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River of Diamonds: Spiritual Gems for Living
River of Diamonds: Spiritual Gems for Living
River of Diamonds: Spiritual Gems for Living
Ebook40 pages35 minutes

River of Diamonds: Spiritual Gems for Living

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River of Diamonds is a collection of short meditational teachings. Fortified with positivity and a universal spirituality that meshes the spirit, mind, and body in a oneness that helps to transcend divisive thoughts and experiences. River of Diamonds can allow you access to your own sense of the sacred with more insight, balance and control in your daily life.

PublisherIsobel Aura
Release dateSep 3, 2009
River of Diamonds: Spiritual Gems for Living

Isobel Aura

Born a mystic, visionary and healer into a challenging family, I believe in self determination of one's own life path according to close connection with spirit and one's own inner core. I am the author of spiritual and self-help books and DVDs, and am a recording artist of meditations available at I do not believe in fullfilling one's destiny, but more of forging one's destiny without limits eternally.Audiobook CDs available for River of Diamonds and Tahitia's Fairytale; 22 guided meditation CDs all available at

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    River of Diamonds - Isobel Aura



    By Isobel Aura

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2009 Isobelaura

    To Elizabeth, Olivia and Isobel


    In memory of my beloved twin Noel

    Published by Isobel Aura

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.




    Spiritual Gems

    Mind Gems

    Emotional Gems

    Relationship Gems

    Living Gems

    Lifestyle Gems

    Truth Gems

    Helpful Resources


    This book of spiritual gems is based on my own personal journey. I have designed it so that you can dip into it at random. I have mined these gems from different areas of life, and I present them here as nibbles you can digest easily. They are based on my belief system, which includes reincarnation, karma, free will, spirit guides, angels, and the ability of the spiritually gifted to guide and help others move towards wholeness.

    A wide spectrum of souls exists on earth, all at different spiritual levels, from less evolved to spiritually advanced to fully evolved. Less evolved souls are subject to karma, which means that they were born into this life with baggage and lessons unlearned related to previous lifetimes. They may have some resistance to learning their spiritual lessons.

    Spiritually advanced souls have learned most of their basic spiritual lessons, so they come into this life with less karma, but they often incarnate into challenging circumstances to accelerate their learning toward becoming fully evolved.

    Fully evolved souls have already learned all the basic spiritual lessons, and therefore they do not come into this life with karma. These fully evolved souls often return to earth as spiritual teachers, psychics, and healers who progress along a higher spiritual path.

    As I travelled along my own challenging path in life, I discovered a river of gems. These words of wisdom

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