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The Patriot Hunt Club
The Patriot Hunt Club
The Patriot Hunt Club
Ebook65 pages1 hour

The Patriot Hunt Club

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When the members of the hunt club based in the hill country of Texas learn that a Middle Eastern dictator is coming to the USA to address the UN, they consider a special event during his arrival. First in the Hunt club series, this is a hypothesis by the author on what could happen.
The members are all individually wealthy men that are also veterans. One common bond that ignites their anger with this new visitor is, two of the members lost a loved one in the Pan Am flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie Scotland ay 1903 hours on December 22 1988. 259 passengers and crew who were on board and 11 residents of Lockerbie where the debris fell were killed.
Led by a mysterious and intriguing individual who is hired by the group to lead the mission, the members assemble at the hunt club ranch and devise a plan . The mission and the results are surprising not only to the Middle Eastern Dictator and his staff of amazon bodyguards, but to the members as well. When they discover that another group also plan an attack at the same time when the dictator’s motorcade comes into range at the UN, it’s too late to discuss tactics with them. First in the Hunt Club series, the characters involved in this project come up with some interesting and sometimes humorous fiascos in order to get to the final fifteen minutes of glory. What then?

Release dateFeb 11, 2011
The Patriot Hunt Club

W. Addison Gast

Retired USN flight engineer with 43 years service. Started writing while in the USN Public Information Office -articles for major media releases and Stars & Stripes and Station paper ( North Islander)Worked as corporate exec up to 2001 then sold corporation and started writing. Action adventure fiction with two series in print as of this date. When not traveling and giving motivational lectures to recovering cancer survivors ( which Addison is ,) he lives with wife in Texas and Mexico. Most avid hobby for available free time is flying space available with the military.

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    Book preview

    The Patriot Hunt Club - W. Addison Gast


    The phone was ringing as he came through the office door. George Kellogg punched the speaker phone button and continued removing his jacket and Bill O’Reilly Patriot ball cap as he moved to his desk.


    Still the early bird huh George? I’ll bet you are the first and only one there at this time of day. When the hell you going to retire? It was Charlie Ball’s deep southern voice.

    As soon as I can collect enough money to buy the yacht to park outside my villa on the Italian coast Charlie. What the hell got you out of bed at,.…..what time is it there? Five AM?

    0515 to be exact George. I had a hard time sleeping last night. You hear the news and see the TV?

    You mean about that sonofabitch coming here to address the UN? Yeah, it made me sick. That bastard has no freeking social graces to be polite. To think that he is doing this close to the anniversary date even makes my blood boil even more. I still look back on the meeting we had out at your hunt club and regret not going ahead with that plan.

    Is anyone else with you there in the office George? I can tell you are on that damn speaker phone.

    No, just me-why?

    I got a call, matter of fact I got quite a few calls yesterday after that story broke. Some old friends want to get together again down at the hunt club and jaw a bit. You want to join us?

    "If the old friends are my old friends from back in 1988—yes, you bet your sweet ass I want to see them again. Name the date."

    That will be day after tomorrow. You know the location. Let Betty know what flight and time and we’ll have a car there for you.

    You mean a pickup truck don’t you Charlie? I remember the last time I came into town and your driver picked me up. He put my suitcase in the back of the damn truck and forgot to tell me he had been hauling those little pigs you breed on the hunt club—what do you call them? Wart hogs?

    They are Javelina George. Texas wild pigs and they are fierce little critters.

    Pigs are pigs Charlie. I had to get rid of the suitcase eventually. People were looking at me funny when I checked in at the baggage counter.

    We have come up in the world George. We’ll get you in a shiny new SUV. When you get here we’ll have a few jiggers of my new shine and then we’ll get down to business.

    This meeting? ---is it about the hunt club Charlie or the travel club we didn’t put together the last time?

    The hunt club George. You might say we won’t have to bother with the travel club any more. The game is moving closer to the blind. We’ll have a better a better position to get the job done right.

    San Antonio Airport 0945 Monday

    .George Kellogg came out of the baggage area and onto the street. It was like walking into a sauna. The Texas weather had not changed for August since he was here several years past. Also, neither had the mass of construction at the terminal. Traffic was moving at a snail’s pace and drivers were stretching their necks looking for their guests. Out of the back of the line of traffic he saw a large silver Ford Expedition flash its lights several times and the driver was waving at George.. It pulled over and double parked in front of two taxi’s releasing passengers. A tall, lean young man in Levis and a plaid shirt climbed out of the driver’s seat and approached George. The driver’s smile was as big as the state George Kellogg was in and as he extended his hand to shake with the new arrival, George noticed that there was not a wrinkle to be seen in his starched shirt and faded Levis. He had probably one of the largest belt buckles holding up those firm fitting Levis George had ever seen He most likely won it at the latest rodeo George thought and was very proud of it because it almost glittered in the hot Texas sun.

    Bill O’Neil Mr. Kellog. Welcome to Texas The young man now was beside George and as he shook the cowboy’s calloused hand he noticed the military haircut as he removed his Stetson with the bull riders crease.

    That thing air conditioned? asked George as he pointed at the silver SUV.

    Yes sir. We’ll have you cooled down in no time Sir. I have your bags, hop in.

    Why you have the windows rolled down if this hunk of Detroit iron has AC?

    It's Just a matter of preference Sir. I drive around on the ranch and have to get out a lot. I might as well get used to the heat and not look forward to the cool behind the wheel driving.

    Ok whatever works. Where the hell is Charlie?

    He will meet us at the ranch Sir. He is picking up some other guests over at the general aviation side of the airport that came in from California.

    George thought to himself that that the other guests would be Timmy Moore and Bob Box. He had seen Timmy’s picture in people magazine and saw him

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