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Alien Contact: Former Arizona Tour Guide Tells All
Alien Contact: Former Arizona Tour Guide Tells All
Alien Contact: Former Arizona Tour Guide Tells All
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Alien Contact: Former Arizona Tour Guide Tells All

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In a relatively brief span of time, Todd Michael guided hundreds of skywatch and contact tours for well over 1,000 people. The contact experiences shared with tour participants and friends have been documented for reader's enjoyment in what Todd says is his "contact series."

In his first book of this series, "Alien Contact," Todd included more than 50 real contact experiences to help readers understand what's possible and how it was done. He also discloses common obstacles people face when attempting contact and how to overcome them.

Book two, "Into The Wild," is intended for people who have already made contact or are actively doing so, and may want to move forward in friendship with their visitors. Todd experienced several levels of relationship with various beings and shares some of it here. Again, he's incorporated another batch of 50-plus encounters for readers to learn from.

Now with "Bigfoot," his final book of the trilogy, Todd continues in his usual form sharing his own Bigfoot contacts, many were as recently as August, 2012. Graduating from the relationships discussed in his second book to the ultimate human relationship, he says, is with Bigfoot! Within the last 5 years his contact locations include Arizona, California, Montana, New Mexico, and Washington.

People will find the idea that Bigfoot has been interacting with humanity on our level, simply fascinating, with dozens of his own Bigfoot encounters, several of which were face-to-face. "Bigfoot: The Four Levels of Contact" shows how this was done and even compares our social structure to theirs, which ultimately serves as a template for individual contact. The 2012 Special-Edition of Bigfoot contains 100 photos.

PublisherTodd Michael
Release dateJan 7, 2011
Alien Contact: Former Arizona Tour Guide Tells All

Todd Michael

Todd has lived in or toured 35 states in the USA as well as 7 foreign countries on 4 continents. He has worked for State and Federal governments and within corporate American franchises. Beginning in 2005, he opened up to what some readers will refer to as a Spiritual Awakening. During this period of his life, Todd engaged other beings in conversation and relationship, as he discusses in his three books. About four years later, Todd landed at the Ye Olde UFO Store in Sedona, Arizona, where he contributed his time and efforts to help curious humans experience contact for themselves, based on his own experiences and understanding as a Skywatch Tour Guide. Todd often shared with his Skywatch groups the idea of moving toward friendship or relationship with other beings – but only when they were ready. To help people see that it’s really possible and that they’re willing to do so, they routinely revealed themselves in person and sometimes allowed their ships to be seen in very close proximity. In several instances, beings were photographed while standing next to someone. “There’s a lot to take in when you want to experience contact first-hand,” he says, “and it’s most definitely life-changing when it happens. You’ll never be the same!” In his three-part contact series, Todd begins by sharing what’s possible in terms of making contact and how he did it, before taking readers into the benefits of relationships with his visitors and finally, the ultimate Human relationship – with Bigfoot! Book 1 – Alien Contact: Former Arizona Tour Guide Tells All Book 2 – Into The Wild: Relationships With Nature & ET Book 3 – Bigfoot: The Four Levels of Contact Each book is available in a text-only version or as a 2012 Special-Edition, which includes photos.

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    Book preview

    Alien Contact - Todd Michael



    By Todd Michael

    Copyright © 2011 by Todd Michael

    ISBN: 978-1-4524-0870-5

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    > Dedications

    > Forward

    > Introduction

    > Inviting Contact

    > Detecting Contact

    > Contact Cases

    > Conclusion

    > Frequently Asked Questions

    > Contact Meditation

    > Recommended Resources


    This book is dedicated to those individuals who find the courage to look beyond conditional beliefs and open themselves to new and exciting possibilities.

    This book is also dedicated to all beings, whether seen or unseen, who graciously reach out in response to the curious Human in an effort to make contact and forge wonderful and loving relationships with us.

    A very special Thank You! is extended to Doug, Jennifer, Taylor, Anita, April, Eric, Jaime, Andrew, Tom & Cynthia, Deborah, and each and every one of the thousands of people I met at the UFO Store or while on a tour. Without you, this book would not have been possible!


    Deborah Kay Neumann

    Reporter & Columnist for the RED RIVER MINER

    (aka, "Lois Lane of the Mountains")

    Some Things Are True, Whether You Believe Them Or Not.

    These words were brought home to rest, from the first moment that Todd Michael walked through the front door of my office, about four years ago. After sitting and chatting with him for a couple of hours, I immediately knew that this man was sent to me for a very specific reason – to ascertain levels of cosmic awareness that had never occurred to me before. Stories poured forth of past, present, and possible future encounters – my curiosity was peaked to the point that I had to know more. One night, he brought a pair of military, night vision goggles to my home. Yes, I was skeptical that I would see anything… just like most people out there. It didn’t take long before my Life was forever changed by what I saw that very night.

    As I peered into the night, the skies were filled with visions of more stars than I thought could possibly be there. All of a sudden, three colored lights appeared out of nowhere. Zipping about at an outrageous speed, doubt as to what they were fled my mind instantaneously. It was definitely something extra-terrestrial. Each light flew in opposite directions and then in a blink of an eye, they were back together again in some kind of formation – an incredible aerial display. Just when I thought I had seen everything, what I can only describe as large, round spheres (orbs, if you will) flew right in front of my vision – so close that it took my breath away. One, two, four, eight of them danced about in front of me. These fanciful orbs had structure – something was definitely inside of them. I simply could not believe my eyes. Just as quickly as they appeared, they flew from my sight. Leaning back so far that I almost lost my balance and fell over, Todd suggested I put the goggles down – take a break – I could not. There was just too much to see. Surveying more of the sky, there were so many of them up there – lights moving at unbelievable speeds and all directions. What an unforgettable vision – I had to know more.

    In the days to come, Todd rented a room in the B&B part of my home – his new home base from where he left on a daily basis for his scheduled Sky Watch Tours. Stories were shared with me of the sometimes-incredible experiences that people had on these tours – the gratitude that they expressed for his education on how to understand what they saw – mostly at the Bradshaw Ranch, located in the secluded hills of Sedona, Arizona. As a typical human, not used to hearing such stories, I tried to put aside these daily renderings. Life went on. However, strange feelings began to crop up around me. Couldn’t quite put my finger on it, so I let it pass. Todd had offered me a trip to the Bradshaw Ranch anytime I wanted to. I put it aside, too.

    For some reason, my right forearm had bothered me for quite some time, to the point I could not pick up a glass of water without such pain and almost dropping it. Many people had worked on it, but it continued to be a mystery for almost ten or eleven months… even before meeting Todd. Frustrated, I just dealt with the pain. Working on the computer one night, I heard a very clear voice, "It’s time to go to the Bradshaw Ranch." Tried to ignore it – just too busy. This went on for about a week until I finally gave in. Told Todd I would like to go with him. The original plan was to go to Shaman’s Cave first. An unusual snow storm fell upon us as we got close to the destination. A feeling of such evil wafted over me, to the point I got sick to my stomach – strongly suggested to Todd that we turn around and head for the ranch. We did so.

    Upon arrival at the Bradshaw Ranch, we disembarked the vehicle, which was when Todd informed me that he had forgotten his equipment in the rush to get me out there. That was fine, except one important piece of that equipment was a flashlight. In the inky darkness of the night with snow falling about us, my vision was interesting to say the least – could not see the ground I walked upon. Armed only with a cell phone, we headed up the rocky hill, with Todd’s constant assistance. (Hill climbing has never been my forte.) Trusting Todd to watch over me, we wound our way around up the rocky hill and through the trees – flipping on the cell phone light when things got scary for me. Once we reached the top, we descended the other side to the back of the ranch. Weaving in and out of trees and rocks, we reached the edge of the forest that bordered the clearing. I could see the corral of the ranch below – it seemed to glow.

    As I began to step from the edge of the forest, quite plainly, I heard a voice right alongside of me that told me I no longer had to SEE anything – to just BELIEVE They were there. Stopped dead in my tracks – couldn’t move. In the blink of eye, MY VISION COMPLETELY LEFT ME – total darkness absorbed me and somehow I felt my feet leave the ground. What immediately followed was a floating sensation. I screamed for Todd, who instantly grabbed my arm – which seemed to pull me back to the earth. "Todd, I can’t see!! What do you mean you can’t see? My vision is GONE – hang on to me!!" He did so.

    We stood there for what seemed an eternity to me, waiting for my vision to return. It eventually did. Todd suggested we head down to the corral. "No, I’m not supposed to go any further." He didn’t understand until I told him what I’d heard… that They were there… that I didn’t need to see Them… that I was just supposed to believe. He understood perfectly. We turned around and headed back up the hill, through the woods at the top, and back down the other side. As we reached the last descent, I heard footsteps snapping, sloshing behind me. I stopped and listened. The footsteps got closer and then stopped near me. I told Todd that someone was following us. "I know," he replied. We headed for home. Dreams that night could not be explained – I didn’t try – just accepted everything that had happened.

    During the course of the following morning, I grabbed my large outdoor watering can, filled it to the brim (at least 10 pounds of water in it) and began to water the multitude of plants throughout my home. Something seemed different – stopped and tried to figure out what it was – but kept watering the plants. Lifting the heavy watering can up to water a waist-high plant, I suddenly realized that the watering can was in my right hand. There was no pain, what-so-ever, as I carried and lifted it for the next half an hour of my chore. Couldn’t believe it! That was 2 years ago and I still have no pain. Someone had fixed me, I felt strongly, as a gesture of simply believing.

    Whatever happened to me out there that night at the Bradshaw Ranch – I’m in awe still. Many experiences have occurred in my Life since and I just accept them to be true and welcome every one of them. I owe heartfelt gratitude to Todd, for the education he has provided to me and so many others. If you choose to realize that we humans are not alone in this vast Cosmos of uncertainty (quite arrogant to think otherwise), and choose to experience what it is you are supposed to then continue on. In the words that follow, you will realize that "Some Things Are True, Whether You Believe Them Or Not."


    A skeptic will always be a skeptic until they have a personal experience of their own.

    So why, then, do we argue over what we experienced or what we believe happened with someone else? Oftentimes, such arguments include people who weren’t even present at the time or place of the encounter.

    I grew up believing anything is possible. If it weren’t, I felt it was the task of the other person to convince me otherwise. This is profoundly different from the way most of the people I’ve met have been raised. These people believe something must be proven true before they will consider accepting it as being possible.

    From an early age, I therefore believed in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, UFOs, etc. It wasn’t until about five years ago that I read my first book on the subject of UFOs and Extraterrestrials. A month before that I had what I believe to be my first real contact, and that I suspect is why I felt the need to start reading up on UFOs.

    Over the course of many months these contacts increased to roughly three or more a week. I was meeting other beings, seeing their craft, and for a short period of time receiving medical help from them.

    Looking back I can see that they were preparing me for something and in many respects, also helping me learn about myself and to let go of that which no longer served me. Then one day the contacts stopped and for nearly two years I didn’t hear from them.

    During this period of silence I travelled where I felt led to go. At each new destination it was as if I would be mysteriously introduced to someone and for a brief period of time (typically a month or two) would help them with something important.

    For instance, one of these people told me that they needed help doing something, but didn’t know where to begin. That’s when I showed up and was able to help them get started. Then, just as quickly as I arrived, it was time for me to leave. This process repeated itself in more than a dozen cities, the last one being Sedona, Arizona.

    When I first arrived in Sedona, I spotted a metallic flying disk parked outside the local UFO store. I immediately pulled into the parking lot and went inside. For some reason all I wanted to do was meet with others who had contact and listen to their stories. It was suggested that I return the following day and talk with the store owner. When I did, something strange happened.

    While listening to the shop owner describe their evening tours and the technology they used, I had the strange desire to take a photograph through the night-vision goggles he was holding. He said it was okay and when I did so, someone or something appeared to be hiding behind the glass door. We couldn’t explain it other than that it looked like the store had an unseen visitor. Within the next several days, I had the opportunity to go out with them on one of their night tours/skywatches and before I knew it, I was asked to be part of their team. Everything just seemed to fall into place.

    During the next year-and-a-half, I met thousands of people and heard countless tales of personal sightings and alien encounters, including real abductions and in one case, a story of a young boy’s role in building a spacecraft with ETs. I also took people out on UFO skywatches in the Sedona desert and surrounding canyons as often as every night of the week. There was an endless line of curious, skeptic, and believer who wanted to spend a few hours looking through night-vision goggles to glimpse the unseen, as well as learn about the area’s UFO hotspots and what people have seen.

    In this book I will describe many of these events, including some personal encounters dating from my first contact in 2006 to the time of this writing. I will include methods used to invite sightings and contacts - even face-to-face encounters. Yes, that is right! What you will read are sometimes uniquely personal in nature, and oftentimes life changing experiences. The identities of tour guests and others, therefore, will be either omitted or changed.

    As you read through the many contact cases contained in this book you may notice that not every contact is with a recognizable extraterrestrial. Contact takes many forms and from my many experiences, I consider Alien contact to mean more than with just extraterrestrials. Indeed, the term Alien means much more than that.

    Even today many people in the UFO and Paranormal sub-cultures are opening to the possibility that ET may not be from another planet at all. Instead, ET may be coming from inside Earth, from another dimension or vibration field right where we stand and therefore wouldn’t be referred to as extra-terrestrial. You will also see that contact is possible with their ships, with unseen entities, energy forms, ghosts or spirits, and members of the plant and animal kingdoms, Bigfoot, and much, much more. The important thing is that they will communicate with you, and that this communication can be incredibly life changing!


    Why do you look to the heavens for evidence that you are not alone? Truly, life of varying depths surrounds you - on land, in the seas, and flying above.

    If I’ve learned anything about contacting other beings, and I’m not just referring to extraterrestrials, it’s that there’s no single way to do it. Truly, the most difficult task seems to be allowing ourselves to sense their reply.

    As humans we really are distracted by everything going on around us. We worry about things that may or may not happen in the days ahead, and we constantly regret decisions made in the past. All of this mental activity bouncing around in our heads makes it extremely difficult to notice what is really happening. I’ll talk more about this in the next section. For now let’s go over some of the methods used to reach out for contact.

    Over the past four years or so I’ve used the following methods to help invite both personal and group contact:

    > Prayer: This is a more formal method and can be silent or spoken aloud. This is recommended for people who feel more comfortable or safe in asking God for help. This can, therefore, also be used to contact Angels.

    > Thoughts: Simply and to yourself, think your request as if you know they’re listening to your thoughts. Trust me, someone is listening! They may in fact be hovering unseen above your location that very moment!

    > Meditation: This is crucial if your mind is abuzz with craziness and you want

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