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Power for Kingdom Service: Exploring the Gifts and Ministries of the Kingdom
Power for Kingdom Service: Exploring the Gifts and Ministries of the Kingdom
Power for Kingdom Service: Exploring the Gifts and Ministries of the Kingdom
Ebook20 pages13 minutes

Power for Kingdom Service: Exploring the Gifts and Ministries of the Kingdom

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In this book, we will briefly discuss the gifts and ministries of the Spirit of God, their functions, and how to recognize them in operation. God gives the Church gifts to benefit everyone. The purpose of the gifts is not to make us spiritual, but to help us to serve and minister to one another in love. The operation of the Spirit of God and His gifts/ministries among believers testifies to the presence of God in the Church.

Release dateJan 13, 2011
Power for Kingdom Service: Exploring the Gifts and Ministries of the Kingdom

Roderick L. Evans

Roderick Levi Evans is an author, bible lecturer, and Christian apologist. He is the founder of Abundant Truth International Ministries: a prophetic and a Christian apologetic ministry with the commission to defend, equip, and contend for Christ’s Kingdom. He is a prolific author, having written numerous books on topics such as Christian orthodoxy, leadership, worship, spiritual gifts, and other areas of Christian thought and practice; as well as, articles, blogs, sheet music, and poetry.He travels nationally and internationally proclaiming the message of the Christian faith, equipping the Body of Christ for service, and imparting prophetic revelation through seminars, conferences, revivals, and other sacred services. His desire is to see the Church perfected through the truth of God revealed in Jesus Christ. He and his family reside in Elizabeth City, NC.

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    Power for Kingdom Service - Roderick L. Evans



    Written by: Roderick L. Evans



    Abundant Truth Publishing on Smashwords

    Power For Kingdom Service: Exploring

    The Gifts and Ministries of the Kingdom

    Copyright ©2011 by Roderick L. Evans

    ISBN 13: 9781601411389

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    Chapter 1 - Apostle

    Apostles are Sent Ones

    Apostolic Ministry Diversities

    Chapter 2 - Prophet

    Prophets and the Scriptures

    Prophets and the Divine Intention

    Chapter 3 - Evangelist

    The Preaching of the Evangelist

    The Power of the

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