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Eternity Embraced
Eternity Embraced
Eternity Embraced
Ebook55 pages50 minutes

Eternity Embraced

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Demon slayer Andrea Cole has always taken down the demons and vampires she hunts without mercy. But when a fellow slayer is captured and turned into a vampire by a sadistic monster, she must choose between loyalty to her family and the man she loves.

Versus Instinct...

Kaden Quinn has dedicated his life to slaying vampires, so when he is turned into one, his greatest nightmare comes to life. And when the woman he loves is thrown into a dungeon with him — as food — he must battle new instincts and old desires, and choose between his life, and hers.

NOTE: This is a short novella that originally appeared in The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2 and the anthology Vampires in Love. It has been expanded for its stand-alone digital release. In the Demonica timeline, it falls between book 4, Ecstasy Unveiled, and book 5, Sin Undone, though it can be read without having read the Demonica novels.

PublisherLarissa Ione
Release dateJan 20, 2011
Eternity Embraced

Larissa Ione

Larissa Ione is the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of the Demonica and  connected Lords of Deliverance series, as well as the MoonBound Clan Vampire series and other contemporary novels. An Air Force veteran, she traded in her career in meteorology to pursue her passion for writing. She lives in Wisconsin with her US Coast Guard husband, her teenage son, a rescue cat named Vegas, and her very own hellhound, Hexe. Visit her at

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Rating: 3.7228915879518074 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    3.5 stars

    This was ok. It was a little too short for me to get fully invested in Kaden & Andrea. It was nice revisiting the demonica world.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    3 1/2
    This was a good quick read. It felt like you came into the end of the story and there was a big jump in timeline to the very end. You get teased about what will happen "later" but then... jump... it is two weeks later and you are in a psuedo epilogue and you get a back story on what happened but don't get the promise of "later". Anyway, it still was good but just not great for me. Nice to find a Demonica novella that I missed the first time around. And it was nice to see Tayla and Eidelon again.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not a bad short story. I did miss many of the characters from the main Demonica series, though you will find Tayla and E at the end of the story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I love Larissa Ione's Demonica series so I was excited that she wrote a novella as part of the series. Ever since reading Sin Undone, the final book in the series, I've been jonesing for more of the characters from UGH (Underworld General Hospital). And she delivered. This novella centers around Kaden and Andrea, who both are Guardians working for The Aegis. Kaden is captured and turned into a vampire. Andrea comes to his rescue but it's too late. She is conflicted; she loves him but it is her job to hunt and kill demons of all kind. Will she able able to kill Kaden?Even though Eternity Embraced is a novella, it packs a lot of punch. The plot moves swiftly and you don't miss out on anything. I love the underlying conflict between Andrea and Kaden. We've seen this conflict in the Demonica series, with Tayla and Doc E. Can you love someone that you are trained to kill?Eternity Embraced delivers everything that you would get in a novel. This will definitely tide me over until the release of book 1 of Ione's LOTU series, Eternal Rider.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is an excellent series. Well written and wonderfully imaginative. This one was an great quick read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Eternity Embraced is a short novella that falls between Ecstasy Unveiled and Sin Undone in Larissa Ione’s Demonica series. A large part of the stories up to this point in the series have taken place in New York, which is where Aegis headquarters and Underworld General Hospital are located. Except for a very small part at the end, Eternity Embraced takes place on the opposite coast in Portland. It introduces readers to two new characters who I’m pretty sure haven’t been seen in any of the novels that came before it. Both Andrea and Kaden are Aegis Guardians who have also been lovers for a while when the story opens. Kaden was sent to infiltrate a clan of vampires, but ended up being captured by them instead. A couple of weeks later, Andrea and her team are sent in to see what happened and to kill the vampires. She unsurprisingly finds that Kaden has already been turned by them, but despite her Aegis training which compels her to destroy all vampires, she finds that she simply can’t kill Kaden. But when she’s locked in a cell with him in his newly turned and very hungry state, he may end up killing her instead.Andrea has lost everyone important in her life, which plays a big part in her inability to kill Kaden even though he’s now a vampire and her training dictates that he should die. I like that she thinks for herself, though, and that her love for him is strong enough to see past what he is to find the man she loves underneath this new exterior. I also liked that despite now being a vampire, Kaden still loves Andrea and wants to protect her. Unfortunately he feels he is one of the biggest threats to her safety, which is why he insists that she kill him. But when forced into an impossible situation, I loved how his love for her keeps him in check. The fact that Andrea and Kaden are already in an established relationship when the story opens makes the rapid progression of certain elements much more believable. I also liked how they managed to skirt Aegis rules to find their HEA ending. The cameos by Tayla and Eidolon were appreciated as well. In fact, one whole scene is written from Tayla’s POV. Overall, in spite of its brevity, I found Eternity Embraced to be a very good addition to the series. Eternity Embraced was originally published in the anthology, The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2: Love Bites, but was later expanded and re-edited for a stand-alone ebook release.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    First book I read of this series. I liked it and plan to get to the main series so I can see the characters from the start.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A decent little vampire story.

Book preview

Eternity Embraced - Larissa Ione


Larissa Ione

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2011 © Larissa Ione Estell

Cover by Patricia Schmitt (Pickyme)

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Chapter One

Andrea Cole had been hunting demons and vampires since she was eighteen, almost since the day she'd dropped out of college and returned home to witness both parents being torn apart by demons before her eyes. That was nine years, a hundred kills, and two dozen broken bones ago. Killing evil creatures had never bothered her. Not once. But tonight was different.

Tonight she might have to kill the love of her life.

She gripped her wooden stake so hard that she was surprised it didn't crack. Silently, she eased down the damp, narrow staircase that led to an underground chamber beneath the Oregon billionaire's mansion. The human scumbag was in league with demons who The Aegis, a society of human warriors who protected the world from evil, had been watching for two years. Andrea's division, a special vampire investigative unit, had concentrated all its efforts on bringing this guy down, starting with the vampires he harbored on his property.

Beneath it, anyway.

Recently, an Aegis Guardian had disappeared into the bowels of the mansion. Under the pretense of delivering a kitchen order from a local bakery, Kaden had snooped around and gotten lucky when he spotted the butler opening a secret panel in the pantry. He'd followed the butler down a staircase, speaking softly into his hidden microphone to describe everything he saw. At the bottom, he'd found himself in a giant chamber filled with torture devices, several filthy cells, dozens of tunnels and, unfortunately, more vampires than he could combat.

Andrea had listened in horror as Kaden was overwhelmed. When the sound had cut off, something inside her had died, and she'd done nothing but live and breathe revenge ever since. And now, revenge was within her grasp, because at this very moment, there were twenty Guardians swarming the mansion grounds, armed to the teeth and working on three separate missions.

One: Capture the billionaire scumbag, Blake Alden. Two: Kill as many vampires as possible. Three: Find Kaden.

Find Kaden so Andrea could kill him.

The thought rolled through her on a wave of nausea. Maybe he was okay. Maybe the vampires hadn't turned him. And maybe she was freaking delusional, because she knew damned good and well they'd done it. Vamps got off on torturing Guardians -- or worse, turning them. Nothing amused bloodsuckers more than dropping an enemy headfirst into their worst nightmare.

Cautiously, she stepped out of the stairwell and into a huge, cavernous basement. From the stone walls hung wicked-looking implements of torture. The floor was dirt, so not a basement, exactly. It was more of a cave, with cells carved into the walls. The doors were solid slabs of metal, with only a small, eye-level slotted window shot through with steel bars.

Ahead were tunnels she'd be willing to bet led to living spaces and dozens of exits that would come out all over Portland. Behind her, six Guardians filed out of the stairwell.

This is weird, Zach, a newer recruit, whispered. There's no one here.

They might have been tipped off. Andrea moved toward the cells. Or it's a trap and they're hiding. Be careful.

Zach and the others disappeared into the tunnels, leaving Andrea to clear the immediate area. The first cell was empty, the shackles

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