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The Taking Of A Male Model
The Taking Of A Male Model
The Taking Of A Male Model
Ebook29 pages27 minutes

The Taking Of A Male Model

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Katrina is a fashion photographer who is having ex boyfriend troubles. She has the hots for up and coming male model, Alex, and when she gets the opportunity to work with him, it's not only her camera lens that has him in its sights. Adults only 18+

Release dateOct 26, 2010
The Taking Of A Male Model

Darren G. Burton

I have been a writer for nearly 30 years. I've written numerous full length works of fiction and non-fiction, as well as many short stories and anthologies.

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    The Taking Of A Male Model - Darren G. Burton

    The Taking Of A Male Model

    Darren G. Burton

    Published by Darren G. Burton at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2010 Darren G. Burton

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Author asserts the moral right to

    be identified as the author of this work

    Cover Design: Darren G. Burton

    The Taking Of A Male Model

    Alex was an up and coming male model. Some say destined for superstardom. He had the looks, a great build and he was tall. He wasn’t an empty shell when strutting his stuff either. Alex had a brain and a personality that gave him depth whenever he was interviewed. Confident yet humble, many in the industry considered him the complete package.

    That’s why Katrina was here. She was a photographer and had been assigned an underwear shoot, with Alex as the model, in a few days time and she wanted to check him out firsthand before they worked together.

    Tonight she wasn’t working. Had no camera gear with her. This evening she would just be an onlooker like most of the rest who had received an invite to the prestigious fashion show.

    She wandered casually about the function room, waiting for the parade to start. Those guests and officials of supreme importance had seats lined around the catwalk while others sat at tables nearby. Most were standing, however, as she was.

    A waitress carrying a tray of champagne swept by. Katrina quickly snatched a flute of bubbly from the tray before the waitress was lost again in the sea of people. As she took her first sip, her cell phone buzzed and beeped simultaneously in the pocket of her suit jacket. Katrina took the phone out, quickly read the message, then slipped the phone

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