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The Infinite Enigma
The Infinite Enigma
The Infinite Enigma
Ebook78 pages1 hour

The Infinite Enigma

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About this ebook

Go on a journey into the realm of discovery with science and philosophy about our natural world and existence. The Infinite Enigma offers an in depth view on all of nature, creation, existence, and our roles as human beings with the ability of reason, analysis, logic, and observation to discover the truth that hides within.

PublisherBrian Swager
Release dateNov 6, 2010
The Infinite Enigma

Brian Swager

I love my home state of New Mexico. I was born and raised in Albuquerque. Although, I have had opportunities given to me to travel, which I'm blessed. I love my state's culture, diversity, food, and open-mindedness. We have music diversity here too. You can see a country, hip-hop, rock, and electronic show all in the same week as an example. There's the gorgeous Sandia mountains just east of Albuquerque. I simply love that New Mexico has a diversity of landscapes, climates, and ecosystems. 2 hrs. south you could be in the most desolate Chihuahuan desert or 2 hrs. north you could be in some of the most gorgeous mountain ranges in the country. I one day want to accomplish the lifestyle of backpacking, fishing in the summer and snowboarding in the winter.A little bit more about hobbies and activities that I enjoy. I love to read, mainly about philosophy (epistemology, ontology, metaphysics, etc.), scientific research, and philosophy of science (which is a field dedicated to what people view what is the truth about what we know as a species about existence, what we call worldviews and how our worldviews are evolving as our consciousness and technology evolve as a species), & theoretical physics. I would be very open to have these types of discussion with anyone who is interested.I enjoy the outdoors; fishing, camping, mountaineering, hiking, etc. I would eventually like to do a lot of boating, jet skiing, kayaking, zorbing, horseback riding, snowboarding, etc.!I do professional mixed media productions which includes integrations or conglomerations of illustrations mixed with painting and graphic design and other forms of art. I even have 4 fauvism pieces for sale. I like to write. I mainly write about science and philosophy, if you didn't guess that! The project is called The Infinite Enigma which integrates science, mathematics, and philosophy into art based upon my understanding & writings about existence and even popular culture.

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    Book preview

    The Infinite Enigma - Brian Swager

    The Infinite Enigma

    Written by

    Brian Scott Swager

    Published by Brian Scott Swager at Smashwords

    The Infinite Enigma

    Copyright 2010 Brian Scott Swager

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank your for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Dedicated to: Megan Ashley Coleman-Watkin, my family, and true friends. This piece would have not been possible without all your unconditional love and support.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Introduction of the infinite enigma

    Chapter 2: The hierarchy of the present

    Chapter 3: The hierarchy of matter

    Chapter 4: The hierarchy of knowledge

    Chapter 5: What’s this mess about fabricated, arbitrary concepts?

    Chapter 6: Fabricated, arbitrary concepts that restrict

    Chapter 7: The supernatural vs. nature

    Chapter 8: The direction to absolute knowledge

    Chapter 9: Human characteristics and behavior that will lead to our downfall?


    Chapter 1: Introduction of the infinite enigma

    The hierarchy of existence

    The hierarchy of the present

    The hierarchy of matter

    The hierarchy of knowledge

    Absolute knowledge or

    the equation of existence

    The infinite enigma is all of creation, all of existence, or all of nature, including life. The infinite enigma is our attempt to learn or gain knowledge and understand all of creation. All of creation, existence, and nature are the infinite enigma. Creation is a forever puzzle, a puzzle that is never ending, in which we are trying to unlock.

    The infinite enigma is broken down into several accounts or aspects of how creation is constructed and how these accounts describe that construction, which of course, is a direct product from nature. It is an attempt to explain creation and our purpose as a species with the ability of reason and observation to understand its purpose.

    Let me introduce several aspects of the infinite enigma based upon nature. Our pursuit of observation, knowledge, and understanding of all of nature or existence is based upon our ability to reach higher levels of comprehension or obtain greater amounts of knowledge about creation. Our knowledge and understanding of all of nature itself is constructed in a hierarchal fashion because all of creation is built in a hierarchal manner. I call this hierarchy, the hierarchy of existence. In other words, the hierarchy of existence is how all of creation and our knowledge or understanding of creation is constructed in a hierarchal, building block way. The hierarchy of existence is composed of several other hierarchies.

    I call one of these hierarchies the hierarchy of the present. The hierarchy of the present deals with how time is always in the form of the present and how time has always existed from negative infinity, the past, and will continue to exist into positive infinity, the future. It also deals with the theory of infinite universes composed of space, time, mass, and energy, existing from negative infinity to positive infinity in the context of the present or time, but also existing from negative infinity to positive infinity in space.

    Another one of these hierarchies, the hierarchy of matter, which deals with nature’s composition, all of its constituents, even parts of nature that we have not discovered yet, not just baryonic matter, and how it is constructed from negative infinity to positive infinity. Another appropriate name for this hierarchy would be the hierarchy of mass and energy, but we will just stick with the hierarchy of matter.

    The last hierarchy that I will introduce is the hierarchy of knowledge; this hierarchy is a direct result of nature being constructed in a hierarchal fashion from negative infinity to positive infinity. I will state what negative infinity to positive infinity means in various contexts. More specifically, the hierarchy of knowledge is how all subjects of human learning or knowledge are constructed in a building block manner by us using our abilities of reason, analysis, logic, and observation to understand nature’s composition, behavior, and purpose.

    Lastly, this is where the concept of absolute knowledge or the equation of existence stems from. If humans by using their abilities of reason, analysis, logic, and observation to keep on gathering empirical evidence through our consciousness or cognition, which is discovering the truth to nature, about the way it is constructed, its behavior, and purpose, people will keep gaining higher levels of comprehension, knowledge, and consciousness to the point where we completely unlock the code or mystery to existence. We will keep gaining higher levels of comprehension, knowledge, and consciousness by unlocking nature and building these hierarchies of understanding. And once we have completely unlocked the code of existence, we will reach absolute knowledge or have a full understanding of this equation of existence, the infinite enigma, and the creator of it. In other words, we will finally understand all of nature’s construction, structure, or parts, behavior, function, and its purpose. And by understanding the purpose of existence, we will finally understand the creator.

    The objective truth of nature is true knowledge, which represents true existence. Our contemporary existence in the context of our knowledge as human beings is amongst two realms, the objective truth about the reality of nature and false knowledge or fabrications that do not exist in nature. If in fact, creation is infinite, then we must become infinite in an evolved form to completely understand the purpose of existence through absolute knowledge. If creation, nature, or the universe(s) is finite then absolute knowledge will be even easier to obtain in the context of our contemporary level of understanding or consciousness. And fabricated, arbitrary concepts, if not a description on the way nature really is, outside of our biased, subjective perspective, are not only distorting the truth to nature, but also restricts our freedoms as a species to discover the truth to existence. Therefore, true freedom is an infinite form of existence. Our pursuit of true knowledge about the objective reality of nature is a direct path to true freedom and in

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