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Lifting the Veil of Illusions: How to Identify and Heal the Influences of Unseen Forces
Lifting the Veil of Illusions: How to Identify and Heal the Influences of Unseen Forces
Lifting the Veil of Illusions: How to Identify and Heal the Influences of Unseen Forces
Ebook157 pages2 hours

Lifting the Veil of Illusions: How to Identify and Heal the Influences of Unseen Forces

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All physical and emotional disease begins in the soul, offer authors and ministers Ted Stefan and Liza Glazer in Lifting the Veil of Illusions. Ridding oneself of unwanted energies involve identifying false beliefs and habits, releasing trauma and emotions and calling upon a Higher Source. A beautiful Healing Light Meditation is also offered as a tool.

Release dateMay 26, 2010
Lifting the Veil of Illusions: How to Identify and Heal the Influences of Unseen Forces

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    Lifting the Veil of Illusions - Ted Stefan and Liza Glazer

    Lifting the Veil of Illusions

    How to Identify and

    Heal the Influences of Unseen Forces

    Ted Stefan and Liza Glazer

    The material contained in this book is not intended as medical advice. If you have a medical issue or illness, consult a qualified physician.

    Copyright © 2008 by Ted Stefan and Liza Glazer

    All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or other without written permission from the publisher.

    International Standard Book Numbers

    Softcover: 978-0-9814925-0-6

    eBook: 978-0-9814925-2-0

    Book and cover design by Peter Stefan

    Smashwords Edition

    Golden Heart Press

    This book is also available in print on

    We would like to dedicate this book to our Lord God, and express our deep and sincere appreciation for giving us a life of purpose and bringing together a team of wonderful and talented people who made this project possible.

    For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. - II CORINTHIANS 4:17-18

    Table of Contents:


    Chapter 1. Transition into the Spiritual is necessary

    Chapter 2. Can you see? Opening your psychic abilities

    Chapter 3. Life after life

    Chapter 4. Reincarnation and Past Life memories

    Chapter 5. Different groups of entities and effects of their presence

    Chapter 6. Spirits appearing as animals in the Spiritual World

    Chapter 7. Energetic cords and unhealthy connections

    Chapter 8. Origin of addictions

    Chapter 9. Opening and closing portholes

    Chapter 10. Migraines

    Chapter 11. Sleeping disorders

    Chapter 12. Suicidal thoughts and their origin

    Chapter 13. Staying in your Center

    Chapter 14. Engaging in confrontation with entities

    Chapter 15. Exorcism

    Chapter 16. The power to visualize

    Chapter 17. Foretelling the future

    Chapter 18. How to protect yourself: Psychic Self-Defense

    Chapter 19. Qualifying your Spiritual Guides

    Chapter 20. Knowing the True Self

    Chapter 21. Happiness is contagious!




    In order for us to be healthy and happy in this World, we need to learn and understand the Spiritual World. This book will introduce you to some of the inhabitants of the Spiritual World, as well as help you identify behaviors and activities that have a negative impact on your Spirit and ultimately your body.

    As you begin to understand the Spiritual World and how to work in harmony with it, rather than against it, you will find your life changing for the better. Physical symptoms and problems will disappear and be replaced by gifts and guidance from God.

    Everything we talk about is simple and easy to apply to your life. It is up to you to learn about the Spiritual World and live in alignment with it.

    The origin of sickness lies in the Soul

    Colds, headaches, flu, every sickness and disease are all a sickness of the Soul. Medications just mask the true problem rather then allow you to see the truth. Over many years of practice, I sought the primary cause of sickness and disease. My search has led me through many different levels of my Being. As I dug deeper, I came to the end of my search. Spiritual sickness is the one and only cause!

    As I have looked at different conditions, it has only further proved to me the undeniable truth: the origin of sickness lies in the Soul, and whatever illusions we have spun for ourselves, the truth remains.

    You might have difficulty accepting this. I would not be surprised considering the overwhelming ‘evidence’ presented by medical research labs and tests. But that’s really the impressive thing about illusions – they take on a life of their own, and can involve groups of people, as well as entire cultures. Whether your position is correct or incorrect, it is easy to justify with arguments and rationalizations. You will find data of some type to back you up either way. So, how can you discover if your beliefs are aligned with truth or falsity?

    It will not be easy to break your illusions. You will be met with resistance at every turn fueled by fear. You will need to overcome the fears of your friends, family, society and yourself. I suggest you begin your journey of discovery on the inside, for matters of the Soul are not perceived with physical senses or machines and devices. Allow your awareness to open and accept the fact that you have senses beyond the physical that are designed to perceive the spiritual where you will find the truth.

    As we share more information through our stories, case studies, and examples, you will find your senses opening. That’s the magic of this process! As soon as you put out your intention ‘to see’ and understand, you begin using these ‘supernatural’ senses, that in reality, are very ‘natural’ to our Being.

    Start paying closer attention to your dreams, synchronicities, visions and other experiences you might have while working through the chapters. You might have a lot of internal struggle happening, while your own illusions come to the surface. As the Truth begins to permeate your Being, old beliefs and illusions put up a fight, resisting the change, trying to keep us further apart from our True Purpose. I would suggest you focus on your Heart. Your Heart (and I am not talking about your physical heart as an organ) knows and feels a lot more than we give it credit for. It is unfortunate, how often we disregard it, and let factual knowledge from our brain override what our Heart is telling us. Surprisingly, you will find your Heart resonating strongly with many of the things we talk about, even when your brain is telling you ‘it is ridiculous’!

    As you move through this book, it is time to let your Heart take charge and help you find the Truth.


    Chapter 1. Transition into the Spiritual is necessary

    From the moment of our birth, our focus is on physical existence. We learn about taking care of our bodies: everything from food, clothes, to rest. As we grow, we learn our place in society, who we are going to be, and we chart a career path.

    Once we are grown to a certain point, it is time to restructure our lives. We reach the period of our life when we need to put more emphasis on our spiritual growth and learning.

    In our society and culture this transition is considered unnecessary and of no purpose. After all, how does this increase your earning potential, or net worth?

    We have distanced ourselves so far from the spiritual that it feels foreign or separate, and the choice not to pursue spiritual growth does not seem to hold any consequences.

    Our society is so heavily entwined with technology, that even when one has a spiritual experience it is described as an alien abduction. Many times during our spiritual journeys, when our spiritual sight is open to the realms beyond physical, we have seen people on the spiritual level who appeared like angels chained in dungeons. This shows the person’s state of being: the Angel representing their spiritual aspect chained by the ego or the physical aspect.

    The spiritual aspect or Soul is being restricted, which calls for action to restore Divine Order. The Angel should be freed of the restraints, and this can only be accomplished by giving charge to the Angel, or the spiritual aspect, not the ego, or the physical man.

    To reorder our life with the emphasis on the Spiritual is a vital part of our growth. Just as it was important to learn about the physical world, now it is time to learn about the spiritual sphere of life.

    The truth is, our beings are far more complex then the physical man we are used to seeing in the mirror. Physical and spiritual are interconnected and cannot be divided for convenience sake.

    Please don’t forget, we are Spiritual Beings, having a physical experience, through which we can learn and realize the true desires of our Soul. Being born in the physical is restricting, but allows for a vast playground, by the means of Divine Providence gently leading the Soul to freedom. But, it is only possible, when we choose to live within the Divine Order of things that constitutes life. To do that, we should simply let our Divine Being, the Soul to take charge, and let this aspect navigate us through physical reality, not visa versa.

    Many will feel the symptoms of this upside-down world. Their innate emptiness and inability to fulfill it, drives them to make changes in their lives, but, of course, they will only change or rearrange things on the physical plane, having no knowledge or understanding of the right order of life. Realization will come later, and consequently, the pain will return.

    When we finally realize the true problem and correct the spiritual order, our life will take on a new sense of adventure. Fueled by the feeling of freedom, we will move through life following the purpose of our Soul.


    Chapter 2. Can you see? Opening your psychic abilities

    Many of the things we talk about in this book cannot be seen with your physical eyes. You will only see them with your spiritual eyes, Third Eye if you wish. This is not a special gift only a select few have, as some would like you to believe. Every Human Being is also a Spiritual Being, and has spiritual senses.

    If you believe you will not be able to see the Spiritual World, I want you to let this belief go right now, because everyone can! At our Center everyone that comes, learns how to see on the spiritual level. It is a very natural process. Much like learning any skill some will catch on faster than others. It is not a race, and we can all learn.

    Years ago I used to always say, Oh, I am not a seer, I feel things. Yet, you will read about many visual experiences I was fortunate to receive. Liza is a more natural seer and finds it easy to see all kinds of things on the spiritual level. I used to compare myself to her and get frustrated and feel that I could not see…Let it be known, there are things no one can see but you! I am talking about your own program, your own life, things that you need to see for yourself. Choose to open your spiritual eyes, so you can see as well.

    It is our opinion that you should never depend on someone else to do your spiritual exploration for you. I have heard many stories about people being cheated, tricked and lied to. Don’t trust something as precious and important as your life to someone you may not even know. It is your life, your responsibility, and when you accept it, you will find your spiritual eyes opening wider and wider to many spiritual endeavors and unlimited possibilities.

    Using the eyes of your Soul is really easy and fun. As you begin to understand what you are seeing, you will be led through many powerful healing and transformational experiences, encounter different realities and be able to stay in constant communication with Angelic spirits and messengers.

    It matters not, how gifted or well-meaning any psychic, clairvoyant, or fortune teller may be. Information must be received directly by you. The pictures and language will be tailored specifically for you in a way that will have the most impact on your life.

    When someone else receives information, it has to come through their filters, such as beliefs, ideas, concepts, traumas, which make up an individual. We are all unique.

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