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A Demon in the Knight
A Demon in the Knight
A Demon in the Knight
Ebook27 pages23 minutes

A Demon in the Knight

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First of a 4 part series: Secret of the Demon.
The young Duke TecDemon rises to his father's throne after his death. He yearns to be free of the burdens of being a leader and to set off and see the world. His craving for adventure is soon met when his kingdom is destroyed by vicious beasts and his beloved is missing! His only hope is in discovering a secret power linked to his family's past.

PublisherRobert Taylor
Release dateJan 12, 2011
A Demon in the Knight

Robert Taylor

Robert V. Taylor is a nationally recognized leader, author, and sought after speaker who invests his life in helping individuals and organizations to realize their full human potential and impact in the world. Born and raised in South Africa, Robert saw firsthand the difference that could be made when oppressed people are given the freedom to discover their voices, trust their imaginations, and find the courage to be who they are. Robert continues to explore integrating personal spirituality and values-driven strategies with the question of how we each leave a footprint of compassion in the world--both at home and in the corporate marketplace. He lives in Seattle, Washington.

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    Book preview

    A Demon in the Knight - Robert Taylor

    A Demon in the Knight

    Robert Taylor

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 Robert Taylor

    Original Cover Image:; originally from 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 5, Page 478

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    He sat looking out of the stone-framed arch window of the palace throne room. TecDemon. Duke of Teclessa, the western country on the island of Norttl. He had been raised on the tales of how these lands were forged from bitter waste to prosperous country by his ancestors from his father. The young TecDemon modeled his life out of these fables until the day he became ruler. His aspiration to travel the world and conquer its adventures crumbled into his reality of the lifelong responsibility he would face. Over time, he took all that he had for granted: his lands, peoples, riches, even much of his own person. His sense of royal duty challenged every day by his inherited love of adventure. It was always pulling him in a way he did not understand, a way that he almost feared.

    It was a cold day. It was a dreary day. Foggy. Bitter. Humid. Rainy. It was his kind of day. Since his first memories he could recall the overcast grey skies, the chill breezes, the mist and fog, and his love for them. Not one single person in his realm was as physically able to endure in this weather as

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