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Dan's Accidental Convertible
Dan's Accidental Convertible
Dan's Accidental Convertible
Ebook8 pages5 minutes

Dan's Accidental Convertible

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When married to the neighborhood's hot-head, strained friendships and frayed nerves become ominous warning signs that change must occur. Enough is enough.

PublisherLC Cooper
Release dateJan 17, 2011
Dan's Accidental Convertible

LC Cooper

To contact me, please send an email to: l.c_cooper@hotmail.comTwitter name: @LC_CooperI live with my wonderful husband, our great kids, and our bratty cats in our cabin at the base of the smoky mountains. When not writing, I enjoy gardening, reading, vacationing in exotic places, and visiting family and friends. I have degrees in mathematics education and curriculum design, but with the fallout of that lousy system called common core, I prefer to write more than teach. My goal is to publish four novels every year, and I do enjoy writing short stories, so look for a few of those sprinkled in between the Novels. Novels will always have a price tag unless there's a freebie promotion.Interview:I sat down with Author, LC Cooper this afternoon for a quick interview on her latest book. I'm excited to bring it to you here on BeBee!CJ: LC, how has this new book come about?LC: Just Hold Me is my latest novel. It came about due to current events, recent elections, the increasing stories of extra-terrestrials in the news, the possibility of human-hybrids, and the U.S.-Mexico border. These issues on the news medias and social medias are of interest to many of my readers.CJ: Can you tell us about the genre?LC: The genre of this new book is a mash-up of Historical, Political, SciFi, and Romance.CJ: How are the characters creating the mood?LC: The protagonist, Ed McGraw, is a paranoid conspiracy theorist, who, as a world traveled photo journalist, must come to grips with his past to save the future of his marriage.CJ: Does this story have a meaning you wish to express?LC: Yes, I believe we will soon face the situation where humanity evolves, once again, as a result of extra-terrestrial intervention.CJ: Are you excited about writing for this Camp NaNo WriMo Contest?LC: Yes, because I love to write and the time pressure spurs me on.CJ: Do you recommend this type of contest writing to new writers? explain?LC: No, because writers who have already published their first novel have experience and have worked through much of the doubt that can come when writing. That being said, NaNo WriMo has a group for young writers, too.CJ: In closing, LC can you tell your readers what is next on the horizon for their reading pleasure?LC: Next on the writing table is a sequel to Just Hold Me, called T.H.U.D., followed by, Chocolate Barbells; which will be a Romantic Comedy sequel to Christmess (a John and Jennifer Adventure). Also, I intend to complete two more novels waiting in the wings; Fortune Island-- the third in the Collen Rogerro Adventure Series and Second Chance -- a medically ethical "What if?" novel.CJ: Wrapping this up, I'd like to thank you LC for sitting down with me today and giving your fans and followers a glimpse into this new Camp NaNo WriMo writing project! Good luck to you on this endeavor and keep us up to date when these next novels go to publish!CJD.Sign

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