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100 Fly Fishing Tips, Tricks and Techniques
100 Fly Fishing Tips, Tricks and Techniques
100 Fly Fishing Tips, Tricks and Techniques
Ebook182 pages1 hour

100 Fly Fishing Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Over one hundred useful and thought provoking ways of improving the way your rig your fly fishing gear. Information on sharpening hooks, modifying tackle and fly lines and much more. Mostly learned in the crucible of high end competative fly fishing. Filled with useful tips for beginner and expert alike and illustrated with dozens of clear diagrams and graphics

PublisherTim Rolston
Release dateDec 6, 2010
100 Fly Fishing Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Tim Rolston

I am an outdoorsman, not a computer boffin, or at least that was the picture when I started this a few years back. Since then I have become caught up with the advantages of electronic media. Steep learning curves continue, frustrations abound but out of that crucible have I think come some really worthwhile publications. How to Make your own fly fishing lanyard was the first and remains the most popular of all the titles. Plus it's free. Then "Who Packed your Parachute" an investigation into better ways to tie parachute flies followed.Still an experiment and free to anyone. Recently my book "Learn to Fly-cast in a Weekend" previously published in hard cover was converted to electronic format making it available to a far wider audience. It has received great reviews and then came the comprehensive and highly innovative "Essential Fly Tying Skills" book, which was previously only available on CD due to the file sizes has been made available for instant download. Now the genre has expanded further with "Guide Flies", with the same format of graphics, text and video clip links. I am still passionate about the outdoors, fly fishing and writing. I hope that you will enjoy the books and find them useful. I further hope that as I learn more there will be more titles with ever better content. Regards Tim

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    100 Fly Fishing Tips, Tricks and Techniques - Tim Rolston


    By Tim Rolston

    Published December 2010

    Copyright: Tim Rolston

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover design by Tim Rolston

    Also by Tim Rolston Published at Smashwords:

    Who Packed Your Parachute a guide to Parachute Flies

    How to make your own Fly Fishing Lanyard

    Learn to Fly-Cast in a Weekend. (Excerpts from)


    In the beginning: It’s not about the fly, why rigging options can help you catch more fish

    Tips and Tricks. Hyperlink Navigation to any tip

    1 - Reels. Left hand or right hand wind?

    2 - Reels. Setting the drag direction.

    3 - Reels. Loading the backing.

    4 - Reels. The effects of backing and spool diameter on drag settings

    5 - Reels. Attaching the backing to the reel.

    6 - Rigging. Attaching the backing to the fly line.

    7 - Lines. Basic understanding of the AFTMA system.

    8 - Lines. Double Taper, Weight forward, Triangle and Delta Tapers.

    9 - Lines. Connecting the right end to the reel.

    10- Lines. Marking before attachment.

    11-Lines. Loop to loop connections.

    12-Lines. Plastic sleeve connectors

    13-Lines. Checking the core.

    14-Lines. Needle Nail Knot.

    15-Lines. Needleless Nail Knot.

    16-Lines. Winding onto the reel.

    17-Reels. Setting the drag tension.

    18-Drag Setting. The exceptions.

    19-Rigging. Rod Reel and Line.

    20-Rigging. Putting the pieces together.

    21-Ferrules. Twist fitting.

    22-Ferrules. Preventing sticking

    23-Ferrules. Dealing with worn ferrules.

    24-Ferrules. Undoing stuck ferrules.

    25-Ferrules. Undoing stuck ferrules with a partner

    26-Ferrules. Undoing stuck ferrules on your own.

    27-Reels. Fitting the reel to the rod.

    28-Reels. Threading the line off the reel.

    29-Rigging. Threading the line through the line guides.

    30-Rigging. The superglue splice.

    31-Rigging. Loop to loop line and leader connection.

    32-Rigging. Improved loop to loop connection.

    33-Rigging. Braided loop and sleeve.

    34-Rigging. Braided loop and whip finish.

    35-Rigging. Emergency braided loop fitting streamside.

    36-Rigging. Making your own braided loops.

    37-Knots. The perfection loop

    38-Knots. General notes on tying knots.

    39-Knots. Saving nylon.

    40-Rigging. The It’s good enough mistake

    41-Knots. Joining lines of different diameters.

    42-Knots. The World’s worst knot and when to use it.

    43-Knots. The tucked blood knot.

    44-Knots. The double blood knot.

    45-Knots. Security if you have to use a blood knot.

    46-Knots. The Grinner, Duncan loop and Uni Knot.

    47-Knots. The double Grinner knot

    48-Grinner knot tricks. The PDQ dropper.

    49-Grinner knot tricks. The PDQ indicator.

    50- Grinner knot tricks. The no dropper dropper.

    51-Knots. The Surgeon’s knot and the Surgeon’s loop.

    52-Knots. The Surgeon’s loop.

    53-Knots.The three turn Surgeon’s knot.

    54-Knots. The Surgeon’s tag dropper.

    55-Knots. The reversed Surgeon’s tag dropper.

    56-Knots.The tucked dropper.

    57-Rigging. Revolving droppers.

    58-Rigging. The roller , revolving dropper.

    59-Boat fishing. Leaders for.

    60-Boat fishing. Quick line changes.

    61-Rigging. The break and make system of making droppers.

    62-Rigging. Making droppers without breaking the line

    63-Boat fishing. Modifying your lines for better boat fishing.

    64-Dam fishing. Bank fishing leaders.

    65-Rigging. Using nippers.

    66-Rigging. Problems with loops in leaders.

    67-Rigging. Leader sink paste.

    68-Rigging, Using a brassie to sink the tippet.

    69-Rigging. Adjusting your leader and leader formulae .

    70-Rigging. A basic dry fly leader for stream fishing.

    71-Rigging. Better presentation with longer leaders.

    72-Rigging. The dry and dropper leader.

    73-Fishing. Basic notes on fishing with dry and dropper rigs.

    74-Rigging. The eye to eye dry and dropper leader.

    75-Rigging. The no dropper dropper. Dry and Dropper rig.

    76-Rigging. The New Zealand Rig, Dry and Dropper.

    77-Rigging. The PDQ Dry and Dropper rig.

    78-Rigging. Making your own indicator dry flies.

    79-Fishing. Fishing two dry flies.

    80-Rigging. The PDQ Indicator leader.

    81-Rigging. Indicator colour.

    82-Rigging. Sometimes a Dry is the best indicator.

    83-Rigging. The braided nylon indicator leader.

    84-Rigging. The fluorescent nylon indicator leader.

    85-Hooks. Focus on hooks, up , down and ring eyed.

    86-Hooks. Down Eyed Hooks effect on fly retrieval.

    87-Hooks. Barbed Hooks, the disadvantages.

    88-Hooks. Modifying your hook sharpener.

    89-Hooks. Sharp hooks are happy hooks. How to sharpen them.

    90-Leaders. Shortline and Czech nymphing leaders.

    91-Leaders. Revolving dropper leaders.

    92-Droppers. Easy storage of revolving droppers.

    93-Leaders. Roller revolving dropper leaders.

    94-Leaders. Kevlar braid

    95-Leaders. Using a Kevlar braid leader for shortline nymphing.

    96-Rigging. Improved bite detection.

    97-Rigging. Making your own nymph tip line.

    98-Rigging. Fishing with pure mono for sensitivity.

    99-Fishing. Rod positions when short line nymphing.

    100-Fishing. Rog positions when mono nymphing.

    101-Fishing. Using the line as a swing tip indicator.

    102-Fishing. Carrying various fly patterns.

    103-Fishing. Always have some ant patterns.

    104-Fishing. Secure your fly boxes.

    105-Fishing. Keeping your flies dry with suitable boxes.

    106-Travel. Waterproof Fly Boxes and air travel.

    107-Conservation. Using a soft mesh net.

    108-Nets. Magnets for keeping.

    109-Nets. Ditch the elastic cord.

    110-Accessories. Carry a hook removal tool.

    111-Accessories. Keeping flash out of sight.

    112-Rod. Matting down your rods for reduced flash.

    113-Watches. Avoiding watch flash.

    Author Biography and contact information.


    There is a lot more to fly fishing than choosing the right fly or even being able to cast well, mostly there is no substitute for time on the water. An enquiring mind whilst you are fishing or even just thinking about fishing goes quite a long way too.

    This collection of tips and ideas is designed to help anglers make the most of what for many of us are far too few opportunities out in the field. Some of the ideas you will no doubt know, some will hopefully be new to you but do bear in mind that there are new people joining the fly fishing fraternity all the time, so even what seems obvious may not be to everyone. Also, that although some of the tips and techniques won’t suit you, they may well suit someone else or the places or style that they fish. One of the great things about fly fishing in the modern era is that there are no rules, any species is fair game, many different styles of fishing are quite acceptable and with that open outlook come all manner of variations.

    Mostly I hope that these Tricks, Tips and Techniques will stimulate more thought, more discussion and even better ideas. One thing of which I am

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