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The Gift
The Gift
The Gift
Ebook54 pages45 minutes

The Gift

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About this ebook

All, Human and Tauran alike, look forward to the generosity of their Masters. In the Urionverse, you need to be careful what you wish for...

This Anthology brings together four separate short stories. Each is set within the confines of The Urionverse, and tells a cautionary tale for the unwary.

Release dateJan 24, 2011
The Gift

Gerard A Whitfield

Englishman, traveller, who was captivated by Spain, via Australia. Work took me around the globe, taught me a new language and opened my eyes.Proud father who finally listened to his wife and children.Big thanks to Diggory Steele-Perkins for the cover for Sudden Dearth.

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    Book preview

    The Gift - Gerard A Whitfield

    The Gift


    G.A. Whitfield

    Smashwords Edition

    The Gift

    Copyright © 2011 by G. A. Whitfield

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This work is 100% fiction. All scenes and events within these pages have been an invention of the author's imagination, and to his knowledge never occurred in reality. Any resemblance to the reader's own experiences is purely coincidental. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One – The Dark Wheel

    Chapter Two – Four Minutes

    Chapter Three – Four Minuets

    Chapter Four – For Minutae

    Chapter Five – Foe Mine

    Chapter Six – Superbia

    Chapter Seven – Luxuria

    The Dark Wheel

    Shinzen City

    Mai Ling

    First Ecclesiarch Protectorate

    Roll up, roll up!

    The hawker reeled in his prey. It was his job, and his pleasure. There was always someone; the gullible, the brave and the foolhardy were all attracted to The Wheel. He saw them approach and was glad. A quick adjustment of his hat, a twirl of his cane and he was ready.

    Welcome to the Dark Wheel, a unique and life-changing experience...

    Adam DeVries half-heard the spiel, although the firm breast pressed against his shoulder drew more of his attention. This was their last night; tomorrow the transports would leave for the war-zone and these memories would remain with him, blur a little the horror and despair which awaited.

    Hey, Adam, Johnny Colso broke into his thoughts, what about in here?

    Adam looked up, the garish neon sign drawing his attention. It was a crude representation of a wheel, held in place by a scantily-clad young woman. Strange sigils marked each of sixteen points on its edges and as he watched it span dizzily. What the...? He blinked, it was again only a sign.

    Yes Sir, wheedled the hawker, why not make this a night to remember?

    The young woman on his arm squeezed closer and Adam assented; it was probably dark inside, and just maybe the evening could start early.


    The two couples entered into the damp interior of the tent; three rows of chairs were placed parallel to, and slightly below a crude stage. On which stood the wheel itself; a shabby structure held its stained and flaking body. From the rear of the stage a woman entered; more naked than clothed as excess flesh poured from her tight costume.

    Ah, what do we have here?

    Her voice was low, sultry and in contrast to the seedy costume she wore. Adam felt a strange attraction and in response to the woman’s allure, the girl at his side pressed closer.

    You! a grimy finger stabbed towards Adam, A likely looking boy. Would you care to spin The Wheel?

    He started to reply, but an imperious waggle of her digit, stalled him.

    Not so hasty, My Pretty, there are things you should know, before you answer. Sit, whilst I explain.

    All of them obeyed her command and she rested one hand against the mechanism before speaking.

    "The Dark Wheel comes to us through the mists of time. It is a powerful artefact whose very existence is an abomination. Each spin cuts reality with the screams of a thousand condemned souls. Those who failed

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