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Conversations With Grasshopper
Conversations With Grasshopper
Conversations With Grasshopper
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Conversations With Grasshopper

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As the last Homo sapien draws its dying breath, Grasshopper looks on and proclaims, “We creatures of ‘less intelligence,’ as you called us, have survived your excesses and will seek a new partnership, a new experience with creatures from other systems that are reverent to all forms of energy.”
“I understand what you say, Grasshopper,” the human sighs. “Maybe I will revisit you as another form.” Grasshopper then encounters Amoeba, a single cell newly born that is seeking guidance in how to evolve in harmony with its environment.
In this provocative, powerful parable, Grasshopper conveys to the new life form the history of the human species’ grand development and disastrous self-destruction. Fueled by Amoeba’s curiosity and enthusiasm, Grasshopper describes humans’ descent into the “cons” of control, consumption, and conceit, and the distortion of technology from TECH (Transform, Enable, Create, and Honor) to NOLOGY (Narcissistic, Obsessive, Lavish, Obstinate, Grandiose, and Yoking).
Under Grasshopper’s tutelage, Amoeba discovers the value of the three R’s of honoring (Respect, Responsibility, and Relativity) and learns to recognize Blessings in all events, energies, and encounters. Nourished by Grasshopper’s wisdom, clarity, and kindness, Amoeba sets out to evolve in a manner honoring all forms of creation.
Grasshopper and Amoeba is a riveting tale that casts a clear light on the path taken by human civilization, showing us how we can alter our course to create a more sustainable and fulfilling future for all.
“All energy vibrates to Love,” said Grasshopper. “Love is the song of divinity. Love is the harmony of unity. Love is the structure of creativity. Love is the foundation of infinity. Love Is All That Is.”
“I am love!” declared Amoeba.

Release dateJan 20, 2011
Conversations With Grasshopper


From SPIRITA, the voice in all of us speaking from our soul. Who is Spirita? What is a Spirita? Spirita is Twinkles. Spirita is the Twinkle you see when you connect with someone. Spirita is the Twinkle you feel when you get excited inside or gooey all over. Spirita is the Twinkle you hear when a voice or music or nature communicates in special ways. Spirita is not a person or a face or a shape or an object to see or hold. Spirita is your Soul announcing your presence and welcoming inspirations. Spirita is Awareness Transformed to Being.

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    Conversations With Grasshopper - Spirita

    Introduction - Omega and Grasshopper

    Como se llama? asked Grasshopper.

    Huh? replied the creature.

    What are you called? repeated Grasshopper.

    I am Omega, stated the creature.

    What is Omega? continued Grasshopper.

    I am the last Human Being, Omega uttered softly.

    The last? queried Grasshopper with surprise.

    Yes, a bowed Omega answered even more softly than the last reply.

    How can you be the last Human Being? I thought Humans ruled the Earth and all things on it! Grasshopper said emphatically.

    We thought we did, explained Omega, "there were billions of us using advanced technology to live easily. Unfortunately our transportation, our machinery, our systems for heating and cooling and the energy to power everything relied on fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal.

    "We Human Beings never believed these fuels were limited so we did not develop energy using renewable sources such as sun, wind and water. One day there was no more fossil fuels. Just that simply, we ran out of those energy sources that developed over millions of years.

    "Desperate, we Human Beings began to consume the forests for an energy source and very quickly, the Earth was bare of trees. Without trees, carbon dioxide, which all Human Beings exhale, all factories produce and all vehicles emit, could not be converted to oxygen to sustain life.

    "The Human Being race died with most of the Animal Kingdom as we choked on our own breath.

    I am the last Human Being, dying as I speak to you, Omega slurred from a slumped frame.

    Oh, you are a blessing! Grasshopper shouted after a reflective pause.

    "You Human Beings have been systematically destroying our Mother Earth with your misplaced technology and arrogance. You have poisoned the soils with chemicals called fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and other ‘cides’ too numerous to mention. You lived a life by making everything too big, too comfortable and too consuming.

    "You choked the air with fumes even we grasshoppers who survived for millions and millions of years had to withstand by modifying our system of breathing. Other winged cultures could not adapt to this air pollution and became extinct.

    "You Human Beings killed most of our brother and sister creatures in the waters with waste that made the waters void of life.

    Yes, Omega, you are a blessing to be the last Human Being. Grasshopper stated comfortably.

    "Mother Earth will now renew Herself. The creatures over which the Human Race once ruled will emerge again and create a planet without the pollution you Humans gave us.

    We creatures of a ‘less intelligence’ as you called us have survived your excesses and we will seek a new partnership, a new experience with creatures from other systems that are reverent to all forms of energy.

    I understand what you say Grasshopper, Omega sighed, maybe I will revisit you as another form as you have described.

    I am grateful for your words, Grasshopper said, and this experience with you Human Beings has been enriching because God sends us only Angels and Blessings.

    1: A Dibble about Life

    Who are you? Grasshopper asked of the spot.

    I am Amoeba! declared the dot.

    What is Amoeba? Grasshopper inquired politely.

    I am a single cell of life. I am the first of my kind. I am Alpha to a new form of creation, stated the cell

    And why are you here? Grasshopper asked becoming more curious.

    I am here to replace the Homo sapiens, the human beings who became extinct because of their arrogance about their environment which they destroyed with their excesses, the dot said starting to get a little excited.

    Oh yes, I remember that life form, Grasshopper reminisced, "I talked to Omega, the last human being. It was a blessing to witness the passing of a life form so destructive and abusive. Many other life forms suffered because of the self-absorption of Homo sapiens. The Mother Earth withstood pollution of her air, water and soil and depletion of her strength through extraction of oil, minerals and forests. Indeed, Homo sapiens selfishly destroyed their environment and perished when their dependency on Mother Earth’s natural resources lead them to extinction. Their so called Industrial Revolution and dependence on technology was a blueprint for disaster because they consumed without consideration. Their intelligence was superseded by selfishness and doomed their specie.

    Actually, Amoeba, I’ve been expecting you, and I’m intrigued you appear as a single cell without obvious form, Grasshopper continued. What may I share with you?"

    Your wisdom, Grasshopper, Amoeba stated simply. What should I know to evolve?

    You are three energies, Amoeba; thoughts, words and actions, Grasshopper explained. "In your life form as a physical being, you will express yourself in these three modes.

    "Thoughts are primary energy. Thoughts are like breathing to a physical form. Without breath there is no physical life as you will know it. Without thoughts, you will not be able to know yourself. So understand thoughts as the breath of life.

    Some of your thoughts will manifest as words. Grasshopper continued. "Words are very powerful since they give energy to thoughts as thoughts flow to other beings. Words are like heartbeats. Heartbeats send the blood your body will require as it evolves as a being. The blood will give your being physical life. Words give physical life to thoughts, so words are the heartbeats to thoughts.

    Lastly, some of your thoughts and words will translate into action. Action is God personifying. You are God experiencing and all of your acts will express your Godliness. God has a partnership with all creation. Our actions allow us to experience who we are; who we choose to be; and who we have become. As our partner, God experiences God self through our experiences. It is a perfect duality of Perfect Love as God accepts us unconditionally in our shared experiences. So see your actions as your Godliness and have them express you highest concepts of who you choose to be.

    I am grateful to you, Grasshopper, Amoeba replied. My thoughts, words and actions will define me. I Am Who I Am and now I can express my Am-ness as a One-ness with God.

    2: The Three Empties

    Grasshopper! Hey, Grasshopper! Yo, Grasshopper! I need to talk to you!" the spot

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