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If They Be Prophets: An Examination of the Prophetic Office and Gift
If They Be Prophets: An Examination of the Prophetic Office and Gift
If They Be Prophets: An Examination of the Prophetic Office and Gift
Ebook64 pages1 hour

If They Be Prophets: An Examination of the Prophetic Office and Gift

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About this ebook

Revised and updated edition. From the beginning, God has always used prophets to speak on His behalf to His people. The ministry of the prophet did not cease with the early New Testament Church. The prophet's ministry is still vital to the furtherance of the Church. In this book, rediscover the ministry of the New Testament prophet and how it operates in today's Church.

Release dateJan 13, 2011
If They Be Prophets: An Examination of the Prophetic Office and Gift

Roderick L. Evans

Roderick Levi Evans is an author, bible lecturer, and Christian apologist. He is the founder of Abundant Truth International Ministries: a prophetic and a Christian apologetic ministry with the commission to defend, equip, and contend for Christ’s Kingdom. He is a prolific author, having written numerous books on topics such as Christian orthodoxy, leadership, worship, spiritual gifts, and other areas of Christian thought and practice; as well as, articles, blogs, sheet music, and poetry.He travels nationally and internationally proclaiming the message of the Christian faith, equipping the Body of Christ for service, and imparting prophetic revelation through seminars, conferences, revivals, and other sacred services. His desire is to see the Church perfected through the truth of God revealed in Jesus Christ. He and his family reside in Elizabeth City, NC.

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    If They Be Prophets - Roderick L. Evans



    Written by: Roderick Levi Evans



    Abundant Truth Publishing on Smashwords

    If They Be Prophets

    An Examination of the Prophetic Office and Gift

    Copyright ©2011 by Roderick Levi Evans

    ISBN 13: 978-1-60141-118-1

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.


    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 – What is a Prophet?

    Prophets in the Old Testament

    Prophets in the New Testament

    Chapter 2 – The Call of a Prophet

    Receiving the Prophetic Call

    Responding to the Prophetic Call

    Recognizing the Prophetic Call

    The Prophet’s Character

    Chapter 3 – The Office of the Prophet

    Prophets as Messengers

    Prophets as Interpreters

    Nine Functions of the Prophet

    Focus of Prophets

    Chapter 4 – The Prophetic Person

    The Prophetic Person is a Messenger

    The Prophetic Person as an Interpreter

    The Prophetic Person’s Character

    Identifying the Prophetic Person

    Walking as a Prophetic Person

    Chapter 5 – Prophets in Perspective

    Prophets and the Church

    Prophets and Pastors

    Apostles versus Prophets


    Chapter 6– False Prophets

    Recognizing False Ministers

    Recognizing False Prophets



    At His departure, Jesus instructed the disciples to go to Jerusalem to await the promise of the Father. On the day of Pentecost, this promise was fulfilled with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

    The Holy Spirit was given so that the work of Jesus Christ would continue on the earth. The Ministerial Endowments Series is designed to bring clarity to the gifts and ministries given to the Church. It is our prayer that believers will be enlightened and encouraged.

    In the publication:

    Controversy over the gifts and ministries of the Spirit has abounded for centuries. Various scholars have taught that there was a cessation of the gifts and ministries. More specifically, they affirm that the ministry of the Prophet is no longer in operation nor valid. However, in recent years, a resurgence of the operation and demonstration of this ministry occurred. Traditional and Non-traditional churches, alike, have experienced the visitation of God through the Holy Spirit.

    Since the emergence and acceptance of the ministries and gifts of the Holy Spirit, various authors have written concerning this phenomenon. In spite of this, many in the Church, presently, do not understand the functions and operations of, namely, the office of the Prophet. Even in organizations and denominations that consider this ministry valid today, comprehension is oftentimes elementary.

    Where there is no clear understanding, individuals become vulnerable to deception and error. Since the prophetic office has authority and responsibility in the Kingdom of God, there are individuals in the Church who desire to function in this office.

    There are men and women who know they are not called to this office, yet they pursue it. They lust after the respect that men have for those in this office. If they cannot be recognized as a prophet, some want to be identified with the office. Therefore, individuals resort to saying that they have a prophetic anointing upon their lives, without having any knowledge or understanding of the office or the anointing associated with it.

    In this book, we will bring clarity to the role of the prophet in the New Testament Church. In addition, we will explain with simplicity the prophetic anointing. It is our prayer that believers will recognize the operation of this anointing in their lives and in the lives of others. We can be confident that God is still using His people in these last days.*****

    Chapter 1

    What is a Prophet?

    The prophets are here! God always spoke to His people through the ministry of the prophets. After the

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