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When God Says No: Understanding the Fatherhood of God
When God Says No: Understanding the Fatherhood of God
When God Says No: Understanding the Fatherhood of God
Ebook59 pages1 hour

When God Says No: Understanding the Fatherhood of God

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About this ebook

In the pages of this book, we want to explore reasons why the answer of God to us is not always right in our eyes. We will examine causes for the Lord denying the request of our hearts. In addition, we will learn how the seemingly unfavorable response of God to us in certain requests is actually a demonstration of His love, care, and concern for us. This will lead us to a greater understanding of the Fatherhood of God in the life of the believer.

Release dateJan 13, 2011
When God Says No: Understanding the Fatherhood of God

Roderick L. Evans

Roderick Levi Evans is an author, bible lecturer, and Christian apologist. He is the founder of Abundant Truth International Ministries: a prophetic and a Christian apologetic ministry with the commission to defend, equip, and contend for Christ’s Kingdom. He is a prolific author, having written numerous books on topics such as Christian orthodoxy, leadership, worship, spiritual gifts, and other areas of Christian thought and practice; as well as, articles, blogs, sheet music, and poetry.He travels nationally and internationally proclaiming the message of the Christian faith, equipping the Body of Christ for service, and imparting prophetic revelation through seminars, conferences, revivals, and other sacred services. His desire is to see the Church perfected through the truth of God revealed in Jesus Christ. He and his family reside in Elizabeth City, NC.

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    When God Says No - Roderick L. Evans



    Written by: Roderick Levi Evans



    Abundant Truth Publishing on Smashwords

    When God Says No

    Understanding the Fatherhood of God

    Copyright ©2005 by Roderick L. Evans

    ISBN 13: 978-1-60141-124-2

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.


    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 – My Grace is Sufficient for Thee

    What is Grace?

    Paul and God’s Grace

    Accepting God’s Grace

    Chapter 2 – We Give Thanks to God and Father

    Unchangeable Attributes of God

    God as a ‘God’

    God as a Father

    Chapter 3 – The First Born Among Many Brethren

    God & Christ’s Sonship

    Jesus & His Sonship

    Christ & God’s No

    Chapter 4 – Everyone that Asks Receives

    We are Christ’s Servants

    We are Christ’s Friends

    We are His Children

    Chapter 5 – You Ask and Receive Not

    Misconception of God’s No


    Proper Time


    Chapter 6 – And Will be a Father Unto You

    Fathers Instruct Children

    Fathers Discipline Children

    Fathers Protect Children

    Chapter 7 – Hast Thou Considered My Servant Job?

    Job’s Motivation for Service

    Job’s View of God

    Job’s Perception of Himself

    Concluding Thoughts – Submit Yourselves to God

    Trust His Character

    Submit to His Will



    The Christian life is simple and complex simultaneously. Its simplicity rests upon one truth: Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that faith in Him results in man’s salvation. However, to live a fruitful Christian life comes from navigating through the complexities of life. The Abundant Truth Inspirational Series was developed to aid the Christian in handling the difficulties that come with the Christian experience.

    In this publication:

    Have you ever wanted something so much that you could almost taste or touch it? Have you ever wanted something so badly that the wait seemed like an eternity? Have you ever hoped for something greatly, only to discover that you would not receive the object of your hope?

    The Bible is full of promises given to man by God. One of those promises is that God will give us what we ask for in prayer. However, there are times when we petition God that we do not receive the request. Some may feel hurt, disappointed, angry, and disillusioned with God. Others may feel confused, wondering, Why God didn’t give me what I asked for?

    We can understand a negative response from the Lord if we are asking for carnal, selfish, and unnecessary earthly things. However, there are times when God’s response is No, when we ask for healing and deliverance from extremely difficult situations.

    In the pages of this book, we want to explore reasons why God’s answer to us is not always right in our eyes. We will examine causes for the Lord denying the request of our hearts.

    In addition, we will learn how God’s seemingly unfavorable response to us in certain requests is actually a demonstration of His love, care, and concern for us. This will lead us to a greater understanding of the Fatherhood of God in the life of the believer.


    Chapter 1 - My Grace is Sufficient for Thee - 2 Corinthians 12:9

    Anyone who competes in athletics understands the importance of endurance. Endurance keeps the individual motivated even when the road to victory is rocky. Numerous athletes, through endurance, overcame the obstacles and went on to success in the competition. Christians can learn from the athlete’s

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