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The Day The Heavens Opened
The Day The Heavens Opened
The Day The Heavens Opened
Ebook25 pages12 minutes

The Day The Heavens Opened

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This timely Word is sure to take you to greater depths in the spirit of understanding the call of God. All are called, but few choose, the scripture says. This book is designed to encourage you to answer your call!

Release dateOct 26, 2010
The Day The Heavens Opened

Bishop Greg Nies Sr., Th.D.

In 1990, Reverend Greg and Terri Nies were called by God to form New Beginnings Fellowship. They started this mission on the foundation of the Word and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Acts 26:17-18 (NIV) “I am sending you to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light...”The Foundation...Greg attended Oral Roberts University, where he took bible studies. The earlier years of Greg’s walk with God were very active as God had him moving in the Holy Spirit.In 1982, Greg received a word of knowledge from a friend, Ralph Nault, to go check out the 700 Club. After talking with the 700 Club, Greg became a phone counselor and recruiter, where he met his future wife, Terri. Terri and Greg were married on April 23, 1983.In the mid 1980’s, Greg and Terri started Cutting Edge Ministries, through which they did prison seminars (starting with the help of Dallas and Linda Strom) and prison marriage seminars.In April 1990, they had their son, Daniel, who went home to be with the Lord on July 16, 1990. At 2 1⁄2 months old, Daniel died of SIDS.During this time, by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit brought Greg and Terri closer together in a special way. Their prayer and fellowship with Jesus Christ held them together and eventually was the basis of their future ministry to couples in prison and to couples who had lost a child to death. The Lord Jesus opened up the ministry of healing hearts to Greg and Terri after Daniel’s death.In 1990, Greg was ordained as a pastor after working in several churches with Terri. Soon after, Pastors Greg and Terri started New Beginnings Fellowship.By 2006, Greg and Terri have ministered through marriage seminars, prison seminars, community outreaches, bible studies, Holy Spirit seminars, discipleship, inner healing classes, planting churches in India and Africa, prayer and power evangelism. Greg and Terri recently received their Doctoral of Theology from Grace Theological College and Seminary. They are Founders of Cutting Edge Ministries, Senior Pastors of New Beginnings Fellowship, and spiritual parents to many.

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    The Day The Heavens Opened - Bishop Greg Nies Sr., Th.D.

    The Day the Heavens Opened

    By Greg Nies Sr., Thd

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2010 Greg Nies Sr.

    ISBN 978-1-935621-29-4

    Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Cutting Edge Ministries

    P.O. Box 13783

    Milwaukee, WI 53213

    For more information about Cutting Edge Ministries, call (414) 543-0678, or visit

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    To my wife, Terri, for her support, prayers and encouragement.


    My appreciation to the Lord Jesus. Without His Mighty Blessings,

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