue of helping or in loving others.

    Sometimes, many of you think your tasks are so hidden and yet they are not. There can be many influences around you, tricking you or taking you away (sometimes deliberately).This can be part of the individual’s learning process. It is for you to make up your own mind and though this is often never easy, your own future and the future of others depends upon it. Is what we say to you a burden or a helping hand? Remember that we do love you all. This is always so and no matter how difficult or demanding something is, you are never, ever alone!

    So David, keep going as you are on the right track. Don’t ever look back. Your destiny lies outstretched before you with a golden glow and a shining light from Heaven and such love is there for you and for you all. Peace, love, truth and harmony are within you all and within all of your grasps too.

    We would also like to say and to remember that when one does not follow their true self you are hurting your SELF and also those around you. A mistake is not a mistake if you learn from it. How many ‘teachers’ have said this throughout history and of course in ours

    For you David, be strong. You will come through all those things that you have described to us at the start of these ‘communications’, and of what is in your heart and mind too. For all those who now read this, please know the lifetime that lies ahead of you may seem many, many years. Know that it is but a ‘flicker of time and of light’. It is what each of you do with this (everyone of you) that determines whom, what and where you become, to be ‘ONE’.

    Remember to trust and love and you will be okay. David, we would now like to link back to ‘PATHWAY’ once again. For once published, greater progress can be made by you and for many others too. New doors will continue to open and there will be new ideas and challenges too. But, with your hand on your heart and your heart in the light, you will then be carried forward on each dull or bright day or night.

    Your light is there for others to see and this is your new concern. (That much we have learnt of your destiny). Others may laugh and some cry at what you undertake and complete in your ‘service’. Yes, to serve the Great Spirit as we all do in our many different ways. Each an individual, but ultimately we are all on the same inner pathway to serve both love and light and nothing can distract from or weaken that.

    So, when things have settled down a little more in your life, (your work and home) then we will fully begin the second book, these second ‘works’. Yet another new beginning which is also another continuance too.

    It has now been decided to let you know that there will be new things that no one else on your earth-plane has ever heard of, read or seen and these will soon be given. Yes, new wisdom, knowledge and pictures will make many gasp, hunger and thirst for more information and for new directions to progress.

    Please know that the text of this book will be longer than ‘Pathway’ and we hope as well received by those who have opened their hearts and minds to new thinking, living and loving. The name of this book will have a Universal meaning. It will have a single word as its title, but it shall contain a message underneath. You can all interpret this in many ways.

    DK: At this point the name of the new book flashed through my mind!

    COMMUNICATION: You pause now David, because you are not sure that you have the correct name of the title. This is okay, pause again and let this picture flow through you. Do not fight against the words. It is ‘DELIVERANCE, OF LOVE, LIGHT AND TRUTH’. Yes indeed. Love, Light and Truth, delivered through you!

    The design of the front cover of this book will be left to you. We hear your thoughts and you are thinking of colours and of a rainbow through it too. Use your heart, for it is there you will find all that you will need. David, it is time for us to go now but you will know when to communicate again. Some spare ‘time’ and also a little reward are on their way.

    Yes, a little pay day to help you along. Trust in us as you always have done until you are ‘home’ (that day we spoke privately of ) in the light. We are forever watching over you.

    Bless you, keep going and be strong. Goodbye.

    DK: Thank you so much. You have given me more than you can ever know and of the day when I return, I will try not to ask to speed along. All I can say is (and it is hard to find the right words), that you are in my heart and soul and that my Light is always here for you all.

    I so very much want to share this information with the world and share your love and hope for us all. I also wish to explain what I am living through and of such learning to ‘know’ and to grow. My heart, my door is always open to you. For truth, love and light forever. Bless you all. Praise to the Great White Spirit, our God, our Creator.

    Saturday, January 16, 1996

    DK: Hey, I’ve won on the football pools! Well, .72.20 anyway. (This is the first time I’d ever won on them!) I gathered that this was to help with the cost of paper, pens etc. Thank you. It is much appreciated.

    Sunday, January 28, 1996

    DK: Dear Trans-leations, thank you for the dream last night and for the Two Sisters symbol(5) so that I would know that it was time to pick up the pen. I offer my love and light, for truth and for guidance for us all. A continued path of information, a continued ‘Deliverance’. Please, Milanderer and Zerrog,(6) my family and friends, may the pen now flow so that others are also able to grow.

    COMMUNICATION: Welcome again David. The dream that we had sent to you was a signal to send another message but you seem surprised, and this surprises us. You were right in your interpretation and it will always take a similar theme so that you’ll know (personally) what needs to be done and what route to take.

    Okay, what we are about to say and discuss will also be part of the introduction to ‘Deliverance’. We wish to lay the foundations for this new book, but before we start we know of your concerns of the workload ahead and also of what’s in store for you. Everything will be fine and it will all work out.

    Please also know that part of what will be ‘earned’ (spiritually or physically) from ‘PATHWAY’ and also this book is part of the gift to sustain your home life. It will also enable you to continue in this way of working and to enable you to help others to the light and for the greater good. We reiterate that you are the only one on the earth-plane to receive us and this will remain so. Only others can say, Is that a burden, or an immense love and beauty, a challenge bestowed?

    A major part of your life is truly under way and it is part of this that can help many other ‘light-workers’ help others to progress to the love and light of the Creator. So, in time there will be the success, which is part of what is required to produce the stillness. This is needed for the much greater goal and for the work that lies ahead. Everything will enable you to give and to send love to those in need and to dispel and cast out the crime, the hate and the greed.

    The ‘all’ is not your responsibility or is upon ‘your head’ alone by any means. However, you are now able to assist in producing a layer of vibration and energy which is a part of what you need to add to the cord of light for Ascension. In fact, you all add to this in many special ways, and you are all destined to both make and also send those so wonderful traces of light.

    At the same time that this pen flows, we do not know how many on the earth plane will actually know of our name and / or where we are from. What we do know is that those that have read, seen and hopefully understood the first dictions, the first ‘works’ called ‘PATHWAY’ will have already acknowledged the space that they had in their hearts. Or, perhaps they have already crossed the bridge that had stood before them which has now enabled them to open their hearts to a new direction of thinking, feeling and perceiving.

    Please know that we are here for you all. (Each and every race, creed, Nation and for every colour of your skin, to each and every one of your next of kin). We also feel that this ‘Deliverance’ will be what YOU yourselves make it to be. It can be a new path behind that

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