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The Dripping Sands Of Time
The Dripping Sands Of Time
The Dripping Sands Of Time
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The Dripping Sands Of Time

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Three time travel stories. First, ‘The Aviator,' takes place in the future as a fighter pilot seeks the ultimate dogfight. Next is a present-day story, ‘A Captain of Industry,’ as a businessman looks to go back and fix his financial future and, finally, a story of the 1700s, ‘Visions: Past, Present and Future,’ as an early American family believes they see apparitions in their home.

Release dateOct 31, 2010
The Dripping Sands Of Time

Robert P McAuley

Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, I now reside in Long Beach, N.Y. I worked in New York City as an Art Director for 3 different magazines one of which was UFO magazine. I've been writing short stories for the past 20 years and found Time Travel to be my favorite topic. After writing Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club: Book 1, I wrote books 2 through 18 and am presently working on book 19. In between I've penned a young adult time travel book, two aviation trivia books, a book about a family of vampires, a romantic western and another time travel book plus 'Sky Ship', a high-action thriller.

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    Book preview

    The Dripping Sands Of Time - Robert P McAuley

    The Dripping Sands Of Time


    Robert P. McAuley

    I’ve always been interested in time travel and finally put pen to paper, or as we say today: opened a Word document and keyed in my story. For my first book, I chose to put up three stories--the first set in the future, the second in the present, and the third in the past. I hope you enjoy them.

    Three Short Stories of Time Travel

    Published By

    Robert P. McAuley & Smashword

    1. The Aviator

    2. A Captain Of Industry

    3. Visions: Past, Present and Future

    The Dripping Sands Of Time

    Copyright 2014 by Robert P. McAuley

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which has been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

    The Dripping Sands Of Time

    Chapter 1

    The Aviator

    Robert P. McAuley

    Lt. Rob Andrews was cruising at seventy-five thousand feet at a speed of Mach three plus. Because there were no clouds in the sky at this altitude, there was nothing to reference that would allow him to feel the high speed he was doing.

    The Delta Charlie 8 he was flying was the latest design the Western Hemisphere was operating in its ongoing war with the Eastern Hemisphere. His mission today was the same as yesterday: cruise and bait; hoping that some Easterner would come up to tangle with him.

    The word was that the East had a new model fighter, and Intelligence wanted to see just how good it was. Rob relished the thought of painting 'Kill Number Seven' on his tail.

    Fuel check, he said into the intercom attached to his oxygen mask.

    Fuel state at Mach three plus; thirty-six minutes, answered the Computer Onboard System 5 or COS as the pilots called them.

    Computer check. All systems online? Rob asked.

    Computer reports all systems online, Sir; except the dogfight mode. I suggest you switch me to dogfight mode as we are four minutes from Zone Red.

    Not today COS. I think I’m going to fly this one alone. I need some hand-on-stick time. But, I do request that you keep me updated with fuel states often.

    I really would be able to better serve you and the West in the dogfight mode sir.

    No way, COS, I’m looking to go head-to-head today, so stay passive.

    May I suggest that you unsafe your laser?

    Roger that, COS, laser weapon safety off.

    Rob reached forward to retard the throttle and conserve fuel when a beep went off in his headset.

    COS-5 immediately said, Search radar. Enemy frequency. Vector unknown.

    Rob heard another beep; this time stronger.

    Enemy search radar is shifting to tracking mode, COS reported.

    Darn, Andrews thought, whomever it is painting my aircraft is good. They must be at an extremely low altitude to not be scanable by my COS radar. Got to get real low, real fast to even the odds.

    Rob’s headset came alive with COS-5’s warning, Enemy aircraft laser lock on us! Laser lock on us! Immediate action required!

    Rob grunted as he aimed his Delta Charlie 8 fighter straight down at Mach four plus. The ground was a ball of green getting larger each second. His radar screen started to display a small blip hugging the ground. Rob’s power dive made the enemy aircraft lose its laser lock on his plane. Another beep let Rob know that he was being searched for again. The blip on his screen just got a little stronger and Rob started to level off at two thousand feet. The enemy beep was stronger. Rob had been found again.

    Enemy laser lock on us, COS said in as near as possible a scream as it could.

    Damn! Still too high. Rob pushed the stick full forward and continued his dive until he reached one hundred feet, finally leveling off. He did a high-speed turn to the left when his radar at last showed the enemy aircraft right off his left wing. Rob tried to bring his laser weapon into play, but the enemy fighter turned right. Sweat poured out of Rob’s forehead as he wrenched his fighter to cut him off. His radar lost its own lock-on as the enemy cut back to his left. Another loud beep told him the other guy had a firing solution. COS verified the threat. Enemy laser lock on us.

    Rob released a flare and pulled up almost vertical as the enemy pilot fired and his laser pulverized the decoy flare. He quickly dove and finally had his own firing solution. Rob squeezed the trigger on his control stick as the enemy rolled causing the light beam to sear his enemy’s wingtip.

    The Eastern Hemisphere pilot continued his roll and recovered on Rob's tail as both went into level flight. Both were now going Mach four plus with Rob in the lead and the enemy at his six o'clock position. Rob knew the chance of shaking him was extremely small.

    Oh boy . . . got to change this situation real fast.

    Fuel state: Thirteen minutes left. COS-5, still in the 'watch only' mode reminded Rob of another way he could lose this tangle: the fighter doesn't fly well when it's out of fuel.

    COS-5 to pilot. Sir, shall I advise you?

    Rob pulled back

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