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Those Amazing Dogs: African River Adventure
Those Amazing Dogs: African River Adventure
Those Amazing Dogs: African River Adventure
Ebook63 pages37 minutes

Those Amazing Dogs: African River Adventure

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About this ebook

Traveling to an archaeological dig in Africa, three amazing dogs are separated from their owner. The dogs must team up with jungle animals for their survival and to find their way back to their owner. On their journey, they discover that they hold the key to saving the local rain forest from destruction.

PublisherEdwin Fenne
Release dateDec 29, 2010
Those Amazing Dogs: African River Adventure

Edwin Fenne

Ed Fenne is a world traveller who enjoys learning new languages, cultures and exploring. He drew inspiration from his own three dogs when writing Those Amazing Dogs.

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    Those Amazing Dogs - Edwin Fenne

    Edwin M. Fenne's

    Those Amazing Dogs:

    African River Adventure

    (Book One of the Those Amazing Dogs Series)

    Created by Edwin M. Fenne

    Written by Jeffrey E. Poehlmann

    Illustrated by Carlos Morales

    Published by Edwin M. Fenne at Smashwords

    It is illegal to scan, upload and/or distribute this book via the Internet, print, audio recordings or any other means without the permission of the Publisher.

    Those Amazing Dogs Book One: African River Adventure

    Copyright 2010 Edwin M. Fenne

    All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part constitutes a copyright violation.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author and publisher.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One: The Airport

    Chapter Two: The Ride

    Chapter Three: Lost in the Jungle

    Chapter Four: Travel by River

    Chapter Five: Going Upstream

    Chapter Six: The Night Visitor

    Chapter Seven: Digging Up Pyramids

    Chapter Eight: Lost Treasure

    Chapter Nine: Reunion

    Chapter Ten: Putting the Pieces Together

    Epilogue: The Journey Home

    Glossary of Key Words


    Chapter One: The Airport

    As the plane touched down on the runway, there were only three creatures awake in the vast cargo hold: A Lhasa Apso, a Pit Bull Terrier and a Yorkshire Terrier. The three dogs could hear the skidding sound of the plane’s large rubber wheels hitting the tarmac outside. They expected that they would soon be reunited with their owners. They looked forward to stretching their legs on the way to their hotel.

    The flight had been long from New York to Lagos, Nigeria—all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. The dogs did not have a clock, but it must have been twenty hours since they left the United States. With only a short break to stretch their legs when they had to change planes in London, all three of them were feeling pretty stiff and very tired. Now they were at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport and the three dogs were anxious to get out of their crates.

    Max, the Lhasa Apso, looked like a dusty mop lumped in the corner of his crate. He was three years old, the oldest dog in his group. Max had traveled more than both of his two companions combined. Lifting his weary head, he glanced through the dark cargo area to see how his friends were doing.

    Oddie—the black Pit Bull Terrier—paced back and forth in his crate. He was anxious to get out. This pup had just recently grown into his frame and was filling out with muscles that needed to be stretched.

    Eighteen month-old Molly was the baby of the group. She

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