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Stop the Wheel...I Want to Get Off!
Stop the Wheel...I Want to Get Off!
Stop the Wheel...I Want to Get Off!
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Stop the Wheel...I Want to Get Off!

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About this ebook

The result of many years of research into small business,you will enjoy this interesting story as you follow the Young Man's journey in his endeavour to build a very successful business with his Grandfather as his mentor and guide.If you take the time and effort to follow the easy to apply and thought provoking principles in your business you will discover excitement, fulfillment and success.

Release dateDec 1, 2010
Stop the Wheel...I Want to Get Off!

Julian Campbell

With over 35 years of practical hands-on experience as a senior executive, business owner, coach and consultant across dozens of industries, Julian has been instrumental in numerous organizational and culture changes, transformed the lives and businesses of a multitude of people through his great ability to foster change through the law of attraction, his caring attitude, vision focus and bottom line realism. Julian is a sought after professional speaker, published author and regular radio show host.

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    Stop the Wheel...I Want to Get Off! - Julian Campbell

    Stop The Wheel I Want To Get Off’ is one of those books you just can’t stop talking about! It really delivers the message of building a successful business in an easy to read and entertaining way. From start to finish, I couldn’t put it down. One of the best business building books you will ever read.

    Sharon Tappenden, Partner, Helen Stevenson & Associates - Success Coaching

    I stayed up until the early hours reading it and couldn’t put it down. It is excellent. A mix of Rich Dad Poor Dad and E Myth, but more realistic and very relevant to service industries.

    Barry Parker, CEO, Creative ID

    "Stop the Wheel I Want to Get Off is absolutely empowering and the layout covers the main six business focus areas in an easy-to-read, well-structured, very user-friendly way. As I was reading I put a smile on my face and developed a ‘can do’ attitude. Congratulations on a book that anyone in business could gain value from – new business owners, existing business owners, anyone aiming for higher performance. And there’s a great chronology of further reading suggestions. Thank you!

    Lesley MacCulloch, Editor, Birch Writing Solutions

    Stop the Wheel…I Want to Get Off!

    Published by Julian Campbell at Smashwords

    Copyright Julian Campbell 2010

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    "The man who starts out simply with the idea of getting rich won’t succeed; you must have a larger ambition. There is no mystery in business success......If you do each day’s task successfully and stay faithfully within the natural operation of commercial laws which I talk so much about, and keep your head clear, you will come out all right." John D. Rockefeller

    Your 9 Step Action Plan


    Chapter 1 Put your passion into action and gain power from your strengths

    Chapter 2 Getting off the wheel – It’s all about mind control

    Chapter 3 Making your business ride smoother

    Chapter 4 Getting paid your real worth

    Chapter 5 Welcome to the kaleidoscope of marketing

    Chapter 6 Why won’t my team follow me?

    Chapter 7 From chaos to control

    Chapter 8 I’d love to, but I just don’t have the time

    Chapter 9 Now you are off the wheel, sometimes you have to slide on your tummy!

    Success Lessons You Can Learn from the Emperor Penguin

    A Collection of Grandfather’s Library Books

    About the Author


    "If we know what we know, why do we do what we do?"

    I imagine you have picked this book because you are already running a business that is having some challenges or you want to expand; maybe you are thinking of starting or buying a business. Perhaps you are considering operating a franchise.

    Then this book is definitely for you!

    For years, I have been very concerned by the extremely high failure rate of businesses in the Western World. More importantly, I have become alarmed by the large number of business owners who find their business has gone from being the exciting dream it started out to becoming a grind, a chore, millstone around their neck and yes, a treadmill they feel they just can’t get off. They put in long hours for little or no return. They employ staff who just don’t seem to co-operate. They are always wondering why their sales are down, how to find more customers, and how to stop the competition taking their other customers. They are always scratching for money to pay bills, concerned with their customers who haven’t paid them and mounting debt that never seems to go away.

    Yes, business can be very daunting when you first start to look at it, and even more challenging as it grows but it can really be very simple, basic and fun when you know how to apply some very fundamental principles.

    I know you will enjoy the book, find it interesting, easy to apply and thought provoking. As you journey with the young man on his visits to his grandfather each week, I hope you will take the time and effort to follow the principles in your own business. If you do and if you follow the success secrets contained in my book, I can assure you excitement, fulfilment and success in your endeavour.

    Are you ready for that success? Then please read on.


    Chapter 1

    Focus your passion on your vision and gain power from your strengths.

    "I never did a day’s work in my life. It was all fun" Thomas A. Edison

    The young man sat in his kitchen and watched his daughter’s pet mouse as it spun around endlessly on its rotating wheel. It reminded him of the treadmills used in the English prisons during the Victorian era. These had been designed to break both the body and spirit of offending prisoners so that they would think twice about breaking the law again. As he reflected, he sighed to himself, that’s just how I feel; every day!

    He had been running his own business for several years. He was thought he doing alright but he just didn’t seem to be getting anywhere. Every day he would go to his factory or shop, spending 12 to 14 hours there and then come home worn out, only to be faced with a mountain of paperwork.

    Some days he was so frustrated with his staff because they just didn’t seem to do things his way and to top it all off, money was tight and there were times when he struggled to pay his bills or even have any money left for himself and his family. This led to constant arguments with his wife.

    On this particular day, after another heated argument with his wife, the young man decided he had to do something to improve his situation, but what?

    Why don’t you go and talk it over with your Grandfather his wife said after all he ran a very successful business but always had time for his family and plenty of money for all of his needs


    The very next morning, the young man headed off early to visit his grandfather who had recently moved back into the area and now lived very close by. Although his grandfather was getting older, he had kept a youthful spirit, he had a very keen mind and he loved long in-depth discussions.

    Since his grandfather’s return, they often talked together for hours but it was always about the family, or the weather, or world events, for some reason they never seemed to talk about business.

    As always, his grandfather was excited to see him and he greeted the young man with a twinkle in his eye. Good morning my boy, what brings you here so early? he enquired.

    I’m here for some advice the young man replied as they sat down in the comfy leather chairs. I know you ran your own very successful business for many years, but we’ve never really talked much about it. I’m having a few challenges with mine and I thought you may be able to give me some practical advice

    I’d love to help if I can replied the old man what seems to be the problem?

    The young man then started to tell his grandfather how he was feeling about his business. The emotion poured from him as he related the impact of the long hours on his family, the challenges of employing other people,

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